The Guardian for this meeting was Yakuzza Lethecus. The comments are by Yakuzza Lethecus.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey zen
Zen Arado: Hi again Yaku
Zen Arado: Hi Qt
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey qt
Qt Core: hi Zen, Yaku
Zen Arado: SL still seems to be having problems
Zen Arado: Hi Krishna
Qt Core: luckily it seem that most of the disruption happened on my work or sleep hours, i haven't noticed it
Qt Core: hi krishna
krishna Hexicola: hello qt
krishna Hexicola: what all are doing here
Zen Arado: we sit and talk
krishna Hexicola: nice zen
krishna Hexicola: where r u from
Zen Arado: you haven't been here before?
krishna Hexicola: no
krishna Hexicola: i never came here
krishna Hexicola: ok
krishna Hexicola: zen
krishna Hexicola: where r uf rom
Zen Arado: sorry
Qt Core: italy, you ?
Zen Arado: I am from N.Ireland
krishna Hexicola: india
krishna Hexicola: hello zen what is your profession
Zen Arado: I was an engineer
Zen Arado: but now I am retired
krishna Hexicola: engineer in which group
Zen Arado: in the power industry
Zen Arado: electricity generation
krishna Hexicola: now i am studying my engineering
krishna Hexicola: in electronics and comunication
Zen Arado: ah very good
krishna Hexicola: can you suggest me any thing
krishna Hexicola: to do
Zen Arado: me? no
Zen Arado: study hard :)
Zen Arado: you need to be good at maths for that
krishna Hexicola: tnx
krishna Hexicola: i am good at maths but not so perfect
Yakuzza Lethecus: hello krishna
Zen Arado: electronices is all maths
krishna Hexicola: hi yakuzza
krishna Hexicola: nice to meet u
Zen Arado: I studied mechanical engineering and fluid mechanics
Zen Arado: and some Instrumentation
krishna Hexicola: nice
krishna Hexicola: where did you work all the time
krishna Hexicola: before retirment
Zen Arado: I was a training Instructor for power stations
Zen Arado: in power stations in N.Ireland
krishna Hexicola: fine cool
krishna Hexicola: can we create any electricity with our voice
krishna Hexicola: do you know any thing about it
krishna Hexicola: zen
Zen Arado: yes
krishna Hexicola: yes
krishna Hexicola: how
krishna Hexicola: ?
Zen Arado: that's how microphones work
Zen Arado: sound pressure waves generate a little charge
Zen Arado: that varies
Zen Arado: variations are turned into an electrical signal that is transduced and transmitted somewhere
Zen Arado: then turned back into sound
Yakuzza Lethecus: /whispers can you answer me in the pm krishna ?
krishna Hexicola: ya its right
krishna Hexicola: bout
Yakuzza Lethecus: ok :)
krishna Hexicola: but we should make an electricity with out using any external amplifiers
krishna Hexicola: zen
Zen Arado: how?
krishna Hexicola: but microphone require another amplifers to comvert into low voice signal to high
Zen Arado: explain it to me
krishna Hexicola: voice signal
krishna Hexicola: isnt it
Zen Arado: yes - I left out the amplifiers
krishna Hexicola: how the sound pressure is converted into electric signals can u explain me briefly
krishna Hexicola: zen
Zen Arado: no - I can't remember
Yakuzza Lethecus: our voice is electricity in our brain and in our neurons before it´s conducted by our mouth and throat
Zen Arado: some kind of transducer
krishna Hexicola: in order to re convert this signals what should we use
krishna Hexicola: which are ejected from our mouth
Zen Arado: don't know
Zen Arado: tell me
krishna Hexicola: i am asking that how to convert the voice signals from ur mouth in to electric pulse
Zen Arado: but I don't know :)
krishna Hexicola: ok
krishna Hexicola: ok
krishna Hexicola: did you ever tried any experiment like this
Zen Arado: no
krishna Hexicola: cool
krishna Hexicola: can i have your facebook
krishna Hexicola: account
Zen Arado: no
krishna Hexicola: sorry
krishna Hexicola: i may ask you any doubts
Zen Arado: I can't tell you
krishna Hexicola: ok
krishna Hexicola: then how can i contact u
krishna Hexicola: if any doubt
Zen Arado: know very little about electronics
krishna Hexicola: no
krishna Hexicola: you r genious
Zen Arado: ask your teacher
krishna Hexicola: you know lot of things. but our teacher dosent know all these things
Zen Arado: not me
krishna Hexicola: ok
krishna Hexicola: ok
Qt Core: bookes then
krishna Hexicola: its alll right
Zen Arado: I can tell you about boilers and turbines
Zen Arado: but it is boring
krishna Hexicola: ya
krishna Hexicola: what do you know about therm
Zen Arado: plenty
Zen Arado: what do you know about them?
krishna Hexicola: i dont know any thing about them
Zen Arado: you must know something
Zen Arado: what is a boiler for?
Zen Arado: I used to train men from India
Zen Arado: from big power staions that used coal
krishna Hexicola: brb
Zen Arado: they could educate their children
Zen Arado: Hi Storm
Yakuzza Lethecus: welcome storm
Storm Nordwind: Hello all :)
Zen Arado: but others were too poor to do that
Zen Arado: krishna is asking me about electronics
Zen Arado: of which I know very little
Storm Nordwind: Oh, I see - thank you
Storm Nordwind: I used to know a lot. But now... ;)
Zen Arado: highly mathematical I think
Qt Core: hi Storm
Storm Nordwind: Sometimes. parts of it. I left that to the geeks :)
Zen Arado: I have to go
Zen Arado: bye all
Yakuzza Lethecus: take care zen
Qt Core: bye Zen
Storm Nordwind waves
Qt Core: bye all
Yakuzza Lethecus: take careqt
Storm Nordwind: Namaste
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye storm