2013.02.13 07:00 - Vulnerability and Suffering

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    Comments by Zen Arado. The pavilion was down for a region restart so the session was held at Kira.

    Ari (arisia.vita): welcome Zen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Zen :)
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Eliza, Ari :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how is the day so far?
    Zen (zen.arado): grim
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): grim?!
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Ari (arisia.vita): more pab sim probs?
    Zen (zen.arado): pouring rain
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): bleak?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I love that.. unless you need to go out of course
    Zen (zen.arado): this happens most weeks Ari
    Zen (zen.arado): it's their time for maintenance
    Ari (arisia.vita): I expected it on Tuesdays
    Zen (zen.arado): had to get shopping
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods... that makes the difference
    Zen (zen.arado): they changed to Wednesdays
    Ari (arisia.vita): well, this comfy
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I like the change really
    Zen (zen.arado): it's just more work posting the logs
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but feel bad Zen doesn't have the benefit of auto-listene
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): r
    Ari (arisia.vita): can't we put one on the table? :)
    Zen (zen.arado): have to make sure no timestamps have crept on
    GreenTea(Matcha): Mmmhh... enjoy the best green tea Yakuzza Lethecus
    Ari (arisia.vita): welcome Yak
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Yaku!
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Yaku
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): hey everyone
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): downtime i suppose
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Ari (arisia.vita): the sun rises... :)
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Sunji :)
    Ari (arisia.vita): welcome
    Sunshine (szavanna): °͜° smiles
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): hey sunshine
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Sun :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): ty Liz °͜°
    Sunshine (szavanna): hi all °͜°

    Vulnerability..what is it?

    Zen (zen.arado): we are all about to become vulnerable
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh?
    Zen (zen.arado): or is it invulnerable?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I was reading Riddle's session with Bleu.... she was saying that the point of the video seemed to be that we are already vulnerable and don't acknowledge that
    Zen (zen.arado): I'm too vulnerable already
    Zen (zen.arado): ha I juust did
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes :) maybe it is in a societal sense?
    Zen (zen.arado): staying with things seems key
    Zen (zen.arado): noticing where we are too vunerable
    Zen (zen.arado): what is 'vulnerable' by the way?
    Ari (arisia.vita): the ability to be hurt
    Zen (zen.arado): so that os ok?
    Zen (zen.arado): we can't stop that
    Ari (arisia.vita): it is something we learn to accept, even as we seek to eliminate it
    Zen (zen.arado): unless we don't have any contact with other people
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): her point was that if we aren't authentic, we can't be authentically OK with ourselves... and to be authentic we may need to examine ways we hide our weaknesses
    Sunshine (szavanna): you mean the video Liz?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes
    Sunshine (szavanna): I never managed to watch all
    Zen (zen.arado): I didn't watch it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): not sure what one it is
    Zen (zen.arado): a Ted video?
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes the Brene Brown TED talk
    Zen (zen.arado): think I watched that before
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): we actually talked about it a bit a year or so ago too
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): she has autism?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): no that is another women....
    Ari (arisia.vita): is our ultimate vulnerability to death?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Temple Grandin
    Zen (zen.arado): ha yes
    Ari (arisia.vita): The world is so exquisite, with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better, it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look Death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides. - Carl Sagan
    Zen (zen.arado): reading Pema Chodron on charnel ground practice atm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh?
    Zen (zen.arado): in Tibet the ground is frozen over most of the year
    Zen (zen.arado): so bodies are left in the open
    Zen (zen.arado): some go to meditate on death in the place
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Sunshine (szavanna): wow
    Zen (zen.arado): but it is also a practice of opening ourselves
    Sunshine (szavanna): reminds me of departures
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh, yes Sun
    Zen (zen.arado): making ourselves vulnerable in a way
    Zen (zen.arado): opening to our emotions
    Ari (arisia.vita): when the flower opens her petals she becomes more vulnerable, and at the same time more beautiful
    Zen (zen.arado): 'in charnel-ground practice, we stay present with strong emotion only very briefly at first. The instruction is: short moments again and again. Rather than trying to endure prolonged exposure to intense feeling, we touch in for only two or three seconds, then pause and breathe gently before touching in again.
     Chodron, Pema (2012-10-09). Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change (Kindle Locations 1602-1604). Shambhala Publications. Kindle Edition. '
    Zen (zen.arado): nice Ari
    Zen (zen.arado): does that apply to us?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what jumps out at me is "trying to endure prolonged exposure to intense feeling"
    Ari (arisia.vita): it applies to the heart as well
    Zen (zen.arado): yes it might be too much for some
    Zen (zen.arado): a gradual process
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): isn't aversion what one would need to stay with in a charnel ground?
    Zen (zen.arado): if we are not open and vulnerable ourselves can we have compassion?
    Zen (zen.arado): or empathy?
