The Guardian for this meeting was Dakini Rhode. The comments are by Dakini Rhode.
Adams, Eos, Travieso, and I began the session on Travieso's signal...
Travieso Sella puts on his discussion glasses
Dakini Rhode: I guess I can begin the session :)
Dakini Rhode: Has everyone been at these chats before?
Travieso Sella: I have, yes.
Adams Rubble raises hand
Eos Amaterasu: ditto
Dakini Rhode: :)
Adams Rubble: Nice to nmeet you Travieso
Travieso Sella: you as well
Dakini Rhode: Do you have any questions or comments about playasbeing?
===> o look !!! <===
Adams Rubble: It is close to my first year here
Travieso Sella: oh congrats
Adams Rubble: June 5
Travieso Sella: not I, Dakini
Dakini Rhode: are you still blogging?
Adams Rubble: yes, can you believe it?
Dakini Rhode: wow
Adams Rubble: I can't
Adams Rubble: hehe
Dakini Rhode: you were an enthusiastic blogger
Adams Rubble: not so enthisiastic anymore, just persistent :)
Dakini Rhode: :)
Dakini Rhode: I can't really blog at work, so I'm a bit stuck
Dakini Rhode: no free time :)
Adams Rubble nods
Adams Rubble: When I stop regularly at work, I get more done
Adams Rubble: helps m focus
Dakini Rhode: i actually find it takes me time to reorient my thoughts
Dakini Rhode: so i feel like i don't get more done, i feel like i do more churning
Adams Rubble: we are all so different and all so the same :)
Dakini Rhode: truly :)
Dakini Rhode: what we're doing may be a bit different, too :)
Adams Rubble: yes
Talk of stopping as Steve and Karoz join us. Steve arrives bouncing on a big, red ball.
Adams Rubble: Hi Steve :)
Eos Amaterasu: Adams, what is stopping, re [19:05] Adams Rubble: When I stop regularly at work, I get more done
Adams Rubble: the nine second pauses
Eos Amaterasu: (stevenaia arives on a ....? smiling red face?)
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Adams, Eos
Adams Rubble: Hello Karoz
Travieso Sella: stevenia
Karoz Blogger: Hi.
Travieso Sella: karoz
Dakini Rhode: haha i thought i heard a boing
Dakini Rhode: i need one of those!
Eos Amaterasu: meaty beaty big and boucny
Eos Amaterasu: bouncy
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Dakini, Travieso
Dakini Rhode: hi Steve
Adams Rubble: :)
Dakini Rhode: hi Karoz :)
stevenaia Michinaga: it is friday...grins
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Karoz
Karoz Blogger: Hey. Was a Baker Bloch here before?
Dakini Rhode: well i don't know
Karoz Blogger: This looks very familiar.
Dakini Rhode: were you here before?
Dakini Rhode: you look familiar
Karoz Blogger: My user.
Karoz Blogger: Tron talk.
Eos Amaterasu: acts as avatar
Dakini Rhode: getting back to your question, Eos
Dakini Rhode: are you familiar with the 9 sec practice?
Eos Amaterasu: Yes... I have been wondering what happens if you actually do it every fifteen minutes
Adams Rubble: sometimes amazing thinngs :)
Dakini Rhode: you turn into Pema
Eos Amaterasu: it is hard because I tend to get caught up in things
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Adams Rubble: Hasn't worked for me Dakini. hehe
Dakini Rhode: that was silly of me
Adams Rubble: :)
Eos Amaterasu: You get long hair?
Dakini Rhode: i think that's from eating carrots
Karoz Blogger: Are we doing the 9 secs. now?
Adams Rubble: in a minute times 10
Dakini Rhode: in 1 minute, we'll take a 90 sec pause
Travieso Sella: ah that was an exceptioinally enjoyable silence for me
Dakini Rhode: how so, Trav?
Travieso Sella: Well, silence may not be the operative word here. The music I was listening to seemed to match up quite well with it.
Dakini Rhode: Adams or anyone else, feel free to jump in here, as I'm a bit rusty :)
Dakini Rhode: the basic practice...
