The Guardian for this meeting was Pema Pera. The comments are by Pema Pera.
Eos Amaterasu: HI PemaAs I had just mentioned, I was planning to leave soon, but when I saw Sky joining us, I wanted to make sure to talk with her first, given that she had not been able to join PaB for a long time.
Pema Pera: Hi Eos!
Pema Pera: Unfortunately, I can't stay long :(
Pema Pera: I'm in downtown Kyoto, where I got stuck much longer than I thought, for breakfast
Eos Amaterasu: Ah...
Pema Pera: it's the busiest holiday season in Japan, called "Golden Week"
Eos Amaterasu: What's being celebrated?
Pema Pera: and I just came in to claim the chat log, and to say hi :-)
Pema Pera: Hi Sky!I had to laugh about Sky answering some of my IM questions in local chat; I know all too well how easy it is to mix those up. So I also switched to local chat. I had just asked her when her second child was due to be born; her answer already appeared a few lines above.
Pema Pera: Wonderful to see you again, after all that time!
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Sky
Sky Szimmer: hi everyone
Sky Szimmer: just found some time today and thought I'd drop by
Pema Pera: Have you been here at this pavilion?
Sky Szimmer: yes, i have been here once or twice
Pema Pera: it seems like a long time that I saw you ar PaB
Pema Pera: you told me you had trouble with your computer, right?
Sky Szimmer: right. bought a new one. it has been a long while
Pema Pera: glad to hear that!
Sky Szimmer: marco my toddler always want to participate
Sky Szimmer: when i am in
Pema Pera: yes, I remember from the tea hut days
Pema Pera: a year ago
Sky Szimmer: can be distracting and hard to participate
Pema Pera says hi to Marco
Sky Szimmer: will do
Sky Szimmer: are you hanging out a while or are you leaving shortly
Sky Szimmer: 2 - 3 weeks or any day
Pema Pera: I was about to say goodbye, but then you came in :-)
Sky Szimmer: just had an interesting conversation with Lo
Sky Szimmer: yes
Pema Pera: haha, you are really mixing up IMs and local chat
Pema Pera: so your daughter will be born within a few weeks -- I wish you all well !In addition, Sky was one of the participants in our RL gettogether in Princeton in October. Since then, however, she had had difficulty accessing SL.
Sky Szimmer: thanks.
Pema Pera: are you able to get enough rest?
Sky Szimmer: more or less
Sky Szimmer: it is hard to sleep with a watermelon sticking out of you
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Eos Amaterasu: :-))
Pema Pera: :-)
Pema Pera: Eos, Sky was one of our very first guardians, a year ago
Eos Amaterasu: Ah!
Pema Pera: Sky, Eos is one of our youngest guardians
Pema Pera: youngest in terms of joining us
Eos Amaterasu: Recent, yes
Eos Amaterasu: I've found there can be very personal, moving connections/communications here
Sky Szimmer: it is nice that all slots are filled
Pema Pera: Sky and I met five years ago or so in RL, when Steven Tainer (Stim Morane in SL) was teaching in Berkeley
Sky Szimmer: yes indeed
Pema Pera: yes
Sky Szimmer: just had an interesting conversation with my sig other.At this time I left, so I won't add any further comments, below.
Pema Pera: yes?
Sky Szimmer: found out he lacks conventional conditioning, much of what i have ingrained as normal
Sky Szimmer: interesting in terms of what that actually means
Sky Szimmer: can be simple things like, what normal means to me v. him
Pema Pera: can you give an example?
Sky Szimmer: things like eating dinner together as a family is something i considered normal expectation, for him, he doesn't have that as something normal
Pema Pera: Hi Eliza!
Eliza Madrigal: Evening Pema :)
Eos Amaterasu: HI Eliza!
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Eos, Sky, nice to meet you :)
Pema Pera: just finished breakfast here, Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Ah...hehe..of course
Pema Pera: :)
Pema Pera: good evening to you :)
Eliza Madrigal: Mornin'!
Sky Szimmer: hi eliza
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Pema Pera: I guess meal habits are different for different people and cultures, Sky
Sky Szimmer: well, that is a simple example. let me see if I can explain better
Sky Szimmer: our personal culture, societal expectations, social expectations, all this can be seen as conditioning
Pema Pera: (Eliza, I mentioned earlier that I got stuck in downtown Kyoto -- will have to leave soon -- just hanging out a bit longer since it has been so long since I saw Sky here)
Sky Szimmer: right?
