The Guardian for this meeting was Threedee Shepherd. The comments are by Threedee Shepherd.
After a slow start the nature of being as doing, not
*I*-ness gets thoroughly examined. Of course, no solutions were arrived at, but
it was fun.
Threedee Shepherd: chat test
Adelene Dawner: Hi, Avastu ^.^
Avastu Maruti: good bye my friend
Threedee Shepherd: Good Evening, Avastu
Avastu Maruti: hello my friend
Threedee Shepherd: Hi doug
doug Sosa: hi
doug Sosa: i'd like to be quiet for a few minutes :)
doug Sosa: ah. bliss
Threedee Shepherd: long Monday, Doug?
doug Sosa: well, more like the long week to come, and getting ready.
Threedee Shepherd: aha
Threedee Shepherd: What makes it a long week
doug Sosa: interesting meetings, talks to give, thought to think, books to
doug Sosa: how about for you?
Threedee Shepherd: Stuff. I get to clean out my old academic office, set up
research equipment at the med School in Denver, go to a movie, and help a
friend set up a new computer, this week.
doug Sosa: that sounds pretty good. lots of questions like, which movie, what
computer, ahchya doin in de med school?
Threedee Shepherd: The Wrestler. New Apple 17" laptop. 3D projection
doug Sosa: projecting images from indisde the body?
Threedee Shepherd: No, projecting stimuli to detect failure of motion detection
in early Alzheimer's Disease
Threedee Shepherd: I was asked today by someone I just met what we discuss at
PaB. I spiraled in to one word, "IS"
doug Sosa: hm, wonder if i would pass? And is pass a yes or a no? :)
Threedee Shepherd: Pass is no
doug Sosa: is is good.
Threedee Shepherd: Avastu, I thought of you, when I said that to the person.
Avastu Maruti: pass?
Threedee Shepherd: no when I explained we discuss "IS"
Avastu Maruti smiles
Avastu Maruti: is-ness
Threedee Shepherd: mmhmm
doug Sosa: all of you are is sort of folks.
Threedee Shepherd: Actually, Is-NESS presumes IS, Thuis, IS, is the more basic
doug Sosa: Thuis?
Avastu Maruti: yes... and when "is" is also a concept, what remains?
Threedee Shepherd: *thus
doug Sosa: is by any other name is still is, or even if there is no name, is
still is.
Threedee Shepherd: well, if "is", is, it is not a concept but rather
simply being. As soon as we make it a concept, that's when the trouble starts
Avastu Maruti: brilliant, my friend...
doug Sosa: right, but life without trouble is not.
Threedee Shepherd: well, doug, "trouble" is another example of a
concept that causes trouble ;>
Avastu Maruti: what container does "trouble" appear within?
Threedee Shepherd: what is a "container"
doug Sosa: there are many containers, no?
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: that's the question
Avastu Maruti: YOU are the container in which it all appears
doug Sosa: well, then i and the universe are one. but that gets in the way if i
need to eat.
Avastu Maruti: eating takes care of itself, does it not?
doug Sosa: i don't to be an auto-phage.
Avastu Maruti: it is only the idea "I eat" which assumes separation
from IS
doug Sosa: No eating does not take care of itslef. it is always running away or
requiring money.
Avastu Maruti: from who's perspective?
doug Sosa: who's on stage?
Avastu Maruti: who's on first?
Threedee Shepherd: I is a locus of activity that *I* seem to have subjective
access to. But even the word subjective is an assumption of I, so perhaps
unique is a better word
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Avastu Maruti: and that pure subjectivity doesn't appear - all appears IN YOU
doug Sosa: home run, back to where he started, or has he not left yet? He who
strikes out an she who hits a home run both get to the same place.
doug Sosa: pure subjective is unlike the aroma of a shadow.
Avastu Maruti: the shadow takes it's being, not from the object but from the
sun which illuminates
Avastu Maruti: You are the sun - illuminating all
Threedee Shepherd: A Zen Haiku: departing geese do not intend their reflection
in the lake below
Avastu Maruti: Swans sit on the water yet do not get wet - you are the world,
not IN the world
doug Sosa: the sun does not illuminate where the shadow is.
