2010.04.04 13:00 - Theme session #2: TSK

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Maxine Walden. The comments are by Maxine Walden.

    This session was the second discussion between Pema and Maxine  on the theme of the experience of and meditations upon reading the book Time, Space and Knowledge.  There was uncertainty whether Pema  would be able to make the meeting due to his travel plans but he arrived just at the time, as the early discussion reveals.   



    Maxine Walden: Ah, Pema, you made it!
    Riddle Sideways: whew out of breathe, ran all the way
    Pema Pera: yes, by the skin of my teeth :-)
    Maxine Walden: hi, Riddle!
    Riddle Sideways: how was your flight
    Maxine Walden: wow, just land, Pema? in SF?
    Pema Pera: yes
    Pema Pera: no problems with the flight, but it took me half an hour of walking all around the airport to find an electric outlet
    Maxine Walden: oh, yes, I have had that problem as well, outlets in airports
    Maxine Walden: Glad you could find one
    Pema Pera: after picking up checked luggage, you are not allowed to get into the "green zone" secure area where all the outlet are . . . sigh
    Pema Pera: but finally found one!
    Maxine Walden: oh, my, had not been aware of that problem.
    Riddle Sideways: outlets are behind pillars with no seats and 3 people using already
    Pema Pera: ah, but *most* of those look like outlets but don't carry current, as I found out
    Pema Pera: only the fifth one did
    Riddle Sideways: tip: carry a small power spliter 3 outputs and make a friend
    Pema Pera: I do
    Pema Pera: tiny ones made in Japan :)
    Pema Pera: haven't seen those here
    Wester Kiranov: hi all
    Pema Pera: and yes, have made many friends that way :)
    Pema Pera: Shall we get started, Maxine?
    Maxine Walden: I was just thinking that, Pema
    Pema Pera: This is the second "Time, Space, Knowledge" theme meeting, using the title of a book by that name, that we have been studying weekly for the last half year.
    Maxine Walden: Shall we just remind that this is a theme session about the experience of having read the Time Space and Knowledge (TSK) book?
    Pema Pera: http://playasbeing.wik.is/index.php?..._%26_Knowledge
    Pema Pera: was the first session in this series
    Pema Pera: See http://playasbeing.wik.is/PaB_Theme_Sessions for other theme sessions, in general
    Pema Pera: Do you have an angle to start from, Maxine?
    Liza Deischer didn't read it and forgot about the theme-session, is slipping away
    Maxine Walden: bye, Liza
    Liza Deischer: bye
    Pema Pera: btw, there is no need to have read to book :-)
    Pema Pera: but of course it does help to have read it
    Pema Pera: to have more background
    Maxine Walden: well, Pema, have a couple of things I could say, but perhaps you have something you would like to mention? Either way is fine with me
    Pema Pera: but on the other hand, there is also the freshness of a first encounter
    Pema Pera: no, please go ahead Maxine!
    Maxine Walden: OK, just to remention that one of the profound things for me
    Maxine Walden: in the reading was the constant experience of being in the presence
    Maxine Walden: of a very wise person, the voice of the author and the language he used
    Maxine Walden: That 'presence' was very calming, very containing, as I recollect
    Maxine Walden: And contributes, I think to the experience of opening, trusting, unfolding, transforming...
    Maxine Walden: so wanted to mention that. And as well, it occurred to me
    Maxine Walden: as I was thinking of this second theme session,
    Maxine Walden: that for me in an ongoing way the sense of opening to TSK and the learning being offered
    Maxine Walden: suggested that one's experience of reality, and of the opening to the wider views and appreciations (getting lost in my sentence!! Just a moment)
    Maxine Walden: ...that one's evolving sense of appreciation of TSK pivots on the state of mind, the opening of one's mind, vs the narrow, defensive, pressured, focus on the minute...
    Maxine Walden: that the quality of attentiveness, guess that is really what I am trying to get at...
    Maxine Walden: the quality of attentiveness seems key to me re how open, how allowing, how receiving and appreciative one can be
    Maxine Walden: And this quality of attentiveness is not a contrived one from inside, but is one which naturally 'comes' in a relaxed, trusting, opening of oneself.
    Maxine Walden: But when I have been fatigued, etc, I seem less able to connect with that relaxed open attentiveness...
    Yakuzza Lethecus: ara! :)
    Pema Pera: Hi Arabella!
    Maxine Walden: hmm. let me pause for a moment...
    arabella Ella: Hiya Pema, everyone!
    Wester Kiranov: hi ara
    Pema Pera: yes, and the attentiveness seems to have an aspect of appreciation . . . .
    Pema Pera: not so much a grasping kind of attentiveness towards something in particular, but rather an appreciation of the whole scene, so to speak
    Maxine Walden: absolutely, Pema...think that is key...the appreciation which is a soft resonating openness
    Maxine Walden: getting past the 'self' with its agenda, and drive to possess, 'know' etc...and at times it seemed to take work to maintain the relaxed open aspect, as if the default position paradoxically was the 'self''s agenda
    Maxine Walden: Pema, with all the readings you have done, the default position is probably something other than the self's agenda?
    Maxine Walden: readings of TSK you have done...
    Pema Pera: what do you mean exactly with the "default position", Maxine?
    Maxine Walden: guess I mean the place one comes back to or sometimes begins from as one 'wakes' up in the morning...the place of least energy output...
    Pema Pera: yes, when we wake up, we first dress up our minds, with all its attachments and identifications, and then the body . . . :)
    Bleu Oleander: default as a metaphor for being maybe?
    Maxine Walden: being rather than Being...
    Pema Pera: dressing the mind typically takes less than a second or so, but we can learn to dwell longer in the open space between sleeping and waking
    Pema Pera: and yes, Being would be the ultimate and most radical form of openness, beyond all dualities
    Maxine Walden: dwelling in that twilight place perhaps?
    Pema Pera: Maxine, how does that compare with your work, your practice?
    Maxine Walden: Not sure, Pema, if you would agree, but I have been wondering whether the 'reality' we perceive, the T,S, and K that we can open to, really pivots on the nature of our appreciation, our attentiveness...that the lens of our perception 'creates' the reality of our moment
    Maxine Walden: of each moment...
    Pema Pera: well, the "us" in there is of course a very tricky aspect of such a way of viewing the world
    Pema Pera: "we" strictly speaking, cannot open to T, S, K; more accurately T, S, K can appreciate their own dance
    Pema Pera: their own show, which include a kind of appearance of "us" :)
    Pema Pera: and we tend to then want to "own" what happens, transform it down to a small level that the ego can handle
    Pema Pera: (and by the way, everybody should feel free to join in with the discussion!)
