2013.05.17 19:00 - Weather...Dreams

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Lucinda Lavender. The comments are by Lucinda Lavender. Attending were Korel, and Beautifulmarira.


    Korel Laloix: Hetya
    Korel Laloix: Heya even
    Lucinda Lavender: Heya!
    Lucinda Lavender: even
    Lucinda Lavender: How does this eve find you?
    Lucinda Lavender: I am getting ready for a concert tomorrow
    Lucinda Lavender: will share a link
    Lucinda Lavender: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8RyuiVvO8g
    Lucinda Lavender: Verdi...
    Korel Laloix: You performing?
    Lucinda Lavender: in the choir
    Lucinda Lavender: yes
    Korel Laloix: Lovely
    Korel Laloix: I am very much not a choir person.
    Lucinda Lavender: very hard music
    Lucinda Lavender: in what way ...if I may ask
    Korel Laloix: They take up a special collection to keep me out of the choir... smiles
    Korel Laloix: Singing is not my best thing...
    Lucinda Lavender: aww..
    Lucinda Lavender: better at other stuff like dancing!
    Lucinda Lavender: amazing dancing
    Korel Laloix smiles
    Korel Laloix: I do love to do it, but really not that good at that either...
    Lucinda Lavender: I am not that good at singing...
    Lucinda Lavender: but i persist
    Lucinda Lavender: because it feels good
    Korel Laloix: Does sound a difficult piece.
    Lucinda Lavender: and learn how to not sing certain notes
    Korel Laloix: Oh I agree.. the same reasons I keep up my dancing.
    Lucinda Lavender: for me a connection of a spiritual sort as well
    Lucinda Lavender: the notes in this are very High
    Lucinda Lavender: a B shows up consistently
    Lucinda Lavender: how is school?
    Korel Laloix: Over for now.
    Korel Laloix: Had finals last week.
    Lucinda Lavender: a rest I hope
    Korel Laloix: And I have a couple more weeks before my summer term starts.
    Lucinda Lavender: the children at my work are kind of wound up...
    Lucinda Lavender: as summer approaches
    Korel Laloix: I dont blame them.. just being warm is enouhg to get me going.
    Korel Laloix: The were has been a bit on the rough side recently.
    Korel Laloix: But still good to be in this time of year.
    Lucinda Lavender: the were?
    Lucinda Lavender: weather you mean?
    Korel Laloix: Yes... sorry.
    Lucinda Lavender: its ok
    Lucinda Lavender: we will have a cold snap next week I hear
    Korel Laloix: Lots of bad storms down in Texas recently.
    Korel Laloix: Not looked that far ahead.
    Lucinda Lavender: I hope they don't come your way
    Korel Laloix: We don't usually get the really bad stuff here.. but it could happen.
    Lucinda Lavender: something to think about...

    Korel Laloix: I do love a good thunderstorm.
    Lucinda Lavender: nods:)
    Lucinda Lavender: we had one the other day
    Korel Laloix: But I can do without the tornadoes and hail.
    Lucinda Lavender: many buds blew off our firtree
    Lucinda Lavender: and the ground was covered with them
    Korel Laloix: Sounds like a lovely effect.
    Lucinda Lavender: do you have fir trees?
    Lucinda Lavender: do you know any childrens circle dances?
    Lucinda Lavender: I am full of questions...sorry
    Korel Laloix: I dont' knwo enough to distinguish between the evergree trees.
    Korel Laloix: Not a tree person really... smiles
    Lucinda Lavender: grass girl?
    Korel Laloix: I know some traditional dances, but not really ones geared at yhoung ones.
    Korel Laloix: Very much so...
    Korel Laloix: I love the National Grasslands.
    Korel Laloix: I get sort of a closed in feeling around too many trees.
    Lucinda Lavender: yes...I have heard of that feeling...frinds who came from England had the feeling when visiting here in Washington
    Korel Laloix: Not sure why I have that afinity.
    Korel Laloix: Just a drw for me though.
    Lucinda Lavender: I was looking for a picture of Mount Rainer and then the phone rang!
    Lucinda Lavender: Some of our family is walking in a walk about Mental Illness tomorrow
    Lucinda Lavender: I can't because of rehearsal
    Korel Laloix: No running?.. smiles
    Lucinda Lavender: but it is a good thing to do...
    Lucinda Lavender: just a walk I think with tents/ speakers etc
    Lucinda Lavender: that would be you huh?
    Korel Laloix: I helped with a few of those charity races or walks.. always good fun...
    Korel Laloix: An excuse really.
    Lucinda Lavender: This is for NAMI...not sure what that stands for
    Korel Laloix: National Alliance for Mental Illness
    Lucinda Lavender: Cool thanks
    Korel Laloix: Thank you for the links.
    Lucinda Lavender: I am checking the second one...not sure what it is

