The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga. The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.
sinequanon Sahara, Dash Earthboy, observerm Resident, Santoshima Resident and Paradise Tennant joined me tonight
stevenaia Michinaga: hello sine
stevenaia Michinaga: nice to see you agai n
sinequanon Sahara: hello Stevenaia
sinequanon Sahara: nice to see you
stevenaia Michinaga: it;s been an interesting week, Pema is not usually available so often to join us
stevenaia Michinaga: He is the designing force behind out group
stevenaia Michinaga: *behind our
sinequanon Sahara: he is really abusy man
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Dash, Observerm
Dash Earthboy: hey y'all
sinequanon Sahara: hello Dash
stevenaia Michinaga: pull up a shrub, Observerm
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
sinequanon Sahara: hello Observerm..
Dash Earthboy: 's up Sine?
observerm Resident waves
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles
sinequanon Sahara: all well here about you
stevenaia Michinaga: seems you have been with us for months... O,b always nice to see you back
Dash Earthboy: yah
Dash Earthboy: i am in Colorado now
observerm Resident smiles
Dash Earthboy: small town in Mountain Time zone
stevenaia Michinaga: you get around Dash
Dash Earthboy: i was ordered to leave the shelter
Dash Earthboy: yesterday the caseworker told me to be gone this morning
stevenaia Michinaga: we you too good an influence on everyone?
Dash Earthboy: last night a resident leader broke down as she related how the caseworker had scarred her life
Dash Earthboy: rules be damned, I had to hug her and reassure her there were still people along with her husband who cared and would help all they can
Dash Earthboy: but that was after the caseworker had ordered me to leave
sinequanon Sahara: do the rules do not allow you to reassure someone?
stevenaia Michinaga: rules?, no signs of comfort allowed?
stevenaia Michinaga: Hello Roger
Dash Earthboy: the res leader was upset about how the caseworker was influencing my life and couldn't help but think how hers had been scarred too
Roger Ormenthal: Hello
Dash Earthboy: no "affection" between residents Stev
Dash Earthboy: hey Roger
stevenaia Michinaga: Quite an unusual framwork for co-existance
Dash Earthboy: and yes Sine, no reassurance beyond words and a nod of the head
Dash Earthboy: yes Stev
sinequanon Sahara: sounds a little Orwellian ..
Dash Earthboy: that is what upset the res leader: the program rules
Dash Earthboy: yes Sine
Dash Earthboy: from a guy & his crew who outwardly are showing compassion
Dash Earthboy: and they do pick and choose people to do "beyond the call" for
Dash Earthboy: but for the res leader, they insisted she "get with the program"
stevenaia Michinaga: hope you new home works out
Dash Earthboy: me too Stev but I still haven't found it
stevenaia Michinaga: well then good luck to you in your journey
Dash Earthboy: the shelter program is all about: show you're striving for self-sufficiency by applying for at least 25 jobs per week
Dash Earthboy: no concern for what a person's gifts, experience, special circumstances, or anything else
Dash Earthboy: just find a job, period
Dash Earthboy: and take whatever comes
sinequanon Sahara: where are you putting up now...
stevenaia Michinaga: assumes if you find a job, you are also out of the program?
Dash Earthboy: let me finish Sine and I'll update ya, ok?
sinequanon Sahara: sure
sinequanon Sahara: all ears
Dash Earthboy: the res leader, under orders from the caseworker (who knew the res leader needed to get disability for recently acquired fibromyalgia)
Dash Earthboy: the res leader accepted a min wage job at 20 hrs per wk
Dash Earthboy: and she really did want to work as much as she could tolerate anyway
Dash Earthboy: but at her disability hearing, the judge insisted "if she can work 20 hrs a week, she ain't disabled. Case dismissed."
Dash Earthboy: because of the d**** caseworker
sinequanon Sahara: oh
stevenaia Michinaga: sounds like Catch 22
stevenaia Michinaga: seems to only happen in a buracrcy
Dash Earthboy: had the res leader been permitted to get the disability, she THEN could have got the job without any problems
Dash Earthboy: but by being forced into the job first -- BASED ON SHELTER RULES -- not law -- her life is mangled with severe pain she can't afford medication for
stevenaia Michinaga: hi San
Dash Earthboy: hi San
Santoshima Resident: hello all
sinequanon Sahara: hello San
Dash Earthboy: So Stev the Catch 22 was contrived by the shelter
stevenaia Michinaga: nice to see you again, your hair looks fabulous
Dash Earthboy: i felt no remorse in leaving the shelter this morning except for concern for those who I left behind
Santoshima Resident: thank you, there was an intervention!
