2012.05.21 07:00 - Otherlessness Hmm

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eliza Madrigal. The comments are by Eliza Madrigal.


    Bleu Oleander: hi Eliza :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bleu :)
    Eliza Madrigal: just playing with windlight settings...
    Bleu Oleander: oh yes, fun!
    Bleu Oleander: designing your own is fun too
    Eliza Madrigal: well I like this almost antique-y one I found...
    Eliza Madrigal: so many choices
    Bleu Oleander: can get some great effects!
    Eliza Madrigal: :)

    Eliza Madrigal: I'm not sure if we are having a theme this morning...
    Eliza Madrigal: suppose it will depend on who arrives :)
    Bleu Oleander: I saw we had a couple of "motion" pieces in the dome already
    Bleu Oleander: so I added one of mine too
    Eliza Madrigal: ah, more than Xiri and Storm?
    Eliza Madrigal: will have a look
    Bleu Oleander: Bruce too
    Eliza Madrigal: nice
    Bleu Oleander: and did you see Storm's new train car?
    Bleu Oleander: quite futuristic!
    Eliza Madrigal cams
    Bleu Oleander: top opens when it pulls in to the station
    Eliza Madrigal: okay, I'm situated to see when it zooms in
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: If no theme I'd love to ask you about the book you mentioned last week, Strangers to Ourselves
    Bleu Oleander: ah ok
    Bleu Oleander: Timothy Wilson
    Eliza Madrigal: what is the premise?
    Bleu Oleander: one sec rl calling
    Eliza Madrigal: sure

    Eliza Madrigal sees new train car! :)))
    Bleu Oleander: ok back
    Bleu Oleander: sorry pups going after birds
    Bleu Oleander: hehe
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zen :)
    Bleu Oleander: hi Zen
    Zen Arado: Hi Eliza, Bleu :)
    Eliza Madrigal: seems neither pema nor boxy will make it for a science theme (guess neither felt clear), but I asked Bleu to say a bit about "Strangers to Ourselves"
    Bleu Oleander: it's about how much we can know about ourselves through introspection
    Bleu Oleander: about the unconscious
    Eliza Madrigal: ah, I think I have heard of this...
    Zen Arado: sounds like meditation?
    Eliza Madrigal: the limits of introspection, which has been our best tool for a while

    Bleu Oleander: much is unconscious and not available
    Bleu Oleander: although much can be learned also
    Eliza Madrigal: are there new angles of exploration?

    Eliza Madrigal: there is some idea we can see our unconscious by looking at our lives
    Bleu Oleander: yes, I think we can
    Bleu Oleander: also through others

    Eliza Madrigal: which others does one believe? :)
    Bleu Oleander: well, can one believe oneself either?
    Eliza Madrigal: no I'd be highly suspicious of that one

    Zen Arado: are you doing a prersentation first Bleu?
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Zen Arado: or can we discuss now?
    Bleu Oleander: wasn't planning on doing a presentation
    Zen Arado: ah ok
    Bleu Oleander: been many years since I read the book
    Eliza Madrigal: I was just curious Zen, so asked... so we're discussing
    Bleu Oleander: but perhaps we could do it as a theme some week?
    Bleu Oleander: would be fun to refresh and talk about

    Zen Arado: 'Incognito' was on those lines
    Bleu Oleander: yes, another more recent book
    Bleu Oleander: I'm a fan of David Eaglemans
    Zen Arado: he is so young too :)
    Bleu Oleander: did you read "Sum"?