Avastu Maruti: without the sun, can there be a shadow appearing?
Threedee Shepherd: you and the world are in each other
doug Sosa: i cannot say I am the world, but i do believe that anything in the
world i can experience is also in me.
Avastu Maruti: yes, same thing, different way of expressing
doug Sosa: not just "in me", but "also" in me. That also is
Avastu Maruti: maybe you have mistaken your identity with a small part of the
Avastu Maruti: all appears in the pure subjectivity - "I"
doug Sosa: it is the only way to get through a doorway. else i am already on
the other side.
Avastu Maruti: "I" is one seeing
Avastu Maruti: you are on both sides, or there are no sides
Threedee Shepherd: only if you are a tunneling photon, doug
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: I'd like to see that!
Threedee Shepherd: OK, I want to be pragmatic for a moment, in a serious way.
Accepting that "I" is a convenient illusionary concept, how do I
behave differently in the world if I know that?
doug Sosa: I agree with both of us.
Avastu Maruti: If "you" are a concept, then "you" don't
behave any way
Avastu Maruti: all comes as it comes, perfectly
Avastu Maruti: just this...
Avastu Maruti: IS
Threedee Shepherd: being is doing. It is not pre-determined. Accepting that,
and no "I", what is *choice*
doug Sosa: the rock is falling from the ledge above. do i jump?
Threedee Shepherd: hi corvi
Avastu Maruti: no - not predetermined - unfolding spontaneously
Corvuscorva Nightfire: hi all.
Avastu Maruti: hello my friend
doug Sosa: to me the mystery is that the world is real, and that concepts get
in the way more often than not.
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins wide. Hello, Avastu.
doug Sosa: hi.
Threedee Shepherd: spontaneously but not randomly
Corvuscorva Nightfire: hi Doug.
Avastu Maruti: you have it backwards - the world is the mystery
Avastu Maruti: only knowable in concept
doug Sosa: i dance to the music. i know the music, but no concept.
Avastu Maruti: "I dance", "I know" is the illusion
doug Sosa: leads me to not dance, which is not desireable. "to see the
essence be wthout desire. To see the manifestations have desire."
Avastu Maruti: dancing happens or not - you are not the "chooser"
doug Sosa: not my experience.
Avastu Maruti: choice is thought - thought is firing neurons
Avastu Maruti: can you make a neuron fire?
Threedee Shepherd: YES
Threedee Shepherd: YES
doug Sosa: neurons is a nad theory of the brain. not acceptable.
Avastu Maruti: ok - let's see it!
doug Sosa: nad'bad
Threedee Shepherd: I just did
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: I see the smoke!
doug Sosa: did what? Is not that a pice of theory very remote from experience?
doug Sosa: pice=piece
Threedee Shepherd: actually it is not smoke but a slight infrared radiation of
the excess heat
Avastu Maruti: too much nerve friction?
Threedee Shepherd: no thermodynamics, no real process if 100% effective and
thus there is always some heat
doug Sosa: that is as beautiful as a poem
Avastu Maruti: so what will your next thought be?
Threedee Shepherd: I'll know when I have it
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: YES
Avastu Maruti: thoughts simply appear, followed by another thought taking
doership of the previous thought
Avastu Maruti: isn't that our actual experience? if we're being honest?
Threedee Shepherd: it "seems" that way.
Corvuscorva Nightfire enjoys the "sound" of Avastu's pounce.
Avastu Maruti: growl
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins.
Threedee Shepherd: Again, let me try to circle around a concept...
Threedee Shepherd: we are unable to know the mystery--I think absolutely
unable, but that is not relevant here--so given that choice seems to be part of
experience, what is the difference between an "*" choosing, versus
beingness choosing?
Threedee Shepherd: an *I*
Avastu Maruti: the fact of that mystery is the only relevant thing
Avastu Maruti: all else is purely conceptual
Avastu Maruti: even the fact of your individual beingness
Avastu Maruti: when we run headfirst into the mystery of life, we're totally
Corvuscorva Nightfire: but as lived?
Threedee Shepherd: is it conceptualizing to ask, "If there is doing, is
the something doing the doing?"