I guess Karoz noted the silly mood some of us found ourselves in. Well, it was a Friday night...
Karoz Blogger: What is the role of humor in this group?
Eos Amaterasu: To get to the other side?
Dakini Rhode: as we do it, is to stop for 9 secs, and drop what we were doing
Eos Amaterasu: :-0
Adams Rubble: I will give Kaaroz a notecard :)
Dakini Rhode: mentally
Karoz Blogger: karoz. :)
Dakini Rhode: if you're carrying something you don't need to drop it
saved by Adams' notecard...
Travieso Sella: HUmor is the only thing we oppose utterly
Karoz Blogger: Ha ha.
Dakini Rhode: :)
Dakini Rhode: here am trying to be all serious :)
stevenaia Michinaga: ..smiles, humor is part of the "Play" that works so well here
Dakini Rhode: here's a thought
Dakini Rhode: humor comes from sadness
Eos Amaterasu: :-(
Karoz Blogger: Nah. Comes from joy.
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: or from tension
Eos Amaterasu: :=|
Karoz Blogger: Intellectual humor comes from knowledge that we do not know all.
Karoz Blogger: So we laugh.
Eos Amaterasu: 0
Eos Amaterasu: ^_^
Adams Rubble: Hello Victoria
Karoz Blogger: We do not know all.
Karoz Blogger: :)
Travieso Sella: hi victoria
Dakini Rhode: hi Victoria
stevenaia Michinaga: tension released, relaxation arrives
Eos Amaterasu: hi victoria
Dakini Rhode: i don't actually see victoria
Eos Amaterasu: relaxation, that's somewhat appreciation: your relax, and let it happen al around you
Eos Amaterasu: all
Travieso Sella: she poofed
Eos Amaterasu: the cheshire cat lets it all drop
stevenaia Michinaga: like smiles and good feelings, they tend to be "caught " by others
Adams Rubble: :)
Eos Amaterasu: humor can be a sudden 1 second
stevenaia Michinaga: and a laugh can spread even w/out knowing the joke
Eos Amaterasu: the bird is chirping right through me
Karoz Blogger: Did Jesus laugh?
Travieso Sella: Irony, I can tell you...
Travieso Sella: If you look up 'irony' in the dictionary, it says ';see irony.'
Eos Amaterasu: ricercar
Karoz Blogger: I am surrounded by beauty. He.
Karoz Blogger: :)
Adams Rubble wishes everyone a fond good night :)Eos Amaterasu: "If we can't have sanity, we can fake it with humor. Humor gives you the same distance from the situation, the same metaview, only laughing is easier than sanity and possibly more fun." — St. Jude
Travieso Sella: cya
Eos Amaterasu:
Dakini Rhode: be well, Adams :)
Karoz Blogger: Humor is essential because we do not know all.
Eos Amaterasu: & maybe we cannot know all
Eos Amaterasu: but it all keeps happening all around us
Eos Amaterasu: [19:21] Dakini Rhode: humor comes from sadness
Karoz Blogger: Nah.
Karoz Blogger: Joy.
Eos Amaterasu: can u say more, Dakini?
I stop pretty well at times...
Dakini Rhode: if i can rouse myself from my 90 sec slumber :)
Dakini Rhode: is humor truly the same as joy? (i erased a lot there)
Karoz Blogger: Sure. Can be.
Dakini Rhode: joy seems simple, uncomplex
Karoz Blogger: Joy is all.
stevenaia Michinaga: joy is acceptance and appreciation
Karoz Blogger: These are easy quesetions.
Karoz Blogger: Joy is being.
Karoz Blogger: Joy is unconditional.
stevenaia Michinaga: like love?
Karoz Blogger: Sure.
Eos Amaterasu: joy let go is unconditional
Karoz Blogger: How?
stevenaia Michinaga: when is joy not let go?
Eos Amaterasu: cause u think it's conditional on that which you don't want to let go of
Dakini Rhode: and yet humor, there is something first that you perceive as not funny, then there's a shift, and a surprise, and that is why you laugh
Eos Amaterasu: aha , the shift!