    Maxine Walden: yes, yes, appreciate that the language I am using seems ego-centric, and that is not really what I am trying to focus on, but it is interesting that that is how it is coming out. So maybe I can pause for a moment, and see if something more clearly comes to mind
    Bleu Oleander: could you elaborate on "t,s,k can appreciate their own dance"?
    Wester Kiranov: hi bert
    Bertram Jacobus: ... (only whisper : hello all) ...
    arabella Ella: Hiya Bertram, Micko
    Pema Pera: yes, I know, Maxine, we all have little choice but to use terms like I and me and self, since that is how our language is structured; as long as we remind ourselves constantly of that problem, we can try to look through the words in order to get a taste of what a non-self view, a non-self-centered awareness can be like.
    Wester Kiranov: hey mickey
    Pema Pera: Bleu, not sure how to elaborate :-)
    Wol Euler: hello all
    Wester Kiranov: hi wol
    arabella Ella: Hiya Wol
    Mickorod Renard: Hiya folks
    Maxine Walden: right, Pema
    Pema Pera: it's a different feeling, a different sense . . .
    Pema Pera: like while bicycling and letting the bicycling do the bicycling
    Maxine Walden: perhaps whiffs of that wisdom which allows that de-centering from the 'self'
    Pema Pera: or letting the walking or talking doing itself, rather than me doing it
    Pema Pera: and even though I may seem to use Buddhist terms, similar ideas abound elsewhere
    Pema Pera: often more couched in terms of devotion
    Pema Pera: letting go of concern of self, surrendering
    Riddle Sideways: not sure if you went afield or drifted, but I heard Maxine appreciating the open attentive wideness in and needed to read TSK
    Bleu Oleander: ty
    Pema Pera: yes, Riddle?
    Pema Pera: we tend to fall out of that openness often, centralizing on our own sense of self as the doer
    Pema Pera: the experiencer
    Pema Pera: but by noticing that, it can be easier to regain the openness
    Pema Pera: it's like an oscillation, breathing
    Maxine Walden: think that as I was trying to appreciate the capacity to appreciate, as it were, I could be seen as the 'owner' or the act of appreciation, when I was trying to appreciate/describe the quality of the experience...not sure if that is clarifying or a further tangle
    Maxine Walden: 'owner' of the act...
    Pema Pera: yes, and at least speaking for myself, I know that I always fall back from the openness to a more narrow position -- the challenge is then to not stay there, but to "bounce" back sooner or later
    Pema Pera: insofar as I feel that I'm learning, I can say that the periods to bounce back have become shorter and shorter, from months to minutes :) -- that's one thing
    Pema Pera: the other thing is that even while having falling out of it, so to speak, I also know that I can't really fall out of it
    Wester Kiranov: hi qt
    Qt Core: hi all
    Maxine Walden: the qualities of devotion, surrender, opening...as wonderous as they are seem to recede when fatigue or preoccupation or daily events intercede
    Mickorod Renard: Hi Qt
    Pema Pera: and it feels more like being engrossed in a movie while still knowing full well it ain't really real.
    Maxine Walden: yes, having that backdrop of the fuller opening to TSK, that remains in the background even when the falling out from the openness is more prominent
    Pema Pera: trying to reach openness is somewhat of a contradiction . . . allowing a sense of tiredness and seemingly non-openness in fact invites openness quite well :-)
    Pema Pera: but it all feeds upon itself: taking a single deep breath invites more openness, let's a smile break through, make you remember other times when you could were things more lightly, etc etc . . . it snowballs!
    Maxine Walden: can do, Pema, being open to one's fatigue, so to speak, unless one becomes impatient with that fatigue...closes down to one's whole self
    Pema Pera: yes, exactly
    Pema Pera: openness is an engine that can run on any fuel !
    Maxine Walden: yes, yes...
    Pema Pera: we can be open for our own anger
    Pema Pera: our doubts
    Pema Pera: our ennoyances
    Pema Pera: inviting them even :)
    Maxine Walden: it is the acceptance, of all our aspects...doubts, angers, warts, as it were...and maybe TSK is more open, patient, accepting that we are ourselves much of the time
    Maxine Walden: maybe that is a kind of default position....my limited acceptance of all my 'warts' much of the time
    Wester Kiranov: :)
    Pema Pera: accepting by dropping the very notion of "ourselves" . . .
    Maxine Walden: hmm, yes
    Pema Pera: so the warts are just interesting phenomena, curious warts, no longer "my warts"!
    Maxine Walden: that is one of the wonderful thing...the opening of the surfaces. so that 'my' warts doe lose that sense of 'me-ness' which is so relieving...worry falling away...
    Calvino Rabeni: A lot of the small "self" seems defined by opposition to experience
    Maxine Walden: agree, Cal
    Maxine Walden: (wondering if Pema and I are in this sort of dancing discussion illustrating the to and fro of the 'small' self and the more open self-free aspects
    Riddle Sideways: it looked it to us
    Pema Pera: :)
    Pema Pera: can you see more, Riddle?
    Pema Pera: *say
    Riddle Sideways: no, well ok. You both have a push/pull about you today
    Riddle Sideways: leading /following
    Riddle Sideways: dancing to a book I have not read
    Wol Euler: like a binary pair of stars orbiting around a middlepoint, neither leading and neither following :)
    Bertram Jacobus: nice "picture" ...
    Wester Kiranov: I think this book is just one possible pointer to that no-thing there are no words for
    Pema Pera: sure!
    Pema Pera: it happens to be a contemporary version, refreshingly different from the many traditional books that use language from a different time and place than our own
    Pema Pera: but the basic point of the book is the switch from having to being
    Pema Pera: which is a very simple point
    Maxine Walden: Wol's image of the binary stars orbiting around a mid-point is very interesting to me, as I think there is a center of gravity re TSK which for me seems at times very gravitational, and at other times elusive...so I can feel a persona push and pull...thanks, Wol, for that image
    Pema Pera: Perhaps what Maxine and I can do, together with Wester and Cal and Yaku and Bleu and others who were at some or more TSK readings, is to give you a "tourist's impression"
    Pema Pera: like the way we talked about the Malta retreat
    Pema Pera: which I hope was interesting also for those who weren't there
    arabella Ella: sounds like a good idea to me
    arabella Ella: :)
    Wol Euler nods.
    Pema Pera: so if you have any "tourist's questions", please fire away :)
    Bleu Oleander (still considers herself a tourist)
    Maxine Walden: me too, bleu
    Riddle Sideways: tourist ques: If I were to go there someday... what is the one place I 'must' visit
    arabella Ella: ok you said 'a switch from having to being' ... and 'having knowledge' may not therefore be such a good thing? Could you elaborate please about 'having knowledge'?
