The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways. Who thinks that title MUST have been used before :)
Long ago, in childhood there was a TV on in the room. One of those very artsy, avant garde plays broadcast by Hallmark. One character sat in a completely white room. The main character could not leave the box. Many others could come enter and tell stories, deliver lines, act out, etc and then leave.
If you know what play this is... please do not tell... memory of it is best.
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Riddle
Riddle Sideways: Hello Fc
Riddle Sideways: so, you are an Fc seeker?
Riddle Sideways: what is an Fc?
FcSeeker Resident: my name is in a way joke
Riddle Sideways: ah, ok
FcSeeker Resident: Fairness and clarity was them words when I created my name
FcSeeker Resident: but the system didn't accept so short name than Fc...
Riddle Sideways: very good to seek
FcSeeker Resident: so the joke is the part 'seeker'
FcSeeker Resident: well...maybe I seek those from myself...aim to be and have...
Riddle Sideways: lofty goals
FcSeeker Resident: but there's so much such in human world that I have a belief that I never shall get clarity to myself
Riddle Sideways: both are in the eye of the beholder
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
taichi Debbel: おつかれさまでした^^
Riddle Sideways: Hello
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Taichi
Riddle Sideways: did you just watch the show?
taichi Debbel: hello
taichi Debbel: YAP
Riddle Sideways: ah, the balloon is arriving
taichi Debbel: Nice show
taichi Debbel: おつかれさま
FcSeeker Resident: many of them :)
Riddle Sideways: glad you were able to see it
FcSeeker Resident: Hello regicat
taichi Debbel: ^^
Haruka McMahon: hello
Riddle Sideways: the theather people have done such good works
Riddle Sideways: glad it could be translated
taichi Debbel: Yes they ware.
Haruka McMahon: nice show
taichi Debbel: yap yap
Riddle Sideways: more and more amazing things done in SL
Haruka McMahon: great.
taichi Debbel: ^^
Riddle Sideways: and to somehow think you at seated in an atom of a molecule :)
taichi Debbel: Almond ! WB and thank you tonighit
taichi Debbel: O k I have to go back naw
taichi Debbel: Thank you for tallking
Riddle Sideways: ok, bye now
FcSeeker Resident: waves
Haruka McMahon: sorry, now's to time to leave. see you.
taichi Debbel: bye bye
Riddle Sideways: just then, we were like the audience
Riddle Sideways: watching the audience exit
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Riddle Sideways: a mini drama before us
FcSeeker Resident: yes
Riddle Sideways: did you see the performances?
FcSeeker Resident: no
FcSeeker Resident: btw
FcSeeker Resident: Dash sends his greetings that he is currently in Kearney, Nebraska
Riddle Sideways: ah, good to get reports
Riddle Sideways: Dash on the adventures
FcSeeker Resident: truly
Riddle Sideways: notes from the road
FcSeeker Resident: yes
FcSeeker Resident: but he is awear that he is not traveling alone
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Bruce
Riddle Sideways: Hi Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Fc and Riddle.
Bruce Mowbray listens. . .
Riddle Sideways: to the birds
Riddle Sideways: oh, BTW
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
FcSeeker Resident: yes ?
Riddle Sideways: we when camping last week in Bodaga bay
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Riddle Sideways: just past where they filmed the Birds
Riddle Sideways: the old school house on the hill is there
Bruce Mowbray: (wonderful -- up the coast from San Francisco in Marin County)
Bruce Mowbray: I've been there, too.
Riddle Sideways: during the summer it is always foggy
Riddle Sideways: about 50F
Riddle Sideways: nice walks on beach
Riddle Sideways: and one eye on those birds
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
Riddle Sideways: Alfred Hitchcock was such a master film maker
FcSeeker Resident: fog makes so special silence...
FcSeeker Resident: he was :)
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Susan
Riddle Sideways: Hi Susan
iwandertoo Resident: waves :)
Bruce Mowbray: G'day, Susan.
iwandertoo Resident: (love that you can actually wave)
Riddle Sideways: /waves
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Riddle Sideways: oops, that did not work
iwandertoo Resident: lol
FcSeeker Resident: I met once a man from Australia who said that it's the way of Australian people to say 'G'day'...
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers, but they don't seem to mind if we use "G'day" too.
FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
FcSeeker Resident: liked sayings spreads
Riddle Sideways: have learned most Aussie words from Foster's beer adverts
FcSeeker Resident: <3
FcSeeker Resident: met also such man from Japan, who was so sad for that Japanese culture to vanish...I helped him to see how much it's spread all ower the world by buddhims...