    Zen (zen.arado): yes but not where you might be overwhelmed
    Ari (arisia.vita): I can only speak for myself, but I could not experience compassion or empathy without vulnerability
    Sunshine (szavanna): what is aversion
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): repulsion
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): like "get away from me"
    Sunshine (szavanna): hmm kk ty
    Zen (zen.arado): do you avoid bad feelings
    Zen (zen.arado): ?
    Zen (zen.arado): do I?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I try not to
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but do
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I tend to 'keep busy"
    Ari (arisia.vita): do we avoid pain?
    Sunshine (szavanna): you can't really avoid them I think
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): "be useful"
    Zen (zen.arado): don't want to wallow in them either?
    Sunshine (szavanna): they are just there
    Zen (zen.arado): or look for distractions
    Zen (zen.arado): like SL :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;p
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Ari (arisia.vita): The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
    Zen (zen.arado): or eat too much
    Zen (zen.arado): etc
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): sitting in meditation for 30 minutes can really bring up a lot of "charnel ground"... past losses, present fears, etc


    Zen (zen.arado): suffering is good for us then
    Zen (zen.arado): a teaching found in the bible too
    Zen (zen.arado): ha yes Liz
    Ari (arisia.vita): joy is also good for us, the other side of the coin
    Zen (zen.arado): that's why people avoid it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or get up from it too early, as I did this morning
    Zen (zen.arado): the refiners fire
    Zen (zen.arado): or make excuses not to do it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): came to an edge and then thought "Hm, I forgot to IM so n so last night about the such n such..."
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): got through that one but then there was the text from daughter...
    Zen (zen.arado): well at least you are seeing it Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): that could have waited but "well what kind of mom leaves her waiting for an answer..."
    Sunshine (szavanna): /me hugs mom
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so I used her, in a way... to avoid what I need to do and just sit there with it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): if we don't think so much about what people have said hurtfully we can bear much more
    Sunshine (szavanna): is there good suffering and bad suffering?
    Zen (zen.arado): the ego mind is devious
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): people always say "stop caring what others think" and I think that is unrealistic and dangerous
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): good question Sun
    Zen (zen.arado): bad suffering is what we cause on urselves by magnifying pain with rumination
    Zen (zen.arado): I think
    Sunshine (szavanna): maybe one shouldn't call it suffering ... one could say - its a challenge
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): self-inflicted? add on?
    Zen (zen.arado): suffering is always present
    Zen (zen.arado): or waiting to appear
    Ari (arisia.vita): good suffering makes us stronger, bad suffering makes us weaker?
    Zen (zen.arado): yes Liz
    Sunshine (szavanna): may be Ari
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): true Sun... challenge can be a real gift
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): struggle, too
    Zen (zen.arado): bad is add-on suffering
    Sunshine (szavanna): or bad suffering is when we pretend to suffer
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): interesting
    Sunshine (szavanna): "I am soo unfortunate"
    Zen (zen.arado): yes that is a false add-on too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): made up suffering for entertainment
    Sunshine (szavanna): feeling sorry for yourself
    Zen (zen.arado): self-pity
    Zen (zen.arado): lets have a pity party :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): tv encourages women to be like that... always in some drama with friends...have been noticing this
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes like entertainment
    Zen (zen.arado): oh yes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): never allowed to grow out of jr high dynamics
    Sunshine (szavanna): "suffery" ...like comedy lol
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :))
    Zen (zen.arado): soap opera wouldn't work without conflict and suffering
    Zen (zen.arado): characters + conflict = plot
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes
    Ari (arisia.vita): can one know joy without knowing pain?
    Zen (zen.arado): they teach us
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but there is real pain there... would be wrong to belittle it too somehow, or to ridicule
    Zen (zen.arado): no I don't think so
    Zen (zen.arado): we need both sides of a polarity
    Sunshine (szavanna): the evening news is mostly about suffering
    Zen (zen.arado): no good if we don't know bad
    Zen (zen.arado): oh yes ..no news is good news
    Sunshine (szavanna): especially in SA
    Zen (zen.arado): ah everywhere I think
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I feel it valuable in my own life to be informed but not to feed on things repetitively when I can help it
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes but here its crazy - compared to Hungary
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): in the type of suffering, Sun?
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes Liz
    Zen (zen.arado): ok Sun
    Sunshine (szavanna): lots of people die daily
    Sunshine (szavanna): babies raped ...terrible things
    Zen (zen.arado): in more civilized countries rhere is less physical suffering...but more psychological
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :(
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): this relates to charnel ground too doesn't it... that one might try to keep themselves pure from the bad news
    Zen (zen.arado): we always find new ways to make ourselves suffer
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): life is a cycles of good times and bad
    Zen (zen.arado): we only want the good bits
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): in bodhisattva and christianity stories the hero marches into hell unafraid, as though it is heaven
    Zen (zen.arado): ever watch your cycle of moods?