    Bleu Oleander: a wonderful little book
    Eliza Madrigal: "This little book is teeming, writhing with imagination." - Los Angeles Times
    Zen Arado: no just Incognito
    Eliza Madrigal: I suppose the basic idea of introspection having severe limits is that, as with someone criticizing a work of art for instance, they are doing so from an assumed place of their own taste
    Eliza Madrigal: of course people can come from varying degrees of background knowledge and experience
    Eliza Madrigal: but prob still looking for particular things

    Bleu Oleander: yes, Wilson talks about the difference between self-revelation and self-fabrication

    Zen Arado: 'Your consciousness is like a tiny stowaway on a transatlantic steamship, taking credit for the journey without acknowledging the massive engineering underfoot. Eagleman, David (2011-04-07). Incognito: The Secret Lives of The Brain (p. 4). Canongate Books. Kindle Edition. '
    Eliza Madrigal: :)

    Zen Arado: I don't think we can ever really know what is going on in our brains
    Eliza Madrigal: say more Bleu? exposure v facsimile as distraction?
    Zen Arado: and maybe it is better that way?
    Eliza Madrigal: not sure... there seems some collective question

    Zen Arado: Self fabrication is the stories we tell ourselves all the time
    Bleu Oleander: reading situations correctly
    Zen Arado: I think meditation helps to see through the stories

    Bleu Oleander: sometimes we do tell good stories to ourselves
    Bleu Oleander: we get it right in a sense
    Bleu Oleander: but learning how to tell the difference

    Zen Arado: in a way stories are a way of transcending reality
    Bleu Oleander: you're encouraging me to re-read Wilson's book :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :) and me to read it too

    Zen Arado: 'human kind cannot bear very much reality'
    Eliza Madrigal: though, I think I am coming at same questions from diff angles
    Eliza Madrigal: such as blake's assertion of imagination as primary
    Zen Arado: me too

    Zen Arado: I'm reading a book called "the Ego Trick'
    Eliza Madrigal: I'm even questioning whether meditation in and of itself, helps us see anything...
    Eliza Madrigal: we bring a view
    Zen Arado: not of itself
    Eliza Madrigal listens
    Zen Arado: but it allows our brains to slow down
    Zen Arado: and we see what it is doing better

    Bleu Oleander: a great new book I'm reading "Incomplete Nature"
    Bleu Oleander: I really like it so far
    Bleu Oleander: a big book
    Bleu Oleander: but worth the effort
    Eliza Madrigal nods Zen....
    Eliza Madrigal: and that one?
    Bleu Oleander: how mind emerges from matter
    Bleu Oleander: he refers to "absential" features
    Bleu Oleander: to denote phenomena whose existence is determined with respect to an essential absence
    Eliza Madrigal: a crack in everything...
    Bleu Oleander: things like desire, passion function purpose etx
    Eliza Madrigal: that's interesting... sort of a meeting place potentially, between materialists and romantics like Blake
    Bleu Oleander: etc
    Zen Arado: 624 pages
    Zen Arado: hmmm
    Bleu Oleander: really interesting ideas though
    Bleu Oleander: how those types of phenomena act in the world
    Zen Arado: yes

    Zen Arado: lately I wonder if I do too much thinking
    Eliza Madrigal: animated by absence?
    Zen Arado: too much reading books like these
    Bleu Oleander: yes in a way
    Eliza Madrigal: thinking can be empty too
    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Bleu Oleander: its opening my mind to a different way of thinking about consciousness and self
    Bleu Oleander: for later: http://fora.tv/2012/04/18/Incomplete...ed_From_Matter
    Eliza Madrigal: Mostly I like to hear interviews and talks about these kinds of books :)
    Bleu Oleander: yes me too
    Bleu Oleander: but after listening to the talk, I find reading the book more satisfying
    Zen Arado: the Kindle edition is much more expensive than the book hmm
    Eliza Madrigal: on a rare occasion a talk hooks me to the book
    Bleu Oleander: listen to the talk first ... see if you like it

    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Sun :)
    Zen Arado: Hi Sun :)
    Sunshine Vayandar: hi all ;)
    Bleu Oleander: Sunji :)
    Zen Arado: :)
    Sunshine Vayandar: Bleuji ;)

