Attending this morning were Eliza, Sam, Santoshima, Muiltiverse, Bertram,Wol and Lucinda Lavender.I will add more names if there are more to add ... thanks you Eliza, Wol and all who helped pull this together.
[07:01] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): you are so glamorous today Luci :)
[07:01] Multiverse1: Mutli ponders a movie, " Flight of the Beings"
[07:01] Lucinda Lavender: Good Morning everyone:)
[07:01] Samúð (oo0oo): Good morning everyone :)
[07:02] Lucinda Lavender: went shopping:)
[07:02] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
[07:03] Samúð (oo0oo): Nice outfit, hair, earrings, shoes.. Luci
[07:03] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well composed :)
[07:03] Lucinda Lavender: thanks...thanks to Paradise:)
[07:04] Lucinda Lavender: I hareceived a book...I am trying to put away
[07:04] Lucinda Lavender: from xirana...
[07:05] Lucinda Lavender: not quite sure how to put it away for the moment
[07:05] Lucinda Lavender: sorry for this distraction
[07:05] PaB Listener Master: Lucinda Lavender has just claimed the session and will receive link to the log after the session is done. This replaces any previous claim.
[07:06] Lucinda Lavender: can you all see it?
[07:06] Lucinda Lavender: or is this just my "illusion"?
[07:07] Samúð (oo0oo): If you rezzed an object Luci, I don't see it
[07:07] Lucinda Lavender: ok thanks
[07:07] Multiverse1: neither I
[07:07] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): no I don't see it either... it may be attached to your personal interface screen rather than inworld?
[07:08] Lucinda Lavender: ok thanks
[07:08] Multiverse1: didn't know such was available
[07:08] Lucinda Lavender: I want to put it away for the moment
[07:08] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I have a similar illusion I could rezz
[07:08] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hehhe
[07:08] Lucinda Lavender: ah found the menu and hid it:)
[07:08] Lucinda Lavender: phew
[07:09] Lucinda Lavender: no illusions here!
[07:09] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): dovetails nicely with the last session in which we were discussing the extent to which reality/ realities can be shared or known to be shared, etc
[07:09] Lucinda Lavender: ha ha
[ 07:09] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): wow Luci.. free of illusions :)
[07:10] Lucinda Lavender: methinks it is just another layer
[07:10] Multiverse1: ellusive illusions
[07:10] Multiverse1: reality based illusions, or
[07:11] Lucinda Lavender: this book that Xirana share has pages and all...
[07:11] Multiverse1: shared realities , huh Eliza
[07:13] Multiverse1: We all share reality and illusion. Like the cameras in sl. The need to focus, and ones outlook that thier world is so constrained or for some , unconstrained.
[07:13] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hm... yes I guess the point Maxine brought up but in a far more eloquent maxine way... is that we are often operating on an idea that others share our sense of things... or hm..
[07:13] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): more complex than that... questioning assumptions including assumptions of identity, projection, aloneness
[07:13] Lucinda Lavender: nicely put multi, eliza
[07:13] Samúð (oo0oo): so true
[07:14] Multiverse1: We all share the world, it is our views that are different
[07:14] Samúð (oo0oo): to open, be flexible, allow alternatives.. is such a gift
[07:15] — BELL —
[07:16] Multiverse1: We even share substance at tymes, I may exhale and another inhale, or vice versa.
[07:17] Samúð (oo0oo):
[07:17] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): a shared world seems questionable too... often seems we're in 'our own little worlds' much of the time
[07:17] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Bert :))
[07:17] Lucinda Lavender: or we may dream on a similar theme ...
[07:17] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Eliza clicks ..
[07:17] Bertram Jacobus: hi ladies and gentle men ! ... :-)
[07:17] Samúð (oo0oo): Bert :)
[07:18] Multiverse1: We are many worlds inter-twined, each our own yet part of something greater, which is my world for me.
[07:18] Lucinda Lavender: HI Bert
[07:18] Multiverse1: Hi Bert
[07:18] Bertram Jacobus: ty for all your warm welcomes ! :-)
[07:19] Samúð (oo0oo): ‚òÜ*¬®¬®*:‚Ä¢.‚Ä¢:*¬®* hallo hello osiyo hi holla *¬®¬®*:‚Ä¢.‚Ä¢:*¬®*‚òÜ
[07:19] Multiverse1: Multi, breaks out his heat sensor
[07:19] Lucinda Lavender: nice Samud
[07:19] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): beautiful, yes
[07:21] Lucinda Lavender: so ...about illusion....I am remeinded of my dream where I sang..both sides now...
