Eos Amaterasu: welcome back, listener
Eos Amaterasu: Hi stevenaia
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Eos
stevenaia Michinaga: I see the recorder has been put back complete with Fael's flower :)P
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Eos Amaterasu: the listener listens, therefore we are
Eos Amaterasu: (from the point of view of the future that's true)
stevenaia Michinaga: what an amazing device Wol has created.... it listens
Eos Amaterasu: listening is so omnidirectional
Eos Amaterasu: and open
Eos Amaterasu: and doesn't have to do anything
stevenaia Michinaga: been thinking about the topic of the week...." Competition / Winning v Losing" and how often it applies to some people and how others appear to be immune to the entire "game"
Eos Amaterasu listens
stevenaia Michinaga: sometimes it's not even whether you win, but more importantly that someone else does (and you don't)
stevenaia Michinaga: I have a close friend who is profoundly afected bu other people winning when you feel they deserve the winnings.. and they don;t get the prize
Eos Amaterasu: "Queen jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground"
stevenaia Michinaga: In similar situations, it;s like the wind passing to me... in a moment it's gone leaving little trace
stevenaia Michinaga: a poem?
Eos Amaterasu: Jimi Hendrix, from 'Bold as Love'
stevenaia Michinaga: better
stevenaia Michinaga: love that (thing that used to be called and album)
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Storm
Eos Amaterasu: [19:10] stevenaia Michinaga: been thinking about the topic of the week...." Competition / Winning v Losing" and how often it applies to some people and how others appear to be immune to the entire "game"
stevenaia Michinaga: waves
Storm Nordwind: Hi there :)
Eos Amaterasu: can u say more about that immunity, stevenaia?
stevenaia Michinaga: So you sit in a conversation where someone can't belive they did not "get" something because they are better qualified or smarter or whatever reason they think they deserve t.. and I sit pondering (with immunity) it is aleady past, the time ask the why questions and expect something to have been different is ahead of you, not behind you
stevenaia Michinaga: except when I don't win the lottery, of course
Eos Amaterasu: that becomes an ongoing meme, things are either for me or against me
Eos Amaterasu: they support me or they oppose me
stevenaia Michinaga: seems to be the men are from mars, women are from venus paradox
stevenaia Michinaga: seem the feeling of deserving something weighs heavilly on some people
Eos Amaterasu: relative reference jockeying
Storm Nordwind: Perhaps that's the only attitude with which they find they can cope with the world.
Eos Amaterasu: very self-impoverishing
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Storm Nordwind: I don't know. Who am I to say. It may impoverish you, or me, but for them that measure of coping may be an enrichment above what they had before.
stevenaia Michinaga: wonders if those who win more often ever feel they win enough?
Eos Amaterasu: supposedly those with more money always feel they should have more
Eos Amaterasu: that's almost the definition of money
stevenaia Michinaga: I win some, loose some and feel perfectly balanced in any case, having no expectation offers great balance
Storm Nordwind: "Blessed is he who expects nothing. For he shall not be disappointed!" ;-))
Eos Amaterasu: but also the both for you and against you aspects are like medicine and poison both
Eos Amaterasu: both plus and minus expectation amount to the same thing
Eos Amaterasu: "take me to the station, and put me on the train, I've got no expectation, ....."
Eos Amaterasu: so stevenaia, would saying something like, "take 9 seconds, and call me in the morning" be an option?
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles, sounds like a workable perscription
stevenaia Michinaga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KZsvbR3Cnw&feature=fvwrel
The conversation here switches to 3D printing of SL builds
Eos Amaterasu: re a portable 9-seconds....
Eos Amaterasu: is there a Second Life to 3D printing process you know of?
stevenaia Michinaga: I don't see why not
stevenaia Michinaga: anything can be 3D printed these days
Eos Amaterasu: so it could render in RL 3D something like, for instance, this pavilion?
stevenaia Michinaga: if the correct format of the design can be extracted
Eos Amaterasu: I guess you'd need to output an object to some format, which the 3D printer can then process
stevenaia Michinaga: I;ve seen small and larget scale 3D printing
Eos Amaterasu: You could have an SL laser scan an SL object
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Eos Amaterasu: rendering coordinates of RL laser cutting RL object
Eos Amaterasu: people could prototype their objects in SL
Eos Amaterasu: "I see a bad moon rising...." :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: I find the tools here limited compared to 3d software in Use in RL
Storm Nordwind: They do that already. For large things like garden layouts or buildings. 3D printing would give an RL demo facility for smaller things, models, meaning that people didn't need a viewer
Eos Amaterasu: motivation here is to make a small RL pavilion that fits in a snowglobe
Eos Amaterasu: which would be the 9-seconds RX equivalent
Eos Amaterasu: our first official czaczka
Storm Nordwind: I have a small model of the pavilion :)
Eos Amaterasu: (sic?)
Eos Amaterasu: aha!
Storm Nordwind: But only in SL
stevenaia Michinaga: czaczka?
Eos Amaterasu: that's okay, just 3D print it!
Eos Amaterasu: little thingie
Storm Nordwind: Too big?
Storm Nordwind: This is 10:1
Eos Amaterasu: I think yoiu want the snowglobe to fit in the palm of your hand
Storm Nordwind: Then you paint the cushions rather than prim them!
Eos Amaterasu: It may be against SL TOS to do this
Eos Amaterasu: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/M...g/td-p/1418933
stevenaia Michinaga: I am getting sleepie, I will see you tmorrow night... or for the WG meeting :)
Eos Amaterasu: time for me to turn in as well....
Storm Nordwind: It's OK if it's your stuff
Eos Amaterasu: ah, good
Storm Nordwind: Anyway, sleep well!
Eos Amaterasu: good night, Storm!
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