Avastu Maruti: like a train
Avastu Maruti: all words are concepts - assumptions from the initial concept or
platform of illusion - I AM
Threedee Shepherd: Yes Corvi, it is the "as lived" I am trying to
explore without too many preconceptions
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: if we talk about being all the time.
Avastu Maruti: the entire life story is a blanket of woven concepts only
Corvuscorva Nightfire: it's hard to understand it as lived.
Threedee Shepherd: why do we need to "understand" oir perhaps better,
what is it necessary to understand?
Avastu Maruti: there is no understanding
Avastu Maruti: no answers
Threedee Shepherd: doing is not random
Avastu Maruti: we're left in abject poverty of knowledge
doug Sosa: Avastu, you use "only", but that separates out something
Avastu Maruti: yes
Avastu Maruti: being
Avastu Maruti: just this...
Avastu Maruti: indescribable
doug Sosa: My hand is, it does things. my knowledge is, it does things. swe are
mabivalent about these, yet we do the best we can. that is the mystery.
Avastu Maruti: beyond percepts and concepts
Avastu Maruti: you assume hand - how do you know it's a hand?
Avastu Maruti: is that "hand" actually separate in direct experience?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i don't care what it "is" i just want to use
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: and a label might be useful at times.
Avastu Maruti: you have absolute freedom to use it
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
stevenaia Michinaga: waves to Avastu
Avastu Maruti: only when there is the illusion of a separate "doer"
then there is a hook to also hang the suffering
Corvuscorva Nightfire: hey, Stevie.
Threedee Shepherd: I am a baby in a crib, my arm moves. I have a sensation--a
pure quality--related to that movement different from when I see the mobile
over my crib move. That sensation is real, before any concepts intervene.
Avastu Maruti: then we're constantly trying to project an image of
stevenaia Michinaga: hey Corvim 3D
Threedee Shepherd: hi steve
Avastu Maruti: yes, Three - exactly!
Threedee Shepherd: nice slippers
Corvuscorva Nightfire thinks.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: a label on "me" is as useful as a label on
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Avastu Maruti: and that sensation is not separate our outside of the
consciousness or perceiving in which it appears
Avastu Maruti: have an honest look, without concepts...
Threedee Shepherd: I don't have to distinguish conceptually between the sense
of my hand moving and the mobile moving, so the essence of
"difference" and thus things that are different is inherent in that
Avastu Maruti: you haven't yet been given the concept of "my hand"
Threedee Shepherd: as in, "red is not blue"
Avastu Maruti: difference is not separation
Threedee Shepherd: I am not sure I agree, say more
Avastu Maruti: ok - there is a pre-existing notion of separation - that hand is
"out there"
Avastu Maruti: yet within consciousness - all comes and goes as objects OF
consciousness, not objects appearing TO consciousness
Avastu Maruti: that's the identification AS a separate "person"
Avastu Maruti: this is obvious once the pre-conceived notion is laid aside
Threedee Shepherd: " all comes and goes as objects OF consciousness, not
objects appearing TO consciousness" is exactly right, I think. So where
can we take it
Avastu Maruti: all is consciousness
Avastu Maruti: or what we "call" consciousness
Threedee Shepherd: what is it that is my "sense of consciousness as
Avastu Maruti: consciousness is presently aware of itself as the body, mind and
Corvuscorva Nightfire: wait
Avastu Maruti: an illusion
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i am lost for a second
Threedee Shepherd: yes????
Avastu Maruti: just this... whatever "this" might be.... IS.
Avastu Maruti: no conditions
Avastu Maruti: perfectly arising
Corvuscorva Nightfire: when you are saying consciousness here...are you
saying...the bit of being that calls itself Corvi...and belives that there is a
bit of being that is Corvi's aware of itself as body, mind, world?
Threedee Shepherd: consciousness aware of consciousness seems like the start of
an infinite regress into chaos
Corvuscorva Nightfire: wait..back up Avastu...please?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i'm sorry to be slow.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: but..i am.
Avastu Maruti: the "corvi" is another perfect appearance of
Pila Mulligan: hi everyone -- I just realized I was caught by the time change,
and so am an hour late
Threedee Shepherd: actually Corvi, this is so hard that it is also easy
Avastu Maruti: yet if identified as a separate thing, suffering is bound to
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins, hi Pila..there is no time so you can't be late.