    Ari (arisia.vita): may I share some Shaolin wisdom?
    Zen (zen.arado): of
    Zen (zen.arado): sure
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): sure
    Ari (arisia.vita): Disciple: I am puzzled.
     Master: That is the beginning of wisdom.
     Disciple: I have seen you laugh, and I have seen you cry.
     Master: And you do not?
     Disciple: We are taught discipline.
     Master: The purpose of discipline is to live more fully. Not less.
     Disciple: But how shall I know if my sorrow is only the echo of self pity; or my laughter the preening of my own happiness?
     Master: The bird sings in the forest. Does it seek to be admired for its song? Let tears come, when your heart tells you of its sadness. Let joy come unasked, unplanned.

    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me reads
    Zen (zen.arado): yes nice Ari
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): really nice
    Zen (zen.arado): a lot of Zen is like that
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): cry when appropriate to cry and laugh when appropriate to laugh and let go when it goes
    Sunshine (szavanna): very nice Ari :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): do you ever feel that suffering comes and lifts for no personal reason... as though it just comes and one must be responsive in a wider sense?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): just some process we're part of
    Zen (zen.arado): yes Liz
    Zen (zen.arado): it's all a mystery
    Ari (arisia.vita): perhaps there is a reason, just one we do not see?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): maybe so
    Zen (zen.arado): we are just tiny parts of a giant unkowable process
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Sun do you do anything to keep yourself able to cope?
    Zen (zen.arado): we are always trying to figure it out but we never will
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): in some spiritual practices, the disciplines are really hm... sort of supports to sustain the openness
    Ari (arisia.vita): taking the hand of a friend always helps me cope...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): friends are definitely supports :)
    Zen (zen.arado): lots of practices are merely to help us stop adding to our suffering with thoughts
    Zen (zen.arado): and resisting the life process
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): helpful phrase
    Zen (zen.arado): what ifd you don't have any family and you don't see friends very often?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how not to resist life
    Zen (zen.arado): and you can't go for nice walks
    Zen (zen.arado): and your health is deteriorating
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or people you can be particularly vulnerable with and know they understand and don't judge
    Zen (zen.arado): you have to accept things
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or at least the latter
    Ari (arisia.vita): good question Zen, who will answer?
    Sunshine (szavanna): sigh
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I think we do often 'practice' that vulnerability here
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or openness to that anyway
    Zen (zen.arado): sometimes I see someone say they are depressed and I think . but you can walk and drive a car etc'
    Zen (zen.arado): what have you to be depressed about?
    Zen (zen.arado): that is called 'envy of the well'
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods... that is really understandable Zen
    Sunshine (szavanna): so true Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): but there is a point there
    Zen (zen.arado): that we don't appreciate what we have
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I stomp my foot sometimes ... it feeling sort of unfair when people get to be upset over little things at times when I feel I'm juggling more
    Zen (zen.arado): I feel good atm
    Zen (zen.arado): ha yes Liz
    Sunshine (szavanna): my mom took her life ..what could have been the problem
    Sunshine (szavanna): I keep wondering
    Zen (zen.arado): where do we get that idea that life should be fair form?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): coping perhaps, Sun
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): some rich people take their lives because they get bored with it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): needing vision perhaps, not sure
    Zen (zen.arado): amazing
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ennui can bring the most despair
    Sunshine (szavanna): I think it was a gradual process
    Sunshine (szavanna): it just got too much to handle after years
    Sunshine (szavanna): and also her friend did the same a year before
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Oh :(
    Zen (zen.arado): was her health bad ?
    Sunshine (szavanna): no
    Sunshine (szavanna): she had no serious probs
    Zen (zen.arado): depression?
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes
    Sunshine (szavanna): it was even a sort of fashion those days to be depressed
    Zen (zen.arado): depression is a big killer
    Sunshine (szavanna): many poets at the time died like that also
    Sunshine (szavanna): and my mom loved those poets hmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): poets might be called 'seers"
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): willing to face things
    Zen (zen.arado): I've gone off poetry
    Sunshine (szavanna): and here in africa ....very hard things happen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but maybe not having coping skills... buffers
    Sunshine (szavanna): and people dance
    Zen (zen.arado): after my tutor tore my poems to shreds :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): what?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh Zen :( grr
    Sunshine (szavanna): why ? grrrgrgrrrr
    Zen (zen.arado): becaus ehtye aren't very good :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): that not nice
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well the teacher was the one emphasizing rules so much
    Ari (arisia.vita): ah, but they are
    Zen (zen.arado): no she is right
    Sunshine (szavanna): but even if they are not - why is that a problem
    Ari (arisia.vita): you just have to know how to find the beauty in them
    Sunshine (szavanna): art is there to be enjoyed
    Zen (zen.arado): heh better to remain ignorant of our lack of talent maybe
    Sunshine (szavanna): in my view
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): unless you submitted them with "these are the best ever anywhere"
    Sunshine (szavanna): hehe
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me smiles
    Zen (zen.arado): heh not likely


    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): this conversation makes me want to talk about faith somehow
    Sunshine (szavanna): /me listens
    Zen (zen.arado): faith?
