The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray, subbing for Fefonz. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray.
Qt Core: hi bruce!
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Qt!
Bruce Mowbray: This session has been rather slow . . .
Qt Core: how are you these days ?
Bruce Mowbray: I am better, thanks.
Qt Core: not yet :15 there is time to make it more active
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray waits for "dropping" bell.
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Zon.
Zon Kwan: hi
Zon Kwan: is there a workshop going on?
Bruce Mowbray: We've been awaiting your arrival. . . to liven up the session.
Zon Kwan: lol
Bruce Mowbray doesn't know about workshop.
Zon Kwan: so empty here ..i thto
Qt Core: just too hot in most northern hemisphere to sit at a pc ?
Bruce Mowbray: unless your room is air conditioned - as mine is.
Qt Core: mine is too (since this year)
Bruce Mowbray: it's almost necessary -- unless one is willing to wilt.
Qt Core: to be honest i was (well i'm still) a fan fan ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: me too, Qt. I don't have my A/C on right now -- but when it gets REALLY hot, I'm chicken.
Bruce Mowbray wonders what difference there might be between "comfort for its own sake" and "pleasure for its own sake."
Qt Core: it is almost as with disco music some 20 years ago, i thought i hated it, but when i got my first radio in my car and was able to listen to it at reasonable low volume i started to like it
Bruce Mowbray: De-sensitization to disco?
Qt Core: now it is the same with the AC, having my own unit and remote i can have it not to icy
Qt Core: hi santo
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Santo.
Zon Kwan: santo
Santoshima Resident: hi Qt , Bruce, Zon
Bruce Mowbray: We've been awaiting your arrival. . . to liven up the session.
Santoshima Resident: oh oh
Santoshima Resident: can't be!
Santoshima Resident: introvert
Santoshima Resident: what have you been talking about?
Bruce Mowbray: air conditioning, disco, and pleasure for its own sake.
Santoshima Resident: ah
Santoshima Resident: in combination?
Bruce Mowbray: nope -- separately.
Bliss and Pleasure
Zon Kwan: what's the difference between pleasure and bliss?
Bruce Mowbray: I guess I could say that I know "bliss" when it emerges. . .
Zon Kwan: same stuff..difference only in quality ?
Bruce Mowbray: but that pleasure is something that my will is involved in evoking.
Bruce Mowbray: Will in order to have pleasure -- Open for experiencing bliss.
Bruce Mowbray: I cannot will bliss or make it happen.
Zon Kwan: bliss is pleasure with understanding ?
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmm. . .
Bruce Mowbray needs to think about that.
Bruce Mowbray: That would add a new dimensions to both pleasure and bliss, it seems.
Zon Kwan: if i do what makes me feel real good inside
Bruce Mowbray: Is there an "introverted" viewpoint?
Santoshima Resident: there might be
Zon Kwan: isn't that pleasurable?
Zon Kwan: and spiritual
Zon Kwan: and leading me to bliss?
Zon Kwan: or am i hedonist?
Bruce Mowbray: So, bliss is pleasure on steroids?
Bruce Mowbray: ecstasy?
Zon Kwan: pleasure is subconscious bliss
Zon Kwan: bliss is conscious pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: (Like an iceberg - - 9/10 under. . . )
Bruce Mowbray: I guess I'm feeling a categorical difference between pleasure and bliss.
Zon Kwan: isn't pleasure the motivation behind all our acts ?
Bruce Mowbray: for hedonists, yes. . . but how about for altruists?
Zon Kwan: doesn't being altruistic give them pleasure ?
Bruce Mowbray: I endure pain so that others might feel better, for example (not ME, but an altruist might)
Zon Kwan: but that gives them bigger pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: puts off her own pleasure so that others may have better life.
Zon Kwan: which gives them pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: well, it gives them something deeper -- I don't know if that's pleasure or not.
Zon Kwan: good feeling anyhow
Bruce Mowbray still hopes for the introvert view on this.
Santoshima Resident: working on it ...
Zon Kwan: so they act unselfishly because it makes them feel good
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Santoshima Resident: rather physically spent today
Santoshima Resident: mind is a low hum
Bruce Mowbray does not mean to push or make pressure.
Santoshima Resident: understood
Zon Kwan: so they are selfish
Zon Kwan: they do it to feel good
Zon Kwan: for pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: "Selfish"? - - - Their feeling good adds a bit more "good feeling" to the whole world.
