The Guardian for this meeting was Agatha Macbeth. The comments are by Agatha Macbeth.
Mellie McMinnar: Hey Agatha
Wol Euler: hello aggers, hello mellie
Mellie McMinnar: Hello Wol
Wol Euler: happy v-day
Mellie McMinnar: same to you :)
Agatha Macbeth: Wollie ♥
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: ♥
Mellie McMinnar: what would you like to talk about?
Wol Euler: hello san
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Mel
Mellie McMinnar: hey San
Agatha Macbeth: Hi San
Santoshima Resident: hello wol, agatha, mellie
Mellie McMinnar: wow, all women :)
Santoshima Resident: & elvira
Santoshima Resident: sort of
Agatha Macbeth: Works for me
Elvira Ihnen: helloo
Mellie McMinnar: Hi Elvira :)
Wol Euler: hello elvira
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Elvira
Agatha Macbeth: Have you been here before?
Elvira Ihnen: nope
Agatha Macbeth: Ok, I'll give you a nc
Elvira Ihnen: ty
Mellie McMinnar: ah, shit... I should have told you about the bell, Elvira
Elvira Ihnen: bell?
Mellie McMinnar: in breef: if you hear a bell and/or see the reddish ring around us getting really red, shut up :D
Agatha Macbeth: Hello again Bleu
Bleu Oleander: hi all :)
Wol Euler: hello bleu
Elvira Ihnen: hi
Mellie McMinnar: Hi Bley
Wol Euler: happy v-day
Mellie McMinnar: erm... Bleu
Agatha Macbeth: V day?
Bleu Oleander: happy v-day!
Mellie McMinnar: sorry, my frensh is bad... pardon
Santoshima Resident: vagina day
Wol Euler: yeah, Feb. 14th and all that
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
Wol Euler: right :)
Agatha Macbeth: Oh that
Mellie McMinnar: so, any deep, philosophical questions today?
Mellie McMinnar: aaaaand... silence :)
Wol Euler: feel free to introduce a question of your own, mellie
Bleu Oleander: deep silence
Mellie McMinnar: well, if you want.....
Agatha Macbeth: (I was IMing Elvira about the recording)
Agatha Macbeth: Nice blue hearts :)
Bleu Oleander: ty!
Mellie McMinnar: well.... so.... if you had to choose between killing 5 people, or just killing one instead..... like the breaks on your car don't work and you can steer into the five or the one.... what would you do?
Bleu Oleander: ah the ol' trolley car problem :)
Agatha Macbeth: The way I drive that's a pertinent question
Bleu Oleander: haha!
Mellie McMinnar: shhhht Bleu.... I even know the answer to that... but great that you know that :) my question is a little different
Wol Euler: I don't see how it is different
Bleu Oleander: sorry :)
Wol Euler: can you explain that, mellie?
Mellie McMinnar: explain what?
Wol Euler: hello berti
Mellie McMinnar: hey, male person!
Bertram Jacobus: hi folks :-)
Bleu Oleander: hiya Bert
Wol Euler: nice to see you again at this time :)
Agatha Macbeth: Berti :))
Mellie McMinnar: Wol, what do you want me to explain?
Bertram Jacobus: tyty ! :-)
Wol Euler: how your question differs from the trolley car problem
Elvira Ihnen: i think it is really the same question
Mellie McMinnar: because I was going to as next, what you would do if the 5 were elderly persons and the one was a little child
Bleu Oleander: variations on a theme
Elvira Ihnen: mm stacked odds!
Mellie McMinnar: not at all, Bleu
Bleu Oleander: dif considerations perhaps
Mellie McMinnar: the professor had 4 different themes.... 1. Killing 1 vs. killing 5.... 2. killing 1 vs letting 5 die.... 3. letting 5 die vs letting 1 die.... 4. killing on or letting 5 die..... dhie difference is between killing and letting die
Agatha Macbeth: Which professor was this?
Bleu Oleander: hopefully never faced with any of those problems :)
Wol Euler: Michael Sandel, in his Harvard law lectures
Santoshima Resident: that would be hardard's Michail Sandal
Wol Euler: they're on the web
Santoshima Resident: ael
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, right
Santoshima Resident: yes
Agatha Macbeth: Thanks
Santoshima Resident: lecture series
Wol Euler: yw
Wol Euler: an excellent series, well worth listening to, even for non-lawyers :)
Wol Euler: and full points to Harvard for putting them online for free
Bleu Oleander: yes, great series (books are good too)
Wol Euler nods.
