The Guardian for this meeting was Rosatta Resident. The comments are by Rosatta Resident.
Rosatta Resident: 's current display-name is "Rosatta".
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Sine : )
Rosatta Resident: Well, that was quick
Agatha Macbeth: Anyone here?
Eliza Madrigal: 's current display-name is "Eliza".
Agatha Macbeth: Oh yes I see Rosie
Zen Arado: 's current display-name is "Zen".
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Agatha : )
Rosatta Resident: Aloha, Eliza : )
Agatha Macbeth: Well i see a *clody* Rosie anyway
Agatha Macbeth: cloudy
Agatha Macbeth: even
szavanna Resident: 's current display-name is "Sunshine".
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Sunshine and Zen : )
Eliza Madrigal: see Rosa all in white with resting peace dove on her shoulder
Rosatta Resident: : )
szavanna Resident: hi Rosie :)
Zen Arado: Howdy all
szavanna Resident: lol Mr Ewing
Agatha Macbeth: Hm, just a cloud for moi sadly
Eliza Madrigal: howdy Zen
Rosatta Resident: Someone gave me some rainbow colored wings that look like they are made out of light so I had to put an outfit together to go with them
Agatha Macbeth: Ah now you appeared
Eliza Madrigal: and glowig shoes....?
Rosatta Resident: I took them off for this session because they are a bit difficult to see around
Rosatta Resident: Yes lol The shoes glow
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Eliza Madrigal: glowing*
Zen Arado: need a cup of tea brb
Agatha Macbeth: Ah cute bird
Rosatta Resident: Thank you : )
Agatha Macbeth: (not you Liz)
Rosatta Resident: It is a Peace Dove
Rosatta Resident: Available for free on the marketplace
Agatha Macbeth: Would have gone well with the parrot a moment ago
Rosatta Resident: I missed the parrot
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Agatha Macbeth: Worse yet, it was a loopy one
Eliza Madrigal: Aggers has an incessant parrot now... safe in inventory now
Rosatta Resident: A loopy parrot?
szavanna Resident: loopy parrot °͜°
Agatha Macbeth: Yep, wouldn't shut up :p
Rosatta Resident: It flies loopy - ah lol
szavanna Resident: hehe
Agatha Macbeth: These things happen when you go to sun's place
Rosatta Resident: I have cockatiels like that in rl
szavanna Resident: I am sorry ;p
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
szavanna Resident: I cause havock
szavanna Resident: lol spelling?
Eliza Madrigal: seems right, but I could be wrong
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Ah so
Agatha Macbeth: You and your tea Eliza...
Eliza Madrigal: :) comfort habits
Agatha Macbeth: :p
Eliza Madrigal: Rosatta I was wondering if you would tell us more about your creative endeavors... are you writing for pleasure mostly...?
Rosatta Resident: I really don't write at all. I do morning pages - my chats with the fairies - and that is all I do consistently..
Agatha Macbeth: Strange how the bell always goes when somebody asks a question
Rosatta Resident: My daughter and I have a book in the begining stages - A Murder at Friendly Mart
Agatha Macbeth: Erk
Rosatta Resident: lol
Eliza Madrigal: oooo
Agatha Macbeth: A liitle light reading?
Rosatta Resident: My daughter has worked at Wal-Mart for years and the abuse got to an intolerable level. She loves cozies, so I recommended she write a murder mystery with her greatest abuser as teh victim
Eliza Madrigal: hahah.. that's my youngest daughter's writing philosophy too
Rosatta Resident: : )
Rosatta Resident: We've got characters, basic outline with method and motive
Eliza Madrigal: nice
Rosatta Resident: Alternative suspects and motives
Eliza Madrigal: my oldest and I once began a book called "planet no manners" - we never fleshed it out but it began as a discussion in the kitchen
Eliza Madrigal: I guess that's pretty close to Walmart some days :)
Rosatta Resident: Now it's time to start putting it together, but as soon as we got going well, Wal-Mart put her on a week of onvernights
Agatha Macbeth: Amazing what goes on in the kitchen
Rosatta Resident: Kitchen at home?
Santoshima Resident: 's current display-name is "San".
Eliza Madrigal: yes... when she was little... another kitchen in another home
Rosatta Resident: Hello, San : ) wb
Agatha Macbeth: Hi San
Eliza Madrigal: rude people really confused her when little
Eliza Madrigal: Hi San
Santoshima Resident: greetings everyone
Rosatta Resident: Bad things happened in a kitche?
Rosatta Resident: kitchen?