Bruce Mowbray: How could that be selfish?
Zon Kwan: they do it to feel good
Santoshima Resident: huh?
Altruism and Hedonism
Santoshima Resident: are you describing altruistic action?
Zon Kwan: so that ´THEY feel good¨
Zon Kwan: yes
Santoshima Resident: hum
Santoshima Resident: and hmmm
Zon Kwan: i am suggesting altruistic act is based on pleasure
Zon Kwan: by the actor
Bruce Mowbray: What is the "end" and "purpose" of their behavior? -- to help others.
Bruce Mowbray: So, feeling good is a side-effect of that.
Zon Kwan: disagrees
Bruce Mowbray: Are you saying that they are really going for the side-effect?
Zon Kwan: we don't act if the act doesn't feel good for us
Santoshima Resident: intent drives the actions
Zon Kwan: what is the intent based on
Santoshima Resident: motivation is worthy of examination
Zon Kwan: that's what i am suggesting
Santoshima Resident: in any relationship/communication
Santoshima Resident: pattern
Zon Kwan: behind motivation is that the act feels good to the doer
Bruce Mowbray thinks there are different sorts of "good feeling."
Zon Kwan: yes
Santoshima Resident: sure
Zon Kwan: that's why i asked the difference between bliss and pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: Suppose I put off my own sexual pleasures in order to give sexual pleasure to my partner. . .
Santoshima Resident: are you thinking of something specific, Zon
Bruce Mowbray: That partner's pleasure MIGHT lead to some "good feeling" in me --
Bruce Mowbray: but it is of a different sort.
Zon Kwan: bruce u do it cause it gives u pleasure to give pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: but it gives me quite a different sort of pleasure.
Zon Kwan: pleasure is pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: The same might be said of Tonglen as a spiritual practice.
Zon Kwan: yes
Zon Kwan: we do good to reach heaven
Zon Kwan: or get reward
Santoshima Resident: really?
Santoshima Resident: to reach heaven?
Zon Kwan: to get pleasure
Bruce Mowbray: indeed, really?
Zon Kwan: some kind
Santoshima Resident: to get reward?
Santoshima Resident: that has not been my understanding of that practice
Bruce Mowbray: Is nothing ever done for its own sake?
Zon Kwan: well, that's what religions teach
Zon Kwan: be good,,,u get saved
Bruce Mowbray: What does your own intuition tell you, though? - - far more important than what religions teach, I think.
Zon Kwan: be good..u reach samadhi
Zon Kwan: it tell me just that
Bruce Mowbray: I don't know anyone who's "reached" samadhi by being good.
Santoshima Resident: skillful means, and maybe we can avoid being a pain to others
Zon Kwan: what is the motivation in being good?
Santoshima Resident: what is your definition of "being good"?
Zon Kwan: trying to help others
Bruce Mowbray: or perhaps an example... of being good.
Zon Kwan: why do you help ?
Bruce Mowbray: For different reasons, sometimes, I do the exact same thing. . .
Qt Core: isn't there some form of evolution that make us feels good when we help someone other in the "pack"?
Bruce Mowbray: Example: when I see a homeless person, sometimes I stop to talk to him/her and then offer money. . . and I feel good about that. . .
Zon Kwan: i suggest you do cause it gives you pleasure to help, u feel urself being good
Bruce Mowbray: or sometimes I do NOT feel good about it -- because I have not done enough.
Bruce Mowbray: Sometimes, I just give them a couple of bucks and pass on -- not feeling so good about it.
Bruce Mowbray: In either case, I "helped others" a bit, I guess.
Bruce Mowbray ponders Qt's question about doing good for those outside the pack.
Bruce Mowbray: (That wasn't Qt's question but that's where I'm going with it.)
Qt Core: it's all about how large your idea of 'pack' is
Qt Core: family/tribe/humankind/galaxy/etc
Bruce Mowbray loves "cosmic pack."
Bruce Mowbray wonders if Zon left because he wasn't doing enough good to get sufficient pleasure . . .
Santoshima Resident: hum,
Qt Core: often is easier to love someone on the other side of the world than next-door person
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: I love humanity -- It's the individuals I can't stand.
Santoshima Resident: ditto
Bruce Mowbray: Eliza!
