Riddle Sideways is adding the comments.
The Title was almost "until the phone rings", but will save that one for better use.
Extra Note: I confused. The RSS feed has been showing somebody posting a 2008.11.04_7:00 and then a 2008.11.04_07:00 - Yes, we Can. The wiki does not show those titles.
[Darn, the phone just rang and told me I am late for something that I did not even know about... I will comment this later - really, Promise]
PaB Listener Master: Recording has started!
quen Oh is Online
Riddle Sideways: good morning master recorder
Pema Pera is Online
Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bieup/63/35/104
Riddle Sideways: good morning
quen Oh: hey Riddle
Riddle Sideways: I was just over at the new place
quen Oh: ah ok
quen Oh: not sure if it is here or there either
Riddle Sideways: was not sure were meetings are to be now
Riddle Sideways: where would you rather be?
quen Oh: I read since yesterday they are at the new place
quen Oh: new
quen Oh: it is?
quen Oh: so we go there?
Riddle Sideways: ok
Three storey white pagoda - miniature - LM giver owned by Storm Nordwind gave you 'Play as Being Pavilion, Bieup (64, 24, 104)' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rieul/178/147/74 ).
Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rieul/184/148/75
PaB Listener: rezzing with param -14596308
PaB Listener: starting with "f5dc0f99-963e-4fe4-b497-96cac6dd7c4f?1225811104-sensor".
Pema Pera: Hi Quen!
quen Oh: hi Pema!
PaB Listener: rezzing with param -14596308
PaB Listener: starting with "55056d81-90f1-4c09-8e9f-2764e3e227b0?1225811104-sensor".
Riddle Sideways: ah, there is Pema
Riddle Sideways: good morning
quen Oh: hey again Riddle
Pema Pera: Hi Riddle!
Riddle Sideways: twas a very busy weekend
quen Oh: ah we are looking at water
Riddle Sideways: even with 4 guardian meetings
quen Oh: aquarius age?
Riddle Sideways: I could not make any
Pema Pera: :)
Pema Pera: very aquarian, yes
Riddle Sideways: no wind chimes here yet
Pema Pera: sounds almost antequarian by now
quen Oh: tsss
quen Oh: hehe
Pema Pera: I can do without wind chimes, and water sounds instead :)
Riddle Sideways: no fire sounds :)
quen Oh: I cannot help but think a lot of the US elections today
Riddle Sideways: and the earth element is not completly solid
Pema Pera: that's true, Riddle, we moved from fire and wind to water and earth
Riddle Sideways: I was sinking
Pema Pera: we can see the Earth around us
quen Oh: hope you urge all your US collegues to vote Pema :-)
Pema Pera: wide open view
Pema Pera: sure, Quen, my colleagues are not the problem though . . . .
quen Oh: I like the view
quen Oh: no I guessed not :-)
Riddle Sideways: I will go vote in another hour
Riddle Sideways: is a big day in US
Pema Pera: good for you! I wish I could . . . .
Riddle Sideways: my new colleagues got in a fight yesterday
quen Oh: what is that about the new national voters registration system that seems not to be working well, especially for lower class persons?
Riddle Sideways: oh dear, it is hard to explain the workings of un-ethical people
quen Oh: seems there is a lot of software failure when files are combined with juridicial and other government files
quen Oh: which curiously leads to hundreds of thousands of people not being able to vote?
Riddle Sideways: ah so many factors in software
Riddle Sideways: is very curious when all the disinfrancised are of one party
Riddle Sideways: my son has been in Ohio volunteering for 2 months
Riddle Sideways: he got sick during walking door-to-door
quen Oh: And I am sure you cannot proof it's not a software failure so these people involved will not be sentenced for undermining or threatening democracy
Riddle Sideways: so they put he on computer sysadmin duties
Pema Pera: Your son is very impressive, Riddle!
quen Oh: indeed Riddle
quen Oh: !
Riddle Sideways: he left me a voice mail of 30 seconds of Bruce Springsteen concert
quen Oh: lol
Pema Pera: :)
Riddle Sideways: political rally
quen Oh: nice
Riddle Sideways: the entire thing is an amazing mental _____
Riddle Sideways: [fill in your blank]
quen Oh: what for me is curious is how little some well educated americans know of US foreign policy and facts...
quen Oh: they simply don't belief facts they can easily check themselves
Riddle Sideways: ha, facts seem to be in the eye of the beholder
quen Oh: not if your government or the UN states them on official websites it isn't?
quen Oh: at least there is consensus about these facts... if only they would take a look
Riddle Sideways: not sure were to start on that
Riddle Sideways: so many views
Riddle Sideways: first lazy humans
quen Oh: I spoke republicans claiming they were sure US contributed its share to UN, that Bush was in favour of Kyoto etc
quen Oh: very curious for me
Riddle Sideways: for a thousand years people have believed things that could have been looked up in their own bibles
Riddle Sideways: they could have done their own experiments
Riddle Sideways: or even used common sence
quen Oh: for centuries of that, the majority couldn't read or had acces to texts
quen Oh: that is no longer the case
quen Oh: especially academics should be able to do so
quen Oh: apparently they don't want, they rather belief some romantic impression
Riddle Sideways: my parents bought me a complete set of encyclopia so that I would have the worlds knowledge at my finger tips
quen Oh: wow! love that kind of parents!