Avastu Maruti: yes, it's not hard, it's unavoidable
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Avastu Maruti: the body-mind you've taken yourself to be is not what you truly
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
Avastu Maruti: the body-mind is an object appearing TO you
doug Sosa: ouch past the hour, i evaporate towards dinner :)
Corvuscorva Nightfire: bye, Doug.
Avastu Maruti: to that pure subjectivity that we mean when we say "I"
Threedee Shepherd: I am not truly anything but my doing
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: ok
Avastu Maruti: so the world, body and mind are objects appearing IN
consciousness or "awareness"
Avastu Maruti: to you
Avastu Maruti: you do not appear as an object
Avastu Maruti: or else there would be another "I"
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods, slowly.
Avastu Maruti: yet these objects aren't "outside of" awareness - they
are facets OF awareness
Avastu Maruti: awareness perceiving itself
Avastu Maruti: AS the body, mind and world
Threedee Shepherd: exactly, on object implies an other
Avastu Maruti: this is our actual experience in each moment
Corvuscorva Nightfire scratches my head.
Avastu Maruti: concepts are overlaid
Threedee Shepherd: Corvi, what is the nagging question you ar3e hovering
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i am focused on how i live.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i am focused on scratching my head.
Threedee Shepherd: what do you mean by that, breathing, eating, thinging,
Avastu Maruti: see what you truly are, then life takes care of itself
Threedee Shepherd: *thinking
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods to Three.
Threedee Shepherd: although thinging is an interesting typo
Corvuscorva Nightfire laughs..sure is.
Avastu Maruti: same thing, no?
Threedee Shepherd: yes
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i am living...a life.
Avastu Maruti: are you?
Threedee Shepherd: yes, a unique spatio-temporal locus of doings
Corvuscorva Nightfire: seems so.
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.nods.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: exactly.
Avastu Maruti: who is doing this?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: a label "corvi"
Threedee Shepherd: where did "who" come from?
Avastu Maruti: what is behind the mask?
Avastu Maruti: the image?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: as far as i can tell a specific set of
Avastu Maruti: that is the mind - you are not the mind - you SEE the mind
Avastu Maruti: don't you?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: do i?
Avastu Maruti: what sees the mind?
Avastu Maruti: don't you?
Threedee Shepherd: if I accept "a unique spatio-temporal locus of
doings" AND I accept NO who, how does that change the course of that locus
of doings in the future?
Avastu Maruti: it doesn't change anything, three
Corvuscorva Nightfire: right
Corvuscorva Nightfire: so?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: why?
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Threedee Shepherd: choice is a sensation
Avastu Maruti: why is mind
Corvuscorva Nightfire: why sit here and talk about this?
Avastu Maruti: beats the Hell out of me!
Threedee Shepherd: in fact it is a sensation stronger and more obvious than
color, which disappears in the darkness
Corvuscorva Nightfire laughs.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: right
Corvuscorva Nightfire: it is.
Avastu Maruti: Corvi - are you aware of thoughts?
Corvuscorva Nightfire thinks.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: something is.
Avastu Maruti: yes!
Avastu Maruti: perfect
Avastu Maruti: something is aware of thoughts
Avastu Maruti: thoughts are appearing to something
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods..feels like a "corvi"
Avastu Maruti: if you pause thought, do you disappear?
Threedee Shepherd: do I hear Descartes rustling outside of the gazebo here?
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: he's thinking in the bushes
Corvuscorva Nightfire: no.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: except..
Threedee Shepherd: The old joke, Asked if he wanted sugar with his coffee,
Descartes replied "I think not", and disappeared.
Avastu Maruti: exactly
Corvuscorva Nightfire: i have never paused thought
Avastu Maruti: hahaha
Avastu Maruti: yes, I understand
Avastu Maruti: but thought isn't constant
Corvuscorva Nightfire: so maybe i would?
Corvuscorva Nightfire nods.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: no
Avastu Maruti: so pause thought right now
Corvuscorva Nightfire: always is.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: even in meditation..there is firing?