    Pema Pera: where you are, but seen in a different light perhaps
    Pema Pera: yes, dropping knowledge is a better way to start . . . .
    Pema Pera: (to Riddle, and to Ara, respectively)
    Pema Pera: we know too much already, or think we do . . .
    arabella Ella: do we?
    Wester Kiranov: knowledge is always there, and if you try to own it it will run away (@ara)
    Pema Pera: we think we know we have a self, for example, etc etc
    Calvino Rabeni: @riddle, a place to visit - You must visit the place where knowledge is seen from a place of knowing-ness or "already" rather than acquiring information.
    Maxine Walden: to be alert to the anxiety about grasping, or trying to seize the good stuff, the Knowledge...for that forcloses the openness, the appreication of quiet, present knowingness as Great Knowledge
    arabella Ella: but ... excuse the 'tourist question' ... are we not trying to 'know more' by being here? so is there not a paradox?
    Wester Kiranov: there are loads of seeming paradoxes
    Pema Pera: there are paradoxes, always, when we try to capture insight into words
    Pema Pera: yes
    Maxine Walden: awe in the presence of a quiet, uncontrived knowingness
    Pema Pera: not "our knowingness"
    Pema Pera: something else, more like inspiration, creativity, in that direction
    Pema Pera: spontaneity
    Maxine Walden: For the the paradox is also in the limitation of our language...we just don't have words to convey the presence of this knowingness, we tend to relate to 'our knowing' in our language, our questing even to open to TSK
    Calvino Rabeni: So paradoxes are an opportunity, not a frustration, yes/no? :)
    arabella Ella: one thing that comes to mind is this ... our 'knowing' allows us to ask pertinent and critical questions (tourist questions too?) rather than following blindly like sheep with no brains ... and of avoiding the control of our minds by others
    Pema Pera: very much so, I'd say, Cal
    Maxine Walden: yes, Cal...:)
    Pema Pera: oh yes, Ara!
    Wester Kiranov: I'd say tourist questions especially
    Maxine Walden: yes, Ara, very nice point
    Pema Pera: but if we are not willing to then drop that knowing, we an only add knowledge
    Pema Pera: and our touristy backpacks then become very very heavy . . . .
    Wester Kiranov: because if you think you know what a place is like you tend to stop looking
    Maxine Walden: agree, Wester
    Pema Pera: I have to get up and start looking for my place, in fact, in RL :)
    Pema Pera: am still at the airport of San Francisco
    Pema Pera: thanks for a fun conversation, Maxine and everybody!
    Maxine Walden: so hard to trust that just being open will allow more access to this quiet treasure of knowingness; so for me when I am not in that trusting place I tend to add the baggage of knowledge
    Pema Pera: yes
    Maxine Walden: thanks, Pema...yes, so glad we could have this talk, this theme session
    Mickorod Renard: bye Pema
    Bleu Oleander: bye Pema
    Wol Euler: bye pema, take care
    Wester Kiranov: ty pema
    Bertram Jacobus: bye pema ...
    Qt Core: bye pema
    Pema Pera: see you all soon again!
    arabella Ella: thanks Pema lovely to c u here again!
    Riddle Sideways: bye and thanks pema
    Maxine Walden: yes, and I should go too soon but I can stay a few minutes longer
    Wester Kiranov: RL is starting to ask for my full attention too :-)
    Riddle Sideways: It all seems to echo what Pema asked in the beginnging of PaB.
    Riddle Sideways: "who are you"
    arabella Ella: i would like to discuss this concept of dropping knowledge a bit more but it could wait for the next session
    Riddle Sideways: not "what do you have/know"
    Calvino Rabeni: It is a rich one arabella, good idea
    Maxine Walden: Maybe we could continue this discussion, if you like next Sunday 1pm? These questions Ara, Riddle and others are posing?
    Wol Euler: good idea
    Maxine Walden: I could see if Pema could come
    Wester Kiranov: I'd like that
    arabella Ella: yes please
    Bleu Oleander: great plan
    Riddle Sideways: ok
    Maxine Walden: good, I will check with him. Great discussion...
    Bleu Oleander: bye Maxine, take care
    Wol Euler: goodnight maxine, take care
    Maxine Walden: OK, will go, see you all soon. Bye for now
    Yakuzza Lethecus: bye maxine
    Riddle Sideways: bye and thanks maxine
    Wester Kiranov: bye maxine, ty
    Bertram Jacobus: bye maxine ...
    arabella Ella: thanks Maxine bye for now
    Mickorod Renard: bye \max
    Bertram Jacobus: bye riddle ...
    Riddle Sideways: bye all
    Wester Kiranov: bye riddle
    Mickorod Renard: bye riddle
    Wol Euler: bye riddle
    Yakuzza Lethecus: night wester
    Wester Kiranov: namaste
    Bertram Jacobus: bye wester ...
    Wol Euler: 'night wester, take care
    arabella Ella: i must go too ... nite all ... and happy Easter too!
    Bertram Jacobus: bye ara ... ;-)
    Yakuzza Lethecus: bye or night everyone
    Wol Euler: goodnight ara, happy easter.
    Mickorod Renard: I must head home too
    Bleu Oleander: bye everyone :)
    Bertram Jacobus: bye mick ... :-)
    Mickorod Renard: nite nite all,,hapy easter
    Bertram Jacobus: bye bleu
    Wol Euler: bye bleu
    Bertram Jacobus: and hy wol ;-)
    Wol Euler: hello bert
    Wol Euler: :)
    Mickorod Renard: c u guys
    Bertram Jacobus: cu guy ;-)
    Wol Euler: 'night mick, take cdare
    Bertram Jacobus: interesting : symmetrie and assymetrie - both can be enjoyed ...
    Wol Euler: :)
    Bertram Jacobus: and nice to feel that silence now ... sry for disturbing it ... ;-)
    Wol Euler: mirror symmetry but not rotational symmetry :)
    Bertram Jacobus: okai
    Qt Core: sometimes is good to know that people aren't just lost in im ;-)
    Wol Euler: :)
    Wol Euler: or secretly making tea
    Wol Euler coughs.
    Bertram Jacobus: i like to be with what surrounds me
    Bertram Jacobus: or even coffee ? (!) :-)
    Wol Euler smiles.
    Wol Euler: it's funny how simply expressed philosophical concepts can have an enormous "tail" of preconditions and consequences and dependent arisings
    Wol Euler: like wu wei :)
    ZenZen Meredith: hi
    Bertram Jacobus: hello zenzen :-)
    Qt Core: hi Zenzen
    Wol Euler: hello zenzen
    Wol Euler: [14:20] Somebody: in the meantime, I can only wait what happens [14:20] Wol Euler: mmhmm [14:20] Wol Euler: wu wei: do nothing, let the Moment happen :=) [14:21] Somebody: exactly
    Wol Euler: that presumes that you have done the right thing in the right way, leading up to that moment of letting go of things
    Wol Euler: hello paradise
    Paradise Tennant: hi hi happy to see everyone ..sad I am so late ! :)
    Bertram Jacobus: hy paradise again mrs. neighbour ... :-))
    ZenZen Meredith: hi paradise
    Wol Euler: zenzen, have you been here before?