Santoshima Resident: makes it interesting.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bruce! Hi Qt and Santoshima :)
Santoshima Resident: ello eliza
Qt Core: hi Eliza
Qt Core: do you remember the book i suggested you some time ago, about the mind and how much genes or the environment shaped it, Bruce ? If i remember it right it was there that i read about being altruist to be selfish, like helping a homeless as you hope that (at large) the homeless no more homeless would help you when you become homeless
Qt Core: like investing in society
Eliza Madrigal finds herself mesmerized by Bruce's shirt environment
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, I do remember. Strongly Darwinist approach, as I recall -- that we go forward through adaptive behaviors. . . and that acting in order to feel good is one of those.
Qt Core: and how feeling good being altruist may be something (genetic at this point) that make you do that
Bruce Mowbray: Well, Darwin (who never heard of genes) would agree that something is passed on -- through some mechanism.
Bruce Mowbray: so doing good (if adaptive) would be passed on. . .
Qt Core: now we may ask Zon how pleasurable crashing was ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: wb, Zon!
Zon Kwan: i enjoyed it
Zon Kwan: did u solve things while i was away ?
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Eden!
Qt Core: hi Eden
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Eden :))
Santoshima Resident: hello Eden
Zon Kwan: eden
Eliza Madrigal: you've arrived in the pavilion. Are you able to see on metaverse?
Adaptive behaviors in PaB
Bruce Mowbray: For me, it is fascinating to watch how behaviors are adaptive in SL -- especially in PaB.
Eden Haiku: Bonjour Zon, Santoshima, Eliza, Bruce, Qt :-)
Bruce Mowbray: Adaptive behaviors get continued and maladaptive behaviors fade away. . .
Zon Kwan: behaviors adaptive ?
Bruce Mowbray: so emergence happens.
Eliza Madrigal: interesting, Bruce... adaptive based on choice of context?
Eden Haiku: Sorry I cannot sit. On mobile application:-)
Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Zon. People tend to be polite and respectful to each other here - -
Eliza Madrigal: that's okay Eden, you aren't in the fountain or anything hehe
Eden Haiku: Good..
Bruce Mowbray: perhaps not because it "feels good" to be polite, but because it is an adaptive behavior that "survives" in this sim.
Zon Kwan: being polite feels good as i expect same in return
Bruce Mowbray: Just now -- as Eliza "helped" Eden find her way about - -
Bruce Mowbray: THAT was an adaptive behavior.
Eliza Madrigal: Is it? I feel it is very selfish, since I like to have Eden around all the time, hehe
Zon Kwan: or helpful behavior
Bruce Mowbray: me too, Eliza!
Eliza Madrigal grins
Zon Kwan: lol
Zon Kwan: i was right then
Bruce Mowbray: OK, Zon. . . what if someone sacrificed his/her LIFE to help another? - - They would not be around any longer to "feel good" -- and they know that. . . Is that altruism?
Qt Core: the book i mentioned before is:
Zon Kwan: on some level they do
Zon Kwan: they are around or they think they are around
Zon Kwan: they sacrifice
Eliza Madrigal: I tend to think that decisions like that (giving one's very life) is made faster than anyone can 'intend' to do it for any 'reason'
Bruce Mowbray: I read Steven Pinker's book on language -- really very good.... although I disagreed with much of it.
Qt Core: and this other is another book from the same author i liked a lot:
Zon Kwan: cause they are taught this gives them higher pleasure
Zon Kwan: or they feel this as their truth
Qt Core: it's the book Bruce disagrees with ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: THAT's the one I read. Yes.
Bruce Mowbray: There seems to be an enduring "belief" in immortality that can happen through trophies and monuments....
Bruce Mowbray: recalls Shelly's "Ozymandias."
Intuition as a flowing process
Zon Kwan: or by subconscious knowing
Bruce Mowbray: you mean "intuition"?
Zon Kwan: yes
Zon Kwan: my point is though that we should study our motivation when we do "good"
Bruce Mowbray: Do you trust your intuition? -- or suspect that there are deeper unconscious layers that might undermine its "truth"?
Zon Kwan: what else can i know as truth but what i experience?
Bruce Mowbray: Exactly!
Zon Kwan: in me
Bruce Mowbray: Yes!
Bruce Mowbray: so, might we say that we "trust" the whole process...?
Zon Kwan: nods
Bruce Mowbray: never getting stuck at any one point of it?