Pema Pera: well, sure
Sky Szimmer: anyway, if that doesn't match up, then we've got communication problems.
Sky Szimmer: : )
Sky Szimmer: thanks for haning out Pema. It is nice to see you!
Pema Pera: sorry to have so little time this time
Eliza Madrigal: sorry was distracted for a moment... Sorry to hear that Pema
Pema Pera: Hope to see you soon again, Sky, now that you have a new computer!
Sky Szimmer: no prob. it was a very pleasant surprise to see you!
Pema Pera: same here :-)
Eliza Madrigal: :) Have a great day, Pema
Pema Pera: be well, Sky!
Eos Amaterasu: Ciao!
Pema Pera: and Eliza and Eos
Sky Szimmer: thanks. U 2
Sky Szimmer: sorry to dominate conversation.
Eliza Madrigal: I was popping in for a little while attending what I think is a retreat tomorrow morning... but as I read it again might be a combo group meditation/teaching.... a first for me
Sky Szimmer: retreat in sl or rl
Eliza Madrigal: Not at all Sky! I've enjoyed reading your comments in the logs :0
Eliza Madrigal: Rl
Sky Szimmer: nice.
Sky Szimmer: can't do retreats for awhile. too much life happenings
Eliza Madrigal: I think it will be. I've wanted to for a while and have decided just to begin jumping in
Eliza Madrigal: This is only a day, which is as much as I can manage now. :)
Eliza Madrigal: Eos, how's the neighborhood?
Eos Amaterasu: (there was fire in my neighborhood which destroyed a few homes) Seems calm now.... under control
Sky Szimmer: sorry. must be scary
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, good to hear that everything is settling
Eos Amaterasu: Fires can be so quick, flare up hugely, 30 foot high flames going very fast!
Eos Amaterasu: There were 8 homes destroyed, people literally running away....
Sky Szimmer: was it close to your home
Eos Amaterasu: About a mile or so, but the smoke clouds were huge, and at night you could see red fires
Eos Amaterasu: primeval
Eos Amaterasu: I suppose we're always in the world as an ever living fire, but usually it's much much slower :-)
Eliza Madrigal: I wonder, in moments like that, whether you can see that your contemplative/meditative practice helps... I imagine that it does a great deal
Eliza Madrigal: but I wonder how you might notice?
Eos Amaterasu: I think moments of shock can create a gap
Eos Amaterasu: which for a moment can be open mind
Eos Amaterasu: but then you scramble to reach for something
Eliza Madrigal: Ah... a suspension of faculties you mean?
Eos Amaterasu: A suspension of faculties yes - normal perceptions
Eos Amaterasu: of normality
Eliza Madrigal nods. And then you reach for....? :)
Pila Mulligan: hi Eliza, Eos and Sky
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Pila
Eliza Madrigal: Hey Pila!
Sky Szimmer: hi there
Eos Amaterasu: I think that getting kicked out of the normal just trucking along relates to whaty you were saying, Sky, about conventions
Eos Amaterasu: ie, that you realize you or the other have conventions that aren't being shared, which makes them visible, but also leaves you somewhat nowhere
Eliza Madrigal: Hey abomb
abomb Silvercloud: ello
Sky Szimmer: liked the dance. thxx
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Eliza Madrigal: abomb have you been here before?
abomb Silvercloud: nosiree
abomb Silvercloud: dinner bbl
Eliza Madrigal: Let me give you a notecard then. We record our conversations here...conversations about meditation/reality that sort of thing. Do you mind being included in the recording?
abomb Silvercloud: oh sure :]
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, there's the card for now. maybe see you again :)
abomb Silvercloud: im gonna go eat. the girl will stay here though hahaha
Eliza Madrigal: Hmmm...smoking and sleeping at the same time is usually not a good idea
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Pila Mulligan: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Sky, I read in the logs that you met Pema during discussions of 'Time Space and Knowledge' many years ago?
Sky Szimmer: no. i just attending meditation classes with Stim in FL
Sky Szimmer: no TSK
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, in Florida? I'm in Miami
Pila Mulligan: first life?