    Eliza Madrigal: we've been talking about incomplete nature and being strangers to ourselves, incognito...
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Bleu Oleander: nice!
    Eliza Madrigal: walking blindspots

    Sunshine Vayandar: this is Sam - would like to find out about the mystery that is PaB
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;o)
    Zen Arado: this touches on the alaya vijnana you were talking about the other week Eliza
    Bleu Oleander: hi Sam :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Sam :) Ah, we've met
    Eliza Madrigal: yes Zen?
    Zen Arado: the eighth consciousness
    Zen Arado: Storehouse consciousness
    Zen Arado: Hi Sam

    Eliza Madrigal: Welcome to Play as Being Sam :) Would you like a note or just to jump in?
    Sunshine Vayandar: hi Pemaji ;)
    Sam Boomslang: this is my first time here
    Bleu Oleander: hi Pema :)
    Sam Boomslang: so if there's anything you want to send me I'm open
    Eliza Madrigal: I do need to make sure it is OK if we include you in our recordings though... we post our sessions publicly, at playasbeing.org
    Zen Arado: Hi Pema :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Pema :)
    Pema Pera: hi everybody!
    Sam Boomslang: otherwise I'll just listen and try to figure out how to participate
    Sam Boomslang: :)
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    Sam Boomslang: of course :)
    Eliza Madrigal: thanks !

    Zen Arado: I always wondered how good it is to delve into our unconscious
    Zen Arado: you just finished up with the story of yourself
    Zen Arado: perhaps some of that is better left buried unless it is troubling you in some way

    Eliza Madrigal: "finishing the book of ourselves" hm....
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Bleu Oleander: a work in progress

    Zen Arado: although psychoanalysts make a good living from it :-)
    Sam Boomslang: some books are too intense to read cover to cover... Ever read The Road by Cormac McCarthy? (shudders)
    Eliza Madrigal: I have not read that, but know enough to be smiling
    Bleu Oleander: me too
    Sunshine Vayandar: no I haven't read it
    Zen Arado: me neither

    Eliza Madrigal: so traditional psychoanalysis doesn't stop with introspection...
    Eliza Madrigal: does aim toward seeing the unconscious
    Eliza Madrigal: but perhaps not all at once :)
    Zen Arado: psychoanalysis is looking at the past
    Bleu Oleander: the past in your present
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)

    Pema Pera: psychosynthesis would be interesting . . . .
    Zen Arado: I was reading about two types of people last night
    Zen Arado: diachronic and episodic
    Zen Arado: episodic people think there is only the present
    Zen Arado: diachronics see the same self through all their life
    Sunshine Vayandar: hmm interesting
    Zen Arado: episodic people see themselves changing all the time

    Eliza Madrigal: and someone who recognizes both?
    Zen Arado: I think I am one of the episodic types
    Bleu Oleander: I would fall into the episodic category if pushed to choose
    Eliza Madrigal: as an avatar it would be hard to imagine you as diachronic Bleu :)
    Sunshine Vayandar: I would be both - I think lol
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Bleu Oleander: I have the sense that very little remains constant through life
    Bleu Oleander: :) Eliza

    Pema Pera: hah, when playing as Being, Being is diachronic, but the players are episodic
    Eliza Madrigal: both and neither territory... hey, we came to the transcendence theme anyway
    Zen Arado: I don't like it when people I used to work with keep talking about that time
    Sunshine Vayandar: there is something that is constant somehow - but also lots changes too
    Zen Arado: and expect me to behave the same way as I did 20 years ago
    Bleu Oleander: I like that Pema
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Pema

    Zen Arado: it's just another duality, another way of categorising people I guess
    Bleu Oleander: a theme has transcended
    Sam Boomslang: dualities are often fun for discussion but rarely exist in reality
    Zen Arado: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: yes Sun.... my sense also.... like, the child in you can still play with the child in someone else