Mellie McMinnar: oh, if anybody here haven't seen it, watch it.... bookmark it:
Agatha Macbeth: Thank you, I'll take a look
Mellie McMinnar: the first somewhat 13 videos are really good
Mellie McMinnar: but hey.... you asked me to bring up a philosophical topic and that was the first one I could think about.... now it is your term :)
Santoshima Resident: there is a week topic
Santoshima Resident: take a look on hte board
Agatha Macbeth: Which i can never remember :(
Mellie McMinnar: yeah, but I don't like it... it is quickly solved
Bleu Oleander: vulnerability
Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, right
Wol Euler: "solved", eh?
Bleu Oleander: what do you mean solved?
Wol Euler: please tell us how to solve that
Mellie McMinnar: if you don't think so, ask a question
Agatha Macbeth: Can you solve vulnerability?
Elvira Ihnen: heeheh#
Bleu Oleander: it's not a problem to solve is it?
Agatha Macbeth: That's what I was thinking
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Liz ♥
Bleu Oleander: did anyone see the video?
Bleu Oleander: hi Eliza
Bertram Jacobus: hello eliza ... :-)
Wol Euler: hello eliza, happy valentine's day
Mellie McMinnar: Eliza :) how did the other discussion turn out?
Eliza Madrigal: Hi everyone
Elvira Ihnen: hi eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Melli, which?
Eliza Madrigal: Happy Valentines Day and Eliza's PaB Birthday :)
(Now this odd because I thought Eliza's PaB birthday is 1/23, but whatever)
Bleu Oleander: Brene Brown video on vulnerability
Eliza Madrigal: Nice to meet you Elivra :)
Mellie McMinnar: the one about putting people wit different lifestyles behind bars
Wol Euler: happy PaBirthday, eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hm, maybe I am having a brain hiccup
Agatha Macbeth: Is it? Wow
Mellie McMinnar: ok, maybe I am mixing you up with someone from another group ;) and.... happy birthday? I guess?
Eliza Madrigal: :)) Thank you
Eliza Madrigal: I haven't attended that kind of discussion so I think it is someone else
Mellie McMinnar: I think Bertram shoud suggest a topic
Bertram Jacobus: happy birthday *sing* in the steve wonder maner ... happy biiirthdayyy ... :o)
Wol Euler: I think you should let things happen more often :)
Santoshima Resident: agreed
Eliza Madrigal: <3 <3 thank you <3 <3
Eliza Madrigal: and thank you all for being in my life
Bertram Jacobus: ehm - difficult ... vulnerability ? ...
Agatha Macbeth: YW ♥
Mellie McMinnar: We are on your computer... nah, wait.... I still think that Bertram should select a topic
Bleu Oleander: (((Eliza)))
Bertram Jacobus: shall be a plus ? was that the topic of the week ?
Eliza Madrigal: (((Bleu)))) smiling a lot today
Wol Euler smiles and gives Eliza#s hand a squeeze.
Agatha Macbeth: Cue more hearts
Bleu Oleander: exactly hehe
Mellie McMinnar: the topic of the week is lame.... select one that is important to you, Bartram
Eliza Madrigal: * thanks - great day to celebrate relationships... ground of vulnerability
Bleu Oleander: connections
Bertram Jacobus: how to handle enlightenment ... perhaps ... ;-)
Bleu Oleander: now there's a problem hehe
Mellie McMinnar: in a buddhist kind of way?
Eliza Madrigal giggles - I really like that phrasing
Agatha Macbeth: Not sure I could handle it even if i got it Berti...
Bleu Oleander: what is meant by enlightenment?
Bertram Jacobus: but - now my gf calls me (!) *sry *lol* ... and i "have to" / should leave - excusez moi s´il vous plait ...
Elvira Ihnen: bye BJ
Agatha Macbeth: Behave yourself Bert ;-)
Santoshima Resident: crikey ...
Eliza Madrigal: bye Bertram, nice to see you
Bleu Oleander: bye Bert :)
Bertram Jacobus: hehe. ty friends - hope to see you all soon again - happy talks ! *wave* ...
Wol Euler: bye bert
Mellie McMinnar: what are the odds... a guy in SL talking to 7 girls has to go because of his GF
Agatha Macbeth: Such is life eh
Mellie McMinnar: ok guys, next turn :)
Mellie McMinnar: I trew in a really philosophical question when I was asked.... not just a word
Eliza Madrigal: beautiful, San
Eliza Madrigal: I did see the video Bleu, btw (now seeing your earlier question)
Santoshima Resident: lpp!:)
Santoshima Resident: :)
Santoshima Resident: { faulty typist}
Bleu Oleander: are we talked out on that vid?
