Wol Euler was guardian and commenter for this session.
Wol Euler: hello moon
Moon Fargis: morning :)
Wol Euler: how are you today?
Moon Fargis: so so:)
Moon Fargis: couldve sleep better
Wol Euler: hello tarmel, star
Tarmel Udimo: Hi we were over at Star's
Wol Euler: I was just about to give up on this session and go to work :)
Stargate Tone: Hello Wol
Stargate Tone: rehi Tarmel and Moon
Moon Fargis: heh
Tarmel Udimo: Oh sorry, I thought you might be getting bored so i suggested we come here
Wol Euler: thank you
Tarmel Udimo: but we can always pretend that we didn't and let you get to work:)
Wol Euler: :-P
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Wol Euler: in that case I will refresh my coffee
Stargate Tone: that we can pretend yes :)*
Tarmel Udimo: hehehehe
Tarmel Udimo: so its work or PaB
Moon Fargis: | miaaauuuu |
Tarmel Udimo: ****Howlllzzzzzzzz****
Tarmel Udimo: are you back?
Wol Euler whistles tunelessly and taps her teeth with a pencil stub
Wol Euler: yep :) but I returned during the silence so didn't speak
Stargate Tone: wb Wol
Tarmel Udimo: have your coffee?
Wol Euler: right here...
Stargate Tone: ahh
Stargate Tone: so; U r master of Ur own time when to work ?
Wol Euler: sort of :)
Tarmel tells us of her gameplaying outside SL, which mutates into a discussion of gender and politics.
Tarmel Udimo: I've been playing EVE online, do any of you know it?
Moon Fargis: yep
Wol Euler: tarmel: say more?
Tarmel Udimo: its a great game
Moon Fargis: tarmel: played it for the time they allowed me to play free
Tarmel Udimo: and did you like it?
Wol Euler: is that an online RP?
Tarmel Udimo: yes, its set in space
Moon Fargis: its ok.. i expected more that its a realtime fight game
Tarmel Udimo: comes out of Iceland I think
Moon Fargis: beside the trading
Wol Euler: wow; but then why not?
Tarmel Udimo: that's what i like about it not too much fighting
Tarmel Udimo: I joined WOW
Tarmel Udimo: got very bored very quickly:)
Stargate Tone: U tell more about it ?
Moon Fargis: ^^
Stargate Tone: oh
Tarmel Udimo: well it is apparently based on ecofeminism
Moon Fargis: well i didnt wanted to spend money on t so i cancelled
Moon Fargis: sl drains enought money alreadY:)
Wol Euler: aaah
Stargate Tone: **
Wol Euler: "ecofeminism" sounds like a worthy cause.
Tarmel Udimo: but not sure how that resonates through the game
Tarmel Udimo: well that's what's fascinating me Moon, just how popular these games are
Tarmel Udimo: and how much $ people are making
Stargate Tone: maybe I dont quite understand that word; understand 'feminism'...
Stargate Tone: but what is this 'add' 'eco'....I donno...
Tarmel Udimo: WOW is $14.95 pr month and with millions of players that tells you how much money is being made:)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Wol Euler: yeah
Tarmel Udimo: well I am not sure either Star except when i looked it up its a return to a matriarchal culture
Stargate Tone: ah
Stargate Tone: then I understand
Tarmel Udimo: which can't be a bad thing:)
Tarmel Udimo: at the top of the list is respect for womanhood
Stargate Tone: ah...well...I dont exactly see it to be good thing if the power is based on the gender....
Tarmel Udimo: but in EVE online, you get to travel through space in a virtual world
Stargate Tone: and that's something loveable I understand :)
Tarmel Udimo: well if you see genders as having architypal qualities
Stargate Tone: but yes; there's been times for woman and now it's been times for men to rule
Tarmel Udimo: then its moving away from a male approach which tends to be more aggressive
Wol Euler grins
Stargate Tone: well...to me there's only one thing that woman can do, but man not...
Moon Fargis looks around and feels himself surrounded by womans atm
Tarmel Udimo: its not really about having any gender ruling, that's the point
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Wol Euler: don't worry, moon, we don't bite in public
Stargate Tone: I myself have done more 'men's' work in my life, than 'women's'
Moon Fargis: meep
Moon Fargis: *mews*
Tarmel Udimo: *mews*
Stargate Tone: or at least dont eat without biting :)*
Stargate Tone: but I also have got much 'looks' doing them 'men's' work....
Tarmel Udimo: I'm not sure why this subject is always so fraught with passion
Wol Euler: because change is frightening?
Stargate Tone: ah...think we here dont have so much passion to this :)***
Stargate Tone: (thinking we dont 'do' much difference for the gender)
Moon Fargis: binng
Stargate Tone: *
Tarmel Udimo: yes change is frightening
Tarmel Udimo: but I don't understand why its not accpetable for us to enjoy our differences
Tarmel Udimo: I would hate to live in a world with just women or just men:)
Stargate Tone: ah; thinking the french sayin :)***
Stargate Tone: and thankfully it's no more such so clearly
The discussion turns outright political.
Stargate Tone: btw; did you know that our president is a woman ?
