The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Eliza Madrigal: 's current display-name is "Eliza".
Riddle Sideways: Hello Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: was distracted reading emails
Riddle Sideways: sad
Eliza Madrigal: sad?
Eliza Madrigal: Sunshine email?
szavanna Resident: 's current display-name is "Sunshine".
Riddle Sideways: Hi Sunji
szavanna Resident: jambo °͜°
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Sun ))
szavanna Resident: Riddleji and Lizji :)
Riddle Sideways: Sun-san
Eliza Madrigal giggles because she was in IM with Sun and didn't see her walk in
szavanna Resident: hehe yes thats nice °͜°
szavanna Resident: ;o)
szavanna Resident: how are you Riddle and Liz
Riddle Sideways: the ol' IM somebody that is steps away
szavanna Resident: :)
Eliza Madrigal: eliza is okay.. went wandering around Chicago this morning, looking for Gatsby feeling things :)
Riddle Sideways: did you find Gatsby
szavanna Resident: to Chicago?
Eliza Madrigal: I didn't... but did find a gang
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: 1920s Chicago... flapper times
Eliza Madrigal: so gangsters with striped hats n suchlike
szavanna Resident: hmmm sounds like the old films
Riddle Sideways: so classy next to today's gangs
szavanna Resident: that you see on TCM I think
Eliza Madrigal: hah, yes
szavanna Resident: black and white
Eliza Madrigal: shiny shoes
Eliza Madrigal: proper handkerchiefs
szavanna Resident: hehe
szavanna Resident: we also had those times in SA
Eliza Madrigal: would love to see pictures
Eliza Madrigal: maybe take you flapper dancing Sun, flask on thigh... heheh
szavanna Resident: flask?
szavanna Resident: what is a flapper
Eliza Madrigal: yes... days of prohibition
szavanna Resident: ( ah sorry bellji °͜°
Eliza Madrigal: during prohibition people kept alcohol in secret spots... so people walked around with metal flasks or container in pockets if male, and if female with garters
szavanna Resident: really
Riddle Sideways: never wanted to be too far from alcohol
szavanna Resident: hehe
Eliza Madrigal: :) sure it was much better tasting when you weren't allowed to have it
szavanna Resident: hmm yes
Riddle Sideways: if a thing is illegal it becomes coveted
Eliza Madrigal: necessitating undergrounds
szavanna Resident: but people keep in drinking
szavanna Resident: even though its legal hmm
Eliza Madrigal: true
szavanna Resident: *keep on
szavanna Resident: so this theory doesn't work hehe
Riddle Sideways: ok, so that did not work
Eliza Madrigal giggles... well maybe it hasn't lived down the hype yet
Riddle Sideways: some theories don't
Eliza Madrigal: anyway there is a Gatsby film being made and I'm a little excited to see it so SL is fun in that way
Riddle Sideways: oh, SL Chicago
Riddle Sideways: was thinking RL Chicago
Eliza Madrigal: :) can't just jaunt to Chicago for the morning just yet
Eliza Madrigal: especially to 1920s Chicago
Riddle Sideways: not a good season to go to RL Chicago
szavanna Resident: have you ever been there?
Eliza Madrigal: brrrr
Eliza Madrigal: yes... when oldest daughter was in high school band... went for competitions and had the best pasta sauce ever
szavanna Resident: °͜°
szavanna Resident: so they have good pasta °͜°
Riddle Sideways: and pizza
Eliza Madrigal: the sauce anyway, yes
szavanna Resident: and how was the competition
szavanna Resident: ah so the pasta was not as good
Eliza Madrigal: they enjoyed it.. always did
szavanna Resident: ;o)
Eliza Madrigal: :))
szavanna Resident: I went to Italy and France for music competitions
szavanna Resident: I loved that I could travel to the mysterious west
Eliza Madrigal: well I'm sure you had even better sauces then ^.^
Riddle Sideways: :)
szavanna Resident: hehe yes amazing food and ice cream
Eliza Madrigal: mmmmmmm
Eliza Madrigal: gelato?
szavanna Resident: sigh now I am hungary
szavanna Resident: ;p
szavanna Resident: yes gelato
Eliza Madrigal smiles and giggles at spelling
szavanna Resident: °͜° and France - I tried all the cheeses ;)
Eliza Madrigal: omgoodness
szavanna Resident: and got sick hehe
szavanna Resident: 3-4 diferent types of cheese each day
Eliza Madrigal: so you can check that off bucket list - exactly what you're 'supposed' to do there
Eliza Madrigal: :))
szavanna Resident: ah yes bucket list
Eliza Madrigal: would love to go to France.. have you been Riddle?
szavanna Resident: next is .... learn hindi in india
Eliza Madrigal: good plan!
szavanna Resident: I am bored of Europe hehe
Riddle Sideways: no not been
Eliza Madrigal: I've never been to Europe at all
szavanna Resident: you have been to Japan!
Eliza Madrigal: yes :)
szavanna Resident: Cuba?