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Dash Earthboy: and Sine, I no sooner got here in Colorado, than a good motel called to have me come back to North Platte and interview for a part-time job as a night auditor
Dash Earthboy: 3 days per week
Dash Earthboy: i hadn't even got my stuff out of the car yet
stevenaia Michinaga: how far away is that
Dash Earthboy: checked into the cheapest lodging here
Dash Earthboy: over 200 miles Stev
Santoshima Resident: denver?
sinequanon Sahara: well that is good
Dash Earthboy: almost
Dash Earthboy: good?
sinequanon Sahara: you did get a place and a job
Dash Earthboy: no
Santoshima Resident: did you just arrive today?
Dash Earthboy: San, I'm in a small town in Colorado but didn't get to Denver before stopping here
sinequanon Sahara: oh sorry i am totally unaware of the geography
Dash Earthboy: today
Dash Earthboy: So this town is being so kind, without any religious overtones
stevenaia Michinaga: does anyoe have a thought to spend with for the next 90 second break?
Dash Earthboy: the employment office wants to set me up in a "shelter home" tomorrow
Santoshima Resident: what place?
Dash Earthboy: and possibly interview on two apps I put in this afternoon
stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps Dash's seen to be good fortune?
Dash Earthboy: and put in three more apps tomorrow
Dash Earthboy: it may well be Stev
stevenaia Michinaga: Hi Paradise
Dash Earthboy: hey Paradise
sinequanon Sahara: Paradise..
Paradise Tennant: smiles and waves all round and listens :)
Dash Earthboy: Imagine, gas here is only $3.31/gal
Santoshima Resident: hello Paradise
Dash Earthboy: lowest i've seen the whole trip
sinequanon Sahara: it would really hurt you all if i told you for how much i fill my gas
Dash Earthboy: i'll bet :)
Dash Earthboy: what do you ride Sine?
sinequanon Sahara: ride?
Dash Earthboy: put gas into?
sinequanon Sahara: oh a car..wait let me do the currency conversion
sinequanon Sahara: ok .4 $ a gallon...
Dash Earthboy: that's about the national avg here now, I believe
Dash Earthboy: after crossing into Colorado, all I'd seen is $3.79 and up
Santoshima Resident: where are you Sine?
sinequanon Sahara: saudi arabia presently..
stevenaia Michinaga: it must be quite late there
sinequanon Sahara: you didnt read that correctly Dash i meant 0.4 not 4
Dash Earthboy: ok
Dash Earthboy: sry Sine
stevenaia Michinaga: 40 cents a gallon
sinequanon Sahara: yes...
Dash Earthboy: yes, that's much less expensive
stevenaia Michinaga: but I'm sure fresh food is expensive
Paradise Tennant: smiles ahh well wine and spirist here will be the same correlation :)
sinequanon Sahara: not very expensive really...they get them from the asian markets very cheap
sinequanon Sahara: banas are 1 $ a kg
sinequanon Sahara: bananas sorry
Dash Earthboy: the chef's salad i got at the grocery store here was $1 more than in North Platte
Dash Earthboy: $1/kg
sinequanon Sahara: and no wine at all Paradise ..youll have to brew your own :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I jsut read they are planing a one kilometer high tower in SA
Dash Earthboy: for bananas?
sinequanon Sahara: yes is that expensive by US standards?
stevenaia Michinaga: touching the sky
sinequanon Sahara: havent heard of that steva...probably in UAE
stevenaia Michinaga: no they wnat to be taller than anything else.. this year :)
sinequanon Sahara: yes they have an obsession for size :)
stevenaia Michinaga:
stevenaia Michinaga: hehe
sinequanon Sahara: yeah a rat race really :)
sinequanon Sahara: thanks for the link
stevenaia Michinaga: pics here
stevenaia Michinaga:
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, theirs will be bigger
Paradise Tennant: smiles and risk going to jail if you drink it :)
sinequanon Sahara: no one would ever know ...they already drive here like half drunk :)
Dash Earthboy: only half?
Dash Earthboy: :)
Dash Earthboy: try dem Georgia drivers sometime :)
sinequanon Sahara: oh and women are not allowed to i am sorry Paradise :)
Dash Earthboy: * they drive like Mean Drunks
Dash Earthboy: women not allowed to drive Sine?
sinequanon Sahara: nope...