    ZenZen Meredith: nope
    ZenZen Meredith: first time
    Paradise Tennant: hiya zenzen .. a pleasure to meet you :)
    Wol Euler: ok, I'll give you a notecard and an intro in IM
    ZenZen Meredith: okie, ty
    Paradise Tennant: smiles it was a good session I bet :)
    Bertram Jacobus: wu wei and all the other ... link of the so called "absolute" and the may be infinite (?) relative stages ... (?) ... not astonishing i find. more normal
    Paradise Tennant: zenzen .. we pretty much meet 4 times a day from around the globe to explore the mysteries of consciousness :)
    Paradise Tennant: kk
    Qt Core: simple like that ;-)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Bertram Jacobus: and everybody takes all in his own way ...
    ZenZen Meredith: sounds good
    Paradise Tennant: yes own way ..own pace :)
    Bertram Jacobus: me, for example, express very often things wrongly i guess. because a poor english writer. no native one - and above that very slowww , often ... :-)
    Qt Core: sorry, hgad a little crash
    Wol Euler: wb qt and zenzen
    ZenZen Meredith: me too
    Bertram Jacobus: interesting - a coherence ?
    Paradise Tennant: well the joy of sl is really all the international expression .. it is one of the things that makes the discourse so rich in perspective :)
    Wol Euler nods.
    Qt Core: i know it is the lamest it excuse.... but i did nothing, why it happened ? ;-)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: your turn ?
    Wol Euler: virtual shit happens too.
    Wol Euler: wow.
    Bertram Jacobus: why one can ask without limitation - so leads to infinity , consequently done :o)
    Wol Euler: repeated spontaneous crashings.
    ZenZen Meredith: yep
    Wol Euler: perhaps clear cache, restart your modem, and reboot your computer?
    ZenZen Meredith: oh boy
    Paradise Tennant: nods
    Wol Euler: happens
    Bertram Jacobus: karma ... ;-)
    ZenZen Meredith: yep
    Wol Euler: heheheh
    ZenZen Meredith: one more crash and i will know im not meant to be here
    Wol Euler: you mistreated some electrons in a previous existence
    ZenZen Meredith: hahaha
    ZenZen Meredith: im a devil for mistreating electrons
    Bertram Jacobus: could be a misinterpretation
    Bertram Jacobus: others (interpretations) are, that such is a sign, that something important happens and the ugly ghosts try to sabotate ... ;-)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: what did you come away with from the session on tsk ...anyone ?
    Paradise Tennant: is sure there were take aways :0
    ZenZen Meredith: arg
    Bertram Jacobus: whaow zenzen - you´re quick !
    Wol Euler: that I really need to read TSK :)
    ZenZen Meredith: ok im not meant to be here, will try some other time when things more stable
    Paradise Tennant: lol same here
    Paradise Tennant: is it on amazon ?
    Bertram Jacobus: yes please
    Paradise Tennant: I have yet to get a copy
    ZenZen Meredith: bye folks nice to meet you
    Wol Euler nods. Take care, ZZ, and take a landmark
    Paradise Tennant: byeee zenzen hope to see you again soon :)
    ZenZen Meredith: :-) managed to stay uncrashed long enough to do it
    Wol Euler: I'll try to find a copy when I'm at the retreat
    Wol Euler: unable to get one here in Germany
    Paradise Tennant: must be a lot of peeps in the grid to make it this glitchy
    Bertram Jacobus: bye qt ... *wave*
    Paradise Tennant: take care qt
    Paradise Tennant: amazon has it ..
    Qt Core: had more crash this last hour than in last six months grrr
    Wol Euler: clear cache, restart your modem, reboot your computer
    Bertram Jacobus: oops
    Wol Euler: then pray :)
    Bertram Jacobus: lol
    Qt Core: rebooted
    Bertram Jacobus: when will the sf retreat be ?
    Paradise Tennant: there are quite a few ... books by him with similar titles
    Wol Euler: april 18 to 24
    Wol Euler: two weeks!
    Qt Core: which books ?
    Bertram Jacobus: great
    Bertram Jacobus: time space knowledge
    Bertram Jacobus: tsk
    Wol Euler: paradise, I don't like buying from Amazon unless I really have to. I prefer to support local stores
    Paradise Tennant: time space knowledge by tarthang tulku
    Bertram Jacobus: from thartang tulku
    Bertram Jacobus: ah - by
    Paradise Tennant: very wise
    Qt Core: ohh, right
    Paradise Tennant: the world would be a horrible place without corner book stores
    Wol Euler: indeed
    Bertram Jacobus: i would know some worse scenarios ... ;o)
    Bertram Jacobus: but for sure they are nice
    Bertram Jacobus: those little shops
    Qt Core: i was quite hit when one of my favorite, non big chains bookstore closed some years ago, it wasn't a little corner store but still...
    Paradise Tennant: hmm we have a great book store called nicholas hoare ..just around the corner ..fireplace ..down sofas ... best book buyer on the planet
    Bertram Jacobus: yes - our beloved patterns ... when they get disturbed, unwillingly - not easy . a very nice chinese restaurant in my neighbourhood closed - a pity ! :-(
    Paradise Tennant: the dog stops by the door whether it is open or not :)
    Wol Euler: heheheh
    Wol Euler: he's learned your preferences
    Paradise Tennant: lol little chance .. of that ..he has his own preferences .. think he just really likes the place .. the people watching ..the attention :)
    Bertram Jacobus: i´ll leave - sry for my comments this evening, feel a bit naughty ... will try to get more compassionating again (?) ...
    Paradise Tennant: keeps us out longer ..maybe another chance to walk back through the park ... smart pup !
    Wol Euler: bye bert, take care
    Qt Core: bye Bertram, have fun
    Paradise Tennant: take care bert :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Naughty :)
    Bertram Jacobus: ty all - and all beings , happy and such ... *wave* ...
    Paradise Tennant: how have you been qt i have not seen you since the retreat :)
    Bertram Jacobus: hehe ... ;-)
    Calvino Rabeni: BYe :)
    Qt Core: not bad, beating myself for some things i have to do but too lazy to do ;-) you ?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles very well .. enjoying a lazy weekend ..without guilt !