Threedee Shepherd: if you totally paused thought youo would be temporarily of
permanently brain-dead
Avastu Maruti: that's ok
Threedee Shepherd: *or
Avastu Maruti: it's supposed to - that's what the brain does, right Three?
Threedee Shepherd: yes
Avastu Maruti: there is nothing wrong with thought
Avastu Maruti: if we pause it, we see it's not permanent - it's only appearance
Avastu Maruti: it's objective
Threedee Shepherd: of course not, any more than there is something wrong with
Avastu Maruti: then we're not stuck worrying about the content of thought,
trying to make it better
Avastu Maruti: a big insight is to realize that what you are is aware of
Avastu Maruti: you witness thought
Threedee Shepherd: Corvi, I suspect that is where you and Avastu are at odds.
doing exists. choice is a fundamental experience, thus "trying" is
implicit in some doing
Avastu Maruti: yes, absolutely - try until it's clear that trying is an
Avastu Maruti: until then, you have to try
Corvuscorva Nightfire is lost here..yes..this is my sticky point.
Threedee Shepherd: no trying is a felt sense of pressure
Corvuscorva Nightfire: because..i do
Avastu Maruti: so pause thought
Corvuscorva Nightfire counts breaths.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: and finds that is thought too
Avastu Maruti: put your tongue on the roof of your mouth for a moment
Avastu Maruti: ha! I heard it - you paused
Pila Mulligan: when someone suggests suspending judgment I tend to wonder if
they are about to ask me to vote for or pray for or donate something
Avastu Maruti: you're welcome to donate - but I have no pockets
Threedee Shepherd: wait does the corporeal body freferred to as Mark (the
current typist) exist?
Avastu Maruti: you exist - ONLY you
Corvuscorva Nightfire: molecules?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: waves?
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Avastu Maruti smiles
Pila Mulligan: works every time
Threedee Shepherd: keyboard, chair, body, whhy deny any one of them as objects
in the world
Threedee Shepherd: *why
Avastu Maruti: it's not denying them as such - only denying the "objects
in the world" part
Avastu Maruti: that's the illusion
Avastu Maruti: that assumes a separate "you"
Avastu Maruti: there is no such thing
Corvuscorva Nightfire: so what?
Threedee Shepherd: an object is what an object does or can be done using it
Corvuscorva Nightfire: hand...types.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: two different things?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: for the moment at least?
Avastu Maruti: I think you're playing devil's advocate, Three - you already
said these were all concepts
Avastu Maruti: difference is not separation
Threedee Shepherd: just because they are concepts does not mean there is no
discrete physical entity that gave rise to the (confusing) concepts
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Avastu Maruti: isn't a discrete physical entity also a concept?
Avastu Maruti: Isn't that the primary conceptual platform from which all others
Threedee Shepherd: just because the finger pointing at the moon is not the
moon, that does not necessarily imply there is no moon.
Avastu Maruti: the moon and the finger all appear AS consciousness
Threedee Shepherd: we are back to difference and separation, again
Corvuscorva Nightfire: we live as concepts, anyway.
Avastu Maruti: how would you possibly know that an appearance is outside of
Avastu Maruti: ask someone?
Threedee Shepherd: yes, because symbols allow manipulation and thus invention
Avastu Maruti: all proof comes within the world
Threedee Shepherd: I cannot. It is a basic axiom. and I use the word axiom in
its exact sense
Avastu Maruti: so there is nothing outside of your own consciousness to prove
separateness of a world
Avastu Maruti: no different than a dream
Pila Mulligan: why would dream objects not be real?
Threedee Shepherd: correct, but it is useful to start somewhere
Avastu Maruti: they ARE real as such in the dream
Avastu Maruti: but they get their reality from consciousness, do they not?
Pila Mulligan: no, they are perceived
Threedee Shepherd: a rock in my dream is neurons firing. a rock 3 billion year
old IS
Avastu Maruti: yes - the perception and the perceiving are the same "thing
Avastu Maruti: where can they be separated? can one exist without the other?
Pila Mulligan: why?
Avastu Maruti: can the subect/object equation exist in a vacuum?
Pila Mulligan: are we all atman then?
Avastu Maruti: YES!