Agatha Macbeth: Homing pidgeons
Eliza Madrigal: I've enjoyed reading other discussions and liked some of your clarifications a few days ago in Riddle's session Bleu
Wol Euler listens.
Wol Euler: what was that about?
Eliza Madrigal: that Brene wasn't saying we "should" be vulnerable but that we are already vulnerable
Mellie McMinnar: nope, they just die shortly after they left
Eliza Madrigal: and that openness might be something 'else'
Elvira Ihnen: we have many qualities
Eliza Madrigal: in some ways.. acceptance of that vulnerability
Bleu Oleander: yes
Elvira Ihnen: and we do not choose them
Zen Arado: 's current display-name is "Zen".
Eliza Madrigal: we may choose what we hide and show?
Bleu Oleander: believing we're enough helps us to be kinder and gentler
Santoshima Resident: hello Zen :)
Mellie McMinnar: a guy!
Bleu Oleander: hi Zen
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen :)
Mellie McMinnar: ^^
Elvira Ihnen: but being vulnerable means having advantages too
Agatha Macbeth: Zenny :)
Zen Arado: Hi all
Eliza Madrigal: how so Elvira?
Elvira Ihnen: hi zen
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: hello zen
Elvira Ihnen: any given quality is concomitant with other qualities
Bleu Oleander: embrace our vulnerability ... not fight it or cover it up
Elvira Ihnen: and we experience things from our own perspective
Mellie McMinnar: Zen, you are a male, aren't you..... or are you one of this women who like to pose as a male in SL? you don't use voice.... why?
Zen Arado: I am an authentic male
Bleu Oleander: :)
Zen Arado: I use voice a lot
Agatha Macbeth: The real deal
Mellie McMinnar: so, since you are a male.... ask something deep :D
Zen Arado: does it matter Mellie?
Elvira Ihnen: vulnerability tends to go with being sensitive
Zen Arado: just did ;)
Elvira Ihnen: which has its advantages
Santoshima Resident: excellent question, zen
Eliza Madrigal: I am thinking about that idea Elvira... cocommitant with other qualities... I guess I was wondering if vulnerability could be called a personal quality or just the 'way things are' for everyone
Mellie McMinnar: oh! yes you did!... that is a good topic!
Elvira Ihnen: some people are more vulnerable than others
Zen Arado: if you have armour on you can't be sensitive
Bleu Oleander: we are all vulnerable, we're human
Elvira Ihnen: in the emotional sense
Wol Euler: my feeling is that it's a fact, for everyone, but we have different levels of ability to let it happen
Wol Euler: ability or comfort
Wol Euler: some push it away entirely
Bleu Oleander: I don't think we can eliminate vulnerability all together ... mother nature can always do us in and there's always the big one ... death :)
Mellie McMinnar: oh my..... Zen purposed such a beautiful question... and it comes back to violability
Wol Euler: Mellie, if you are unhappy here you may leave.
Eliza Madrigal: often if leaving room Mellie sessions can accommodate many questions and musings
Zen Arado: could take sensible approach and say we need a balance between protecting ourselves and opening up
Agatha Macbeth: We tend to muse a lot here ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: lol
Mellie McMinnar: thank you Wol.... if you are unhappy with me, you may as well
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: how kind of you
Eliza Madrigal: if someone is very protective it reveals a great deal of vulnerability perhaps
Agatha Macbeth: Mmm
Zen Arado: perhaps a riskier approach is better
Eliza Madrigal: I mean, if we're in a picnic and everyone is in shorts and someone comes with armor... hm, they are afraid of something?
Zen Arado: maybe we are all too self protective
Bleu Oleander: balance I think
Zen Arado: maybe risk a little more each day?
Zen Arado: see how it goes?
Mellie McMinnar: more each day? so like..... more and more and more?
Bleu Oleander: how do we access our risks?
Eliza Madrigal: I'm a fan of cocooning when necessary also
Zen Arado: when we get burnt
Mellie McMinnar: or die
Agatha Macbeth smiles @ cocooning
Zen Arado: opening and withdrawing cycle
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Zen Arado: peer out of our shells
Zen Arado: so basic isn't it?
Bleu Oleander: wait for that butterfly to pop out?