    Eliza Madrigal: we see it in SL all the time
    Pema Pera: I feel especially episodic after coming back for a nice dinner followed by drinks with friends (it being almost midnight here now)
    Zen Arado: :)
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    Bleu Oleander: :)
    Pema Pera: hence my late entry tonight
    Eliza Madrigal: well thanks for checking in in that condition Pema ... maybe we should take the chance to ask questions.. :)
    Zen Arado: corrupted by philosophical thinking about it.’ Could it be that the same individual can be episodic in some situations, diachronic in others? Strawson thinks so, and cites embarrassment as a good example.'
    Eliza Madrigal: I was surprised the first time I felt embarrassed in SL
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
    Eliza Madrigal: I was messing up ringing the bell for meditation

    Zen Arado: ‘If I think of something really embarrassing I did even five years ago, somehow I relive it – that metaphor is a really good metaphor – you literally relive it as if you’re just as embarrassed now as you were then, whereas if you’re thinking of something else it may seem really remote from you. Baggini, Julian (2011-01-01). The Ego Trick (p. 172). Granta. Kindle Edition.

    Zen Arado: and you still feel embarrassed if you think about it?
    Eliza Madrigal: Not at all...
    Eliza Madrigal: it is funny now because I learned so much from that
    Eliza Madrigal: saw myself
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
    Zen Arado: Some things may have embarrassed us so much we can't even think about them now
    Eliza Madrigal: well, shame may be another thing

    Zen Arado: we should have a memorial disco for Robin Gibb, Sun
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
    Sunshine Vayandar: who?
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Sam Boomslang: so diachronic or episodic, reality as experienced tends to gravitate our attention towards emotion and sensation, and consequently our predisposition towards certain narratives or experiences (clinging or aversion)
    Zen Arado: one of the Bee Gees
    Zen Arado: he died last night
    Eliza Madrigal: "reality as experienced"
    Sunshine Vayandar: oh sorry to hear that
    Eliza Madrigal: that is a good distinction
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes let's have aparty
    Zen Arado: yeh episodic would be closer to forgetting the past
    Zen Arado: I think

    Eliza Madrigal shakes all the categories out of her head... haha... so many...

    Sunshine Vayandar: it's a bit like - living in your home town ..... every corner reminds you of your past ...or living in africa where noone knows you hmmm no past ... just the present ...

    Zen Arado: yeah episodic .. Diachronic is a spectrum
    Zen Arado: maybe that's a way of getting out of the duality :-)
    Eliza Madrigal: well it is it also a view of 'accumulation' v emptiness

    Pema Pera: the whole notion of a "you", an "I" is suspect . . .
    Bleu Oleander: ah but whereever you go you bring yourself with you :)
    Pema Pera: the most interesting experiment is to see whether we can live without introducing a notion of self -- letting the walking do the walking, the talking do the talking, and so on, consistently . . .
    Sam Boomslang: nods
    Pema Pera: then you can turn on a dime . . .
    Zen Arado: yes Pema... I'm getting this from a book called the Ego Trick

    Sam Boomslang: that brings up SL and the experimental notion of self that can be explored here
    Pema Pera: yes!
    Pema Pera: a self is constructed
    Pema Pera: and can be seen through
    Bleu Oleander: I think "i" is an adaptive construct to be in the world
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes SL is such a fun tool for new angles
    Zen Arado: this book looks at it from a philosophical angle
    Zen Arado: it's something I am quite interested in

    Eliza Madrigal: suspicious self then suspicious others, Pema?
    Pema Pera: well, being selfless is nice
    Pema Pera: and being otherless is pretty good too!
    Pema Pera: perhaps that's being truly open
    Sam Boomslang: great distinction Pema
    Pema Pera: thanks, Sam; btw nice meeting you!