Dash Earthboy: in 2011?
stevenaia Michinaga: driving can be a reflection of ones state of mind
sinequanon Sahara: yep
stevenaia Michinaga: it;s nice not being in a rush to get somewhere in a car
Paradise Tennant: good spot to travel from you are close to so much :)
Dash Earthboy: *thinks this log is gonna be fun to decipher :)
stevenaia Michinaga: seems to be a rare thing, based on the number of people who pass me
Dash Earthboy: Stev do you get passed alot?
sinequanon Sahara: haha
stevenaia Michinaga: sometimes, my cars gives me feedback when I am waisting gas, so I drive.....sensibly
stevenaia Michinaga: except in NYC, where I can;t help myself to drive like a cabbie
stevenaia Michinaga: hehe
Dash Earthboy: imagine, computers telling us how to drive :)
sinequanon Sahara: they already fly for us
stevenaia Michinaga: they actually ask nicely
stevenaia Michinaga: they say... free gas if you slow down
sinequanon Sahara: air travel is mostly done on auto pilot these days...
Dash Earthboy: think we'll ever see autopilot for cars?
Dash Earthboy: some already have autopark :)
sinequanon Sahara: i heard of one...that relies on feedback from external camera..keeping you in the white lines and maintaini your distance from the car in front...
sinequanon Sahara: obviously for highways
Dash Earthboy: highways without any moisture on 'em
Dash Earthboy: imagine if the camera gets fogged or smears?
stevenaia Michinaga: there's always radar
stevenaia Michinaga: (maybe next year's model)
Dash Earthboy: :)
Dash Earthboy: i've flown by radar
sinequanon Sahara: no you could just keep it hot
sinequanon Sahara: with the correct folters it can give you a btter view then the human eye
sinequanon Sahara: filters
Dash Earthboy: looking forward to those kind of cars being the norm :)
Dash Earthboy: bidding y'all a good night: pax et bonum
sinequanon Sahara: bye Dash
stevenaia Michinaga: night Dash
Santoshima Resident: night dash, rest well
stevenaia Michinaga: still with us Paradise?
Paradise Tennant: nite nite dash
Paradise Tennant: yes just sleepy
stevenaia Michinaga: Observerm, any thoughts?
stevenaia Michinaga: hoping to someday catch him off guard.. smiles
Paradise Tennant: smiles
stevenaia Michinaga: anyone else?
Santoshima Resident: really tired, good night ~ thank you all
Paradise Tennant: nite nite san :)
stevenaia Michinaga: night San
sinequanon Sahara: night San
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks for joining us
sinequanon Sahara: oops sorry
sinequanon Sahara: i did that
sinequanon Sahara: there was a bird sitting over there..
sinequanon Sahara: just touched it very nicely
sinequanon Sahara: not a very friendly bird
Paradise Tennant:
Paradise Tennant: smiles buckminster fuller's lost interviews :)
Paradise Tennant: he was an interesting man :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I'm getting s;leepie toosaw him speak once in his 80's, he went on for hours
stevenaia Michinaga: (run on)
Paradise Tennant: lol yes this should put you completely to sleep .)
sinequanon Sahara: thanks Pradise
stevenaia Michinaga: hmm 75 minutes
Paradise Tennant: lol
Paradise Tennant: I know they are all long no little snippets of bucky :)
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Paradise Tennant: any dreams ?
stevenaia Michinaga: I wrote one down recently, but I forgot it, I remember it was vivid
stevenaia Michinaga: to tired to get it to read
Paradise Tennant: would like a travel dream .. sort of a nice mni break that is vivid enough to remember and gives you that nice oh I have been away feeling upon waking
Paradise Tennant: use to dream of saling a hobi cat in hawaii .. loved that dream :)
Paradise Tennant: was on full extension on the harness .. just watching the waves coming :) so .. fresh
Paradise Tennant:
Paradise Tennant: this is good too :) and short :)
Paradise Tennant: smiles
stevenaia Michinaga: bed time, night all
sinequanon Sahara: night Stev
Paradise Tennant: nite nite stev :)
Paradise Tennant: think I will turn in too :)
sinequanon Sahara: Night Pradise..
sinequanon Sahara: sweet dreams
Paradise Tennant: thank you for the company and conversation sine ..observerm ;) always a pleasure ..namaste :)