Zen Arado: what all creature do
Mellie McMinnar: the truth is always basic
Eliza Madrigal: return to rest... basic place
Zen Arado: hmm yes maybe
Zen Arado: we take risks to live
Mellie McMinnar: ockham's razor :)
Occam changed his name apparently...
Zen Arado: and we can't stop that
Mellie McMinnar: normally we avoid risks... and regret it later
Zen Arado: we like to multiply entities here Mellie
Eliza Madrigal: fundamental need to recharge, yet recharging is a vulnerable place because one isn't on the look out in a sense
Zen Arado: it's fun
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: or take risk and regret it
Eliza Madrigal: is regret so bad?
Zen Arado: ha great point Liz
Wol Euler smiles.
Zen Arado: not as bad as our fears make it out to be
Bleu Oleander: what does it mean to say regret is good or bad?
Zen Arado: or taking risks isn't
Zen Arado: I mean
Zen Arado: we can live with regret
Elvira Ihnen: we do not like to feel regret
Zen Arado: better than never trying
Elvira Ihnen: we like to learn from it and avoid it in future
Elvira Ihnen: as best we can
Zen Arado: je ne regrette rien
Agatha Macbeth: True that
Zen Arado: :)
Eliza Madrigal nods..
Mellie McMinnar: the feeling we don't like are as useful as the ones we do
Zen Arado: but the future is always different
Mellie McMinnar: everything is learning
Zen Arado: what happened last time might not this time around
Mellie McMinnar: what do you mean?
Zen Arado: wwe can overlearn and become too cautious
Eliza Madrigal: that's a great point too Zen
Eliza Madrigal: make a rule out of an experience
Elvira Ihnen: maybe we become more careful as we get older
Mellie McMinnar: nah, not really... but younger generations might
Zen Arado: a great saying Liz
Eliza Madrigal: a question that popped into while doing dishes... people advise mindfulness... mindfulness being interpreted as "carefulness"
Eliza Madrigal: into mind*
Zen Arado: mndfulness is more seeing-ness to me
Agatha Macbeth: Always pays to be mindful while doing the dishes...
Bleu Oleander: isn't mindfulness about attention and seeing?
Eliza Madrigal: hehehehhe
Eliza Madrigal: seeing-ness... nice
Zen Arado: trying not to be away in daydreams
Zen Arado: as I often am
Eliza Madrigal: but it can be interpreted in, forgive me but a perhaps masculine way...
Wol Euler listens.
Bleu Oleander: masculine?
Eliza Madrigal: like, doing one thing at a time as opposed to a few things
Zen Arado: heh
Bleu Oleander: haha!
Agatha Macbeth: Chance is a fine thing
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Unfortuately I had to leave at this point
Mellie McMinnar: Zen, for me everything you say is shifted because it's coming from someone who wanted me to leave moments ago
Zen Arado: no I didn't Mellie
Agatha Macbeth: OK peeps, I need to go early tonight
Wol Euler: goodnight, dear aggers
Wol Euler: take care
Zen Arado: nite Aga
Bleu Oleander: need to go too
Agatha Macbeth: Be vulnerable....
Eliza Madrigal: Night Agatha and Bleu
Agatha Macbeth: Hello K
Eliza Madrigal: Happy Valentines Day
Zen Arado: nite Bleu
Agatha Macbeth: Bye K :)
Bleu Oleander: happy v-day
Zen Arado: Hi Kori
Elvira Ihnen: hi korel
Wol Euler: time for me too, alas
Korel Laloix: Heya.
Wol Euler: goodnight all, take care
Korel Laloix: Ciao
Wol Euler: hello korel, sorry about this :)
Zen Arado: nite Wol tc
Eliza Madrigal: Night Wol
Santoshima Resident: hello korel
Korel Laloix: I just have that effect on people.
Korel Laloix smiles
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Kori :)
Zen Arado: :)
Korel Laloix: Been a silly busy week.
Eliza Madrigal: work wise?
Mellie McMinnar: so, Korel.... and deep questions today?
Santoshima Resident: crikey ... how to shut down a conversation
Santoshima Resident: please excuse me
Santoshima Resident: gotta saunter
Eliza Madrigal: bye San
Zen Arado: byee San
Eliza Madrigal: great word.. saunter
Mellie McMinnar: aaaaaand as always you all have to go too now
Eliza Madrigal: Elvira how did you find us?
Korel Laloix: Never heard that word before.. looking it up.
Elvira Ihnen: oh - i was invited by mellie
Eliza Madrigal: I seem to be still here although I do want to dance at some point at the OBR event
Zen Arado: OBR?
