2011.08.15 19:00 - Thought soup

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind, filling in for SophiaSharon Larnia who was detained by poor internet weather. The comments are by Storm Nordwind.

    Storm Nordwind: Greetings!
    sinequanon Sahara: Hello Storm...Susan
    iwandertoo Resident: waves
    sinequanon Sahara: Hi whispr
    Whispr Xue: Good evening everyone 8)
    Whispr Xue: (( sorry seem to be lagging 8( ))
    Storm Nordwind: Oh dear :(
    Storm Nordwind: Hi Steve
    Whispr Xue: If you'll excuse me... I'll relog 8)
    stevenaia Michinaga: waves
    Storm Nordwind waves
    stevenaia Michinaga: just got an emergency email from sophia, bug storms knocked out her internet
    stevenaia Michinaga: big storm
    stevenaia Michinaga: she needed an emergency greter... smiles
    stevenaia Michinaga: greeter
    Storm Nordwind: I know. She managed to get an email to the guardians. And I picked up there was no one here on my radar
    stevenaia Michinaga: So.... Greetings!!!!
    Storm Nordwind: :)
    Storm Nordwind: Hi Aphrodite
    stevenaia Michinaga: susan here by phone?
    sinequanon Sahara: Hi stevena
    iwandertoo Resident: waves
    stevenaia Michinaga: just read your email Storm, typically I get the storms sometime after sophis does depending which way the wind is blowing
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello Paradise
    stevenaia Michinaga: Sine,
    sinequanon Sahara: Paradise ...
    Storm Nordwind: Ah... we often manufacture them here by the Rockies, but they pass us by as they build.
    stevenaia Michinaga: I thought I saw Aphr here a moment ago
    Storm Nordwind: Welcome back Whispr
    Storm Nordwind: She was
    Whispr Xue: Hello again, everyone
    iwandertoo Resident: waves
    Paradise Tennant: smiles hello stev .. sine storm Whispr :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, good aim
    Paradise Tennant: susan :)
    Whispr Xue: Thank you Storm
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi whispr
    sinequanon Sahara: you look wonderful in red :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at all the grey peeps ..still rezzing here :) if you meant me sine . .thank you :)
    sinequanon Sahara: you are welcome :)

    What topic shall we talk about?

    Storm Nordwind was touring around art galleries when he noticed no one was in the pavilion, so was quite unprepared by way of topics etc.!
    stevenaia Michinaga: I was hoping there would be one left by Sophia that might be remembered in her absence
    Paradise Tennant: sophie likes certain topics :) we could pick one that she would enjoy :)
    sinequanon Sahara: we can talk about why men never change their clothes in sl

    The male wardrobe.

    stevenaia Michinaga: Was reading Whispr's profile and was thinking about a discussion here a few weeks ago about that ever same subject... the edges between the dream and reality
    Paradise Tennant: lol why some men never change their clothes in sl
    Storm Nordwind looks at his feet
    Whispr Xue: Yes... I atttended that one
    Paradise Tennant: if we speak of dreams lucinda will appear )
    Whispr Xue: It resonated with me 8)
    stevenaia Michinaga: nods
    Storm Nordwind: Ah Sharon arrives!
    Whispr Xue: And yes... it seems there are limited wardrobe choices for men in SL
    sinequanon Sahara: myself i have still not learnt how to handle my inventory....cant seem to find anything anyway
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, women are much better at organizing their closets
    Storm Nordwind: perhaps it's about self-expression. perhaps men choose other ways to express themselves?
    Whispr Xue: LOL... Inventory is the bane of SLife
    sinequanon Sahara: this other time i detcached a foor while trying on a shoe...i have never looked back thence
    stevenaia Michinaga: you would think they would have worked on that long ago
    Whispr Xue: I think they have...
    Whispr Xue: but it is organized by programmers...
    stevenaia Michinaga: are there a small percentage of women Lindens, I wonder
    Whispr Xue: and their minds work a little different than the average bear, I think
    sinequanon Sahara: or men are less visual when projecting themselves and more visual when they take in
    Whispr Xue: What follows logical progression in computing
    Whispr Xue: isn't always practical in things like inventory
    stevenaia Michinaga: not ture in nature, where rhte males are the colorful ones
    Paradise Tennant: actually love the whispering nature of sl closets .. there is never anything squished falling out on the floor .. :)
    sinequanon Sahara: thats only true for birds
    Whispr Xue: Aren't fish the same... and big cats...
    Whispr Xue: the showier ones are the males?
    Whispr Xue: hmmm.. and primates too I believe
    Paradise Tennant: there is a a lot of plain girl fun to be had here :) there is estetic expression in fashion :)
    sinequanon Sahara: humm so that means we have the wrong exteriors
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Sophia

    Sharon arrives by phone with a text-only interface.

