2011.08.23 01:00 - A sparkle of noisy silence

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Qt Core. The comments are by Qt Core.

    milakel Resident: there, qt as well
    Entr0p1c Resident: hello qt
    Qt Core: hi all
    milakel Resident: maybe zal
    milakel Resident: not sure about him
    milakel Resident: qt, if you wave your hand randomly. is this motion really random or calculated?
    Entr0p1c Resident feels too restricted and decides to stand
    Qt Core: like Zam as you think is away ?
    Qt Core: Zal
    milakel Resident: he's been like that since i got here
    Qt Core: the hand/body /eye movement may be scripted or random, usually the head ones depend on the movement of your mouse (especially if you aren't wearing animations/poses/AO)
    Qt Core: (love your outfit, Ent)
    milakel Resident: hmm
    Entr0p1c Resident: thank you Qt
    milakel Resident: qt, i mactually meant rl movement :)
    Qt Core: ah :-)
    Entr0p1c Resident: I have been exploring what is left once roles, gender and the known is removed
    milakel Resident: ent, please do share
    Entr0p1c Resident: it's been interesting, stripping away of prompts for roles and gender has changed so much of my experience and journeying through this second life. it has been very peaceful so far, continuing I'm sure will bring more insights
    milakel Resident: :)
    Qt Core: it is strange, as i to tried/try that kind of approacg, with a cube av, but usually is not peaceful inthe sense that wherever i go i end speaking/thinking even more about aspects instead of having them ignored
    milakel Resident: i think we all draw our associations even when there's only a cloud left
    Entr0p1c Resident wonders if the cube was restricting (symbolic of the box?)
    Qt Core: no, just of the most basic building piece here in sl
    milakel Resident: oh, i remember your cube, qt! it was very nice.
    Entr0p1c Resident: :)
    Qt Core: or maybe not on a conscious level
    milakel Resident: i think what could falsify your experiment is the prior knowledge of your human av
    Entr0p1c Resident: Mila, associations.. perhaps I agree. I chose this wandering glow as representative of my "spark of consciousness" that seems to present itself in this medium
    milakel Resident: so when people saw the cube, they knew it's just a "custome" of qt
    milakel Resident: ent, heh
    milakel Resident: well, it reminds me of ghostbusters :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: heh!
    milakel Resident: so, i imagine you as a cute and funny person based on that :)
    milakel Resident: i think we all base our perception on prior knowledge
    Entr0p1c Resident: I find that interesting Mila, thank you!
    milakel Resident: either it's meditation or studying
    Qt Core: well, we don't really have enything else, mila ;-)
    Entr0p1c Resident: agreed Qt
    Entr0p1c Resident: and perhaps this is where I am enjoying my journey.. as my appearance will have our psyche "filling in" for what is missing
    milakel Resident: yes, but the trick is not letting this knowledge intrude too much
    milakel Resident: hence dropping and open mind, etc
    milakel Resident: yes, ent
    Entr0p1c Resident: hmm.. would associating with ghostbusters and "cute/funny" be such an intrustion? rather than accepting "what is" ??
    milakel Resident: it facilitates our open mind so to speak
    milakel Resident: ent, could be...
    milakel Resident: but this association came later
    milakel Resident: first i only saw a blob of haze :)
    milakel Resident: floating
    Entr0p1c Resident chuckles at "blob of haze" and can see that representation! :)
    milakel Resident: then you started talking and the image emerged in a while
    Entr0p1c Resident smiles
    Qt Core: it would be great having it looking exactly as the "not rezzed yet" cloud
    Entr0p1c Resident: the blob speaks...
    Qt Core: that would be the real spark of life of sl
    milakel Resident: in either case if there's an av representation there are always visual clues
    milakel Resident: unless you're invisible :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: of sl yes Qt! I'm not sure I want to restrict my experience soley to SL, choosing to be "rl" present as well
    milakel Resident: hmm, now thinking of it, humans practiced this experiment in rl for many years. dressing up in various costumes (e.g. for a ritual dance or masquerade ball)
    Qt Core: this is another way i like to present myself
    Entr0p1c Resident chuckles
    milakel Resident: what costumes do you wear? :)
    milakel Resident: ah! just noticed, qt :)
    milakel Resident: thought it was a comment on my message
    Qt Core: only my trek communicator (you'll see it only if you are in front of me)
    milakel Resident: yep, there it is :)
    milakel Resident: *clicks* not working
    Entr0p1c Resident: heh!
    milakel Resident: sense of direction is important for us
    Qt Core: and of misdirection too ;-)
    milakel Resident: not knowing qt's position or movement can be rather uncomfy :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: that's interesting.. Qt, the impression/association I have made is that you might be trying to hide your presence... thank you for facilitating that knowledge for me :)
    Qt Core: even harder for the carbon unit trying to navigate him around
    milakel Resident: but knowing qt, i'm fine :)
    milakel Resident: yes, ent. i think i have a similar feeling.
    milakel Resident: concealment
    Entr0p1c Resident: yes
    Qt Core: it may be, ent, it may really be
    Qt Core: (sadly this invisible trik don't work with all the viewer, in this case the old V1 ones)
    milakel Resident: i read a story (a poem actually) there was a character named "the voice". and he was really nothing, but the voice :)