[07:22] Bertram Jacobus: today i woke up with a sentence in my mind : "actually it shoud be easy to drop everything in a world and life which cycles round and round for ever ... ("reincarnations") - and in a life which is only one - as well (!) (christian and other views) ... :-)
[07:22] Multiverse1: But yet your reality then?
[07:22] Bertram Jacobus: sry ...
[07:22] Eliza (eliza.madrigal):'s illusions I recall...
[07:22] Multiverse1: why sorry, I love it!
[07:22] Bertram Jacobus: tysm :-)
[07:23] Lucinda Lavender: life's illusions
[07:23] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): thanks for sharing that, Bert
[07:23] Bertram Jacobus: ty as well :-)
[07:23] Lucinda Lavender: fery interesting Bert
[07:23] Multiverse1: yes
[07:23] Multiverse1: awakening thoughts of illusion
[ 07:23] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :) I like that feeling "easy"... "shy not"
[07:23] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): *why
[07:24] Bertram Jacobus: but please - i didn´t want to interrupt other topics ! :-/
[07:24] Lucinda Lavender: not a problem:)
[07:24] Samúð (oo0oo): Continuing, rather than beginning and ending, is a helpful and more relaxing view of life. With continuance.. yes, I think dropping, much easier.
[07:24] Samúð (oo0oo): All sides now :)
[07:24] Lucinda Lavender: all sides now:)
[07:25] Lucinda Lavender: Bert can you say more?
[07:25] Lucinda Lavender: about what you were thinking?
[07:25] Multiverse1: To drop something, an interesting thought. If once you possess it, in the when you did, can it trully ever be released?
[07:25] Bertram Jacobus: may be ... that this thought helps me to feel much more free lucinda ...
[07:26] Bertram Jacobus: or gives even a taste of total freedom (!)
[07:26] Multiverse1: an illusion then
[07:27] Multiverse1: the progression of tyme and lives
[07:27] Multiverse1: a forward arrow
[07:28] Multiverse1: The sun really never sets. We revolve around it.
[07:29] Bertram Jacobus: and when life circles round and round lucinda - the wish to drop should come - only a question of time - so it becomes very natural to drop everything then ...
[07:29] Lucinda Lavender: well I think of the bodies we walk around in...and how they seem to be contained in a certain expression...
[07:29] Bertram Jacobus: and when there is only one life, from birth to death lucinda - there should also be no problem to drop it then because - why should we cling then on things where it ends nevertheless ...
[07:30] — BELL —
[07:30] Multiverse1: then we must begin to pick things up, after everything is dropped?
[07:30] Lucinda Lavender: yet...continually we are challenged to see our selves as we are changing to be..picks up new picture seen in the mirror:)
[07:31] Lucinda Lavender: sorry to the bell:)
[07:31] Play as Being 15 minute bell: Thank you.
[07:32] Multiverse1: WE never really "possess" anything, we merely carry it for a tyme.
[ 07:32] Samúð nods
[07:32] Multiverse1: so then we temporarily shed these objects
[07:33] Multiverse1: in this reality
[07:33] Multiverse1: for a tyme
[07:33] Samúð (oo0oo): to see what is left :)
[07:33] Bertram Jacobus: i think, picking up must not be nesseccairy : the so called "wu wei" (doing things without doing) or as the greek say : pantha rei - alias everything flows - may be enough multiverse (?) ...
[07:33] Multiverse1: then carry ( them ) on as before
[07:34] Lucinda Lavender: thinking and erasing
[07:34] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): mmmm
[07:34] Multiverse1: Tis more than enough. When this is done you possess all possessions. What could be greater than that?
[07:35] Multiverse1: And yet you have none to shed
[07:36] Multiverse1: the reality of illusion, becomes the mirror image. Illusion of reality.
[07:36] Lucinda Lavender: well I think about the present as a hollow tube of sorts
[07:36] Wol Euler: afternoon all
[07:36] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Wol :) Afternoon!