    Ari (arisia.vita): pls do Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): faith not in a religion or philosophy really... but hm...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): "shradda"
    Sunshine (szavanna): runs to google
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it seems to be what people lean on in their darkest moments
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and in some teachings is used to describe a relationship with a guru actually
    Zen (zen.arado): read a poem like that lately
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so it is complex
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): 'Shraddha' in a Sanskrit word which has no equivalent in English, at best it can be understood as faith with love and reverence.
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): (wiki)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): seems a source of courage
    Sunshine (szavanna): ty Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): some devotion there
    Sunshine (szavanna): there is a way people go beyond the problems in SA
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me listens
    Sunshine (szavanna): you know .... people do crazy things .... they forgive their loved ones killers
    Sunshine (szavanna): there seems to be such strength of goodness
    Sunshine (szavanna): you know ...just going beyond the usual
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ah... tapping into that... faith in goodness
    Sunshine (szavanna): forgiving terrible things that happened during apartheid
    Zen (zen.arado): forgiveness is impressive
    Sunshine (szavanna): its unbelievable
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): do you think this is due to seeing people as connected more? tribal notions?


    Ari (arisia.vita): Disciple: He betrayed us. Yet we feed and clothe him.
     Master: I am aware of his unsavory adventures. I am aware also of his hunger and cold. Will the earth fall away from under his feet? Will the sun, shining on all else, refuse him light? If sun and earth and water refrain from judgment, who am I to withhold a blanket and a bowl of rice?

    Zen (zen.arado): it happened here in N.Ireland too
    Zen (zen.arado): a man forgave the killers of his daughter in a bomb
    Sunshine (szavanna): :) Ari
    Zen (zen.arado): How many times should we forgive?
    Sunshine (szavanna): it happens in cases where people live in tough circumstances
    Sunshine (szavanna): during war
    Zen (zen.arado): 7 times 7
    Ari (arisia.vita): how many times can we be hurt?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): 70 times 7
    Zen (zen.arado): I forget
    Zen (zen.arado): big theme with Jesus
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well both are right...both were in the dialog
    Sunshine (szavanna): what is that Liz - 70 times 7
    Zen (zen.arado): deciples asked Jsesu that question
    Zen (zen.arado): Jesus
    Zen (zen.arado): the question shows calculating mind
    Zen (zen.arado): as if a number could be put on it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): indeed, quantifying mind
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so Jesus stretched them by saying, no not 7 x 7 as you've been taught but 70 x 7
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it is like the impossible vows of buddhism
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): whispers: "save all beings?"
    Ari (arisia.vita): rl calls...it was great being with you all...I leave you with these words...
    Ari (arisia.vita): Master: Vengeance is a water vessel with a hole. It carries nothing but the promise of emptiness.
     Disciple: Shall I then repay injury always with kindness?
     Master: Repay injury with justice and forgiveness, but kindness always with kindness.
    Sunshine (szavanna): hugs Ari take care :)
    Zen (zen.arado): thanks Ari
    Ari (arisia.vita): see you all soon
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): thank you ari
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): bye Ari, tc
    Zen (zen.arado): 'Forgive them, they knwo not what they do'
    Zen (zen.arado): (or how to type)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): "we're all in ignorance" - vulnerable
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;p
    Sunshine (szavanna): ( Zenji is so funny °͜°
    Zen (zen.arado): ignorance makes us vulnerable
    Zen (zen.arado): knowledge doesn't
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): lacking knowledge about what we don't know
    Sunshine (szavanna): I have a puppy ...he is small and vulnerable
    Zen (zen.arado): 'love builds up, knowledge puffs up'
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): he is well situated with you Sun :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;o)
    Zen (zen.arado): :)

    Dream story:

    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): may I share a dream story?
    Zen (zen.arado): sure
    Sunshine (szavanna): listens
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): /me listens too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): my good friend's family dog passed away around Christmas time.., was hard for them...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): little kids in the house who loved "Lucky"
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): he really was a very cool dog... and quite spoiled... or well tended we could say
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and suddenly had seizures that wouldn't stop :(
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;(
    Zen (zen.arado): like mine :(
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Oh ((((Zen)))
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me feels thankful for you
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;((((
    Zen (zen.arado): my dog I mean
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): thats what happened?
    Zen (zen.arado): yes but go on
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what kind of dog? Lucky was a golden retriever
    Zen (zen.arado): a border collie mongrel
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): aw... great dogs
    Sunshine (szavanna): I saw the pic
    Sunshine (szavanna): very cute doggie
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so, okay ... a week later she had two dreams.... the first was a kind of ritualistic dream...a validation of her own healing in a way...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and the next one a woman came to her with Lucky...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and he was sparkly and happy
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and the women sort of interpreted for the dog..