Rosatta Resident: Rude people still confuse me
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Rosatta Resident: Your daughter sounds like a kind-hearted person
szavanna Resident: I must go - need to tend to the fire and check on small people :)
Eliza Madrigal: I can't remember what had happened... but we were just talking about it and started making a skit
Zen Arado: bk
Eliza Madrigal: (((Sunji))ty for sounds lesson
szavanna Resident: take care all ;)) hugs :)
szavanna Resident: keep sounding!
szavanna Resident: ;D
Rosatta Resident: It was good seeing you, Sunshine : )
Agatha Macbeth: Aww, bye Sunny
szavanna Resident: enjoy the session Rosie and all °͜°
Zen Arado: byee Sunji
Rosatta Resident: Ty : )
Rosatta Resident: lol I'lll bet that tea will put a spring in anyone's step
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Santoshima Resident: thanks for the tea!
Eliza Madrigal: most welcome... though, now I must make some in this other world...brb
Zen Arado: not sure about this hat
Malinson Resident: 's current display-name is "Malinson Bloobury".
Rosatta Resident: It works for me
Rosatta Resident: It is almost Aussie
Zen Arado: it removes my hair though
Agatha Macbeth: It's great Zenny
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Malison : )
Zen Arado: Hi Mal
Agatha Macbeth: Attatch it to a different point
Rosatta Resident: Have you been here before?
Agatha Macbeth: like your chin
Malinson Resident: hello all
Rosatta Resident: I am new so I am still learning who is familiar with PaB and who isn't
Agatha Macbeth: Zen da killah :p
Santoshima Resident: zen, choose "add" rather than "wear"
Agatha Macbeth: Mal has been before Rosie
Rosatta Resident: Ty : )
Malinson Resident: nope...first time
Malinson Resident: just a noob
Agatha Macbeth: Aww, stop it :p
Santoshima Resident: Maaaal
Rosatta Resident: Well, Zen's hat works for me very well today because I spent several hours last night watching old Steve Irwin videos
Agatha Macbeth: He's kidding
Santoshima Resident: nice to see you again Mal
Rosatta Resident: He never wore a hat, but Crocadile Dundee made that style of hat evoke thoughts of Australia for me
Agatha Macbeth: I see what you mean about Aussie tho
Malinson Resident: Well it's nice to be seen thank you san
Rosatta Resident: So they all worked together
Rosatta Resident: You are totally cute as little blue ball, Malison : )
Malinson Resident: okay
Rosatta Resident: At least that iswhat I am seeing
Malinson Resident: Whats discussing?
Santoshima Resident: hats
Rosatta Resident: This weeks topic is 'Play"
Malinson Resident: does that include rugs?
Rosatta Resident: So we're playing with gats lol
Agatha Macbeth: Spiel
Rosatta Resident: *hats
Malinson Resident: I see.
Rosatta Resident: rugs as in toupee?
Malinson Resident: You have to pee too?
Malinson Resident: Must be the tea
Malinson Resident: excuse me
Agatha Macbeth: Teepee
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: back... missing all the excitement
Rosatta Resident: Peas in a pod
Rosatta Resident: Mal was making puns about pee
Rosatta Resident: from toupee
Eliza Madrigal: :) that's the question
Agatha Macbeth looks round for the excitement
Rosatta Resident giggles
Eliza Madrigal sips licorice tea
Santoshima Resident: sips matcha
Zen Arado: Zen sips tea tea
Agatha Macbeth: Is that how you spell it?
Eliza Madrigal: I think so... noticing now there is a little fortune cookie-like tag that says "live in your strength"
Agatha Macbeth: Whoa
Eliza Madrigal: like being in SL... talking objects :)
Agatha Macbeth: Feed your head
Rosatta Resident: I do that with documentaries :-D
Agatha Macbeth: Liz appears to be in a hard hat area
Agatha Macbeth: Ah...the foreman
Eliza Madrigal: what sorts of documentaries do you like?
Zen Arado: I found 3 nice little videos about morning pages Rosatta
Rosatta Resident: Mostly historical
Zen Arado:
Eliza Madrigal: hahah that's great
Rosatta Resident: Ty!
Rosatta Resident: And nature
Zen Arado: wondering about 'Artist's Date'
Zen Arado: does SL count for that?
Rosatta Resident: But I've been listening to a lot of ones about cults lately. I think it is a further healing for my old memories
Rosatta Resident: Zen, in my personal opinion, it does
Eliza Madrigal: can, if one makes it that?
Rosatta Resident: Julia Camerons' best definition of an Artist Date is : a festive, solo outing
Zen Arado: yes building up ..creative experiences
Agatha Macbeth: Who's Julia Cameron?
Zen Arado: otherwise the well runs dry
Rosatta Resident: Well, actually more like a play date with a child
Zen Arado: going to a museum
Arisia Vita: 's current display-name is "Ari".