    Paradise Tennant: sad it is winding down :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Hey, I'm not lazy - I just have misguided priorities :)))
    Paradise Tennant: priorities should shift and change ..just plain bad for you to always keep them in the same order 1
    Paradise Tennant: *!
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Wol Euler: true
    Calvino Rabeni: agree!
    Wol Euler: "the head is round so our thoughts can change direction"
    Paradise Tennant: smiles yes!
    Calvino Rabeni: You could ask - why do we even have a head?
    Paradise Tennant: hmm think there are lots of thinking cells in your tummy too :)
    Wol Euler: to hold our hair down!
    Calvino Rabeni: Not such a totally unreasonable thing to consider
    Paradise Tennant: maybe it is just ornamental :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Calvino Rabeni: Right people do add a lot of ornament
    Calvino Rabeni: As did nature in the evolution of the head
    Paradise Tennant: was reading last night that .. it takes so much of the brain's capacity to process .. vision .that why we sleep may be just to shut our eyes off.. so it has time to reboot and focus on creative .. endeavers :)
    Paradise Tennant: to dream :)
    Calvino Rabeni: BTW, if you want to see some rather strikingly ornamented heads
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.amazon.com/Extraordinary-...0418116&sr=8-1
    Wol Euler: strange world.
    Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps it only seems strange
    Qt Core: let see if the older viewer is calmer tonight ;-)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles beautiful !
    Wol Euler: but a wonderful world too, in which such works of personal obsession can be *found* by other obsessives!
    Paradise Tennant: i have not .. switched yet
    Wol Euler will switch to a "v2" viewer when there is one named "Emerald"
    Paradise Tennant: last night .. steve had just downloaded it and lost parts of his inventory and looked well very unsteve ish
    Calvino Rabeni: What kind of computer was that ?
    Paradise Tennant: hmm don't know I suspect he has a mac
    Wol Euler: I think he's a mac user
    Calvino Rabeni: Ah, I feared as much
    Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
    Calvino Rabeni: The poor mac user gets stuck with flaky downloads - seemingly rushed to market prematurely
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: never used a mac but everyone I know seems enthralled... :) have friends who say their iphones and laptops communicate on their own ..
    Paradise Tennant: not sure I would want my technology chatting away without me :)
    Calvino Rabeni: I bought a small netbook for traveling - and am pleasantly surprised that it can do SL adequately
    Wol Euler: well, that is optional, it can be switched off
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Paradise Tennant: happy news !
    Calvino Rabeni: So now I have a lightweight thing to tether me more to this virtual world
    Paradise Tennant: I have sl on an old clunker of a home computer which is the only application I use on the machine .. my laptop I use for work .. so you can be in sl .. in the cafes :)
    Paradise Tennant: nice !
    Calvino Rabeni: Laptop too heavy for lots of travel. Netbooks are finally to the point where they can just about do it
    Calvino Rabeni: WB QT
    Paradise Tennant: yes they are heavy
    Paradise Tennant: wb qt
    Qt Core: hi... again
    Wol Euler: wb
    Qt Core: i think i'm having temp problem with the gpu
    Calvino Rabeni: The netbook weights 1.2 kilo, not bad
    Qt Core: 15 C increase since login!
    Wol Euler: sentences like that are why Mac users *are* Mac users :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni raises an eyebrow
    Paradise Tennant: so it is your machine have issue qt not the grid ?
    Qt Core: i had read about temp issues from the last driver upgrade of nvidia gpu
    Paradise Tennant: yowser
    Qt Core: ant they were about 3d, so it can be that, will check for upgrades
    Qt Core: 21C increase since ligin and above 90C
    Paradise Tennant: saver to shut it off no?
    Paradise Tennant: *safer
    Qt Core: but it went almost like that in last two weeks no crash even for longer periuood of being in sl
    Qt Core: so, what i missed while crashing right and left ?
    Paradise Tennant: just chatting really :)
    Wol Euler: :)
    Qt Core: i'll try to go cisit a couple of friends vefire my pc catches fire ;-)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at qt .. that is an excellent plan!
    Qt Core: bye all, have fun!
    Calvino Rabeni: My plan now is to get less virtual
    Paradise Tennant: that is also an excellent plan !
    Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy
    Calvino Rabeni: So, may you enjoy all your "lives"
    Wol Euler: and calvino, likewise
    Calvino Rabeni: I fly
    Paradise Tennant: byeeeee qt .. calvino :)
    Pila Mulligan: hi Wol and Paradise
    Pila Mulligan: ... am I arrving at an untimely moment?
    Wol Euler: hello pila
    Wol Euler: it's nice to see you.
    Wol Euler: *always nice
    Pila Mulligan: nice to see you too
    Pila Mulligan: I asked about the timing so as not to inadvertantly interrupt a private chat
    Wol Euler: :)
    Pila Mulligan: at the moment I'm trying to keep a distance between my self and the refrigerator
    Wol Euler laughs.
    Pila Mulligan: I tried a hme made fudge recipe earlier and it is now cooled and sitting next to a jar of peanut butter
    Wol Euler: oh dear
    Paradise Tennant: lol hiya pila
    Wol Euler: temptation squared.
    Paradise Tennant: indeed !
    Pila Mulligan: those two combined are almost orgasmic
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: perfect way to celebrate a holiday :)
    Pila Mulligan: then there are the options ... combined on a banana ... with ice cream ... truly Dante's Inferno
    Wol Euler shakes her head.
    Paradise Tennant: wol have you ever attended any of pila's iching sessions
    Wol Euler: no, I do my scratching in private.
    Wol Euler: sorry, I couldn'T resist.
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: Wol that is the worst punI've heard this year
    Paradise Tennant: smiles .. being good I have a vegetarian lunch with macro greens and a kale shake ! lol
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Wol Euler grins. Glad to be of service.
    Paradise Tennant: *had
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Pila Mulligan: Paradise your nutrition virtue is r=commendable
    Paradise Tennant: it was perhaps lol
    Paradise Tennant: well .. there is a great place called fresh near my mom :)
    Pila Mulligan: like a farmer's market?
    Paradise Tennant: they make delicious healthy food ..so no sacrifice :)
    Pila Mulligan: cool
    Paradise Tennant: when sting is in town ..he downs their .. wheat grass shakes :)
    Paradise Tennant: they are yummy
    Pila Mulligan: I've gotten in te habiot of having salads for dinner, so I was feeling virtuous until earlier today
    Pila Mulligan: wheat grass is a big thing among many folks --intestinal health food
    Paradise Tennant: well you know sometimes it just has to be fudge :) how ever you serve it up
    Pila Mulligan: yep, chocolate -- and this is dark chcolate so it is 'healthy
    Paradise Tennant: always keep a stash of really good french truffles .. the 70% cocao kind
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: yes ! does that not just make you happy !