    Zen Arado: what about "character"

    Bleu Oleander: what does it mean to be selfess? is it not possible to be open and have a sense of self?
    Pema Pera: and I bow to you being even older than me, SL wise
    Sam Boomslang: nice meeting you too! :)
    Pema Pera: well, selfless is a word that can have different meanings
    Sam Boomslang: lol
    Pema Pera: self as a noun is bad news
    Pema Pera: self as a verb is better already
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)


    Eliza Madrigal smiles at Sun knowing she never stops moving...
    Sam Boomslang: self as a vector might be better still
    Sunshine Vayandar: (((Liz)))
    Eliza Madrigal: there is always that question of whether, if seeing through stories of self, we become too passive .. just watching, as with TV
    Eliza Madrigal: (((Sun))) :)
    Zen Arado: but what is too passive?

    Pema Pera: oh no, when seeing through, you can express yourself freely, the opposite of passive
    Zen Arado: I don't think you would be able to do that Eliza
    Zen Arado: your nature would prevent you
    Sam Boomslang: natures can be transcended.... :)
    Zen Arado: I am thinking more and more that what I do is determined by my nature and nurture
    Zen Arado: I'm not sure they can be transcended
    Sam Boomslang: OK they evolve
    Pema Pera: "nature" is a concept and asks to be transcended :)
    Zen Arado: you can't decide your interests and wants and urges
    Pema Pera: like fine print asks to be discarded
    Bleu Oleander: :)

    Zen Arado: so if I want to transcend that is a desire too
    Pema Pera: you can't decide, but you can stop deciding
    Zen Arado: but you are urged to stop deciding
    Zen Arado: :)
    Eliza Madrigal giggling

    Pema Pera: you can live, and let life live
    Pema Pera: without concepts
    Pema Pera: or limits
    Zen Arado: it seems to me to be a movement of the universe being expressed in us
    Zen Arado: yes
    Pema Pera: yes!
    Bleu Oleander: that's a concept in itself
    Zen Arado: not a lone individual making choices
    Pema Pera: and then we try to catch it and freeze it and fry it
    Zen Arado: exactly and make a strategy out of it

    Eliza Madrigal: it is a real question for me... can see areas in life (how we may see what is going on in subconscious) that question whether I take self too seriously or not seriously enough... to finer and finer points which can't be figured out, so...
    Zen Arado: we can't figure it out
    Eliza Madrigal: right
    Pema Pera: eyes open and heart open: paying attention but not imposing structure

    Zen Arado: but we sure like trying :-)
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;) Zenji
    Pema Pera: seeing is enough
    Zen Arado: yes.. I just sat in the sun for a while earlier

    Eliza Madrigal: enough is enough is enough... (Donna Summer died this week too)
    Zen Arado: so much going on around me
    Zen Arado: yes and Robin Gibb was only 62
    Pema Pera: did she?
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Pema Pera: sorry to hear that
    Eliza Madrigal: I think 63
    Pema Pera: wow
    Zen Arado: Donna summer was young too
    Pema Pera: grew up with that sound . . .
    Eliza Madrigal: one of the first records I found of my moms was Donna and Barbra Streisand.... sometimes it seems there are waves...
    Eliza Madrigal: but prob reading into that :)

    Eliza Madrigal: brb, have to talk to a girl about a salamander...
    Zen Arado: :-)
    Sunshine Vayandar: lol Liz
    Pema Pera: that may be a selfless gesture of Eliza . . .
    Eliza Madrigal: haha... okay here...
    Eliza Madrigal: sorry about that :) we're buying the class pet for my son

    Zen Arado: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15431875
    Sunshine Vayandar: wb ;)
    Eliza Madrigal: ty :)
    Zen Arado: wb Eliza
    Pema Pera remember the last time he talked to a girl about a salamander . . . .
    Bleu Oleander: ha!
    Eliza Madrigal: summer camp?
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Pema Pera: no comments
    Eliza Madrigal laughing...