Zen Arado: she wrote a book called the Artist's Way Aga
Rosatta Resident: A museum is definitely an AD
Arisia Vita: greetings all
Rosatta Resident: wb, San
Zen Arado: about writing morning pages
Agatha Macbeth: Ah ty
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Ari : )
Rosatta Resident: We are p laying with hats and talking about Artist Dates
Santoshima Resident: hi Ari :)
Eliza Madrigal: the site Zen gave has a lot of videos about her ideas Aggers
Eliza Madrigal: Hello Ari
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Ari dear
Zen Arado: you don't need to read the book really
Zen Arado: Hi Ari
Rosatta Resident: Artist Dates are a once a week 1-2 hour play date by yourself
Rosatta Resident: Taking your inner artist out to play somewhere
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Arabella : )
Zen Arado: hat doesn't go with this hair I think :(
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ara :)
Zen Arado: Hi Ara
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Mickorod : )
arabella Ella: Hallo everyone!
Zen Arado: Hi Mick
Mickorod Renard: hi
Agatha Macbeth: Hello A & M
Rosatta Resident: We are playing with hats and talking about play dates with ourselves
Eliza Madrigal: maybe a little small for that hair
Zen Arado: hard for me to get places nowadays
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Mick :)
Mickorod Renard: yay
Rosatta Resident: Going out to play, solo
Zen Arado: that's why I wonder if SL counts
Rosatta Resident: I would think that SL counts - especially if you are trying something new for fun
Eliza Madrigal: if one puts a little extra effort I think it can be.. go somewhere new... stay for a to a stranger?
Agatha Macbeth: Mother told me never to talk to strangers...
Zen Arado: :)
Eliza Madrigal: she wouldn't have approved of SL maybe :)
Agatha Macbeth: I doubt it muchly
arabella Ella: have you obeyed that all your life Aggers?
Rosatta Resident: Julia Cameron has mentioned taking a class as an Artist Date, so running into people, meeting people can be a part of it, I think
Agatha Macbeth: Well mostly I guess
Zen Arado: my mama told me not to come
Zen Arado: that's not the way to have fun
Zen Arado: is pab an artist's date?
arabella Ella: i dont think it is possible for anyone here to say they never spoke to a stranger
Eliza Madrigal: I would like to be better at talking to strangers, not just people I'm having some exchange with ie as a customer, etc
Mickorod Renard: whats this play dates thing?
Eliza Madrigal: can be Zen... I really think it is about 'how' not what?
Rosatta Resident: Is PaB festive for you?
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Rosatta Resident: Mickorod, in the book The Artists Way, it says one of the things needed to unblock creatively is to take yourself on an Artist Date. Julia Cameron defines this as a solo, festive outing taken once a week for 1 -2 hours
Zen Arado: a BDSM place?
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: well I was able to write about that
Zen Arado: just from SL
Agatha Macbeth: BDSM place?
Rosatta Resident: I don't think sexual references are appropriate for PaB?
Agatha Macbeth: heh
Mickorod Renard: still trying to understand
Agatha Macbeth: Me too
arabella Ella: that sounds so appropriate for SL Zen!
arabella Ella: dont ask me why :)
Agatha Macbeth: Well there is that
Zen Arado: I just went to find out about D/S
Mickorod Renard: so you take yourself out on a solo date?
Rosatta Resident: Mickorod, if you go somewhere, by yourself, for fun, to try something new, that would fill the definition of an Artist Date - a play date with yourself
Zen Arado: someone persuaded me
Eliza Madrigal: we don't really section off any topic as inappropriate I guess... more about the way of discussion
arabella Ella: oh yea ... LOL
Zen Arado: and I like to be opwn minded
Zen Arado: it isn't for me
Eliza Madrigal: I had a lot of notions about what I thought bdsm was but I did a little research and learned a lot
Mickorod Renard: I wouldnt go out with myself,,too risky
Zen Arado: but now I know that
Agatha Macbeth: You did? wow
arabella Ella: Rosatta ... if I were to go watch a football game alone would that could as a solo play date?
Rosatta Resident: In my understanding, i most definitely would
Rosatta Resident: *it
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Mickorod Renard: anyway, I dont fancy myself
Zen Arado: but Sir Alex is going Ara :(
arabella Ella: so anything would count, a walk in the park, a visit to a cinema, etc.
Rosatta Resident: Well, it's from a book about unblocking creatively
arabella Ella: yes how sad Zen I heard the news tonight
Eliza Madrigal: don't like just spending time with yourself Mick?