Eliza Madrigal: ah, welcome
Eliza Madrigal: Onebillionrising
Eliza Madrigal: it is an awareness event
Eliza Madrigal: violence against women
Zen Arado: ah ok
Eliza Madrigal: OBR Strike (243,16,32)
Eliza Madrigal: 24 hours... going on until midnight
Eliza Madrigal: Valentines Day is a big awareness day
Mellie McMinnar: Elvira.... this IS better than the other place, isn't it?
Elvira Ihnen: heeh
Eliza Madrigal: what's the other place?
Elvira Ihnen: this is different
Zen Arado: depends what you want
Elvira Ihnen: from philo house annexe
Eliza Madrigal: ah gee yes debate isn't really our aim
Zen Arado: we don't do philosopical debate here much
Mellie McMinnar: no greefers around... just people who really want to talk about stuff.... amd Zen
Eliza Madrigal: though we do have debates and groupthink isn't our thing either though
Elvira Ihnen: so what is?
Zen Arado: prefer to just jointly inquire into being and reality in a gentle way
Elvira Ihnen: mm laid back - ok
Eliza Madrigal: well the idea that differences don't have to bite each other and there are ways to converse without being confrontational OR just agreeing
Eliza Madrigal: seems a false choice that is set up in other places sometimes
Mellie McMinnar: we normally choose a topic and we talk about it.... and there always is a topic of a week.... which sometimes is lame... but you shouldn't say that if Zen is around
Zen Arado: I got tired of philosophy
Zen Arado: why Mellie?
Eliza Madrigal: Mellie I think if you scroll back Zen didn't suggest you leave or anything
Mellie McMinnar: because he gets tired quickly
Mellie McMinnar: who did than?
Zen Arado: it took me a long time to get tired of it
Zen Arado: a degree and an MA in it
Mellie McMinnar: wait a second Zen
Eliza Madrigal: not sure but it wasn't zen... but I think the person was only saying that if you didn't enjoy the type of conversation where more than one string might be going on you shouldn't stay and be upset by it
Eliza Madrigal: that IS a long time Zen, :))
Zen Arado: I thought it held answers to the meaning of life
Thought that was 42?
Mellie McMinnar: well I just said that I do find the topic lame... and someone asked me to leave then.... I thought it was Zen
Eliza Madrigal: ah
Zen Arado: I found it quite an interesting topic
Zen Arado: but that's just my perspective
Zen Arado: it is down to earth and practical too
Mellie McMinnar: well, if I did you wrong Zen, I apologize..... but I could have sworn that it has been you
Zen Arado: something we all have to deal with
Eliza Madrigal: which? regarding how one presents themselves in SL, and whether it is authentic to present as quite different than RL presentation?
Mellie McMinnar: *had
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Vorder!
Zen Arado: Hi Vorder
Elvira Ihnen: hi Vorder
Mellie McMinnar: Hi Voder
Vorder Forder: hello all
Korel Laloix: Osiyo
Eliza Madrigal: How are things Vorder?
Korel Laloix: Back to work.. ciao all.
Mellie McMinnar: Bye Korel
Vorder Forder: very good thank you
Zen Arado: byee Kori
Eliza Madrigal: okay Kori, sys
Elvira Ihnen: bye K
Korel Laloix smiles
Elvira Ihnen: i got to go too - bye all tc :)
Zen Arado: byee Elvira
Eliza Madrigal: join us again Elvira, bye and nice to meet you
Zen Arado: nice to meet you
Mellie McMinnar: have a nice time and awesome dreams.. about me... and robots.. and aliens... and alot of guns
Eliza Madrigal: Ruysbruek came up in reading the other day... that's a name you introduced me to, Zen (I think I spelled it wrong)
Eliza Madrigal: I was wondering if you could remind me what it was that you were so impressed by with him
Zen Arado: must be since I don't recognize it :)
Eliza Madrigal: lol
Mellie McMinnar: I only know Zen from Buddhism
Eliza Madrigal: let me see... google is a friend...
Mellie McMinnar: Vorder
Vorder Forder: yes
Mellie McMinnar: what is on your mind?