    Sam Boomslang: My partner Sedi wanted to pop in for a quick visit, can I tp her?
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;D
    Eliza Madrigal: of course!
    Sunshine Vayandar: of course Sam
    Pema Pera: sure thing!
    Eliza Madrigal: we're not always so serious... and sometimes even more so :)
    Sunshine Vayandar: hehe
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Sedi :)
    Zen Arado: Hi Sedi
    Sunshine Vayandar: hi Sedi welcome
    Bleu Oleander: hi Sedi
    Seductive Dreamscape: hello everyone, sorry to land on you
    Sam Boomslang: grabs Sedi's leg and pulls her to the ground
    Sunshine Vayandar: have a seat once you see
    Pema Pera: hi Sedi!
    Seductive Dreamscape: nothing has rezzed yet... sorry x
    Sam Boomslang: hey sweetie :)
    Pema Pera: landing on joy is a good thing!
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes it takes time for me too


    Sam Boomslang: you are standing on my shoulder, my love
    Eliza Madrigal: Welcome Sedi :) So glad you are visiting...
    Seductive Dreamscape: thankyou :)
    Seductive Dreamscape: this is my first time
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes great to see you here Sedi ;))
    Eliza Madrigal: I do need to let you know we record these sessions... and make sure it is okay that we include you
    Seductive Dreamscape: i've heard so much about you
    Seductive Dreamscape: yes, that is fine :)
    Pema Pera: anyone related to dreamscapes is more than welcome here :-)
    Eliza Madrigal: thanks :)
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;) Pema
    Seductive Dreamscape smiles and listens to the group
    Seductive Dreamscape: plese carry on

    Pema Pera: we were hardly carrying anything . . . .
    Zen Arado: we don't know what to say now :-)

    Eliza Madrigal: we were talking a bit about being strangers to ourselves earlier... then...
    Eliza Madrigal: selflessness and otherlessness
    Eliza Madrigal: and salamanders
    Pema Pera: and girls
    Sunshine Vayandar: lol
    Seductive Dreamscape smiles
    Pema Pera: actually, the notion of otherlessness is really interesting
    Zen Arado: and the brevity of life:(
    Eliza Madrigal: yes... seem linked... all those things...

    Pema Pera: we all appreciate selflessness
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes Pema
    Pema Pera: but otherlessness?
    Pema Pera: to stop seeing others as truly other?
    Zen Arado: same thing really?
    Pema Pera: and appreciate them "like ourselves"?

    Sunshine Vayandar: always something new at PaB sessions ;)
    Seductive Dreamscape smiles
    Pema Pera: that's radical
    Seductive Dreamscape: sounds wonderful
    Pema Pera: :-)

    Sam Boomslang: Well everyone, Sedi and I actually have a baby shower to attend in SL
    Seductive Dreamscape: i look forward to coming back
    Seductive Dreamscape: yes :)
    Zen Arado: We see through the artificial barriers we construct
    Pema Pera: any time, Sedi!
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh wow
    Sunshine Vayandar: thanks for coming Sam
    Seductive Dreamscape: can i join your group please?
    Zen Arado: Hi Korel
    Eliza Madrigal: Enjoy and see you soon
    Sunshine Vayandar: enjoy the baby shower
    Sam Boomslang: a pleasure, nice meeting everyone
    Sam Boomslang: looking forward to more
    Sam Boomslang: :)

    Eliza Madrigal: I'll send you both invites to friends of Play as Being
    Bleu Oleander: lovely meeting both of you :)
    Korel Laloix: Heya
    Seductive Dreamscape: definitely
    Seductive Dreamscape: thankyou :)
    Zen Arado: have fun :-)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Korel :)
    Pema Pera: yes, see you soon again!
    Pema Pera: hi Korel!
    Sam Boomslang: thanks everyone!
    Sunshine Vayandar: hi Korel ;)
    Bleu Oleander: hi Korel :)

