Eliza posted this session...
[00:57] Korel Laloix: heya
[00:58] Wol Euler: hi korel
[00:58] Wol Euler: having a good weekend?
[00:58] Korel Laloix: i guess I could go all black as well at his hour.
[00:58] Korel Laloix: Lots o reading.
[00:58] Korel Laloix: My brain is full and the semester hasnot started yet.
[00:58] Wol Euler: I'd call that a good weekend
[00:59] Korel Laloix: THat is either a good or bad thing.
[00:59] Wol Euler: oh, work-reading
[00:59] Wol Euler: hello egg, we haven't seen you here in a while
[00:59] Korel Laloix: School
[00:59] eggsalad Ormstein: wie gehts, Wol?
[00:59] Wol Euler: gut geht's, danke, und selber?
[01:00] eggsalad Ormstein: super, thanks!
[01:00] Korel Laloix: I have forgot almost all the Deutsche that I learned.
[01:00] Korel Laloix: Would like to get back there again.
[01:00] Wol Euler: ah:)
[01:00] Wol Euler: you'd probably remember it fairly quickly if you came
[01:01] eggsalad Ormstein: I just used up all of my German
[01:02] Wol Euler: my sister and BIL are here for a few weeks (touring around now)
[01:02] Korel Laloix: Oh... smiles
[01:02] Wol Euler: they are picking it up (sis) or remembering (BIL) quite quickly
[01:03] Wol Euler: hello qt
[01:03] Wol Euler: colourful pants today :)
[01:03] Qt Core: Hi all!
[01:03] Wol Euler: Mr. Fancy Pants :)
[01:03] Qt Core: ;-)
[01:03] Korel Laloix: Those are nice.
[01:04] eggsalad Ormstein: hi qt
[01:04] Wol Euler: going to the beach?
[01:04] Qt Core: just trying to be a little more [f]estive
[01:05] Korel Laloix: Festive is an interesting word.
[01:06] Wol Euler: why the [ ]?
[01:06] Qt Core: (and trying to survive the weather, at 10am we are already at 29.5 C , in some area the forecast say it will reach 40 C)
[01:06] Wol Euler: O.O
[01:06] Wol Euler: too hot for me
[01:07] Korel Laloix: That sounds lovely.
[01:07] Wol Euler: heh
[01:07] Korel Laloix: Between 40 and 45 is where I like it.
[01:07] Qt Core: a way to spell both festive and estive, like in command lines, Wol
[01:07] Wol Euler fans herself
[01:07] Wol Euler looks up "estive"
[01:08] Korel Laloix: I was getting up to 40 on a regular basis here for a cople of months... lovely.
[01:09] Qt Core: (mmm, thought english had estive, google says no, the idea was "summery"
[01:09] Wol Euler: ah :) from "este"
[01:09] Wol Euler: that makes perfect sense
[01:09] Qt Core: from estate (summer in italian)
[01:09] Korel Laloix: lol... I am lost.
[01:10] Korel Laloix: Not the first time though.
[01:10] eggsalad Ormstein: it's 45c her every day
[01:10] Korel Laloix: Do you have a spare beroom?
[01:11] eggsalad Ormstein: no
[01:11] Korel Laloix: Oh well.
[01:11] Qt Core: how about humidity Korel and eggsalad (that is the killer thing) ?
[01:11] Wol Euler nods.
[01:11] Korel Laloix: I love that as well.
[01:11] Korel Laloix: I just like being hot.
[01:11] eggsalad Ormstein: no humidity. this is a desert
[01:12] Korel Laloix: Oh, then Iwould preffer my 43 with good humidity then.
[01:12] Wol Euler: the humidity is what gets to me, I don't mind dry heat (but 45 is still far too hot)
[01:12] Korel Laloix: ANd deserts et cold at night.
[01:12] eggsalad Ormstein: well, it gets down to 35c at night, yes
[01:12] Wol Euler: gah :)
[01:13] Qt Core: yeah, cold ;-)
[01:13] Qt Core: it's all about being used to it
[01:13] Korel Laloix: When we were out in the NM deserts it would be 105 in the day and 50 at night.. not fun.
[01:14] eggsalad Ormstein: that's a higher altitude
[01:14] Korel Laloix: I don't know.
[01:14] Qt Core: and one has to ask... why to go there if it isn't fun ? ;-)
[01:17] Wol Euler smiles.
[01:17] Korel Laloix: I would not mind finding a job in the southwest when I graduate.
[01:18] eggsalad Ormstein: what is your field?
[01:19] Korel Laloix: Biostats and Epidemiology.
[01:19] Korel Laloix: But that is a cople of years off at least til graduation.
[01:20] Korel Laloix: OK. finally starting to feel the pillow calling.