Riddle Sideways: been to all of U.S. but not europe either
Eliza Madrigal: Not Cuba, no
szavanna Resident: Caribbeans?
Eliza Madrigal: no :)
szavanna Resident: well the US is huge
Eliza Madrigal: All of US Riddle? Nebraska?
Riddle Sideways: unforunitatlly have been to Nebraska
Eliza Madrigal: lol
Eliza Madrigal: I always forget Nebraska when we're in the car listing the states
szavanna Resident: whats wrong with Nebraska?
Eliza Madrigal: could be a song... "what's wrong with nebraska..." her wide fields and slow time...
szavanna Resident hums along
Riddle Sideways: well, Nebraska is Other
Eliza Madrigal: how so?
Riddle Sideways: /snicks in topic
Eliza Madrigal: skillfully done ;-)
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Riddle Sideways: there is US and there is Nebraska
szavanna Resident: wonders about the topic
szavanna Resident: still a bit spaced out after all these problems with pup ...hard to focus
Eliza Madrigal: of course, Sun
szavanna Resident: you know it was one of those times when life stops
Eliza Madrigal: happened very fast
Eliza Madrigal: :(
szavanna Resident: sigh ...but getting back into the rhythm
Eliza Madrigal: yet relative to his life being ill was long :(
szavanna Resident: yes
Eliza Madrigal: best thing to do... move forward back into routines
szavanna Resident: it felt like ...I was "the other" that is not part of the usual rhythm
szavanna Resident: yes
szavanna Resident: I did actually come to my session
szavanna Resident: the end of it
szavanna Resident: but there was noone so I went to do some metta
Eliza Madrigal: ah, guess that is how Bleu knew... lovely page she made
Eliza Madrigal: ah
szavanna Resident: oh I didn't check
Eliza Madrigal:
Eliza Madrigal: sorry if it stirs up emotion again...
szavanna Resident: ooo wow
szavanna Resident: so moved by Bleuji's page
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: beautiful
szavanna Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: I think its great when one can share some of these moments
Eliza Madrigal: somehow just open hearted acknowledging of loss
szavanna Resident: it makes me feel like - I am not the other
szavanna Resident: ♥ ♥ ♥
Eliza Madrigal: you are not :) or if you are, we all are <3
szavanna Resident: ;))
Eliza Madrigal: he was fortunate to be with you for a while
Riddle Sideways: you are not other
szavanna Resident: I have been wondering about ways SL and RL connects us
szavanna Resident: and in PaB there are different ways people connect the two
Eliza Madrigal listening
szavanna Resident: many do meet at PaB in RL
szavanna Resident: or sharing tough RL moments
szavanna Resident: like when we get sick or have surgery
Eliza Madrigal: yes
szavanna Resident: or when we have retreats
szavanna Resident: it has a deep connection with RL too
Eliza Madrigal: certainly does
szavanna Resident: while most other places in SL seem to stay very isolated that way
szavanna Resident: and is more like Wow ...or other games
Eliza Madrigal: I wonder if it is because "playing as Being" is really something meant to be in all of life, way of life really
szavanna Resident: I like to get to know both the RL self and SL self
szavanna Resident: yes to me there is no separation
szavanna Resident: my RL self is not "the other"
Eliza Madrigal: nice
Riddle Sideways: yes, funny how no separation
Eliza Madrigal: ::ponders that::::
szavanna Resident: hmm
Riddle Sideways: more a continuation or extension
szavanna Resident: some people don't want to meet in RL
szavanna Resident: saying that it would ruin the image they have of the other
Riddle Sideways: understandable
Riddle Sideways: in a couple cases
szavanna Resident: hmm for me its the opposite
Eliza Madrigal: well, perhaps we connect in a deeper way... not based on content, which indeed clashes at times
szavanna Resident: I am sort of excited to know the RL person too
Eliza Madrigal: :) me too... though it is sometimes hard to be at a distance once that bridge is crossed
szavanna Resident: at PaB we have shared lots RL pictures so we have an idea how we look :)
Eliza Madrigal: true :))
szavanna Resident: I am too far from most of you
szavanna Resident: so there is no possibility really to meet you
Eliza Madrigal: never say never :)
szavanna Resident: ❤
Riddle Sideways: only when your internet is down
szavanna Resident: hehe smiles at Riddleji
szavanna Resident: I tried to ask my friends to come to SL
szavanna Resident: but noone was interested
Riddle Sideways: :)
Eliza Madrigal: it has to happen by fluke :)
szavanna Resident: It must be fun to be in SL with RL friends
szavanna Resident: what is fluke ..I forgot
szavanna Resident: chance?
Eliza Madrigal: happenstance, yes :))
szavanna Resident: happenstance ;o)
Riddle Sideways: biz travel to Florida next week, but no time to see PaB friends
Eliza Madrigal: aw ::pouts:::
szavanna Resident: ah
szavanna Resident: so you travel a lot Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: medium amount for job
szavanna Resident: kk
Riddle Sideways: once a month
szavanna Resident: do you enjoy it?