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how my friend had taken such good care of him
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Mick :)
    Mickorod Renard: Hi Guys
    Sunshine (szavanna): hi Mick °͜°
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): hey mick
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): you walked in on a dream story Mick :)
    Mickorod Renard: nice
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): the thing is... she was able to rest after that because she knew she had hm, sort of fulfilled her role in his life
    Zen (zen.arado): a nice story
    Zen (zen.arado): I often dream fo my dof though he is dead 8 years
    Zen (zen.arado): dog
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): that's why I'm afraid of getting a dog
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Mickorod Renard: I have a dog due to die soon
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): my son would really love one and when we move I may try
    Zen (zen.arado): don't give your heart to a dog they say
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): aw Mick
    Mickorod Renard: he is 12 and a half
    Mickorod Renard: my dog has been a pain in the rear for 10 years
    Zen (zen.arado): bet you will miss him though
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Mickorod Renard: yes, true
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): there is no reasonableness to love, lol
    Mickorod Renard: he is here now,,stinks cos he has just roiled in fox poo
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Mickorod Renard: how I have managed to not murder him I dont know
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Sunshine just got a puppy, so I was thinking of what a well tended to dog he will be
    Zen (zen.arado): they do have unfortunate habits
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me giggles... very politely said Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): puppies go through a chewing phase
    Zen (zen.arado): mine used to fight other male dogs if he got half a chance
    Mickorod Renard: mine will still
    Zen (zen.arado): and didn't like ayone near me
    Sunshine (szavanna): °͜°
    Zen (zen.arado): very protective
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): protective or jealous?
    Zen (zen.arado): don't know
    Zen (zen.arado): he was a one man dog
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Mickorod Renard: I am looking forward to the day mine oasses to another life,,more fortuitous hopefully
    Sunshine (szavanna): one man dog hehe
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): not polyownerous
    Sunshine (szavanna): hehe
    Zen (zen.arado): ha great word Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me giggles
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;p
    Zen (zen.arado): a monownerous dog
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hana was talking about a monk friend saying prayers as a little bird on her balcony died...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): she felt so powerless, yet just as the bird died, the prayers were ended
    Zen (zen.arado): nice
    Sunshine (szavanna): sigh
    Zen (zen.arado): I read somewhere that sparrows die with cold and just drop off the branch they were on
    Zen (zen.arado): no fuss
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): that's vulnerability
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or practicality
    Mickorod Renard: makes one wonder what is after life,,whether there is another or not
    Zen (zen.arado): going with the flow
    Zen (zen.arado): not resisting
    Zen (zen.arado): the way it is..
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): many lives are going on in just this one
    Zen (zen.arado): a good lesson for us
    Mickorod Renard: like a snow flake melting
    Zen (zen.arado): nature isn't fair
    Mickorod Renard: I do wonder about the lesson
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what do you wonder?
    Zen (zen.arado): a lesson in acceptance maybe?
    Mickorod Renard: I wonder why,,the more one should love this life would in a way make it more dificult to let go
    Mickorod Renard: thus creating more attachment than less
    Zen (zen.arado): 'love this life' kinda points to clinging though?
    Sunshine (szavanna): hmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): maybe not if one realized nothing would be fundamentally lost, somehow
    Sunshine (szavanna): yay yes °͜°
    Mickorod Renard: that is a point Liz
    Zen (zen.arado): yes Liz
    Sunshine (szavanna): there must be a way hmmm scratches head
    Zen (zen.arado): we are so self important
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well, the whole thing is sort of hard to figure out :P
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Zen (zen.arado): impossible even
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): then why are we born compelled to try? like salmon?
    Zen (zen.arado): mabe it is ok just playing with words and concepts though
    Zen (zen.arado): our nature as humans with our big brains
    Sunshine (szavanna): its not really the end result that matters ...but the play proces
    Sunshine (szavanna): +s
    Zen (zen.arado): yes maybe Sun
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :))
    Sunshine (szavanna): the jazz mind :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hey, groovy
    Sunshine (szavanna): °͜°


    Mickorod Renard: it makes me think of a moment in time i fear i departed..the white tunnel,,there was something very nice about it,,yet I came back
    Sunshine (szavanna): wow
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): by choice?
    Sunshine (szavanna): how did it happen?