    Pila Mulligan: t warms the cockle of my tummy
    Pila Mulligan: cockles
    Wol Euler: :)
    Paradise Tennant: the iching classes are interesting wol .. arabella is doing it .and mike too :)
    Pila Mulligan: Wol is welcome, and was invited, but I believe time was a factor
    Paradise Tennant: she is always working !
    Wol Euler nods. I have been working like crazy last month, I had no time at all :(
    Wol Euler: hopefully that will change now
    Pila Mulligan: FYI -- http://www.iching.ws/
    Wol Euler: ty, surfing...
    Pila Mulligan: was this your big buildig project from last year?
    Wol Euler: yes, preparing tender documents
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, slowly devleoping then
    Wol Euler: there is one more set of building trades to do, but they are much smaller amounts of work, and need not go out until hte end of June
    Pila Mulligan: does tender in Germany mean you are in a bidding process?
    Wol Euler: we are the architects, we issue tender docs to enable companies to bid on trades/processes
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, I see
    Wol Euler: they work out the prices, we evaluate these and make a recommendation to the client
    Pila Mulligan: cool
    Pila Mulligan: I'm working no a construction defect case at the moment actually -- desk full of documents beside me
    Pila Mulligan: on*
    Pila Mulligan: ... but it is really more spat than substance -- the contractor fell in love with the owner .... an unrequited love controversy sublimated into contract litigation
    Paradise Tennant: so much goes into a building getting done ..quite fond of them really .. when I was in Las Vegas .. I spent the whole time just scooting from one engineering marvel to the next :) they are an intriguing display of balance, precision and as you well know wol organizations :)
    Wol Euler: oh dear,
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: yes, a well-built project is a joy
    Paradise Tennant: must have been a steamy work site ..
    Pila Mulligan: :0
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Pila Mulligan: well, it was in a rainforest :0
    Pila Mulligan: next to a Volcano
    Wol Euler: so doubly steamy
    Pila Mulligan: so steam no doubt was therebaouts
    Wol Euler: the symbolism is overwhelming
    Pila Mulligan: :0
    Paradise Tennant: perhaps that explains it
    Wol Euler: inevitable, really.
    Pila Mulligan: the worst thing was she got married just before the finish deadline
    Paradise Tennant: when they go legal it is always a miserable process :)
    Pila Mulligan: to some one else of course
    Paradise Tennant: of course
    Pila Mulligan: nad he got bitter and basicly told her to fuck off on the house
    Wol Euler nods.
    Pila Mulligan: a useless waste fo a conflict
    Paradise Tennant: well most conflict is
    Pila Mulligan: usually, sometimes it is worthwhile though
    Pila Mulligan: really blatant explotation cases for example
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: been trying to better understand aspiration .. which if routine applied could put a whole lot of laywers out of work :)
    Paradise Tennant: present company excepted !
    Pila Mulligan: hmmm ... care to elaborate?
    Pila Mulligan is not a lwayer, btw, thank goodness
    Paradise Tennant: well ... put to words ..
    Paradise Tennant: it is such a simple idea
    Paradise Tennant: that you create in your mind and hold in it a vision of how you want something to be and then meditate on it .. giving it more focus .. more substance in your thoughts and beliefs
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, then it becomes closer to your ideal?
    Paradise Tennant: till it becomes material ..
    Paradise Tennant: till it exists
    Pila Mulligan: so instead of lawyers you take your needs to gurus :)
    Paradise Tennant: well say you aspire for there to be good relations between those two .. an end to hostility and a mutual tolerance going forward that is collaborative and respectful
    Pila Mulligan: that is probably a valid method, it is certainly common among meditation practices
    Paradise Tennant: that would be the thought that you would focus on
    Pila Mulligan: kind of like prayer with a workout
    Paradise Tennant: yes kind of like a prayer with a workout!
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: there is tons of interesting empiral research on prayer that is almost spooky
    Pila Mulligan: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was setting out to acomplish world peace by a simial rmehtod, before he died
    Paradise Tennant: people who are prayed for recover .. better and faster on a grid of different metrics whether or not they know they are being prayed for
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Pila Mulligan: yes, much of traditional healing involves a similar approach
    Pila Mulligan: hands on light sharing
    Paradise Tennant: think we underestimate how powerful our thoughts are
    Paradise Tennant: for both good and bad ..
    Wol Euler nods.
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Pila Mulligan: like when monkeys are pesidents
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Pila Mulligan: r*
    Paradise Tennant: been working very hard on being positive .. but now when I do have a bad or negative thought on someone .. I almost feel that it is akin to hurting them really .. whether or not they know about it
    Pila Mulligan: there is an art to anger :)
    Paradise Tennant: hmm yes anger is a motivation sometimes it just has to be very carefully expressed
    Pila Mulligan: anger arises quite legitimately sometimes, and yet as you say it needs to bedealt with skillfully
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: to remember that you are they and they are you ..
    Paradise Tennant: kind of a quaker thought :)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Wol Euler: ... and we are all togehter. (c) John Lennon :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles john lennon .. could express things so well
    Pila Mulligan: or I am me and they are motherfuckers, as a possible alternative -- but even then it is still best to see the wholeness of the interelatedness
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Wol Euler: :)
    Pila Mulligan: the idea being to cure rather than to harm
    Pila Mulligan: to lift up the whole
    Paradise Tennant: was out browsing the used bookstores on friday and picked up a copy of the essence fo bhagavad gita .. by paramhansa yogananda
    Paradise Tennant: really interesting
    Paradise Tennant: could not put it down last night
    Paradise Tennant: read till dawn and made the dog very cranky
    Wol Euler: :)
    Paradise Tennant: *of
    Pila Mulligan: .. and this leads my thinking to an interesting discussion we had sometimes in Nymf's old foruma couple of years ago -- is there a demonic aspect to life/philosophy, and if so how does one aproach it
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Paradise Tennant: don't believe in demons
    Pila Mulligan: Krishna explains karma to Arjuna in the Gita
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Pila Mulligan: demons can be symbolic of unworthy aspirations
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Pila Mulligan: Arjuna was fighting his coousin for that reason
    Pila Mulligan: Buddha faced demons, according toone tradition
    Pila Mulligan: I see many stranbds of unworthy aspirations in the world, and it is easy to label them evil -- probably not heplful, but easy
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Paradise Tennant: well sometimes the darkness is the necessary contrast so you can see the light
    Paradise Tennant: almost like how colours work
    Pila Mulligan: in religion we have Jesus in the desert with Satan and Māra the demon tempting Siddartha Gautama by trying to seduce him with the vision of beautiful women
    Pila Mulligan: these stories make the idea easy to visualize
    Pila Mulligan: but beyond metaphor it is possible that we need to deal with things that provoke anger just as genuinely and realistically as we deal with situaiotns of bliss
    Pila Mulligan: a spectrum, as you said
    Paradise Tennant: hmmm
    Paradise Tennant: usually when I am angry and I really really look at it .. it is often just my ego wanting its way
    Pila Mulligan: yes, that happens too
    Paradise Tennant: the really horrible things do not make you angry they make you sad
    Paradise Tennant: because we all play a part in them ..
