Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Wol Euler: hello Demonic
Demonic Visitor: HOLA
The formless shadowy demon continued to run around the playgoda for the rest of the session, darting in and out of the circle and trailing clouds of smoke behind it. It never spoke again, and ignored (or didn't notice) my IMs.
Wol Euler: hello santo
Santoshima Resident: hello Wol
Wol Euler: hello arch, mary
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Wol
Wol Euler: Demonic, this is a meeting of a meditation group called "Play as Being"
Wol Euler: would you like to join us?
Archmage Atlantis: There are explantions on the cards that can be given or requested
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Arch
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Santoshima
Santoshima Resident: hello all
Wol Euler: (in IM with Demonic, explaining. Pleasse talk amongst yourselves :)
Wol Euler: how is everyone today?
Archmage Atlantis: talk amoung myselfs, as there are many......or talk with others?
Wol Euler: as you feel appropriate, arch :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I talk among myselves all the time; even since entering the Magic Theater
Wol Euler: as long as all of them agreed to being recorded
Archmage Atlantis: Namaste and Blessings to u Wol
Archmage Atlantis: I accept all recording, as this is place that is
Wol Euler: ((was joking))
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I record all acceptance. lol
Wol Euler: speaking of being many, I just got a book in the mail: "1000 Avatars" by Kristine Schomacher
Wol Euler: portraits of a thousand SL avs taken from the rear
Wol Euler: fascinating, beautiful
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: oh, interesting
Wol Euler: she's still collecting photos, working towards the second thousand :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I've been trying to get into the habit of taking pictures wherever I go in SL
Wol Euler: http://1000avatars.wordpress.com/
Santoshima Resident: looks amazing
Wol Euler: it is :)
Wol Euler: I'm in it five times, each alt is represented :)
Wol Euler: I was surprised and pleased at how many of the avs I could recognize
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Anyone I know?
Wol Euler: well, probably, yes
Wol Euler: several artists and musicians, many bloggers and virtual-world theorists
Wol Euler: quite a few designers
Wol Euler: and many normal people too :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Arch, aren't you afraid you might get cat scratch fever?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Normal people?
Wol Euler: :-P
Wol Euler: non-famous people, then
Archmage Atlantis: to trmp
Archmage Atlantis: Dark forces use cats
Wol Euler: actually I'm probably immune to it, being a feline
MaryMagdeleine Shilling chukles at Wol
Archmage Atlantis: Inside a dark force is a soul that needs love
Wol Euler smiles.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Inside a soul that needs love, there is a dark force.
Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
Wol Euler: "dark"?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, I was joking, but think about it--need inspires dark deeds
Archmage Atlantis: yes, both, we are them ,,,, Pogo
Wol Euler: well ..... I think greed and lack of empathy inspire dark deeds actually
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: "We have met the enemy and they are US."
Santoshima Resident: sooty shadow
Santoshima Resident: side
Santoshima Resident: not so much enemy
Archmage Atlantis: too cye MM
Santoshima Resident: as unknown
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes, I'm pretty sooty--never clean your chimney naked. Trust me on this one.
Wol Euler: heheheh
Santoshima Resident: cye?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: cye?
Wol Euler: arch?
Archmage Atlantis: yes wol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: cye?
Wol Euler: [01:21] Arch (archmage.atlantis): too cye MM
Archmage Atlantis: you have a question
Wol Euler: people are asking what you meant
Santoshima Resident: ty
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: We can all nod and pretend to understand; I do that in church all the time.
Wol Euler: :)
Archmage Atlantis: I will say it as clear as I am able
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" "I do it because I can," saith the Lord. ::nods, pretends to understand::
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I am liberally paraphrasing God to Job out of the whirlwinnd.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I know, I know, too cye, Arch
Archmage Atlantis: The books I find most real
Archmage Atlantis: in that book called the bible
Archmage Atlantis: are Job
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I thik of Job everytime I clean my bathtub--you know, the mildew.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Job was full of mildew
Archmage Atlantis: and
Santoshima Resident: (perhaps will be best for me to find a good list of acronyms ...)
Archmage Atlantis: Ecclesiastes
Wol Euler: (I don't know "cye" either, Santo, I am hoping that Arch will tell us what it means)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: acronyms are good, Santo
Santoshima Resident: absolutely
Wol Euler: acronyms are worthless unless understood :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: UNESCO, UNICEF, NATO, UNCLE
Santoshima Resident: check
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I feel I just lost my shadow
Wol Euler: :)
Santoshima Resident: hmm
Archmage Atlantis: We choose darkness, or we choose light.....and in the end, we simply choose
Wol Euler: right. And what does "cye" mean please?
Archmage Atlantis: That there always will be something not known, Wol
Wol Euler: ah, ty.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: So you were saying I'm mysterious? ::she pats her head oyly::
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: *coyly
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Mery, my keyboard is not ooperating with me.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: The c's are being shy
Santoshima Resident: god night
Archmage Atlantis: Still gay.....so coy doesn't work.....old, so those parts don't work
Santoshima Resident: and good night
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: goodnight, Santo
Wol Euler: goodnight, santo, sleep well
Santoshima Resident: you too
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I once got a gay guy in bed; at least, he said he was gay. His parts worked fine.
Archmage Atlantis: Blessings and Namaste.......I care about you and my God cares for yours
Wol Euler: goodngiht, arch, take care
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: tc, arch
Wol Euler listens to the birds and smiles softly
MaryMagdeleine Shilling thinks it's about time to mosey
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: goodngiht, mary, sleep well
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: thanks, Wol. You too
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