    Pema Pera: actually, I'd better get some sleep -- dream shower
    Pema Pera: it's well past midnight here
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Night Pema
    Korel Laloix smiles
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;) nitenitee Pema
    Korel Laloix: Running peoplle off as normal...
    Bleu Oleander: bye Pema
    Korel Laloix: Ciao
    Zen Arado: I'd better make my dinner
    Pema Pera: great seeing you all here!
    Sunshine Vayandar: lol Korel
    Bleu Oleander: I must to too

    Eliza Madrigal: :) Korel... well we've transcended the hour...
    Bleu Oleander: take care everyone
    Sunshine Vayandar: byebyee those going
    Eliza Madrigal: Bye Bleu and Zen :)
    Zen Arado: byee
    Bleu Oleander: bye bye
    Sunshine Vayandar: have a great evening Zenji
    Sunshine Vayandar: otherlessness hmm
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Sunshine Vayandar: how are things Korel
    Eliza Madrigal: feeling better?
    Sunshine Vayandar: antibarbie ;p
    Eliza Madrigal grins
    Korel Laloix: Much.. back off of the drugs.

    Korel Laloix: Having an odd day today.
    Sunshine Vayandar: odd?
    Korel Laloix: My real boss decided she wanted to do a Memorial day picnic this morning..
    Korel Laloix: So I am through that togetehr for her.
    Sunshine Vayandar: how was it
    Korel Laloix: It will be next Monday.
    Korel Laloix: But for about 50 people.
    Sunshine Vayandar: oh kk
    Korel Laloix: So planning this...
    Sunshine Vayandar: big event
    Korel Laloix: My big issues, I have not been able to find a catterer that is not already booked.
    Eliza Madrigal: of course, huge holiday
    Korel Laloix: And finding a live entertainment option is probably going to be tough as well..
    Korel Laloix: But.. that is what I get paid for.... so it is all good.
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)

    Sunshine Vayandar: brb a spider is spotted
    Eliza Madrigal: :) well there is always karaoke
    Korel Laloix: The problem with karaoke is that they do not have enough closet space to hide the bodies.
    Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
    Eliza Madrigal: Mick Jagger was great on SNL this weekend... saw clips this morning... was a karaoke scene...
    Korel Laloix: She wanted a small band or the like.
    Korel Laloix: I dont' watch TV much... but that does sound fun.
    Eliza Madrigal: I never got what the sex appeal was with him, but have to admit... really great... is his own person for sure
    Korel Laloix: Mostly the money and power.
    Korel Laloix: But..... I have to say.... I do have a thing for musicians.
    Eliza Madrigal: well I think there are people that seem in on their own joke, too


    Korel Laloix: And about the only guy I have ever been attracted to is also a musician.
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: I have to get going... been on a while... will post the session soon, was interesting I think...hah
    Sunshine Vayandar: back
    Sunshine Vayandar: found a blackwidow
    Eliza Madrigal: ah, sun... getting ready to go
    Eliza Madrigal: what?!?
    Sunshine Vayandar: kk ;)
    Eliza Madrigal: are you sure?
    Sunshine Vayandar: on the firewood
    Sunshine Vayandar: yes we have lots
    Sunshine Vayandar: with a little white ball
    Eliza Madrigal: eep
    Sunshine Vayandar: under her
    Sunshine Vayandar: lol

    Eliza Madrigal: I went to a poetry event and this woman recited a wonderful poem about black widow...
    Sunshine Vayandar: really
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
    Eliza Madrigal: in thankfulness to her partner or some such... from the spider view
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: anyway, glad to say goodbye...
    Sunshine Vayandar: hmmm spider view
    Sunshine Vayandar: take care guys
    Sunshine Vayandar: great session as always
    Eliza Madrigal: :) see you both later I hope... keep catching Kori at end of sessions...
    Sunshine Vayandar: have a great week Korel
    Sunshine Vayandar: take care - byebyeee ;)
    Korel Laloix: ciao
    Korel Laloix: Thanks.
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)
    Sunshine Vayandar: I must go make fire
    Sunshine Vayandar: ;)

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