Bruce Mowbray: so intuition is a sort of flowing.
Zon Kwan: and we must be aware when we act as "do gooders"
Bruce Mowbray: sometimes I find myself doing things that I would prefer that I'd not be doing. . .
Bruce Mowbray: my intuition is sending me two messages. . .
Eliza Madrigal: Eden arriving again in a genie cloud
Zon Kwan: can you give an example
Bruce Mowbray: one, that I should be doing it -- and two, that I should not be doing it.
Eden Haiku: Sorry for going in & out like that :-)
Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Eden in a genie cloud.
Santoshima Resident: np
Eliza Madrigal: agree re studying motivations, often we can find we don't really know... which is unnerving
Eden Haiku: Hello invisible Bruce :-))
Bruce Mowbray: Rumi says: "Sit down and be still. You are drunk and nearing the edge of the cliff." - - -
Eliza Madrigal: genie cloud eden and invisible bruce... sounds like super heroes
Bruce Mowbray: but the drunken man thinks he can trust himself!
Eden Haiku: hehe
Bruce Mowbray: I am invisible?
Eden Haiku: My limitations Bruce ( on mobile app)
Zon Kwan: i have an advice to u bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Can I trust what I see in SL - - because I sure look visible to myself -- OH -- sry, on mobile app. I see now.
Zon Kwan: have
Bruce Mowbray: ha ha (I see now.)
Just Do It
Bruce Mowbray listens for advice.
Eden Haiku: I'm a genie cloud:-)
Zon Kwan: when you come to a crossroad,,
Zon Kwan: take it !
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)))
Bruce Mowbray: No "Road Less Traveled By" ?
Eden Haiku: This is better than a nap:-))
Zon Kwan: no. just make a decision
Zon Kwan: like me now. I go to bed
Bruce Mowbray: (Go backward?)
Bruce Mowbray: (Upward?)
Zon Kwan: night all
Zon Kwan: just do it
Eden Haiku: Thank you for the TP Eliza!
Bruce Mowbray: Good night, Zon.
Santoshima Resident: night zon
Eliza Madrigal: :)) Eden
Eden Haiku: Always so helpful & polite
Eliza Madrigal: Night Zon
Bruce Mowbray: May your subconscious be friendly.
Eden Haiku: Nite Zon
Eliza Madrigal: maybe you ARE napping Eden, hehe
Eden Haiku: That's a nice possibility yes!
Eliza Madrigal: I must be napping too... how else would a fish be swimming in mid air while a dazzling pink haired lady arrives in genie smoke
Bruce Mowbray does not trust "Just do it" -- based on plenty of experience just doing it.
Eden Haiku: A level of multitasking only Yaku could dream of!
Eliza Madrigal giggles
Bruce Mowbray: Yaku is an expert at taking multiple routes at intersections - all at once.
Eden Haiku: Do you two know what a misogynist is?
Santoshima Resident: you two?
Bruce Mowbray: I think I know, yes.
Eliza Madrigal: yes Eden?
Eden Haiku: I'ts a man who hates women/soup,
Bruce Mowbray: soup made out of women?
Bruce Mowbray: you see -- I just DID it!
Eliza Madrigal: I know the first definition.... but hmmm... curious about soup
Eden Haiku: Saw that on Twitter yesterday night. Found it hilarious!
Eden Haiku: Think in Japanese Eliza:-
Bruce Mowbray: misogynous = "missed sogginess?"
Bruce Mowbray: This might be a un-pun that even my non-Japanese-speaking subconscious would not "get."
Eden Haiku: Didn't get it at first take either :-)
Eden Haiku: Soup...Japanese soup...
Eliza Madrigal: hehehehe
Eden Haiku: Like a broth...
Eden Haiku: I almost died laughing once I got it
Santoshima Resident: good day to you all ~ wasabi (& deep bow)
Eliza Madrigal: hah, Bye, Santoshima :)
Bruce Mowbray: Bye for now, Santo --
Qt Core: bye Santo
Eden Haiku: Had a looong belly laugh!!!
Bruce Mowbray: thanks for being with us today.
Eliza Madrigal: That's so cute, Eden
Eden Haiku: Oh sorry, didn't realize Santo & Qt were still there... Is Wol here too ( blindly following walls)
Qt Core: no
Bruce Mowbray: Wol was not here this session.
Eden Haiku: Miso soup Bruce, you know a soya-based Japanese broth.