Riddle Sideways: now I have internet searching
Riddle Sideways: wikipedia (love that)
quen Oh: I had a small youth encyclopedia, which I read several times
quen Oh: imagine indeed to have been grown up with internet!!!
Riddle Sideways: and we have dialogues
Riddle Sideways: many times during these sessions
Riddle Sideways: somebody will correct us
Riddle Sideways: by a search result
quen Oh: SL is a very nice medium indeed
quen Oh: my hope is on coming generations :-)
Riddle Sideways: mine too
Riddle Sideways: my generation was "suppose" to make it all better
quen Oh: they still can
Riddle Sideways: [very sad] we did not
Pema Pera: I think they/we have made some things better
Pema Pera: the internet is an example
Pema Pera: could have been a corporate monopoly
quen Oh: exactly
Pema Pera: sixties spirit!
Riddle Sideways: open source projects
quen Oh: and lol corporate world is now helping itself
Riddle Sideways: again, wikipedia
Pema Pera: yes!
ManqoQhapaqInca Qunhua is Online
Riddle Sideways: thanks, DARPA
Pema Pera: the spirit came from the sixties, I think
Pema Pera: sixties geeks using DARPA money (then ARPA)
quen Oh: thats a nice thought Pema!
ManqoQhapaqInca Qunhua is Offline
Riddle Sideways: that's how it started
Pema Pera: There is a wonderful paper by Henry Lieberman from MIT
Pema Pera: just a sec, let me find it
quen Oh: would be nice to to have a lot of geeks working on urgent matters in sustainable economy and energy now
Riddle Sideways: and a hundred incompatiable protocols by corporations
quen Oh: haha
Riddle Sideways: yes, think tanks were a corporatie thing
Pema Pera: http://www.media.mit.edu/%7Elieber/P...nter-Cyber.pdf
Riddle Sideways: now internet chats can be evervybody
Pema Pera: required reading!!
Riddle Sideways: thanks
quen Oh: ah interesting!
Riddle Sideways: ah, I loved the Whole Earth catalog
Pema Pera: btw, Riddle, thanks again for your great summary last week of how you're working with appearance :-)
Pema Pera: I was both impressed and moved by your approach
Riddle Sideways: oops, I never got back to more commentary
Pema Pera: :-)
Riddle Sideways: I only did half of it, before the phone rang
Pema Pera: now there's a title "Before the Phone Rang"
Riddle Sideways: and I only got half of my scatter gathered :)
Pema Pera: applicable to most any session :)
Pema Pera: hehehe
Pema Pera: chatter gatherer
Gaya Ethaniel is Online
Riddle Sideways: that should be the title of an entire blog site
Pema Pera: Quen, we're talking about http://playasbeing.wik.is/Chat_Logs/...atter_Gatherer
Pema Pera: fun session that was!
quen Oh: ah will take a look
Riddle Sideways: I will really try to finish commenting it.
Riddle Sideways: but after voting
Riddle Sideways: voting here is such a party
Pema Pera: first things first!
Riddle Sideways: I vote in a small village
Riddle Sideways: and know almost everybody
Riddle Sideways: there are usually crowds in the parking lot
Riddle Sideways: getting caught up with each other
Pema Pera: Hi Gaya!
PaB Listener: rezzing with param -14596308
PaB Listener: starting with "81735a90-136a-4c54-a31f-0b0e0e78e15a?1225811104-sensor".
Gaya Ethaniel: _/!\_
Riddle Sideways: Hi Gaya
Gaya Ethaniel: sorry couldn't come earlier... RL
Riddle Sideways: we know, bet the phone rang :)
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Pema Pera: we need to add a bell to SL. Then you can say to people on the phone: brb, SL rings!
quen Oh: hi Gaya
Gaya Ethaniel giggles
quen Oh: sorry was reading PAB log Pema just gave me
Riddle Sideways: the old pavilion had a bell
Gaya Ethaniel: np quen ^^
quen Oh: curious to fill PAB session reading another one
Pema Pera: and a siren even!
Pema Pera: hahaha
Faenik is a hairy black ball with eyes and ears.
Pema Pera: somebody somewhere in the future will read this session, Quen,
Pema Pera: while in a future PaB session
Riddle Sideways: another visit by Sir Real
Pema Pera: reading about how you were reading a previous one . . . .
quen Oh: yes, it's like 2 opposed mirrors...
Pema Pera: Sir Real, like to meet that guy!
Riddle Sideways: we are now reading about future readers
Gaya Ethaniel: what a strangely wonderful idea...
quen Oh grins
quen Oh: hello future readers!
Riddle Sideways: how many mirrors does Being hold up to us?
Pema Pera is used to Japanese, just read that as "future leaders" . . . .
quen Oh: lol
Pema Pera: ah, RL calling me, in person this time.