    Lucinda Lavender: oops..more verdi...
    Lucinda Lavender: sorry bell
    Korel Laloix: I do like some of that sort of music, but it is not what I normally listen to.
    Lucinda Lavender: I only listen to what I am singing..mostly a variety of all kinds
    Lucinda Lavender: when the radio is on
    Korel Laloix smiles.. I really dont' listen to the radio either much.
    Beautifulmarira Resident: 's current display-name is "Beautifulmarira".
    Korel Laloix: My sort of music does not get played alot on regular stations.
    Korel Laloix: Bozho Mari
    Lucinda Lavender: ah...
    Beautifulmarira Resident: hello
    Lucinda Lavender: HI Beautifulmaira!
    Beautifulmarira Resident: lol Mari is just fine for me :)
    Lucinda Lavender: Have you been here before?...Welcome if not...
    Beautifulmarira Resident: 2 times now I have come and talked :)
    Lucinda Lavender: great!
    Lucinda Lavender: nice to meet you
    Korel Laloix: Good to see you again.
    Korel Laloix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VdzyRm3dK0
    Lucinda Lavender: Your new to SL?
    Beautifulmarira Resident: somewhat new :)
    Lucinda Lavender: ah!
    Lucinda Lavender: thank you dear Korel!!
    Korel Laloix: This is not their best performance, but it also gives you an idea about a low level powwow
    Beautifulmarira Resident: very neat :)
    Lucinda Lavender: I went to a powwow here in Seattle once
    Lucinda Lavender: was really impressed
    Korel Laloix: How was that?
    Korel Laloix: The ones they put on around the larger cities tend to be well arranged.
    Lucinda Lavender: loved the dancing, food, stalls
    Korel Laloix: But rather commercial as well.
    Lucinda Lavender: it was at Discovery Park
    Lucinda Lavender: and there is a center called...i forget
    Lucinda Lavender: I will look it up
    Lucinda Lavender: daybreak star center
    Lucinda Lavender: I love it!
    Lucinda Lavender: the link
    Korel Laloix: Powwows are very different though...
    Korel Laloix: Not really a good formula
    Lucinda Lavender: tell us more...
    Korel Laloix: But I do love the events... mostly.
    Korel Laloix: But tehre are good and bad sides to everything.
    Lucinda Lavender: yes
    Lucinda Lavender: it awakens something in me I am just not sure what
    Lucinda Lavender: some cultural thing I suppose that can cross culturals
    Lucinda Lavender: cultures
    Lucinda Lavender: a wisdom
    Korel Laloix: It is very tribal and more in touch with our souls than a lot of other types of gatherings.
    Lucinda Lavender: that is what I feel close to I suppose
    Lucinda Lavender: attracted by
    Korel Laloix: I grew up with it, so there are things that probably dont' move me like they do you.
    Korel Laloix: But there are portions that really get to my insides.
    Lucinda Lavender: I bet you are right...I had a dream once
    Lucinda Lavender: where the dream said one should sing during a birth
    Korel Laloix: I wonder what that inspiration was.
    Lucinda Lavender: an interesting idea that seemed moving in itself