Bruce Mowbray: Oh yes.... MISO!
Eliza Madrigal: heheh...
Bruce Mowbray: Now I get it!
Eden Haiku: Oh, she vanished without ever been here, how interesting!!!
Bruce Mowbray dies from laughing....
Bruce Mowbray: curiouser and curiouser.
Eden Haiku: Imagining the sound of Bruce laughing to the ground:-)
Eliza Madrigal smiles and is sure she is no misogynist
Wol Euler: hello Eliza, Eden, qt, bruce
Bruce Mowbray: YAYYY Hey, Wol!
Qt Core: hi Wol
Eliza Madrigal: Look Eden! You predicted Wol's arrival
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Wol :)
Bruce Mowbray: astounding prescience!
Wol Euler smiles.
Eliza Madrigal: (Eden is on a text client)
Wol Euler: ah
Eden Haiku: Wol! I saw you coming!!! From my genie cloud:-) Wow, what a power nap!!
Qt Core: we don't expect less from a cloudy genie
Eliza Madrigal: nothing can surprise us anymore
Eliza Madrigal: anything can happen in dreams
Bruce Mowbray: I predict that Zen will soon arrive.
Eden Haiku: Cloudy like a miso soup Qt..
Wol Euler smiles and looks at her watch
Eliza Madrigal hears jeopardy tune
Bruce Mowbray didn't define "soon."
Bruce Mowbray: Zen could take decades.
Wol Euler: heheh
Eliza Madrigal: we can ask if he's a misogynist
Wol Euler: there is no time
Eliza Madrigal: like the present
Eden Haiku: is laughing hysterically in bed where she's supposed to be napping...
Bruce Mowbray finds Eden's laughter to be contagious.
Eden Haiku: Do you know what is a misogynist Wol?
Wol Euler grins. Alas, yes, Eliza told me the joke
Eliza Madrigal looks guilty
Wol Euler: I laughed
Eden Haiku: Eliza, you cheated!!
Eliza Madrigal: was in IM with Wol... didn't realize she was arriving here :)
Wol Euler: well, in fairness I hadn't intended to. I should be in bed
Eden Haiku: ah, that explains my flash of genie!!!
Eliza Madrigal: you and Eden both :)
Wol Euler: yep
Bruce Mowbray: And I should be preparing woman-soup for dinner.
Eliza Madrigal dies laughing
Eden Haiku: Compassion compassion Wol
Eliza Madrigal: (without bells and whistles)
Eden Haiku: You are not going to leave me alone in text-client desertic land?
Wol Euler: of course not
Eliza Madrigal: swimming in the primordial dream soup
Bruce Mowbray: Bruce tells his typist that he's not hungry yet. . . so B stays.
Eden Haiku: Sorry bell, we were carried by the waves of some dream soup..
Eden Haiku: Ah good, Bruce.
Eliza Madrigal: we avs are very influential over typists
Wol Euler: true!
Eden Haiku: Let's talk about miso.
Bruce Mowbray: indeed. . . typist is subservient to Bruce. . . even to Blub.
Wol Euler has had grilled fish marinated in miso, in Kyoto. Delicious!
Eliza Madrigal: hehe there is untapped power here I think.... suggestive miso
Eliza Madrigal: mmmmmmmm
Eden Haiku: Whose fishes are circling around counter-clockwise in the pool?
Eliza Madrigal: good question...
Eliza Madrigal: looks odd when the water isn't there :)
Bruce Mowbray: Blub thinks: Don't even think about going near the water!
Eden Haiku: Talking from memory as I'm still blindfolded by limited technology...
Eliza Madrigal: the recording triangle does look like a shark fin....
Eliza Madrigal: so the little ones must think that's their mom
Wol Euler: :)
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Eden Haiku: Ah Wol, maybe it's not the right time to say so..
Wol Euler: mm?
Eden Haiku: I mean, don't feel compelled to fix it soon.
Wol Euler: mmmmm?
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, that you are still having issues with recording Eden?
Eden Haiku: But the auto-logger won't talk to me anymore..
Wol Euler: O.O
Eden Haiku: Did I hurt its delicate autologger feelings?