Threedee Shepherd: It is very useful not to drive your car into a big rock.
Pila Mulligan: ah, Hindu shcmindu
Avastu Maruti: hahaha
Pila Mulligan: what is brahmin
Avastu Maruti: you
Pila Mulligan: so I am atman and brahmin?
Avastu Maruti: yes
Avastu Maruti: same thing
Pila Mulligan: is karma personal?
Avastu Maruti: so you enjoy the show!
Avastu Maruti: perfectly arising as THIS each moment
Avastu Maruti: whatever THIS might be...
Avastu Maruti: nothing is personal
Avastu Maruti: life is living itself
Pila Mulligan: so karma is atman
Avastu Maruti: karma and atman are concepts
Pila Mulligan: ultimatey this is the free will debate
Avastu Maruti: both dissolve in the mystery of this moment
Pila Mulligan: sorry to have missed the first hour :)
Avastu Maruti: love to you, my friend - we were the worse off without you
Pila Mulligan: and I love the Hindu concepts, brah
Pila Mulligan: but the buddhists have outsmarted everyone
Avastu Maruti: yes, even themselves!
Pila Mulligan: at some point, however smart you are, you have to exercise
Pila Mulligan: inescapable
Avastu Maruti: judgment flows naturally
Avastu Maruti: according to the circumstances
Pila Mulligan: and judgment is the fulcrum of free will and personality
Avastu Maruti: apparent free will and personality
Pila Mulligan: judge for yourself brah
Avastu Maruti: you accuse me of being a person - I claim not guilty
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: you are sentenced to life
Avastu Maruti: ah! Yes... life is sentenced to life
Avastu Maruti: can you be separate of Life?
Pila Mulligan: sat chit ananda is really a cool analysis
Pila Mulligan: but at some point you have to exercise judgment
Avastu Maruti: it is your true nature, my friend
Avastu Maruti: Being, aware of it's limitlessness
Pila Mulligan: whatever ethic you choose
Avastu Maruti: is it an ethic?
Pila Mulligan: ethic is a concept that underlies judgment
Avastu Maruti: and judgement is not a concept?
Pila Mulligan: if you wish :)
padrecitomanu Cristole: hi speak spanish
Pila Mulligan: concepts are seomthing special ?
Avastu Maruti: hola mi amigo
padrecitomanu Cristole: hablas español entonces
Avastu Maruti: no
padrecitomanu Cristole: como es este juego
padrecitomanu Cristole: plop :(
Avastu Maruti: ha!
padrecitomanu Cristole: okas bye bye
Avastu Maruti: bye
Pila Mulligan: adios
Pila Mulligan: Avastu, I really appreciate all the limitations of debating
these points, but I havea particular peeve
Pila Mulligan: esepcailly with SL gurus
Pila Mulligan: blissing out is groovy
Pila Mulligan: lets get very happy and high
Pila Mulligan: but then what?
Avastu Maruti: ah - blissing out is only another passing experience, is it not?
Avastu Maruti: what remains to observe any experience?
Pila Mulligan: it is the destination of the teachings you are relating
Pila Mulligan: bliss is the emptiness of form
Avastu Maruti: there is no destination, my friend - you already ARE that
Pila Mulligan: ah yes, and if only I can realize it :)
Pila Mulligan: but I have realized it
Pila Mulligan: and it is blissful
Avastu Maruti: it is the idea that "I must realize it" that obscures
Pila Mulligan: but then what?
Pila Mulligan: okay, so I have not yet realized it
Pila Mulligan: but when I do, then what?
Avastu Maruti: there is no future realization - you are that already
Pila Mulligan: ok, then I am that already
Avastu Maruti: only there is a concept overlaid
Pila Mulligan: but then what?
Avastu Maruti: that concept is the only veil
Pila Mulligan: okay so I am overlaid concepts
Pila Mulligan: don;t you see the point?
Avastu Maruti: no - "I AM" - IS the concept
Pila Mulligan: ok you are
Avastu Maruti: no, not "ME"
Pila Mulligan: ok whatever
Avastu Maruti: hahaha!
Pila Mulligan: I agree with you
Pila Mulligan: then what?