    Paradise Tennant: at some level
    Pila Mulligan: and so in terms of both metaphor and philosophy, not to mention psychology, how do we play our part with the really nasty things
    Pila Mulligan: the demons in metaphor
    Paradise Tennant: we accept them
    Pila Mulligan: yes, but then what?
    Paradise Tennant: just by accepting ..
    Paradise Tennant: you are connected
    Paradise Tennant: to it
    Paradise Tennant: a part of it
    Paradise Tennant: best not to accept .. not to focus thought on the nasty stuff .. focus you thought on what you want to exist ..
    Paradise Tennant: *your
    Paradise Tennant: I do not read the newspapers
    Paradise Tennant: stopped a long time ago
    Pila Mulligan: here's a small example ... another court case
    Paradise Tennant: the finance section is bloody enough for me
    Paradise Tennant: they can make me cry
    Wol Euler nods.
    Pila Mulligan: an old white lwayer here grew up in Hawaii in one of the old racist anti-Hawaiian families
    Pila Mulligan: he is an old white racist but a nice fellow
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: so is clients lost a case where their agent promised to sell a house to a Hawaiian fmaily
    Pila Mulligan: as a trick, just before the sale closed, he had them sell the house to another person -- so they sold the same house twice
    Pila Mulligan: the lawyer I work with represents the Hawaiianfmaily -- it has bene ten years now
    Pila Mulligan: the guy did an act of compuslive msichisef based on racism, and he still tries to jutisfy it
    Pila Mulligan: we almots have it all worked out, but think of all the trouble that created
    Pila Mulligan: and he is toally unrepentent -- nice, racist old guy
    Pila Mulligan: wouldn't it be noce if there was some way to allow him to see what he did?
    Paradise Tennant: well pretty much think you should be able to sell your property to who you want to sell it to
    Pila Mulligan: yes, that is a common rule
    Wol Euler: if only.
    Wol Euler: (to pila)
    Pila Mulligan: I may have misstated it
    Pila Mulligan: his clients had an agent
    Pila Mulligan: the agent sold the house to the hawiain family
    Pila Mulligan: then they balked under his guidance
    Pila Mulligan: treid to ge tout of the sale ocntract
    Pila Mulligan: they lost, so he had themsell it to someone else
    Paradise Tennant: soley because of the race of the purchaser
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Pila Mulligan: leaving the tow buyers in big kim chee
    Pila Mulligan: two*
    Paradise Tennant: who was the title transferred to the second purchaser
    Pila Mulligan: his clients are going to eventually have to sue him for malpractice if they live lonhg enough
    Pila Mulligan: no, our clienits, the first buyer, got the title
    Pila Mulligan: by court judgment
    Pila Mulligan: they had a contract woth the seocnd buyer, but they cannot perform now
    Paradise Tennant: and his clients had to pay costs
    Paradise Tennant: and damages
    Pila Mulligan: so the seocn buy is suing his clients for breahc of conctratc
    Pila Mulligan: yes they will
    Pila Mulligan: all because the nice old guy dislikes hawaiians and di mischief
    Paradise Tennant: but it is not just his fault it is theirs too
    Pila Mulligan: that is the nature of evil in my oponion -- ignorance and mischief
    Pila Mulligan: yes, they should have known hbetter :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles they accepted his guidance and it does not take much to realize that in that instance you would be creating a problem
    Paradise Tennant: so they made a mistake
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Paradise Tennant: and he made a mistake
    Paradise Tennant: and he .. did not learn from it but they for sure will :)
    Pila Mulligan: and it was his mistake that created more than ten years worth of expensiv eheadaches for several fmailies
    Paradise Tennant: likely not use him again
    Pila Mulligan: :0
    Paradise Tennant: which will make him learn too eventually :)
    Pila Mulligan: but this is an exmaple of a situaiton where conflict is required ... it would be unconcscionable to let it go
    Pila Mulligan: like the Bagavad Gita :)
    Pila Mulligan: it is karma
    Paradise Tennant: so maybe .. you could look at what came out of it .. gainful employment for laywers and a better understanding on some people's part of the rights of others :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiels
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: I really wonder if he will ever learn, Paradise
    Wol Euler: from your description, it is highly unlikely.
    Pila Mulligan: this tory may not have any redeeming ends
    Wol Euler: IMHO
    Pila Mulligan: story*
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Pila Mulligan: at least, none that are easy to see
    Paradise Tennant: almost everything has some grain of something that you can work with
    Pila Mulligan: yes, usually
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: I think in this case it may be the outrageous nature of the mischief that informs people that such attitudes still exist
    Pila Mulligan: more PR and perosnal to the old guy
    Pila Mulligan: negative PR
    Paradise Tennant: well we all have prejudice ..just part of the human condition ..
    Pila Mulligan: yes, and the funny thing is that the old guy really is ince and easy to get along with, if you are white
    Pila Mulligan: but it is the frivolous mischief that was the bad part
    Paradise Tennant: sometimes someone's flaws are what .. create their path
    Pila Mulligan: his action was ill-motivated and had ill results
    Paradise Tennant: he is a nice guy who is not clearly seeing others
    Pila Mulligan: yes, here it did for sure
    Paradise Tennant: but that is such a common common short coming ..
    Pila Mulligan: but that, to me, really illustarates the nature of karma
    Pila Mulligan: our limitations are our maze
    Pila Mulligan: we run around
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: buddha said that the quickest way to enlightenment was to focus on your suffering
    Pila Mulligan: the main lesson I rememebr from the Bhagavad Gita was Krishna telling Arjuna 'you have to do it' -- in other words, no choice so no anguish
    Paradise Tennant: suffering is the key .. that opens the door ..
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: in the world at large, violence is the #1 problem, in terms of suffering and what needs fixin' -- gaining peace being the aspiration
    Pila Mulligan: many times the suffering caused by violence is too obscuring for those immedately afected to see the unerpinings
    Pila Mulligan: underpinnings*
    Pila Mulligan: personally it may happen in many instances, but in the political world it seems self-perpetuating
    Pila Mulligan: in other words, people can gorw beyond their suffering, but it is not so easy for groups to do so
    Wol Euler: interesting.
    Paradise Tennant: the collective ego ...