    Mickorod Renard: should we di,,and enjoy some wonderment,,why or what would compell us to become reincarnated
    Mickorod Renard: its hard to know if i chose to come back,,I felt I was drawn back
    Zen (zen.arado): that idea never made sense to me
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): has to do with type of mind
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and in a way that is happening all the time even now
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): we're always incarnating in some sense
    Zen (zen.arado): we are being reborn every second
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Zen (zen.arado): always changing
    Mickorod Renard: sure,,but we cling to what we know,,repulse the unknown
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): at least that's part of the teaching - but I do feel to experience that if I slow and see
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Interesting you use that word Mick as it came up earlier when we were talking about learning to 'stay' with difficulty
    Zen (zen.arado): my thoughts create a static version of me
    Zen (zen.arado): but there isn't one really
    Sunshine (szavanna): hmm interesting Zenji
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me considers
    Sunshine (szavanna): like a 3D printer
    Sunshine (szavanna): prints out a Zenji
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;o)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me smiles
    Zen (zen.arado): Zen version 10,00001
    Sunshine (szavanna): and no changing from that Zenji
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;D
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hahaha
    Sunshine (szavanna): but we don't allow for Zen version 10,00002
    Zen (zen.arado): thoughts are still with version 1
    Zen (zen.arado): like SL viewer 1
    Sunshine (szavanna): °͜°
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): love this
    Zen (zen.arado): that people stick with
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): whispers: so new zen is in mesh but no one can see him?
    Sunshine (szavanna): we should regularly update our RL viewers
    Zen (zen.arado): his code has changed
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me giggles
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;p
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): this is why we need open sharing so we can all keep up
    Sunshine (szavanna): yes ;o) agrees
    Zen (zen.arado): he is in a different at LL
    Zen (zen.arado): place
    Mickorod Renard: does anyone here do anything relating to a dharma wheel?
    Zen (zen.arado): different server
    Zen (zen.arado): do anything?
    Mickorod Renard: use the concept?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hm, I don't Mick.. do you mean in the sense of a mandala?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or wheel of life?
    Zen (zen.arado): it just keeps turning as far as I know
    Sunshine (szavanna): ;o)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what interests you Mick?
    Mickorod Renard: the eightfold path
    Mickorod Renard: sorry, putting wood on fire at same time
    Zen (zen.arado): I usesd to know a lot about that stuff
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I'd love to hear..
    Zen (zen.arado): dependent origination
    Zen (zen.arado): forgotten now
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods - I found this amazing to learn about and still do
    Mickorod Renard: I thought you had Eliza
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well specifically with a wheel I'm not sure I understood what you were asking
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I'm familiar with the imagery
    Mickorod Renard: or at least the 4 noble truths
    Zen (zen.arado): Darryl Bailey wrote a short book about Buddhism the essence of it
    Zen (zen.arado): I must buy it
    Zen (zen.arado): the five aggregates
    Mickorod Renard: sounds concrete stuff Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): nobody ever seems to have heard of 5 aggregates
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Zen (zen.arado): point is they are all empty of self
    Zen (zen.arado): form, feeling, perception, volition, consciousness
    Mickorod Renard: but the point of the exercise of emptying oneself is to end reincarnation
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): with the rising of a, b arises, with the receding of b, b recedes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): *a (at the end)
    Zen (zen.arado): not sure the Buddha preached reincarnation
    Zen (zen.arado): it is mostly found in Tibetan Buddhism
    Zen (zen.arado): not in Zen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yet Zen has stories
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): like with the fox :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): I must go ty for the great chat °͜°
    Zen (zen.arado): ah yes but koans
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): bye Sunshine <3
    Sunshine (szavanna): hugs :))
    Zen (zen.arado): byee Sunji :)
    Sunshine (szavanna): ♥
    Mickorod Renard: bye szav
    Zen (zen.arado): ty for coming
    Sunshine (szavanna): see you soon
    Zen (zen.arado): I should go too
    Mickorod Renard: me too,,perhaps
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): there is an advaita strategy of "neti neti"....
    Mickorod Renard: yes?
    Zen (zen.arado): nothingness?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or way of thinking perhaps - where one examines each 'part' and asks themselves something like, is this the self?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): that is a very bad explanation but relates to both dependent co-arising and aggregates
    Zen (zen.arado): I have a book by the Dalai Lama with exercises for seeing through the illusion of self
    Zen (zen.arado): the point is if you look for it it can't be found
    Zen (zen.arado): but I am getting on my hobby horse again ;)
    Mickorod Renard: the funny thing is,,the exercise will take a lifetime (still worth it) but therefore it should have a purpose beyond that lifetime, i would have thought
    Zen (zen.arado): but no self, what is there to be reborn?
    Mickorod Renard: thats the point Zen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): in buddhism there are "six classes of beings"
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and if one pays attention to themselves they can see ways perhaps, in which they are using a mind like one of those beings...