Riddle Sideways: appropo for voting day
Pema Pera: Great seeing you all again!
Gaya Ethaniel: good day to you Pema
quen Oh: seems the theme of this day, future leader
Riddle Sideways: yes, bye pema
quen Oh: indeed Riddle :-)
quen Oh: bye Pema
Pema Pera: bye for now!
Pema Pera is Offline
PaB Listener Master: Removing "Pema Pera" from list.
Riddle Sideways: future leaders ...
quen Oh wonders if Faenik can vote
Gaya Ethaniel remembers how she used to say 'lice' instead of 'rice' when first learning English
Riddle Sideways: has Faenik registered?
quen Oh: lepublican... democlad
Gaya Ethaniel giggles
Gaya Ethaniel: he's Finnish... so
Riddle Sideways: the black furry party
Gaya Ethaniel: have you voted Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: not yet
Riddle Sideways: about an hour
quen Oh: well at least he will have no problem with balck candidates
Riddle Sideways: letting the early birds line up first
quen Oh: even here in europe it's exciting you know
Gaya Ethaniel: many people lining up... saw on TV
quen Oh: it's way more important now than before
Riddle Sideways: more and more I am favoring other countries systems
Riddle Sideways: not to wait 4 years before voting
Gaya Ethaniel: ah...
Faenik: why not?
Gaya Ethaniel: why more important now than before quen?
quen Oh: if europe was allowed to vote too it would be a run race
Riddle Sideways: run race?
quen Oh: most europeans are very set on Obama to win, let me check for the polls here.. it might shock you
Riddle Sideways: am very sure
quen Oh: http://www.france24.com/en/files/US%...%20results.pdf
Riddle Sideways: that the whole world could run the US better then we do
Gaya Ethaniel: mm... why would you say such a thing Riddle...
Gaya Ethaniel: Americans run America... that's the best way
quen Oh: I agree
Riddle Sideways: just joking
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
quen Oh: the only thing that worries me seems the fear in the US
Riddle Sideways: well, not really sure americans run this place
Riddle Sideways: prolly majority does not
Gaya Ethaniel: so good to see more people voting in this election I suppose
quen Oh: media and politics appear to encourage fear without it being back with good information..
Riddle Sideways: the conspiracy person inside me thinks that the NSA is recording this
quen Oh: backed*
Gaya Ethaniel: run now Riddle !
quen Oh: well it's open in out on the web later, so they don't need to
Riddle Sideways: yes
quen Oh: they may come to the Netherlands to pay me a visit and drink some coffee, so I can share my views with them ;-) would have some questions for them too
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Riddle Sideways thinks they don't answer questions, only ask them
quen Oh doesn't know... never met them let alone asked them questions
Faenik: why not?
quen Oh: lol Faenik
Gaya Ethaniel giggles
Riddle Sideways: what to do if you learned that your country was tapping your phone lines, internet lines and credit card usage
quen Oh: they might be doing that
Riddle Sideways: and that same country said it was the land of freedom
quen Oh: wish them good luck, mostly it's boring... and they better not let me find out they are doing that!
Riddle Sideways: we have a "freedom of information" act
quen Oh: US are not really free... they are in a media governed fearspreading
Riddle Sideways: I could see all files about me
Riddle Sideways: but if I ask ...
Gaya Ethaniel: like many other countries quen...
quen Oh: and to oppose the main road ideas can get you socially excluded..
Gaya Ethaniel: they 'neither deny or admit' having files on you right Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: right
quen Oh: I agree Gaya, but it seems you are champion in that
Gaya Ethaniel: heard about those letters...
Faenik loves wells!
Gaya Ethaniel: no it's that I used to live under a dictatorship where everything is controlled
quen Oh: well, not taking in account non-democratic countries of course
Gaya Ethaniel: as long as there are people like you and Riddle to balance, keep an eye on things, it'd be ok imo...
quen Oh: what would be better is to take away the reasons for the huge distrust and fear in US.. but that seems a long and complicated process
Riddle Sideways: balance did not us the last 8 years
quen Oh: well today can make a huge difference
Riddle Sideways: there are many little things starting to happen
quen Oh: ah like what Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: tonight the Obama after election party will not be in a fancy exclusive hotel
Riddle Sideways: it is going to be in a park
Riddle Sideways: everybody can come
Gaya Ethaniel: that sounds nice
PaB Listener: rezzing with param -14596308
PaB Listener: starting with "6e177850-c555-45c5-b174-9209ff049977?1225811104-sensor".
Riddle Sideways: hi Isina
PaB Listener Master: Removing "isina Paule" from list.
Riddle Sideways: poof
Riddle Sideways: oh dear, I need to go too
Gaya Ethaniel: a fast visit
Gaya Ethaniel: enjoy your day Riddle
Riddle Sideways: this day should be fun
Gaya Ethaniel smiles
Gaya Ethaniel: need to go also
Gaya Ethaniel: have a good day quen
Riddle Sideways: if we maintain smiles
Riddle Sideways: have a fun day all
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