    Entr0p1c Resident thinks of Doris Stokes
    milakel Resident: hmm, a similar tale, ent?
    Entr0p1c Resident: a story of a lady who had schizophrenia Mila :)
    milakel Resident: oh, she's a psychic
    Entr0p1c Resident: well, yes.. they thought she was schizophrenic
    milakel Resident: yea, this illness can be very intense
    Entr0p1c Resident: I would feel a little disturbed hearing a voice.. again, thinking of the movie "Meet Joe Black"
    Qt Core: http://www.amazon.com/Our-Ancestors-...4088911&sr=1-2 just thought about thes three little novellas, especially about the knight
    milakel Resident: on the other hand, if most people had visions like them, then people like us would be considered schizophrenics
    Entr0p1c Resident: :) indeed
    Qt Core: they are just funny for kids and a little deeper for others
    milakel Resident: the author is cal's namesake - italo calvino :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: thank you Qt :)
    Qt Core: i've read them many years ago, i may have to reread them to see if something changed ;-)
    Entr0p1c Resident is lost in the quietude of the 90seconds of silence
    milakel Resident: qt, i think it did
    Qt Core: not lost in it but liked it, i'm needing some quiet, at only 10am and i am/was not only stressed but also quite angry
    milakel Resident: angry? why?
    Entr0p1c Resident: I like your distinction Qt, thank you.. lost was not what I actually felt.. adrift/floating/enjoying..
    Qt Core: wasn't able to sleep more than 20/30 minutes tonight and started the day with a long argument with my sister
    milakel Resident: ouch
    Entr0p1c Resident: how deeply has the silence touched you Qt? What has changed, if anything?
    Qt Core: it just consumed some of my stress faster than not silent seconds
    milakel Resident: i like when silence is disturbed by chirping birds or rustle of the leaves
    milakel Resident: qt :)
    Qt Core: oh yes, silence sometimes isn't lack of sounds
    milakel Resident: silence therapy
    Entr0p1c Resident: thank you, I am curious. stillness Qt?
    milakel Resident: calmness, for me
    Qt Core: yes Ent
    milakel Resident: which i even can feel in a rather noisy cafe
    Entr0p1c Resident: mmm... yes, at rest, peace :)
    Qt Core: sometimes even the noise of cars, maybe when on roas nit just under my windows build that silence
    milakel Resident: heh, true :)
    Entr0p1c Resident thinks on this...
    milakel Resident: without roaring cars how would we know of silence? :)
    Qt Core: even a far away car/house alarm like the one i heard constantly for the past two days may become "friendly"
    milakel Resident: heh
    milakel Resident: alarms can be annoying
    Qt Core: not for the ones living in a 100meter radius, maybe
    Entr0p1c Resident: perhaps it is a "lack of demand" on our resources.. I find so much is demanding of our attention, to sit and allow the goings on to occur without them drawing anything from you
    milakel Resident: ent, nice
    Entr0p1c Resident: that is stillness and tranquility :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: thank you Mila :)
    Qt Core: cars, modern day noise of the river flowing while you wait for your enemy corpse to pass ?
    Entr0p1c Resident grins (if a blob can grin)
    milakel Resident: ent, you made me think further and possibly this stillness is demand for you to be present, nothing else
    Entr0p1c Resident: a demand or a state of being?
    milakel Resident: well, "demand" :)
    Qt Core: in the years i even got to consider part of the quiet ambient noise the blacksmith that has his shop next door
    milakel Resident: um, it does require this though
    milakel Resident: state of being has to be noticed
    Entr0p1c Resident: I feel if it were a demand Mila, it would draw from us and we would not find ourselves restored.. I prefer to believe it is more in keeping with being
    milakel Resident: qt, nice place you're living in - distant cars, blacksmith :)
    milakel Resident: well, yes. demand is a strong word.
    milakel Resident: and silence really doesn't care :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: I am always open to change my beliefs too :)
    Qt Core: there are nearby car too, but they aren't really part of the quiet ;-)
    Entr0p1c Resident: LOL, nice one Mila :))
    milakel Resident: :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: I have enjoyed our presence here today
    milakel Resident: re: changing beliefs. it seems to me that any belief is a path toward... truth? well, whatever is the distanation, it's about the road itself and it's fine to make turns and explore
    Qt Core: i have to get my body back from the other dimension if i have do to something more than sit :-)
    Entr0p1c Resident: agreed Mila, nicely stated :)
    milakel Resident: :)
    milakel Resident: i look at qt and see zal :)
    milakel Resident: ah, there he is :)
    milakel Resident: wb? :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: heh!
    Qt Core: ;-)
    milakel Resident: *feels happier and livelier seeing qt in flesh* :)
    Qt Core: digital flesh... how vegan would react ?
    milakel Resident: mind is nice, but it still comes with body :)
    Entr0p1c Resident: thank you for contributing to my experience today! My spark is now required elsewhere... the journey continues... heh!
    milakel Resident: thank you, ent :)
    Qt Core: bye ENd have fun!
    Qt Core: ent
    Entr0p1c Resident: ty! :)
    milakel Resident: you sparkled a nice discussion
    milakel Resident: ok, i'm off
    milakel Resident: be good :)
    Qt Core: me too, trying to make the day better ;-)
    Entr0p1c Resident: namaste to you both

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