Avastu Maruti: there is no then
Avastu Maruti: then is now
Pila Mulligan: nice aoviudance
Pila Mulligan: now what?
Avastu Maruti: there is no aovludance
Pila Mulligan: ok now what?
Avastu Maruti: now what? You ARE
Avastu Maruti: that's it
Avastu Maruti: you are
Pila Mulligan: yes I am
Avastu Maruti: pure being
Pila Mulligan: now what?
Avastu Maruti: without concept
Pila Mulligan: blissful
Pila Mulligan: empty form
Pila Mulligan: now what?
Avastu Maruti: blissful is a passing experience
Avastu Maruti: you are the pure experienc-ing
Pila Mulligan: you are describing a path to a destination
Avastu Maruti: no - you already ARE that
Avastu Maruti: blissful comes and goes - you remain
Pila Mulligan: but I am saying after the destination arrives, you need to deal
with the same old shit, just happier
Avastu Maruti: no
Avastu Maruti: now is it
Pila Mulligan: just an opinion
Avastu Maruti: the same old shit is already happening
Pila Mulligan: yes, and it needs to be dealt with
Avastu Maruti: happiness is your true nature already
Avastu Maruti: misery comes and goes against the sky of happiness
Pila Mulligan: especially when you can appreciate all these concpets
Avastu Maruti: no matter what you want, what you're seeking, you don't have to
look outside yourself
Avastu Maruti: you ARE that already
Avastu Maruti: you are the source
Pila Mulligan: there is a tendancy among the searchers to overlook their judgments
Pila Mulligan: and that means the underlying idea of ethics gets lost as well
Pila Mulligan: and that leads to the nihilism that seems so prevalent in SL
spriticual discussions
Avastu Maruti: what you are is even beyond judgments and ethics
Avastu Maruti: all appears in you - happening perfectly
Pila Mulligan: lets supose I got that already
Avastu Maruti: you do
Pila Mulligan: yes
Pila Mulligan: I do
Pila Mulligan: I got that already
Avastu Maruti: yes, I know
Pila Mulligan: but the mundane world is still waiting there
Avastu Maruti: the mundane world is your very own face
Pila Mulligan: waiting for the rent, waiting for the bills to be paid
Pila Mulligan: I say there is a hint of avoidance here
Avastu Maruti: as you wish, my friend
Avastu Maruti: I'll gladly answer any question
Pila Mulligan: my peeve is that promoting bliss is wonderful, but not at the
expense of ethics
Avastu Maruti: peeving is not present now
Pila Mulligan: or integorty, a term that nicely embraces them both (bliss and
Pila Mulligan: peeving is a rememebred concept
Avastu Maruti: who is the recipient of your ethics?
Pila Mulligan: me
Pila Mulligan: you
Pila Mulligan: and anyone else touched by them
Avastu Maruti: me and you are conceptual distinctions which have no separate
Pila Mulligan: I got that
Avastu Maruti: have a look
Pila Mulligan: I did
Avastu Maruti: so who is the recipient?
Pila Mulligan: me you and anyone else touched by them
Avastu Maruti: you already said that me and you are not separate
Pila Mulligan: all those conceptual distinctions which have no separate
Avastu Maruti: so you are the recipient of your own ethics
Pila Mulligan: yes indeed
Avastu Maruti: and your own compassion
Pila Mulligan: my karma, too
Avastu Maruti: and your own bliss
Pila Mulligan: yep
Avastu Maruti: there is no one outside of you to receive any of this
Pila Mulligan: I ammthat also
Pila Mulligan: since we are doing atman
Avastu Maruti: so bliss, ethics and karma all have their play - yet they happen
to no one
Avastu Maruti: by no one
Avastu Maruti: consciousness is all
Pila Mulligan: I've got to agree with you, conceptually
Avastu Maruti: is there any other way to agree?
Pila Mulligan: yes
Pila Mulligan: by voting, praying or donating
Avastu Maruti: who is the recipient of these?
Pila Mulligan: undetermined at this point
Avastu Maruti: cannot be outside of your very own Self
Pila Mulligan: wouldyou like your $L10?
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Pila Mulligan: back?