Sky Szimmer: sorry, typo. in SL
Sky Szimmer: in RL
Pila Mulligan: Stim seems like a very competent teacher
Eliza Madrigal: Hmm..wonder where I got that idea from..maybe I added on. Apologies.
Sky Szimmer: no prob. i would have loved to discuss TSK
Eliza Madrigal: And yes, Stim is very clear-thinking...enjoy his manner of teaching very much.
Sky Szimmer: it is over my head though. read the book and it is all beyond me : )
Pila Mulligan: :)
Eliza Madrigal: I've just begun to read the book, and it is comforting that you say that!
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: What I grasp of it is beautiful, but the excercizes I've only begun to work with a little
Pila Mulligan: had you meditated before joing Stim's class, Sky, or is this you first time with meditation?
Pila Mulligan: your*
Sky Szimmer: did some prior.
Pila Mulligan: is the meditation Buddhist, or Chiinese or anyhting named?
Pila Mulligan: a style?
Sky Szimmer: i guess buddhist
Pila Mulligan: ahh, Stim seems to have a wide background and expereince in various schools
Sky Szimmer: it is interesting what you were saying about leaving one no where Eos when one can't share conventions
Sky Szimmer: yes. Stim has a wide background and can speak to many different schools of thought
Eliza Madrigal: (Just read that comment Eos...think I missed it getting a note for abomb)
Sky Szimmer: part of PAB is to loosen up some of our conditioning and wear them lightly on our sleeves, but in talking today, I realized that there is so much that I have ingrained that I don't even see the condition
Eos Amaterasu: Sometimes we need a shock to see it, very ingrained
Eliza Madrigal nods.
Eos Amaterasu: but it's also interesting that we can also share the "no man's land"
Sky Szimmer: yeah. stuff like what is a normal workday, or how one uses the weekend.
Eos Amaterasu: Hmm, that can be a source of conflict, issues
Sky Szimmer: but what is the characteristics of no man's land?
Eos Amaterasu: partly, you're n ot "home" any more ,not in normal safety
Eos Amaterasu: also, it doesn't belong to anybody
Eos Amaterasu: maybe that's why meeting is possible there :-)
Eos Amaterasu: but it's dangerous
Sky Szimmer: so anything goes, everything is possible?
Eos Amaterasu: hmm.... well, maybe that's a fear, that if I let go of what I know and have cherished, I'll go crazy
Eos Amaterasu: but I think it you're vulnerable, or stay in touch with your own vulnerability, that's a saving grace
Eos Amaterasu: if* you're vulnerable
Sky Szimmer: i guess we are always vulnerable because one can't depend on anything to be permanent
Eos Amaterasu: indeed, that's what the recent fire brought up vividly
Sky Szimmer: to live in insecurity requires faith
Sky Szimmer: i wonder if insecurity is the same as vulnerability
Eos Amaterasu: I think they're close, but maybe with insecurity you're still trying to scramble out
Sky Szimmer: yes Eos :) thanks for pointing that out.
Eos Amaterasu: whereas with vulnerability you accept you you're funcamentally insecure
Sky Szimmer: yes. i see with vulnerabtility, there is openness and acceptance
Eos Amaterasu: but you can dig it :-)
Eliza Madrigal: There may be overlaps, but in general vulnerability implies sensitivity but not necessarily grasping
Eos Amaterasu: Yes.... and also leaves you more open to the other
Eos Amaterasu: funkamentaly insecure :-)
Eliza Madrigal: hhe
Eliza Madrigal: I need to sign off now. Thanks for the discussion everyone
Eos Amaterasu: Have a good day tomorrow, Eliza
Pila Mulligan: bye ELiza
abomb Silvercloud: byebye
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Eos. Bye Pila, Sky, abomb :)
Sky Szimmer: Thanks for a nice chat. Must run too! It was nice meeting all of you!
abomb Silvercloud: :[
abomb Silvercloud: see you later
Eos Amaterasu: Nice to meet you, Sky - bye!
Pila Mulligan: bye Sky
abomb Silvercloud: only 3 left :p
Pila Mulligan: :)
abomb Silvercloud: what kinda stuff do you guys like to discuss?
Pila Mulligan: how was dinner?
abomb Silvercloud: delicious :]
Pila Mulligan: it is close ot dinner time here, still trying to decide what to make
abomb Silvercloud: hmmm. what do you have?