Zen Arado: something different I think
Rosatta Resident: And one of the reasons for an AD is to get to know yourself, to be your own friend
Mickorod Renard: also I can read my mind,,not a good start
Rosatta Resident: That is not always easy
arabella Ella: he is 71 God bless Sir Alex the one and only!
Eliza Madrigal: true
Zen Arado: to stock up your creative resources
Rosatta Resident: Yes, Arabelssa : )
arabella Ella: (I did not mean Micko when I said he is 71 ok Mick!)
Mickorod Renard: and,,,,I like to go out with someone interesting
Rosatta Resident: Arabella - sheesh my typing is forrendous
Eliza Madrigal: you may be more interesting than you think you are Mick
Eliza Madrigal: :)
arabella Ella smiles
Agatha Macbeth: At least you gpt your S back
Rosatta Resident: Mick, this is just a suggestion from TAW
Mickorod Renard: whos Taw?
arabella Ella: oh yea Aggers around I year ago i got my S back!
Rosatta Resident: A book The ARtists Way
Mickorod Renard: ahh
Rosatta Resident: A system for unblocking creatively
Zen Arado:
Eliza Madrigal: Rosatta have you heard also of a book called Dancing in the Dragon's Den?
Mickorod Renard: I have a problem with being too creative
Rosatta Resident: No. Who is the author?
arabella Ella: you sure do Mick :)
Mickorod Renard: and I think too much too
arabella Ella: i second that too Mick :)
Zen Arado: how can you be too creative?
Eliza Madrigal: Rosanna Bane - is a little similar
Rosatta Resident: Ty for the book suggestion : )
Zen Arado: just wondering
Mickorod Renard: sounds a bane
Rosatta Resident: I'm always open for more encouragement
arabella Ella: @Rose what sort of creativity are you referring to, artistic creativity or all sorts?
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Rosatta Resident: I'm not a n artist, but in the beginning of the book it says "and for anyone wishing to l ive more creatively" and I said 'that's me!"
Zen Arado: I tried it for art
Rosatta Resident: Maybe it will unblock me enough to get some writing done, too : )
Zen Arado: but it's more for writers I suspect
Mickorod Renard: is a deconstruction creativity?
Agatha Macbeth: Better to be creative than destructive anyway
Eliza Madrigal: "artistry of life"
Rosatta Resident: I don't know what a deconstruction is
Mickorod Renard: life is a cycle of construction and deconstruction
arabella Ella: de-constructing a bike Mick like reverse engineering?
Rosatta Resident: Well, creative solutions to problems is a wonderful thing to have operating : )
Zen Arado: it's a way of getting past critical part of brain
Rosatta Resident: Mick, that didn't really define deconstruction
Rosatta Resident: for me
Zen Arado: letting our inner child play
Rosatta Resident: Yes, Zen. ty
Eliza Madrigal: often if ale to slow into something and just stay a while then more options appear than there seemed to have been at first
Eliza Madrigal: *able
Mickorod Renard: is deconstruction reconstruction?
Zen Arado: education system freezes creativity I think
Zen Arado: or used to
Zen Arado: looking for 'right' answers
Eliza Madrigal: I have to go though... find these talks really interesting - thanks for the topic Rosatta and congrats on first session as guardian :))
Zen Arado: byee Eliza
Agatha Macbeth: First or second?
Rosatta Resident: Ty Eliza : )
Mickorod Renard: bye Eliza
Rosatta Resident: And thank you for helping us play with hats : )
Eliza Madrigal: :))
arabella Ella: bye Eli9za
Eliza Madrigal: hugs and cheers, bfn
Agatha Macbeth hugs Liz
Agatha Macbeth: I bugger off now General Gordon.
Mickorod Renard: bye Ags
Zen Arado: I better go too..benn in SL hours today
Rosatta Resident: By, Agatha!
arabella Ella: owwww bye Aggers g nite!
Rosatta Resident: Thank you for being here
Mickorod Renard: bye Zen
arabella Ella: nite Zen too!
Rosatta Resident: By, Zen : )
Arisia Vita: it's been great being with you all, I must fly too
Rosatta Resident: Ty for being here, Ari : )
Arisia Vita: my pleasure
Mickorod Renard: bye Ari
Arisia Vita tiptoes out so as not to disturb the bell...
arabella Ella: bye Ari
Mickorod Renard: I have to go too Rosatta,,thanks for being here
arabella Ella: nice to meet you briefly Rosie but I must be off too!
Rosatta Resident: Ty for stopping by, Mick : )
arabella Ella: good night wherever you are :)
Mickorod Renard: :))
arabella Ella: bye Mick
Mickorod Renard: bye Ara
Rosatta Resident: Thank you for coming Arabella : )
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