    Zen (zen.arado): there was an iteresting section in a book about that where the author interviews two Tibetan Buddhists about their views on rebirth
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): like when in "hungry ghost mode"
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): in reincarnation the idea is that if one is in that mode of mind when making the transition, that's their priimary realm of rebirth
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but it is also true on a day to day basis
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how habits are formed and perpetuated
    Zen (zen.arado): to me those are myths that point to some truths about how we live
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I like that way of looking at them too, yet also take them quite seriously
    Mickorod Renard: I would tend to think that way too zen
    Zen (zen.arado): but Tibetan Buddhism has lots of add-ons I think
    Zen (zen.arado): accretions over the years
    Mickorod Renard: all is food for healthy living
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I see it in myself as a practical matter and when seeing, can step out of it
    Zen (zen.arado): and Theravadin Buddhism too
    Zen (zen.arado): but what do I know?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I just see these as ways of approach
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): to understanding a much higher logic
    Zen (zen.arado): oh yes the hungry ghost metaphor explains how we live often
    Zen (zen.arado): I am a hungry ghost for books sometimes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): they take in more and more yet can't be satisfied
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): especially with Kindle
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): ah, but i don´t think books count in that :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): lol
    Mickorod Renard: I like to have an objective
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): i guess more basic needs
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hungry ghosts have lots of justifications, lol
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): "self improvement"
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it isn't what it is that is being gathered but how?
    Zen (zen.arado): we want more than we need is basic teaching I guess
    Mickorod Renard: and should we ask for why?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): are we appreciating what we take in, able to process it
    Zen (zen.arado): exactly
    Mickorod Renard: in much teaching, ie buddhism,,there is an emphsis on wisdom and wise
    Zen (zen.arado): but too much teaching can be bad
    Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): i will log out, thx everyone!
    Mickorod Renard: and yet we feel we dont need to ask why?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): So good to see you yaku
    Zen (zen.arado): once you see it you don't have to keep mind spinning
    Mickorod Renard: bye yaku
    Zen (zen.arado): spirituality can be like an addiction too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): bye Yaku
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I've felt for the last few years that I need to be hooked up to an IV of teachings all the time
    Zen (zen.arado): me too
    Mickorod Renard: mmmm,,I share that too Eliza
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): reconditioning in a way, but also because there is this capacity that should be honored
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but then sometimes I ask what I am actually LIVING
    Zen (zen.arado): direct experience is it
    Mickorod Renard: one can have rich experience by doing wrong things too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and think "hm, if I just stop maybe have to draw upon what's there... " like when down to basics in the fridge
    Zen (zen.arado): seeing what is going on in our lives
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): testing limits Mick?
    Zen (zen.arado): and how we react to that
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Mickorod Renard: me? noooo
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me laughs
    Zen (zen.arado): what is 'wrong'?
    Mickorod Renard: I am a practical person..its wierd to spend so much time without a clear objective
    Zen (zen.arado): Darryl Bailey has a talk entitled 'which snowflake is doing it wrong?'
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Mickorod Renard: being nice to people is great,,being nice for myself has a tang of selfishness
    Zen (zen.arado): you can tangle yourself up in mental knots
    Mickorod Renard: but in the end I want to feel I have done something in the right direction
    Zen (zen.arado): did it for years in philosophy
    Zen (zen.arado): maybe yu have an illusion that ther is a 'right direction'
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how do you feel when you look at your current trajectory Mick? not ahead but from whence you've come?
    Mickorod Renard: yes for sure Zen,,more questions,,not more answers
    Zen (zen.arado): life isn't mappable
    Zen (zen.arado): we have to 'play life by ear' I think
    Mickorod Renard: perhaps more perceptual Eliza..not fundementally a better person
    Zen (zen.arado): it doesn't fit into our shcemes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so maybe a "better person" isn't the deepest aim?
    Zen (zen.arado): nope
    Zen (zen.arado): we will be whatever we will be
    Mickorod Renard: in a selfish way,,I think I would like to be at peace inside my head
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): why do you think that's selfish?
    Zen (zen.arado): peace is accepting the chaos though
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): seems a gift to give to someone.. peaceful presence
    Mickorod Renard: yes I see that Zen,,but its a funny thing,,one likes to bring less chaos to those in chaos
    Zen (zen.arado): we can try
    Zen (zen.arado): if it works we say we controlled it
    Mickorod Renard: the more one is sensitive to others plight,,the more one feels that pain
    Zen (zen.arado): if you felt it too much you would go mad
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what about the idea of offering it up
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): giving it over... not bearing it with your "self"
    Mickorod Renard: I used to do that,,it worked well,,if a bit wierd
    Zen (zen.arado): perhaps we are protected by our selfishness
    Mickorod Renard: at one time i felt like a conduit,,but always passed the pain through and away
    Zen (zen.arado): the Dalai Lama shows people compassion ..but then he moves to the next person
    Zen (zen.arado): like a doctor
    Zen (zen.arado): we are limited conduits
    Mickorod Renard: nice zen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so there is a dropping of sentimentality while keeping responsiveness and availability...