Karoz Blogger: They say aliens, out there, are more intellectual than us. Does this mean they have a humor we can't understand as well?
stevenaia Michinaga: like the British?
Karoz Blogger: He.
Karoz Blogger: Yeah.
Dakini Rhode: ah i was thinking of mexicans
stevenaia Michinaga: you don;t have to travel far to see humor you don't understand
Karoz Blogger: British are sometimes old souls.
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Kenji
kenji Pookes: Hello
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Kenji
Dakini Rhode: hello Kenji
Karoz Blogger: Ty. I enjoyed this.
So much here I wish we had explored more, in retrospect.
Eos Amaterasu: the shift that happens in humor... like the 9 secs?
Dakini Rhode: interesting question
Eos Amaterasu: when you slip on a banana peel....
Eos Amaterasu: for 9 secs....
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Dakini Rhode: funny thought :)
kenji Pookes: I'll be back in a while. Not following this.
Dakini Rhode: poofed before i got my thought out :)
Dakini Rhode: why is slipping on a banana peel funny?
Eos Amaterasu: UPsets the normal apple cart?
Dakini Rhode: could be painful
Eos Amaterasu: Yes, a lot of humor seems to play with pain
Dakini Rhode: i mean you could break something
stevenaia Michinaga: strange that some pain causes you to laugh
Dakini Rhode: eos i'm thinking pain is a better word than my word sadness
Eos Amaterasu: really...
Eos Amaterasu: I wanted to explore "sadness" more....
Eos Amaterasu: which seems to have a quality of softness, vulnerability
Eos Amaterasu: and so close to letting go, again
Dakini Rhode: maybe sadness is one reaction to painfulness
Eos Amaterasu: maybe some sense of helplessness
Dakini Rhode: sadness and helplessness, yes
Dakini Rhode: sort of a not quite letting go
Dakini Rhode: holding on to pain a bit
Eos Amaterasu: but realizing you have to let go, or things already have let go
Eos Amaterasu: even the pain might be more tangible
Eos Amaterasu: or better cause more tangible, something to hold
Dakini Rhode: things i find humorous almost always contain that element of sadness, or pain if you will, if i look hard at them
Dakini Rhode: like someone making a complete ass of themselves
kenji Pookes: Dr. Strangelove
Dakini Rhode: do you think it's ok for the blog i said that?
Dakini Rhode: typed
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Dakini Rhode: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: it convays the point perfectly
stevenaia Michinaga: sometime I laugh at myself for being that complete ass
Dakini Rhode: yes!
Dakini Rhode: agreeing with the feeling, not that you're the complete ass
Dakini Rhode: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles, I understand
Eos Amaterasu: catching yourself being a complete ass can be funny :-)
Dakini Rhode: but with the potential to be socially painful
stevenaia Michinaga: usualy funnier when someone points it out to you
Feeling the parameters of the experience of humor...
Eos Amaterasu: social spaces are great for suspending us
Eos Amaterasu: we don't quite know how to be
Eos Amaterasu: the me game becomes more heightened and visible
Eos Amaterasu: as well as the who's you ? game
Eos Amaterasu: and what are we sharing?
Eos Amaterasu: which could be just that suspension, openness
stevenaia Michinaga: I must go, thank you for sharing in your humor and joy
stevenaia Michinaga: and pain that makes us laugh
Dakini Rhode: thank you, steve and be well :)
Eos Amaterasu: thanks for the great big red ball :-)
Dakini Rhode: i need one of those
Eos Amaterasu: (stevenaia bounces up and down a few stories)
Dakini Rhode: :)
Dakini Rhode: very little gravity :)
Dakini Rhode: i need to be going, myself
Dakini Rhode: thank you for the intruiging (sp?) thoughts
Dakini Rhode: intrigue?
Dakini Rhode: anyway
kenji Pookes: Good night all. This has been, since I got here late, mostely confusing. But I am usually mostly confused.
Dakini Rhode: thanky you
Dakini Rhode: :)
Travieso Sella: _/!\_
Eos Amaterasu: Thank you all, and sweet dreams, or wakenings
Nice way to close.