[07:36] Samúð (oo0oo): Wol :)
[07:36] Lucinda Lavender: hi Wol
[07:36] Multiverse1: Hi Wol. Good tyme period.
[07:37] Lucinda Lavender: feel like feels like the present moment is both emptiness and yet like a contained thank at the same time
[07:37] Bertram Jacobus: woly ... happy new year ! (and to the others to whom i didn't say / wish it already so far ) - scusi ... :-)
[07:37] Lucinda Lavender: thing...
[07:38] Multiverse1: thank the bell, it is most forgiving
[07:38] Samúð (oo0oo): *contained thank* :)
[07:38] Bertram Jacobus: :-)
[07:40] Bertram Jacobus: now everything dropped ? ;-)
[07:41] Eliza (eliza.madrigal): easy peasy lemon squeazy , heheh
[07:41] Multiverse1: will never hit the ground?
[07:41] Bertram Jacobus: ground ? ;-)
[07:41] Multiverse1: is it dropping then?
[07:41] Bertram Jacobus: "why not?"
[07:42] Bertram Jacobus: okay - we can see it as a metaphor
[07:42] Multiverse1: or are we rising away, all based on the observer
[07:42] Lucinda Lavender: I wonder...if dropping is an illusion too
[07:42] Lucinda Lavender: maybe dropping just keeps us in the present moment
[07:42] Bertram Jacobus: i think, a nice feeling is important, and i mean nice feelings for everybody
[07:43] Multiverse1: you need triangulation to determine the viewed reality of it. at a given incrment in tyme
[07:43] Samúð (oo0oo): *nice feelings for everybody*
[07:43] Multiverse1: a 3rd objective, you, the object and another
[07:43] Bertram Jacobus: yes sam - what do you think about it pls ?
[07:44] Bertram Jacobus: it's physics what you describe multiverse ?
[07:44] San (santoshima): { wishes you all well & quietly leaves }
[07:44] Samúð (oo0oo): Just my leg of the triangle Bert ;)
[ editing note: .... text missing here, luci .... san / 07:44 - 07:40 ]
[07:50] PaB Listener: Multiverse1 Resident's current display-name is "Multiverse1".
[07:50] PaB Listener: oO0Oo Resident's current display-name is "Samúð".
[07:51] Wol Euler: seems to be OK now
[07:51] Multiverse1 Resident: has awoken
[07:51] Lucinda Lavender: ah...remember when I came intoday I opened that book on illusions...:)
[07:51] Multiverse1 Resident: free bytes as well
[07:51] Lucinda Lavender: perhaps it confused the listener!
[07:51] oO0Oo Resident: I will also leave now. Thanks everyone! Thanks for fixing the listener Wol :) All the best to everybody :)
[07:52] Eliza Madrigal: hahha Luci
[07:52] Multiverse1 Resident: Bye Sam
[07:52] Wol Euler: bye sam, be happy
[07:52] Bertram Jacobus: byeee sam !
[07:52] Lucinda Lavender: haha:)
[07:52] oO0Oo Resident: bfn :) May all beings be happy please (!)
[07:52] Eliza Madrigal: bye Samúð :) be happy
[07:52] Multiverse1 Resident: hiding in the bushes Lucy?
[07:52] oO0Oo Resident: :)
[07:52] oO0Oo Resident: observerL
[07:52] Wol Euler: heheh
[07:53] Multiverse1 Resident: Sometymes when I come here, I hate to interupt and would like to be a fly in the pond
[07:54] Wol Euler nods.
[07:54] Eliza Madrigal: there are 'rafters' above
[07:54] Bertram Jacobus: we can behave as flies in ponds - can´t we ? at least as much as possible if we wish to do so ? ;-)
[07:54] Wol Euler: yes, Agatha stayed above and listened for a few weeks before she gathered the confidence to come in here
[07:55] Multiverse1 Resident: but, cannot be "invisible" to the world
[07:55] Bertram Jacobus: sounds cool, nice ...
[07:55] Multiverse1 Resident: only parts of it.
[07:55] Eliza Madrigal: Sophia once considered making a rock avie... hehe....
[07:55] Bertram Jacobus: i see multiverse. you are right - but at least we can be more or less active
[07:55] Wol Euler grins.
[07:56] Eliza Madrigal: nods, Bertram
[07:56] Multiverse1 Resident: I did that 3 days ago. Wanted to be a rock avi!