Vorder Forder: trying to get into what you are talking about
Eliza Madrigal: (for future reference not necessary to discuss now)
Mellie McMinnar: oh, don't it's a little mixed up
Eliza Madrigal: lol... many directions today Vorder
Vorder Forder: thank you
Zen Arado: I never heard of him Liz
Zen Arado: must have been someone else
Vorder Forder: an ince is better than a wrong direction
Eliza Madrigal: hm, really thought it was you.. you are being mistaken a lot today I guess
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Zen Arado: heh
Zen Arado: little old mistaked me
Zen Arado: can't even type it ;)
Mellie McMinnar: but I really want to know what you really want to know, Vorder
Vorder Forder: it is nothing that I can
Vorder Forder: can´t find about myself
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Vorder Forder: that´s how it works
Mellie McMinnar: so there is nothing that you really want to know Vorder?
Vorder Forder: not at this moment no
Vorder Forder: and I don´t need to know everything
Mellie McMinnar: ok, boring.... just another guy who wants to sound deep
Eliza Madrigal: you strike me as quite a content person Vorder
Vorder Forder: it´s not deep if you ask me
Mellie McMinnar: sure
Vorder Forder: just a regular stuff
Mellie McMinnar: so you don't have any questions
Vorder Forder: you find out if you look deep inside you get the answers you need
Vorder Forder: sounds simple
Mellie McMinnar: or anything to say
Santoshima Resident: ?
Mellie McMinnar: a religious robot? .... no... he took a seat
Zen Arado: byee
Mellie McMinnar: wb...and bye Zen
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Zen, nite
Vorder Forder: bye Zen
Vorder Forder: does anyone remebers Robot 5?
Mellie McMinnar: I hate people who just want to sound deep without really saying anything
Mellie McMinnar: Robot 5?
Vorder Forder: you have to work on that part
Vorder Forder: it will only bite you in your tale
Mellie McMinnar: no, I don't.... you do
Vorder Forder: send out love not hate
Mellie McMinnar: I prefer to send out truth
Eliza Madrigal: anytime we get into general statements like "I hate people who ___" without knowing anything about the person it goes too far for me
Mellie McMinnar: did we?
Eliza Madrigal: I miss someone who used to come here... he was infuriating because he spoke in a different way - he was an advaita vedanta teacher...
Mellie McMinnar: oooook
Eliza Madrigal: and sometimes he would say something that was quite profound but it wasn't the same banter
Vorder Forder: how differently ?
Eliza Madrigal: should see what he's up to
Mellie McMinnar: still don't get it
Eliza Madrigal: well... in the sense that I'd never known someone like that
Eliza Madrigal: who didn't enter into the same dialogs and would stop with statements like
Eliza Madrigal: "all is perfect"
Eliza Madrigal: I learned a lot from him
Eliza Madrigal: because he left an uncomfortable space around things
Mellie McMinnar: why do you metion it?.... did anybody of us behave like that?
Eliza Madrigal: well maybe you didn't mean to but there was a line about "hating people who..."
Mellie McMinnar: tell me the line
Eliza Madrigal: especially in SL someone who responds slowly or simply may have many reasons
Eliza Madrigal: [14:28] Mellie (mellie.mcminnar): I hate people who just want to sound deep without really saying anything
Eliza Madrigal: maybe I misunderstood
Mellie McMinnar: well ok, but what is wrong with that? There are so many people who just like to use fancy words or words of science they don't even understand just to be "in the light".... why am I not allowed to hate that?
Santoshima Resident: allowed?
Eliza Madrigal: Oh sure... you're allowed that... and I'm allowed to pick up on your line and draw out distinctions I see from it
Eliza Madrigal: it isn't easy to understand each other I'm happy to work at it a bit
Vorder Forder: it´s getting late on my side have a nice evening
Mellie McMinnar: well, I just guess in this case "hate" has a different meaning..... I don't want to burn them..... I am just like "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAARG!"
Eliza Madrigal: Night Vorder
Santoshima Resident: peace, Vorder
Eliza Madrigal: I see
Eliza Madrigal: it is a kind of foot stomping
Mellie McMinnar: Night Darth Vorder.... and.... I already know it.... you don't have to say it
Eliza Madrigal: I do want to dance for a bit at the event
Eliza Madrigal: anyone care to join me? I can tp
Mellie McMinnar: take us with you?
Santoshima Resident: sure / OBR?
Eliza Madrigal: It may take me a moment to rezz, yes
Mellie McMinnar: orb?
Santoshima Resident: np,
Santoshima Resident: one billion rising
Santoshima Resident: i sent you a notecard
Santoshima Resident: easrly in the session
Santoshima Resident: mellie
And with that, they all went off dancing presumably...
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Snapshot_001.png No description | 1386.67 kB | 13:39, 15 Feb 2013 | Agatha MacBeth | Actions |