FcSeeker Resident: his daughter is a dancer and works around the world
FcSeeker Resident: he saw how she is one who spreads the 'old' culture
Riddle Sideways: funny, how one sees spreading as diluting core culture and another sees it as enriching the rest
FcSeeker Resident: that sure is in practice to enrighing
FcSeeker Resident: enriching
Bruce Mowbray: "Including" more and more people and cultures is often seen as "diluting" - -- but I see it as being welcomed into the flow.
FcSeeker Resident: loves when ever love, honouring, recpecting and peace spreads no matter what way :)))))
Riddle Sideways: yes
Bruce Mowbray: oooops. I must now leave -- and attend to a RL phone call from a close friends.
FcSeeker Resident: waves
Riddle Sideways: by bye bruce
Riddle Sideways: and Susan poofed too
FcSeeker Resident: yes
FcSeeker Resident: a while ago already
Riddle Sideways: we seem to be an audience today :)
FcSeeker Resident: :)
FcSeeker Resident: it's good to be audience too
Riddle Sideways: you seem to meet many special people
FcSeeker Resident: yr very right
FcSeeker Resident: been so whole my life...
Riddle Sideways: strangers come up to you and tell their life stories?
Riddle Sideways: Hi Storm
Riddle Sideways: did you just put on a play?
Storm Nordwind: Hello gentlefolk :)
Storm Nordwind: yes - for Kira Japan
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Storm
Riddle Sideways: we sat here, watching them all exit
FcSeeker Resident: your words are very interesting that's my life story also...
Storm Nordwind: Ah yes.
Riddle Sideways: balloon ride to here
FcSeeker Resident: I'de be curious how you 'saw' that Riddle...
Riddle Sideways: because that happens to /me all the time
Riddle Sideways: anytime, sitting on a bus stop bench
FcSeeker Resident: (never got so clear that why it is so)
Riddle Sideways: somebody tells me their entire life story
FcSeeker Resident: yea...people come and talk what's on their heart
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Riddle Sideways: they can tell a stranger anything
Storm Nordwind: SOme people have a need to talk. They often exhaust the people around them and are glad for a fresh receptive ear. :)
The opposite is also true, farmer often live solitary lives in the country, so when they meet somebody they will talk and talk telling them all their thoughts, ideas, feelings and stories
Riddle Sideways: yes, that seems to be it
FcSeeker Resident: heard so many such stories that people have told that they have never before told to anybody....
Riddle Sideways: however, drives my family crazy that it happens so often
Storm Nordwind: The compassionate heart is an attractive heart that people spill their deepest secrets to.
FcSeeker Resident: once heared a story even the person's wife (long time marriage) had not heared and she felt hurted that the man told because I was a bit sad myself also for that
FcSeeker Resident: would like to share that story which that man told because I myself take it to be very interesting story...
AH, the 14th time, at ~14 minutes of the hour.
Riddle Sideways: ahhhh, the region restart message
FcSeeker Resident: oh...I didn't get it
FcSeeker Resident: oh sad
FcSeeker Resident: would you like to go onto Hikari or you want to log out ?
Storm Nordwind: We have less than 5 minutes it seems.
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Dash
Riddle Sideways: hey Dash
Dash Earthboy: hey y'all
Riddle Sideways: in Kanasas?
Storm Nordwind: Thank you for the invitation Fc, but I will go take a late breakfast
Dash Earthboy: nebraska
Riddle Sideways: oh yeah, confuse the 2
Dash Earthboy: typing one handed
Storm Nordwind: Please excuse me guys. Nice to see you briefly
Riddle Sideways: by buy storm
Storm Nordwind waves
Dash Earthboy: on hold with at&t
Dash Earthboy: bye storm
Riddle Sideways: and this sim is restarting soon
Dash Earthboy: ok
Dash Earthboy: be well
Riddle Sideways: hope you are having fun on travels/adventures
Please gentle reader - allow one more story.
Last week, left camping and met daugther in a minor city. The parking meter took most of any money I had. Was okay, would use credit card for lunch.
Resturant is on second floor up a very long straight stairwell.
Just as turning to go up stairs a person says "excuse me" then proceeds to start telling about how bad off she is and could I help out. Politely answer "no, can't, sorry", turn and continue up the stairs.
Well, the litany poured out. She had a baby, cancer, no food, homeless, a sick mother, needs. A rapid fire rhetoric about my weath, the world's ills, karma, god blessing me, could be worse, goes around comes around.
It was a long stairwell, but toward the end needed to climb slower. Then stopped, turned, sat down on a stair and listened. It was a long listen. She talked faster, got angry, got sad and even said some lines never heard before. Finally, she reached a stopping/pausing place and yelled "What!!!!". "Wow, that was the greatest performance / core dump ever presented. We only got about 35 cents now, but later after lunch we could go to an ATM and get you some money." She stomped off, muttering.
The family does not like it.
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