    Pila Mulligan: and the collective memory -- the stories grandpa told
    Pila Mulligan: why the Balkans are the Balkans :)
    Pila Mulligan: this is especially poignant today in places like Palestine -- what a big can of worms
    Pila Mulligan: a playgrund for the mischief of demions
    Pila Mulligan: I bet Wol's finger moved toward the boot button then :)
    Wol Euler: oh yes
    Wol Euler: heheheheh
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Wol Euler: I must go, it's late and I am very tired.
    Pila Mulligan: sleep well Wol, and sweet dreams
    Pila Mulligan: nice to see you
    Wol Euler: goodnight, take care
    Paradise Tennant: good to seey you wol take care :)
    Paradise Tennant: schlaf gut !
    Pila Mulligan: it must be pretty late for Wol
    Paradise Tennant: yes for you it is moring and for her it is late evening
    Paradise Tennant: *morning
    Pila Mulligan: midday here now :)
    Pila Mulligan: you mentioned how you are recognizing patterns in your I ching practice ... so has Gaya
    Paradise Tennant: always find that an interesting aspect to sl ... if you wake up in the middle of the night .. some part of the world is in full hum somewhere
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: it is one of the most interesting parts, the patterns
    Paradise Tennant: a certain symmetry as though there is recognition almost
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: one of the best sources of contmeplative material I've seen
    Pila Mulligan: tasty food for thought
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Pila Mulligan: like the Gita
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: plan to spend lots of time with this book it makes it very approachable
    Pila Mulligan: did you read Autobiography of a Yogi (Parahmahansa Yogananda)
    Paradise Tennant: no first thing I have from him
    Pila Mulligan: it is one of the classics of the new age in the west
    Pila Mulligan: using new age lossley
    Pila Mulligan: loosely
    Pila Mulligan: there are probably about as many treatises on the Gita in India as there are on the I Chiong in China
    Paradise Tennant: he is a very clear writer
    Pila Mulligan: yes, he was
    Pila Mulligan: is :)
    Paradise Tennant: and very careful in the order he presents .. ideas .. makes easier
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Pila Mulligan: one interesting story about him is that when he died they laid out his body for viewing and there was so much demand it was like 30 days before he was crmeated, and his body never startyed to decompose in that time
    Paradise Tennant: yes some of the tibetan holy men have something similar
    Pila Mulligan: oops, he was embalmed not cremated http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramah...corruptibility
    Pila Mulligan: same stpory thouhg
    Paradise Tennant: smiles might explain it then :)
    Pila Mulligan: "This state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled one.... No odor of decay emanated from his body at any time...."
    Pila Mulligan: 20 days before he was embalmed, no decay at all
    Pila Mulligan: 20 days atfer he died he was embalmed that is
    Paradise Tennant: he had very pure thoughts :)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: and led a very interesting blessed life really
    Pila Mulligan: the most memorable thing I took from his book was the idea of Kriya -- http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Kriya
    Pila Mulligan: spontaneous movements resulting from the awakening of Kundalini energy (or chi)
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: makes me want to do more yoga!
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: like we are all just strings that need to furl :)
    Pila Mulligan: that is like an image used in tai chi -- the mandarin puppet dancing on strings
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: needs to find a good book on tai chi
    Pila Mulligan: for theory or practice?
    Paradise Tennant: for both really
    Paradise Tennant: something of a primer
    Paradise Tennant: a basic book
    Paradise Tennant: for a beginner
    Pila Mulligan: http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Tai-C...0425415&sr=8-3
    Paradise Tennant: ok will add it to my order
    Pila Mulligan: since you're already Alfred's I Ching :)
    Pila Mulligan: he practiced with the Wu fmaily in Shanghai -- their form is called Wu style
    Pila Mulligan: meant since you're already reading Alfred's I Ching :)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Paradise Tennant: cool
    Paradise Tennant: smiles .. always like to have lots of books stacked by the bed .. makes for a nice way to wind down ..
    Paradise Tennant: at night ..
    Paradise Tennant: usually have like five on the go :)
    Pila Mulligan: :) it is the best sleep inducing method I've found
    Paradise Tennant: lol you have to be reading legal briefs
    Pila Mulligan: then I need to stay awake :0
    Paradise Tennant: sometimes I find it keeps me up .. have to keep going to find out what happens next
    Pila Mulligan: I'm rereading a Jonh le Carre book now
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: me to, unless I am laying in bed
    Pila Mulligan: then the sleep monster always gets me
    Paradise Tennant: then you are likely not getting enough sleep
    Pila Mulligan: :) could be
    Pila Mulligan: or it could be I just fall asleep easily :)
    Paradise Tennant: most people in our society just do not sleep enough
    Pila Mulligan: true
    Pila Mulligan: I'm actually trying to write a book now
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: what a wonderful way to spend time
    Pila Mulligan: a time travel novel
    Pila Mulligan: it is fun
    Paradise Tennant: I bet it would be a blast
    Pila Mulligan: I'm enjoying it
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: ... care to critique the first chapter?
    Paradise Tennant: sure
    Pila Mulligan: let me copy it to a notecard
    Paradise Tennant: smiles is not going to look at her dad's old radio the same way any more :)
    Paradise Tennant: interesting .. theme and idea
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: it is still rough draft stuff
    Paradise Tennant: would like to read more when you get there
    Pila Mulligan: the story line has Joe as a virus bilogist form the future chasing downa virus that evolves to be athreat in his time
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Pila Mulligan: he recuirts Tim and Sally to help
    Paradise Tennant: you have sketched out the whole story line
    Pila Mulligan: part of the fun is figuiring out how to make a sensible tale :)
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Paradise Tennant: smiles so you know where you are going
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Pila Mulligan: I setlled on this as a vehicle to write some stuff I was trying to write in esaay form, but was too deep
    Pila Mulligan: like empitnessa nd akarma
    Pila Mulligan: it makes it more fun
    Paradise Tennant: makes it more approachable
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Paradise Tennant: and more easily understood
    Pila Mulligan: please keep it to yourself, you are the first one to see any of it :0
    Paradise Tennant: smiles ..you will have a lot of fun with it ..nothing like unleashing your creativity
    Paradise Tennant: of course :)
    Pila Mulligan: yep, I hope so
    Pila Mulligan: it also saves on my book buying budget for a while
    Paradise Tennant: how long are the logs
    Paradise Tennant: is it still recording
    Paradise Tennant: the session was at 1
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, i do not know
    Pila Mulligan: 4 hoursa go :0
    Pila Mulligan: this was Maxine's session?
    Paradise Tennant: so this should not be in a chat log
    Paradise Tennant: yes I think so
    Pila Mulligan: we can add this note maybe: Maxine -- please delete the last couple of hours :)
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