Pila Mulligan: well, the first question for me is usually rice, noodles or potatoes?
Pila Mulligan: and then the rest usually follows form there
abomb Silvercloud: i had potatoes with my dinner tonight lol
Pila Mulligan: baked?
abomb Silvercloud: twice baked with cheese.
Pila Mulligan: sounds yummy
abomb Silvercloud: yesyes
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Pila Mulligan: so if I do potatoes I'll probably steam them --easier
Pila Mulligan: then tofu and veggies
abomb Silvercloud: wheres the protein? tsktsk
Pila Mulligan: tofu
abomb Silvercloud: ah
abomb Silvercloud: are you vegetarian?
Pila Mulligan: yep
abomb Silvercloud: i tried to do that, only lasted 2 weeks
abomb Silvercloud: :[
Pila Mulligan: mine has lasted about 35 years :)
Eos Amaterasu: It may be the way of the future....
Pila Mulligan: thirfty :)
abomb Silvercloud: yes, since the production of meat takes up wayyy more resources than growing plants does
Eos Amaterasu: Do you live alone, Pila?
Pila Mulligan: seaweed is also a good source of protein
Pila Mulligan: yes, I do Eos
abomb Silvercloud: either that or they'll start making meat in petri dishes *cringe*
Pila Mulligan: I cringe at where they make meat already
abomb Silvercloud: yeah, seriously... =[ that's why i feel so bad. i try to get organic/free range when i can
abomb Silvercloud: but it's hard when you have a "meal plan" at college. who knows where they get their stuff
Pila Mulligan: meat factories suck
Pila Mulligan: yep, being institutionalized amkes fewer choices
Pila Mulligan: or tuition-alized :)
abomb Silvercloud: oh god >.<
abomb Silvercloud: tuition sucks
Pila Mulligan: :)
abomb Silvercloud: 14,000 a year
Pila Mulligan: wow
abomb Silvercloud: that's including room and board
canono Pizzaro: hola
abomb Silvercloud: hi canono
canono Pizzaro: como estan
abomb Silvercloud: bien y tu? :]
canono Pizzaro: bien gracias ^^
canono Pizzaro: de que hablan
abomb Silvercloud: :[ hablo poquito espanol
abomb Silvercloud: habla ingles?
Pila Mulligan: yo no hablo espanol
Eos Amaterasu: moi aussi
canono Pizzaro: no se mucho inlges
abomb Silvercloud: entiendo mucho pero no puedo hablar. =\
abomb Silvercloud: spanish was my first language and now i don't even remember :[
Pila Mulligan: :)
abomb Silvercloud: espanol es mi lengua prima pero no recuerdo
Pila Mulligan: Entiendo poco pero no puedo hablar
abomb Silvercloud: nacio en costa rica
Eos Amaterasu: canono, I can give you a notecard about what we do here, re "Play as Being"
Pila Mulligan: Eos le dará un notecard sobre lo que hacemos aquí en el " Juego como Being"
abomb Silvercloud: are you leaving canono?
Eos Amaterasu: bye, ciao canono!
Pila Mulligan: adiós canono
abomb Silvercloud: adiosss
Eos Amaterasu: (got a bug in Google translate....)
Pila Mulligan: :)
abomb Silvercloud: i'm trying to get my kayboard layout to change to spanish on here but i town't work
Pila Mulligan: I hope the Lindens will someday build translation into the chat box
abomb Silvercloud: i couldn't put accents over the letters :[
abomb Silvercloud: that would be cool!
abomb Silvercloud: i wish i grew up in switzerland, they teach them like 3-4 languages in school from the beginning
Pila Mulligan: that would be cool also
Eos Amaterasu: yes
abomb Silvercloud: i couldve been bilingual but i lost my chance :[
abomb Silvercloud: do either of you know any other languages?
Eos Amaterasu: I can do almost 3.... bits of others
abomb Silvercloud: wow
Eos Amaterasu: Polish, English, French
abomb Silvercloud: bonjour :D
abomb Silvercloud: or actually bonsois? i don't know how to spell
Eos Amaterasu: bonsoir, good evening
Pila Mulligan: c'est jour ici
Eos Amaterasu: (just saw the moon here, la lune, for the first time)
Eos Amaterasu: (here in SL)
abomb Silvercloud: ahh
abomb Silvercloud: is there "time" in SL?