    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi sorry I have nooooo idea where my avatar is!!!
    Whispr Xue: Hello Sophia
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hi everyone!
    sinequanon Sahara: hi Sophia
    stevenaia Michinaga: you on your phone?
    SophiaSharon Larnia: yes
    iwandertoo Resident: waves
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: waves :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: youa re perfectly placed
    SophiaSharon Larnia: anyway hi to all and sorry my home Internet is off
    SophiaSharon Larnia: oh?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at druth gtsy :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: bye for now, I'll keep trying to log on
    Whispr Xue: bye Sophia... good luck
    sinequanon Sahara: Hello druth
    druth Vlodovic: hey guys
    Whispr Xue: Hello

    "the edges between the dream and reality"

    Paradise Tennant: you were broaching a topic stev just a moment ago ;)
    stevenaia Michinaga: you re
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, the dance we do between the dream and the wakeing
    stevenaia Michinaga: lag
    stevenaia Michinaga: takes a special moment to experience that time
    Whispr Xue: Just takes the willingness to let it unfold naturally
    stevenaia Michinaga: like trying to expect deja vu, some things you just can;t plan
    Whispr Xue: alarm clocks are not it's friend
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    Paradise Tennant: smiles always seem to go into sleepy unwillingly and come out of it equally unwillingly ...:) better to let the body .. dictate it :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: like opening the shade half way, something like we do after meditation in our tai chi class...open your eyelids 1/2 way
    Whispr Xue: Yes... let the body direct instead of outside influences
    Whispr Xue: allow the mind it's path
    Whispr Xue: to explore instead to of closing the door quickly "get on with the day"
    stevenaia Michinaga: a strange place within reality
    stevenaia Michinaga: fleeting moments
    Paradise Tennant: if you allow our self that space what emerges ?
    Storm Nordwind: Interesting how many people seem to prefer to close their eyes during meditation. I guess I'm an exception to that, though some schools suggest half-open eyes for the whole of meditation.
    Paradise Tennant: like focusing on an object .. a candle .. a flower .. a dog's chest moving slowly with each breath :)

    Subconscious or fantasy?

    Whispr Xue: I've often wondered if in those moments it is the subconscious surfacing... or fantasy edging in
    Paradise Tennant: thinks it is all fantasy :) from top to bottom :)
    sinequanon Sahara: a fantacy from within or without?
    Storm Nordwind: Would it matter which label you gave it?
    sinequanon Sahara: i mean are we sure it is our fantasy
    iwandertoo Resident: my reality is in someones fantasy...wonders
    Whispr Xue: is there a difference between deep inner thoughts and fantasy?
    iwandertoo Resident: laughs

    Whence come our thoughts?

    sinequanon Sahara: no there isnt...but ill ask the same question...can these thoughts come from without
    stevenaia Michinaga: luckilly they don;t happen at the same time (usually)
    Storm Nordwind: Sure they can Sine
    Whispr Xue: If not our fantasy... then its kinda scary that someone else is in my mind LOL.... for them
    Paradise Tennant: or there is only one mind and we are each little neurons
    sinequanon Sahara: like Inviction..the movie
    sinequanon Sahara: Inception ...sorry
    Storm Nordwind: Didn't see it, sorry. But it does take practice to be able to tell which thoughts are one's own :)
    sinequanon Sahara: higly recommended
    Whispr Xue: Well... aren't all thought your own... just influenced by external input?
    Storm Nordwind: that's one model. Not the one I use personally though. :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes storm, could you explain
    Storm Nordwind: Sorry - animations playing...
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: unless you are refering to what Paradise said
    stevenaia Michinaga: we are all part of the same conciousness
    Storm Nordwind: It's a common and understandable assumption that we are the source and owner of our own thoughts
    stevenaia Michinaga: (not to put words in PAradise mouth)
    Storm Nordwind: But that doesn't take account of telepathy - poor word, sorry - either deliberate or involuntary
    stevenaia Michinaga: or her keyboard
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at stev
    Storm Nordwind: So you could say we are like radio recievers, resonating to someone else's thought. After all, they may not be using our brain to think with
    iwandertoo Resident: ...
    stevenaia Michinaga: conversations do have that reflective quality
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at susan's ....