    Lucinda Lavender: There was a child at my preschool who was about to have a baby born into her family...the dream came with a statement ...like a direction...
    Lucinda Lavender: just interesting.
    Korel Laloix: Those sorts of inspirations I always find moving.
    Korel Laloix: I personally don't remember my dreams.
    Korel Laloix: But I am fascinated by those that do.
    Lucinda Lavender: When I first started studying dreaming I had a few dreams where it felt like there were cross cultural things going on
    Lucinda Lavender: one in which a thunderbird image was melting in through the wall
    Lucinda Lavender: I can not remember what Thunderbird means...
    Lucinda Lavender: but they are big !
    Korel Laloix: In a lot of cultures, certain animals have a certain meaning, not just in dreams.
    Lucinda Lavender: Maira..have you any questions or thoughts about Play as Being?
    Korel Laloix: We tend to use teh term totem.
    Lucinda Lavender: Right!
    Beautifulmarira Resident: I have been listening to thi facinating conversation :)
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Lucinda Lavender: great..
    Beautifulmarira Resident: I do not dream or at least I do not remember dreams
    Lucinda Lavender: that is pretty common:0
    Korel Laloix: You probably are like me, you just dno't remember them.
    Lucinda Lavender: )
    Korel Laloix: The only dreams i have ever remembered were nightmares.
    Lucinda Lavender: One way to look at nightmares is to see one self as a witness to what ever is seen...and then see if you can give the images a loving sort of energy
    Korel Laloix: What do you mean?
    Beautifulmarira Resident: listens
    Lucinda Lavender: well I have had some that I wake up afraid from...or horrified about...usually i write it down...and sometimes I go back and look into it as if it was not about me at all
    Lucinda Lavender: or if it was I try to just say it is a thought...stress bubbling up
    Lucinda Lavender: "that was an interesting thought.."
    Lucinda Lavender: I wonder what I see about it?
    Lucinda Lavender: could this thought or image be about someone else?
    Korel Laloix: hmm.. interesting thoughts.
    Lucinda Lavender: I has been true for me that for people I love I will see some images about them..
    Lucinda Lavender: it can be quite embedded tho
    Lucinda Lavender: almost like a puzzle
    Korel Laloix: All of my nightmares are about me essentially witnessing great harm or death to people I care about from a distance... and me being helpless to help.
    Lucinda Lavender: I hope this does not sound naive...but what if this is about what happened to you people...?
    Lucinda Lavender: because such atrocities were done
    Korel Laloix: Cuold be I guess.

    Korel Laloix: Probably more had to do with what happened to me personally when I was young though.
    Lucinda Lavender: so I guess I might want to at bed time...speak to the issue before sleep...saying that you bring love in any case for those suffering
    Lucinda Lavender: those who suffered before and now
    Lucinda Lavender: it just feels like a possibility
    Lucinda Lavender: thatis how I would do if it were me
    Korel Laloix: Those thoughts are in my prayers for sure.
    Korel Laloix: I am slowly figuring my brain out.. but this is one that I have not had much progress on.
    Lucinda Lavender: well in seeing a whole culture in pain...you can rebuild threads for them...of love and appreciation.
    Korel Laloix: I always hope to be a positive influence.
    Lucinda Lavender: are the people recognizable?
    Lucinda Lavender: I am sure you are:))
    Korel Laloix: In my nightmares?
    Lucinda Lavender: yes
    Korel Laloix: No... I don't actualy see them... I jsut know they are in danger.... like in my last one.
    Korel Laloix: I was driving back to grandmas house
    Korel Laloix: And a wall of tornadoes was about to hit the house.
    Korel Laloix: And all i could do was stand and watch from away.
    Korel Laloix: And I knew she was at home.
    Lucinda Lavender: Since for you tornados are a real possibility...you have a reality with that
    Korel Laloix: Yes.
    Korel Laloix: And in teh dream, where I stop to watch in under a bridge that actually exsists as well.
    Lucinda Lavender: If I dreamed about a tornado i might consider it as anger...or a dream about someone living somewhere that it might be really happening
    Korel Laloix: Very very vivid dream.
    Lucinda Lavender: ah
    Lucinda Lavender: the very vivid dreams really take some work
    Korel Laloix: brb
    Lucinda Lavender: that is why I have come to gather with other people to look at them..
    Lucinda Lavender: learning to listen to them as not just personal
    Korel Laloix: They are back from their ride and should be coming in shortly.
    Korel Laloix: So have to go in a min.
    Lucinda Lavender: establishing connections to love
    Lucinda Lavender: ok:) thank you so much for sharing
    Korel Laloix: Thank you for the thoughts on teh subject.
    Lucinda Lavender: have a great night...
    Korel Laloix: Sorry we scared Mari off.
    Korel Laloix: I will I am sure.
    Lucinda Lavender: no...she sounded like she was interested
    Korel Laloix: Just need to find a way to get comfortable.
    Lucinda Lavender: bye for now and sweet dreams toyou
    Korel Laloix: Got thrown off a horse this morning and my backside is killing me.
    Korel Laloix: Ciao
    Lucinda Lavender: oops
    Korel Laloix: Take care...
    Lucinda Lavender: better soon
    Korel Laloix: Talk to you soon

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