Eos Amaterasu: I notice there's time here in this place when we do these sessions, along with weather changes
abomb Silvercloud: interesting
Eos Amaterasu: perhaps because someone named Storm has built a lot of this :-)
Pila Mulligan: yes, and you can set the time perosnally of day using the SL contorls
abomb Silvercloud: i noticed the sky seems to be the same as it is here
abomb Silvercloud: before dinner it was light and after it was dark
Pila Mulligan: under World -- enviornment settings
Pila Mulligan: i kepe mine at midday -- easier to see
abomb Silvercloud: mine is nighttime right now. i hear owls haha
abomb Silvercloud: and crickets
Eos Amaterasu: & crickets
abomb Silvercloud: that would be cool if there were shooting stars too
Pila Mulligan: what do you study ab?
abomb Silvercloud: psychology
Pila Mulligan: at the university
Pila Mulligan: ahh
Pila Mulligan: no wonder it costs so much :)
abomb Silvercloud: for classes its only about 2000 a semester, the other 5000 is room and board from living int he dorms
abomb Silvercloud: after next year i am getting my own place hopefully....
abomb Silvercloud: or at least with roommates off campus
Pila Mulligan: better food then
abomb Silvercloud: yes, that as well
abomb Silvercloud: althought next year the dorm i am living in has a full kitchen so i can cook :]
Pila Mulligan: I suppose their are arguemnts for both options
Pila Mulligan: dorm = mor epeople
abomb Silvercloud: dorms makes things easier
abomb Silvercloud: to get to class
Pila Mulligan: closer
Pila Mulligan: costs less, probably
abomb Silvercloud: and you make more friends
abomb Silvercloud: my roommates and the people down the hall are some of my very good friends
Pila Mulligan: did someone give you the notecard ab?
abomb Silvercloud: yes
Pila Mulligan: did they tell you about the reciording?
abomb Silvercloud: yeah they go on the website, correct?
Pila Mulligan: chats here wind up at
Pila Mulligan: yes
Pila Mulligan: sessions here four times a day
Pila Mulligan: any subject
abomb Silvercloud: who starts the sessions? anyone?
Pila Mulligan: there is one person assigned to be the guardian, to post the chat, and sometimes elicit an idea
Pila Mulligan: but it is open
Pila Mulligan: as to subjects
abomb Silvercloud: ah
Pila Mulligan: Eos, are you the guardain tonite?
Eos Amaterasu: No, Pema grabbed the log, so to speak - he was here briefly, after breakfast in Kyoto
Pila Mulligan: ahh
Eos Amaterasu: claimed the log
Pila Mulligan: tomorrow there is a theme sessison on dreaming
Eos Amaterasu: Well, I will go to bed (RL)
Eos Amaterasu: Oh, what time tomorrow?
Pila Mulligan: 1:00 SLT here
abomb Silvercloud: nice, i have craaazy dreams.
Pila Mulligan: Maxine's session
Pila Mulligan: bye Eos, sleep well
abomb Silvercloud: nightnight eos
Eos Amaterasu: Good to meet you, abomb. Ciao, et tu as well, Pila!
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: mahalo
abomb Silvercloud: sayonara
Pila Mulligan: Maxine is good with her dream sessions
Pila Mulligan: she also does a workshop on dreams on tuesdays at 2:00 at Kira Cafe in SL
abomb Silvercloud: ooo
Pila Mulligan: In RL Maxine Walden is a physician and a psychoanalyst, studying the psyche for nearly 4 decades. She has been training students in the field for over 20 years, both within the university setting and among several psychoanalytic institutes in North American and Britain. At the heart of her interest as a psychoanalyst is the Unconscious, that vast area out of awareness which may be considered an ‘inner cosmos’ so influential in all areas of life and from which our dreams and our dreads arise. Her writings include a number of psychoanalytic topics, such as dreams and dreaming, the psychic forces for and against knowing and growth, the importance of emotional experience, and most recently that what we term as ‘evil' derives from our everyday humanity.
Pila Mulligan:
Pila Mulligan: well, i think I'll do some potatoes
abomb Silvercloud: haha and tofu! get that protein
Pila Mulligan: nice to meet you ab - hope to see you again sometime
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: yep -- tofu
abomb Silvercloud: see you around
Pila Mulligan: sayonara
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