    Thought soup.

    Whispr Xue: then are any of our thoughts our own? and who is originatinating them
    Paradise Tennant: maybe we live in thought soup and absorb them :)
    Whispr Xue: somewhere along the way, someone would have to be having the original thought
    iwandertoo Resident: my thoughts are my own...and I own them fully :)
    iwandertoo Resident: (is the outlier here)
    Storm Nordwind: That takes practice to find out, many years! On the other hand, most people have the problem of identifying with their thoughts, instead of seeing them as arising and passing away
    Whispr Xue: how do you know they are... perhaps someone has influenced them
    sinequanon Sahara: i recall another movie now....Solaris...
    Whispr Xue: and you merely have been instructed to accept the thoughts as your own
    sinequanon Sahara: sometimes you can even tell when the thought isnt your own
    Whispr Xue: interpret them that way?
    Storm Nordwind: It's a much easier model to work with to assume they're all your own
    druth Vlodovic: g2g, have fun all
    sinequanon Sahara: then it hits you like a bolt from the blue...this just isnt me you cry out...
    stevenaia Michinaga: bye Druth
    sinequanon Sahara: Bye druth
    Paradise Tennant: smiles well I know I am programed :) because my four legged friend has planted the idea that tonight would be an excellent opportunity to take an extra long walk :) going to say thank you and good night :)
    Paradise Tennant: nite nite Druth
    Whispr Xue: bye Druth
    Storm Nordwind: Bye bye Paradise!
    sinequanon Sahara: bye Paradise
    stevenaia Michinaga: night paradise
    Whispr Xue: Good night Paradise
    Paradise Tennant: namaste my friends sweet dreams and gentle awakenings :))

    Richness and value.

    stevenaia Michinaga: there is so much richness beyond outselves, and much of that comes to use through circumstance, conversation, proximity
    stevenaia Michinaga: *ourselves
    stevenaia Michinaga: although outselves works too
    Storm Nordwind: :))
    Whispr Xue: 8) yes
    iwandertoo Resident: in order for it to be rich...valued...one must value it
    Storm Nordwind: I think all you need is to be open to the possibility of value. To take a risk when you don't know beforehand. Taking such risks brings unpredictable richness. I think that often the greatest richness comes from the previously unvalued, because it is spontaneous and unexpected.
    Whispr Xue: It seems I must take my leave as well 8)
    Storm Nordwind: Bye for now. Good to see you :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: night whispr
    Whispr Xue: Haven an enjoyable evening/morning/day 8)
    stevenaia Michinaga: I agree Storm
    iwandertoo Resident: integrations...broader context
    stevenaia Michinaga: it;s not what you value, it;s what you will value next that allows you to grow
    Storm Nordwind: I may quote you on that for the log title Steve!
    iwandertoo Resident: by way of valuing?
    stevenaia Michinaga: a rather long title
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: these things you accululate are like the fruits

    Time to go.

    sinequanon Sahara: I must beg leave...
    sinequanon Sahara: thanks all
    stevenaia Michinaga: night sine
    sinequanon Sahara: have a wonderful day
    Storm Nordwind: Bye for now. You too!
    stevenaia Michinaga: yike, we cleared out the playgota
    Storm Nordwind checks his deoderant
    Storm Nordwind: Eewww - sorry about that guys
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: will hold off on valuing that Storm
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    stevenaia Michinaga: always an exception
    stevenaia Michinaga: waves to roger on the horizon
    stevenaia Michinaga: time to streach my legs, night Storm and Susan
    iwandertoo Resident: waves
    Storm Nordwind: Goodnight Steve
    Storm Nordwind: I must follow suit - please excuse me Susan. See you again soon :)
    iwandertoo Resident: waves

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