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): well put Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it sort of helps me, to think "I can't handle this but what I am in a larger sense can" - something similar to something Stim said once
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and then turn off the small fixer and hand it over
    Mickorod Renard: mmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but I have to stay on the cushion longer, lol
    Mickorod Renard: there was something in that dream I had ages ago
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me listens
    Mickorod Renard: the one where I was some wierd chinese begger type
    Zen (zen.arado): I have to go make my dinner
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :) long session Zen
    Mickorod Renard: and helped push a rich person who was rude agcross some flooded part of london
    Zen (zen.arado): I will leave avatar here to get conversation
    Zen (zen.arado): byee ;)
    Mickorod Renard: bye Zen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): bye Zen, or I could send it to you via email
    Mickorod Renard: he he
    Mickorod Renard: anyway, I wont do that dream again,,but there was something comprehensibel to me in it
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what was that exactly, can you say?
    Mickorod Renard: just on the fringe
    Mickorod Renard: what?
    Mickorod Renard: :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what was the comprehensible 'something' that you gleaned from it
    Mickorod Renard: the comprehensible thing?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes
    Mickorod Renard: ahh
    Mickorod Renard: ok
    Mickorod Renard: iblemt was more to do with the problem or pain stays with the one creating the pro
    Mickorod Renard: lem
    Mickorod Renard: does that make sense,,typos
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): each with own unique karma / dharma/ and responsibility for such?
    Mickorod Renard: maybe i need to type again
    Mickorod Renard: well,,if one see's an issue,,help and feel compassion,,regardles of attitude,,and feel some sadness for thier plight,,but not see your own effort to help as personal pain
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): how subtle...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): the reaching and 'neediness' to help?
    Mickorod Renard: the mudlark dream
    Mickorod Renard: old hat now
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I do remember this dream, though it has been a while since reading it
    Mickorod Renard: mm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): would you elaborate a little more?
    Mickorod Renard: it stays with me because I need to grasp the meaning in full
    Mickorod Renard: well..the reason people act the way they do is often more complex than we are privy to,,as such our help to them may or may not seem justifyable but that is not our concern,,the bigger reason is perhaps shrouded and we shouldnt deny our help to anyone for that is special
    Mickorod Renard: hard to put in words
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): that trying to grasp causes misses the point?
    Mickorod Renard: maybe
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I think that's eloquent, and along with remembering the dream more fully now there are so many facets
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what about the idea that you are all those characters?
    Mickorod Renard: why question what one finds natural, just because others are not compassionate
    Mickorod Renard: I think I may be all those characters
    Mickorod Renard: its hard to stay on track
    Mickorod Renard: and at times you can break
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it seems like an integrative message
    Mickorod Renard: I know I have complained like an ass at a supermarket over a trivial issue,,afterwards I have felt so bad that the person I ccomplained to may have had a bad nights sleep cos of me
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): you are accepting the man in all his faults and flaws, while not ignoring the sadness/wrongness of the situation or the attitude or pride he carries
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods....we all have Mick
    Mickorod Renard: so there is a reason for everything
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): you know.... I haven't talked about it much but something similar happened with me recently
    Mickorod Renard: one can feel bad, personally attacked,,everything,,but its better to just feel compassion
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): where I was angry with someone - and finally admitted I was angry and even dealing with hatred (which was hard as I like to think of myself as not doing that :P) and when I did, I saw that the anger stretched back way farther than I'd known them
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so it could never have been about them
    Mickorod Renard: yes, I can relate with you there Eliza
    Mickorod Renard: I wonder sometimes,,balance is all,,yet if one is nice most of the time,,the bad has to emerge from somewhere eventually
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or does it... that's a real question for me
    Mickorod Renard: to be expunged
    Mickorod Renard: well,,the bad perhaps can be converted inbto something positive,,but that is maybe where we slip up
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well in this case when I saw this, over the course of a few days, there came a major spaciousness and nothing 'else' to fill its place
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and I kept thinking... any second I will be on to the next thing...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but really it just subsided, for now
    Mickorod Renard: mmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): maybe it can be that way with more than we realize
    Mickorod Renard: yes
    Mickorod Renard: I also have something of a memory
    Mickorod Renard: but that too is a torment,,I remember everything I have done that is bad
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hi Higo, feel free to join us
    HigoSilva: si
    Mickorod Renard: Hi Higo,,I have to go now,,as I am flat battery
    HigoSilva: ri eliza
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes Mick... it is a lovely quality and yet a difficult one
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): (((Mick))))
    Mickorod Renard: :))
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): nice to talk longer with you - has been a while
    Mickorod Renard: will catch you again soon
    HigoSilva: no compriendo eu do bresil
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): OK, bfn
    Mickorod Renard: yes, thankyou Eliza
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ah, Higo, mi espanol es muy mal...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): pero yo aprendiendo
    HigoSilva: ok so etou de pasagem
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): portugesa?
    HigoSilva: bay
    HigoSilva: dddddddd
    Mickorod Renard: nice lingo Liz
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :) hah... no it is very bad
    HigoSilva: bayyyy
    Mickorod Renard: see u soon,,bye
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me waves warmly Mick, and Zen too

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