Tarmel Udimo: which country again
Stargate Tone: also our prime minister was, but that was 'fauls tragedy', as she was only used to get votes
Stargate Tone: Finland
Stargate Tone: and the man who was to rise onto that chair, planned all vith his friends very carefully
Stargate Tone: and they 'shot down' this woman with lies
Stargate Tone: and she trusted to most worse enemy , and didn't bring out the truth early enough
Stargate Tone: as she was advised to keep the silence
Stargate Tone: so; it's not always golden
Stargate Tone: silence I mean
Stargate Tone: it was too late for her to birng the truth to the cort of law
Stargate Tone: cuz to be prime minister is based on that publick opinion
Stargate Tone: and sadly human mind still remember more easy the 'frist info' in case it's bad
Stargate Tone: that the correction
Wol Euler nods
Stargate Tone: (sometimes thought that the whol Europe laughs for Finland for this)
Wol Euler: oh no, we are far too busy laughing and sneering at Berlusconi :-/
Moon Fargis: hehe
Stargate Tone: ahh
Stargate Tone: well; that's what we here have done too :)***
Stargate Tone: specially when he told that finnish food is awful :)
Stargate Tone: and he was not ever fed with them most odd food we have :)
Stargate Tone: but yes; 'today' so huge many people in Finland too, are lookin upon USA
Stargate Tone: and having hope; much hope for the better future to come to the whole wide world
Wol Euler: well, having seen one mistake made we can now hope to avoid that one in future...
Wol Euler: having seen how the crooks and scumbags operate, we can be watchful for them next time
Stargate Tone: that's what I believe to be learning :)*
Wol Euler: right :)
Wol Euler: not preventing all mistakes, that is impossible, but at least making newer and better ones :)
Stargate Tone: well...I base my hope much to i-net too; how people can join all over the world and help each other to learn
Stargate Tone: as I dont believe that any political leader/leading can make the difference
Stargate Tone: that it comes from people; nation/s
Stargate Tone: and that's why; to be able to compare, I take that for example Tarmel's known game is good tihng
Stargate Tone: thing
Stargate Tone: some woman wants to be the 'boss' and can find such man who wants such woman to be his life company (to chooce is not easy to all of the ppl; nothing to do if is male or female)
Wol Euler: moon, you're being very quiet. What do you think?
Stargate Tone: (thinking one person who I guided to understand, that this person is the leader...this person said at first, that 'I dont want to lead'...soon there appeard the insight that the person whos' the good leader dont want to lead)
Stargate Tone: prefer to say ; dont have passion to that, but to seek the best way
Moon Fargis: dont make differences between men and woman.. i expect womans can be much bore cruel when it comes to a point, and a good mixture of being woman men and a thing can be seen in germany as our angela merkel ^^
Moon Fargis: and somehow it works :)
Stargate Tone: U'de tell more of angela merkel ?
Moon Fargis: wol whats "kanzler" in english ?
Wol Euler: chancellor, close to "prime minister"
Moon Fargis: ah yes
Wol Euler: boss, but not all-powerful like a president
Wol Euler: boss by consensus and negotiation
Stargate Tone: *
Moon Fargis: yes but stays on the media 400% more then the president
Wol Euler: oh yes, the German president is a nonentity-role
Moon Fargis: verry seldom we see our president showing in tv
Germany has both a Chancellor (executive head of government, directly elected) and a President (representative head of state, elected by Parliament.
Stargate Tone: (so does our prime minister, but for his woman adventures)
Moon Fargis: and its funny.. when angela meets for example lots of other politicans, all mens are dressed black.. but she mostly dressed in a red costume :)
Stargate Tone: smiles *
Wol Euler: men who don't dress in black or dark blue are not taken seriously
Stargate Tone: she wants do, not only to speak
Moon Fargis: http://www.spiegel.de/img/0,1020,722818,00.jpg
Wol Euler: wb tarmel
Moon Fargis: wb
Stargate Tone: wb
Wol Euler: heh, how many of them can you name?
Moon Fargis: 2 maybe :)
Moon Fargis: didnt look close enoght
Tarmel Udimo: couldn't type there for a min
Moon Fargis: ane even if i know them i forget names always
Stargate Tone: ah; and even orange :)***
Wol Euler: I think I know two faces, but only one name
Stargate Tone: that's something :)***
Wol Euler: sorry my dears, but I must go. Please continue to talk, I'll post the log this evening.
Stargate Tone: well; the first one on left, is our prime minister
Tarmel Udimo: ok
Tarmel Udimo: by wol
Stargate Tone: Good Night Wol
Wol Euler: bye for now, enjoy your Fridays
Stargate Tone: have good rest *
Moon Fargis: hehe
Tarmel Udimo: I'm going to head back to my game
Moon Fargis: he can spit putin on the head :)
Stargate Tone: _/!\_
Tarmel Udimo: see you both, thanks for the egg and diamond
Moon Fargis: bye tarmel :)
Stargate Tone: smiles *
Stargate Tone: see you *
Tarmel Udimo: waves
Moon Fargis: ok lets go back :)
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