Wol Euler: [14:28] Eden Haiku: Do you know what is a misogynist Wol? [14:28] Eliza Madrigal looks guilty [14:29] Eden Haiku: Eliza, you cheated!! [14:29] Eliza Madrigal: was in IM with Wol... didn't realize she was arriving here :) [14:29] Eden Haiku: ah, that explains my flash of genie!!! [14:29] Eliza Madrigal: you and Eden both :) [14:30] Eliza Madrigal dies laughing [14:30] Eden Haiku: Compassion compassion Wol [14:30] Eliza Madrigal: (without bells and whistles) [14:31] Eden Haiku: Yoy are not going to leave me alone in text-client desertic land? [14:31] Eliza Madrigal: swimming in the primordial dream soup [14:31] Eden Haiku: Sorry bell, we were carried by the waves of some dream soup.. [14:32] Eden Haiku: Ah good Bruce. [14:32] Eden Haiku: Let's talk about miso. [14:33] Eden Haiku: Whose fishes are circling around counter-clockwise in the pool? [14:33] Eden Haiku: Talking from memory as I'm still blindfold by limited technology...
Wol Euler: it's recording you today
Eden Haiku: I mean it sends me the log so that's fine
Wol Euler frowns
Eden Haiku: And it records all lines
Wol Euler: what is the problem, exactly?
Eden Haiku: It just when I claim the log it doesn't say so anymore
Wol Euler: huh
Eliza Madrigal: yes its very odd
Eliza Madrigal: seems to be just Eden
Bruce Mowbray: Are you trying to claim the log now, Eden?
Wol Euler: ah, but you are on text viewer now so we can't test that
Bruce Mowbray: oh, yes. . . I understand.
Qt Core: you know, sl may have some issues detecting you from your mobile, as an example you aren't present in the minimap, eden
Eden Haiku: Have to check with another guardian to know if it says so to them . They can see I claimed & I do get the log.
Eliza Madrigal: in regular session, Bruce... for me it works fine, tells me I claimed, etc
Eliza Madrigal: and I can see when eden claimed, but she can't
Eden Haiku: Yep, never claimed in mobile, no. That happens with computer
Bruce Mowbray: Hmmm. I am subbing for Fefonz, but. . . I could send the link to Eliza -- who could then send the link to Eden. . .
Bruce Mowbray: or is that too complicated?
Eden Haiku: When there is another guardian present, I can know if it's ok.
Eliza Madrigal: yes it's just a regular thing, Bruce... a question mark that doesn't disrupt anything but leaves Eden guessing
Eden Haiku: No, no, I'm not claiming this session Bruce...
Bruce Mowbray doesn't know if Eden realizes that Bruce has claimed this session.
Bruce Mowbray: OK. All is well for now, then.
Eliza Madrigal: hehe
Eden Haiku: I'm glad you did Bruce. Still have to post my Monday session :-(
Bruce Mowbray: ;-) - - -
Bruce Mowbray: I try to get mine posted within an hour of the session's ending.
Wol Euler: wow
Bruce Mowbray: Otherwise I might forget all about it!
Eden Haiku: Afraid I have ruined Wol's chance to fall asleep peacefully...
Wol Euler: naah
Wol Euler: ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: shall we all hum Brahms's Lullaby?
Wol Euler: heheh
Eliza Madrigal: thanks so much for that Bruce... I'm like that too.... because otherwise it will gnaw at me
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers.
Eliza Madrigal: an undone 'to do'
Eden Haiku: Pheeew...It's only a small glitch Wol. Forget about it. Will remind you if I still have the problem next Monday.
Wol Euler: ok, please do
Eliza Madrigal thinks Eden and Wol should set sky to midnight and put on pajamas
Eden Haiku: I have a good excuse: had my family over yesterday. Today I'm recovering :-)))
Bruce Mowbray: and drink warm milk.
Eliza Madrigal: yes, with tumeric
Wol Euler: oh! has anyone else upgraded to the new phoenix yet?
Eliza Madrigal: I haven't.... should I?
Bruce Mowbray: not moi.
Eden Haiku: I'm already in a beautiful white long cotton fresh Indian nightgown...
Wol Euler: changing the sun position is no longer an abrupt switch, it moves through the sky to the new position.
Wol Euler: very pretty
Eliza Madrigal: ohhhh, nice Eden
Eliza Madrigal: how interesting
Qt Core: (very useless)
Eliza Madrigal: I should upgrade, maybe it will stop ruthing the men in my view
Qt Core: the sun i mean
Eden Haiku: Oh that looks neat Wol!