[07:56] Eliza Madrigal: one can blend at times, be sort of forgotten
[07:57] Multiverse1 Resident: was thinking of rocks as they break down into sand, then reforming as rocks
[07:57] Wol Euler: boots with gears! pretty
[07:57] Wol Euler: (eliza has)
[07:57] Eliza Madrigal: wonderful to see you all... will post reality session soon....
[07:57] Wol Euler: bye eliza, take care
[07:57] Multiverse1 Resident: bye eliza
[07:57] Eliza Madrigal: :)) fun
[07:57] Bertram Jacobus: byee eliza ! *wave*
[07:59] Bertram Jacobus: dear friends - i leave as well ...
[07:59] Wol Euler: bye berti, take care
[07:59] Multiverse1 Resident: By Bertram
[07:59] Multiverse1 Resident: be happy
[07:59] Bertram Jacobus: ty wol - may all beings be happy, pls ! :-)
[07:59] Bertram Jacobus: and multi ... :-)
[07:59] Multiverse1 Resident: a non
[08:02] Multiverse1 Resident: Discovered an interesting thing of this place we now sit, wol
[08:02] Wol Euler: oh?
[08:02] Multiverse1 Resident: it's base is in buddihsm.
[08:02] Wol Euler: indeed :)
[08:03] Wol Euler: though there are many who might disagree, or wish to clarify the words "base" and "buddhism" :)
[08:04] Multiverse1 Resident: I have read and practiced similar endevors. There are always those who will "argue" till they appear to have won.
[08:04] Wol Euler: mmhmm
[08:04] Wol Euler: and those to whom 1% of difference outweighs the other 99% of similarity
[08:05] Multiverse1 Resident: well, it depends on the group
[08:06] Wol Euler nods.
[08:06] Multiverse1 Resident: 99% of my group may disagree, or rather, be differently "viewed" than another group whose 99% agree
[08:07] Multiverse1 Resident: similarity binds your thought, and makes it very true in my group of eyes
[08:07] Multiverse1 Resident: yet some groups overlap
[08:07] Wol Euler: mmhmm
[08:08] Multiverse1 Resident: or group together
[08:08] Multiverse1 Resident: the 99% of occupy troops comes to mind
[08:08] Wol Euler envisions hundreds of millions of mostly-overlapping Venn diagrams
[08:08] Multiverse1 Resident: a melding of groups to form anew group
[08:09] Multiverse1 Resident: Venn diagram?
[08:09] Wol Euler: a statistical tool to visualize group membership. Typically two circles which overlap by a little bit.
[08:09] Wol Euler: left circle = males; right circle = left-handed; overlap = left-handed males
[08:09] Multiverse1 Resident: and then add more as necessary
[08:10] Wol Euler: yep
[08:10] Wol Euler: many thousands for each of us
[08:10] Multiverse1 Resident: my thought process also
[08:10] Wol Euler: "people who like sushi" overlaps with "furry avatar" overlaps with "speaks German" etc etc etc
[08:10] Multiverse1 Resident: yes, I comprehend this.
[08:11] Multiverse1 Resident: It is our "world "
[08:11] Wol Euler: exactly
[08:11] Multiverse1 Resident: also, allows for progression and changes
[08:12] Multiverse1 Resident: What is your vocation wol?
[08:12] Wol Euler: hard to tell :) I work as an architect
[08:13] Multiverse1 Resident: A visionary field.
[08:13] Wol Euler: but I think I might have made a very good sociologist had I know that there was such a profession when I started university
[08:13] Multiverse1 Resident: You must see, before it exists
[08:13] Wol Euler: yes, but that also carries its own built-in blind spot
[08:14] Wol Euler: architects are unable to appreciate the world as it currently exists, because to them that-which-exists is just the BEFORE half of a pair of pictures showing what they would do
[08:14] Multiverse1 Resident: thus experimentation, success and failure. A learning process
[08:14] Multiverse1 Resident: Some remain trapped in their "Venn " creations.
[08:16] Wol Euler: I'm sorry, I will have to leave. I desperately need a nap, my jetlag is biting hard
[08:17] Wol Euler: take
[08:17] Wol Euler: take care, be happy
[08:17] Multiverse1 Resident: be well, I was just about to do that
[08:17] Wol Euler smiles.