Avastu Maruti: only if you wish
Pila Mulligan: that is an example of the mundane
Pila Mulligan: the market place
Pila Mulligan: ahh, Imkeep getting richer
Avastu Maruti: hahaha!
Pila Mulligan: sometimes the feet get dirty, evenif the mind and heart are not
Avastu Maruti: playing with concepts leave us only in a puddle of concepts
Avastu Maruti: what is beyond?
Pila Mulligan: bliss
Avastu Maruti: what remains as the concepts come and go?
Pila Mulligan: emptiness of form
Avastu Maruti: what remains as the perceptions and sensations come and go?
Avastu Maruti: emptiness IS form
Pila Mulligan: the atman (or its facsimiile)
Avastu Maruti: they are not-two
Avastu Maruti: atman is a concept
Pila Mulligan: okay, so answer yourself, please then
Avastu Maruti: what IS, right this very moment, that doesn't require a concept
to know?
Avastu Maruti: isn't it the fact of your own BEING?
Pila Mulligan: what IS, right this very moment, that doesn't require a concept
to know?
Pila Mulligan: ok the fact of being is
Pila Mulligan: then what?
Avastu Maruti: nothing!
Pila Mulligan: rent?
Avastu Maruti: all is contained in that
Avastu Maruti: ALL
Pila Mulligan: can I pay my bills with it?
Avastu Maruti: rent, bills, stubbed toes, hunger, blade of grass
Avastu Maruti: no
Avastu Maruti: it has no monetary value
Pila Mulligan: is this place getting government subsidies?
Avastu Maruti: ha!
Pila Mulligan: well, there is no argument on the value of the expression of
Pila Mulligan: but I do dispute the aftereffects of realizing the nature of
Pila Mulligan: it does not end
Pila Mulligan: things go on
Avastu Maruti: see the habit of conceptualization that creates the illusion of
the world?
Avastu Maruti: even the spiritual search is nothing but a conceptual creation
Pila Mulligan: did that
Avastu Maruti: there is nothing to be added
Avastu Maruti: it is a loss
Avastu Maruti: a loss of individual self
Pila Mulligan: if you are hindu
Avastu Maruti: and the world is known to be your own True Self
Pila Mulligan: I really value the concpet of atman
Pila Mulligan: it has menaing beyond ordinary thought
Pila Mulligan: but I don;t buy it
Pila Mulligan: exclusively
Avastu Maruti: good
Avastu Maruti: you shouldn't buy anything
Avastu Maruti: ever
Pila Mulligan: because it vitiates ethics
Pila Mulligan: I buy groceries
Avastu Maruti: the world you perceive to live in is due to bought into concepts
Pila Mulligan: I returned them
Pila Mulligan: defective merchandise
Pila Mulligan: believe me, please, this is not an unfrinedly dispute
Avastu Maruti: of course not
Pila Mulligan: but I am going to continue to advocate ethics
Avastu Maruti: go for it, my friend - you're free to advocate anything you like
Pila Mulligan: so it seems
Avastu Maruti: that very freedom is a taste of the consciousness which is
itself total freedom
Pila Mulligan: amen
Pila Mulligan: almosts suggests free will :)
Avastu Maruti: free will of consciousness
Avastu Maruti: free to identify as "YOU"
Pila Mulligan: and to be nice :)
Avastu Maruti: yes, you're nice
Pila Mulligan: so are you
Avastu Maruti: thank you, my friend
Pila Mulligan: do you want your $L100 back?
Avastu Maruti: ha! only if you wish
Pila Mulligan: oh my, this dude is generous
Avastu Maruti: ok my friends - goodbye for now - see you all again in 6 months
or so
Threedee Shepherd: goodnight Avastu
Pila Mulligan: bye Avastu Maruti
Pila Mulligan: happy sailing
Avastu Maruti smiles
stevenaia Michinaga: night Av
stevenaia Michinaga: good seeing you agon
stevenaia Michinaga: again
Avastu Maruti: you can remove your tongue from the roof of your mouth,
corvi..... :)
Corvuscorva Nightfire: g
Corvuscorva Nightfire: gnight, Avastu.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: thanks.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: much appreciated.
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins.
Threedee Shepherd: and, I offically take and close the log
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