Wol Euler smiles.
Eliza Madrigal: the sun is very useful Qt :)
Bruce Mowbray: Are SL days 4 hours long or 6 hours long?
Qt Core: :)
Wol Euler: I thought eight hours (cycle)
Eden Haiku: Read a poem in Italian today: "il fiore del mirto".
Bruce Mowbray:
Qt Core: didn't know it
Bruce Mowbray: Harsh land, mighty wind, cleave to the cliffs, island .. Sea, turquoise cross over, White beaches, reflected light, climbs up towards the green, quiet ... Nell'abbaglio The eye of the sunset, seen the last ray of white light. Flower of Myrtle, in all its splendor, the wind does not break petals, white, strong, as the land of the island in the sea, timeless beauty, charm to remember ...
Bruce Mowbray supposes and hopes it is much better in the original language.
Eliza Madrigal: I like 'climbs up toward the green'
Wol Euler: very few poems are not ... :)
Wol Euler: nice, it has strong and pleasant images
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Druth :)
Wol Euler: hello druth
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, druth!
Qt Core: i may have found it in Italian:
druth Vlodovic: hey
Eliza Madrigal: like your long hair
Qt Core: hi druth
Qt Core: (i really dislike that formatting in posting poetry online)
Wol Euler: wb eden
Eliza Madrigal: yes that's a bit of a pain, but I bet it helps some students
Eden Haiku: Still playing with the revolving door..
Eliza Madrigal: wb Eden :)) Now you stand on my shoulders
Eliza Madrigal: hehe
Qt Core: (wondering how, wol)
Eden Haiku: oh no...
Eliza Madrigal: hehe, you are light as a feather
Eden Haiku: is there anything I could do...???
Qt Core: but yet, as a fan of curier new i have my issues with typography ;-)
Wol Euler: not on a textviewer, eden
Eden Haiku: I feel paralyzed like in a dream
Wol Euler smiles.
Eliza Madrigal: what do you do when paralyzed in a dream?
Eden Haiku: Sorry Eliza...
Eliza Madrigal: I don't mind at all... drop in on me anytime
Eden Haiku: I look at my hands?
Bruce Mowbray: Just a quickie reminder that tomorrow Ways of Knowing session will be discussing "Trusting What Rises" -- how we deal with what rises in meditation, or in our intuition. . .
Eden Haiku: Like in a Castaneda book...
Eliza Madrigal: yes that works!
Eliza Madrigal: or spin....
Bruce Mowbray: Now I need to be off -- THANK you everyone.
Wol Euler: ty, bruce!
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Bruce :)) Happy Dinner
Wol Euler: take care, bonappetit
druth Vlodovic: cya bruce
Eden Haiku: Bye Bruce, thanks!!
Qt Core: bye Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Bye for now.
Eliza Madrigal: I'll have to go as well... son's friend is over but is going home soon....
Eliza Madrigal: should try to feed him :))
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: funnel?
Eden Haiku: Will try tumeric & warm milk Eliza. Tumeric is cucurma right? Same same?
Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
Eliza Madrigal: oh, I don't know.... haven't heard of that Eden
Eden Haiku: Nite nite...
Qt Core: better trying with cookies
Wol Euler: bye, eliza, take care
Qt Core: bye Eliza
druth Vlodovic: bye eliza
Eden Haiku: Hehe or Mont Blanc. I love Mont Blanc...
Eliza Madrigal: that's a kind of ginger...
Eliza Madrigal: OK... now going but wishing you all sweet dreams
Eliza Madrigal: (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))) sleepy hugs, bye
Eden Haiku: See you at Machinima tonite Eliza))))))
Wol Euler: awwww :( too late for me
Eden Haiku: Envisioning some miso soup before the milk with tumeric...
Eden Haiku: See you in our dreams Wol?
Wol Euler: I should go too, it's midnight
Wol Euler: yes!
Wol Euler: dream us well, Eden
Eden Haiku: Sweet dreams.
Wol Euler: goodnight all, take care
Qt Core: 'night wol
druth Vlodovic: g'night wol
Eden Haiku: Waves to all, leaving on her genie cloud whhhhouuuushhhh!!!!
Qt Core: midnight here too
Qt Core: 'night Eden and Druth
druth Vlodovic: I've encountered the wrong time zone :)
druth Vlodovic: bye
Qt Core: :-) bye
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