Riddle Sideways: not as much
Riddle Sideways: airports, airplanes, hotels (not really home), business offices with no windows to look out at exotic city that won't have time for.
szavanna Resident: grrr
Eliza Madrigal: passing through
szavanna Resident: not so fun
Riddle Sideways: use to meet the most interesting people on planes
Riddle Sideways: now they have earphones on
Eliza Madrigal: ohh, nods
szavanna Resident: hmm
Eliza Madrigal: strange phenomenon of everyone greeting right before landing
Eliza Madrigal: still sort of fun to be about
Riddle Sideways: yes, a little
szavanna Resident: I used to have a stewardess friend
Riddle Sideways: get up and out for a 6am flight
Eliza Madrigal: I like those early flights
Eliza Madrigal: up before 'the others' lol
szavanna Resident: hmm
szavanna Resident: it was fun when I met my stewardess friend in NYC
szavanna Resident: she invited me to her hotel room
szavanna Resident: she is also hungarian
Eliza Madrigal: ah :)
szavanna Resident: never been to such an expensive place
Riddle Sideways: :)
szavanna Resident: or not expensive
szavanna Resident: but to meet my hungarian friend in NYC
szavanna Resident: that was so fun
szavanna Resident: we loved that noone understood us
szavanna Resident: hehe
Eliza Madrigal: :))
szavanna Resident: we commented on everybody in the street
Eliza Madrigal: amazing to be in the throngs
szavanna Resident: "look he has a big nose"
szavanna Resident: ;D
Eliza Madrigal: :P
szavanna Resident: "milyen nagy az orra!"
szavanna Resident: lol
Eliza Madrigal: the kids and I like to make up backstories for people
szavanna Resident: thats fun °͜°
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: alternative histories
szavanna Resident: sitting in a cafe people watching
Eliza Madrigal: that's what's fun about traveling too... people meet you by first impression out of context
szavanna Resident: yes there is a freedom about it
szavanna Resident: you can be anything
szavanna Resident: tell someone you are a doctor - or something
Eliza Madrigal: haha, well have never gone that far ... but sometimes left it open, which is nice
Riddle Sideways: every once in a while somebody that knows a me comes along in an airport
szavanna Resident: hehe
Riddle Sideways: that is really out-of-context
Eliza Madrigal: strange feeling huh? have to take a minute
szavanna Resident: yes must be
Eliza Madrigal: to adjust
Riddle Sideways: they always seem to remember my name and looks
szavanna Resident: I was on top of Empire State Building with Eszter - my other friend from hungary
Eliza Madrigal: guess you are noticeable Riddle :)
szavanna Resident: so strange
szavanna Resident: yes I have that also Riddle
szavanna Resident: but its because I am a white zulu hehe
Eliza Madrigal grins
szavanna Resident: often I am the white person in a sea of black people
szavanna Resident: and they all know me lol
szavanna Resident: and I have no idea
szavanna Resident: ;p
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Riddle Sideways: actually, have know about 6 'sunshines'
szavanna Resident: so just smile
Eliza Madrigal: an abundance of sunshines
szavanna Resident: ah yes there are many :)
Eliza Madrigal: but you are my sunshine... my only sunhine...
Eliza Madrigal: sunshine*
szavanna Resident: smiles and hugs Liz
szavanna Resident: ;o)
Eliza Madrigal: ♥ ♥ ♥
Riddle Sideways: /sings along
Eliza Madrigal giggles
szavanna Resident: plays violin
szavanna Resident: °͜°
szavanna Resident: sunshine is a good name because everyone can be it
szavanna Resident: like Storm says in the metta hut
Eliza Madrigal: :)
szavanna Resident: or something :)
szavanna Resident: hmm I must go finish invoices and admin work
Eliza Madrigal: I like the name Eszter... all names should have Zs
Riddle Sideways: :)
Eliza Madrigal: :) me too.. getting silly and "unproductive"
szavanna Resident: hmm hungarian has lots
Riddle Sideways: they doez
szavanna Resident: hehe Liz
szavanna Resident: Lizzz
szavanna Resident: hugs ty for sending loving thoughts to the little pup yesterday
Eliza Madrigal: Szzzzzzzavannaaaaaaaaaa
szavanna Resident: ❤
Eliza Madrigal: (we regress to age 3 around each other) :P
szavanna Resident: ;o)
szavanna Resident: onigokko level
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Eliza Madrigal: hehe
Eliza Madrigal: was nice to see you Riddle, had been a while
szavanna Resident: byebyeee Jis :)
Eliza Madrigal: hugs
Eliza Madrigal: bye bye Sun, glad feeling better
szavanna Resident: hugs see you both soon
szavanna Resident:
szavanna Resident: yes I do ♥
szavanna Resident: ty for the chat Riddle °͜°
Eliza Madrigal: bye
Riddle Sideways: bye and thanks
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