[01:20] Wol Euler smiles.
[01:20] Wol Euler: goodnight korel, sleep well
[01:20] Qt Core: that;s the effect of thinking abour school ?
[01:20] Qt Core: 'night Korel
[01:20] Korel Laloix: PaB is good at puting me to sleep I guess..... lol... And I am gratefull..
[01:20] Korel Laloix: PRobably.... smiles
[01:20] Wol Euler: heheh
[01:21] Korel Laloix: ciao all
[01:21] Qt Core: i'd like a colder place, but i don't really like snow and ice on the streets and under my feet
[01:23] Wol Euler: I like winter, actually :) as long as it's good and cold, this European -1 and still humid is harder for me to deal with than -25 in canada
[01:24] Qt Core: like whales i have a nice thick fat layer to help me with cold ;-)
[01:24] Wol Euler: heheheh
[01:26] Wol Euler: one of my buddies is in Las Vegas for a back-to-back pair of conventions
[01:26] Wol Euler: he's finding it very wierd :)
[01:26] eggsalad Ormstein: he should call me for a drink
[01:27] Wol Euler: as a sociologist, fascinated by the way people behave there; as an old-fashioned liberal intellectual, pretty horrified by the way people behave :)
[01:27] Wol Euler: bank cash machines right next to the slot machines. How cynical is that?
[01:28] eggsalad Ormstein: cynical? it's brilliant!
[01:28] Wol Euler laughs.
[01:28] Wol Euler: well, yes; and clearly it works very well
[01:28] Qt Core: that's customer service at its best!
[01:28] Wol Euler: I'd find it a little too revealing
[01:28] eggsalad Ormstein: and I pay almost no taxes because of it
[01:28] Wol Euler nods.
[01:28] Wol Euler: there is that, sure
[01:30] eggsalad Ormstein: it is a brilliant way to live. ensnare visitors and tax the hell out of them, so we pay almost none
[01:31] Qt Core: should rethink my opposition to replace the public library with a casino here...
[01:31] Wol Euler: ha
[01:32] Wol Euler: why not have both? let hte casino subsidize the library?
[01:32] eggsalad Ormstein: they do here!
[01:32] Qt Core: to honest they are moving the library, (and not opening a casino) but the idea was much older than the decision to make a new place for the library
[01:33] Qt Core: to be*
[01:35] Qt Core: in past years most bars/public places were inundated by slot machine alike thing, but the sad part is that you always see peope that seem not to have the money to live playing with them
[01:35] Wol Euler: true
[01:35] Wol Euler: that is also my impression
[01:35] Wol Euler: perhaps it's a sign of desperation
[01:35] Qt Core: same with the prople spending hundred of euros at lotto/lotteries
[01:35] Wol Euler nods.
[01:36] eggsalad Ormstein: well, if I think about it too much, I want to live somewhere else. So I don't :)
[01:36] Wol Euler: yep
[01:36] Qt Core: :)
[01:36] Wol Euler: on the one hand, it's their money, htey can spend it how they wish
[01:36] PaB Listener: Yakuzza Lethecus's current display-name is "Yaku".
[01:36] Wol Euler: and they might well say that the US$100 that I give Linden Lab every month for some virtual land is also foolishly spent
[01:36] Qt Core: Hi Yaku
[01:36] eggsalad Ormstein: someone once said "the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math"
[01:36] Wol Euler: hello yaku
[01:36] Yakuzza Lethecus: good morning everyone
[01:37] eggsalad Ormstein: hi yak
[01:37] Qt Core: surely wol ;-)
[01:37] Wol Euler: yes, egg, the Austrian term for it is "Deppensteuer", idiocy tax
[01:37] Wol Euler: brb, coffee
[01:38] Wol Euler: I hope they get as much pleasure from the lottery as I do from my SL beach :)
[01:40] Qt Core: at least with lottery you win money, withntha slot machine here just tokens or discounts at the venues they are installed in, never money
[01:40] Wol Euler: yes, that is very clever :) you can't just scoop up the winnings and run
[01:41] Yakuzza Lethecus: i often wonder about lottery and gambling, i have a friend in rl who worked for a big german company who set up tiny vending machine facilities and they had to provide the gamblers at least with 94 percent of what they put into it, while the regular lottery is only around 50% of what oyu put in there, but i never gambled in a casino or vendingmachine myself
[01:41] Wol Euler: wow
[01:41] Wol Euler: only 6%?
[01:42] Yakuzza Lethecus: and they lived very well on those 6 percent
[01:42] Wol Euler: okay, I have to admit that I do go to casinos in Europe :) I like roulette
[01:42] eggsalad Ormstein: we have lots of that here
[01:43] Wol Euler: I know that the house almost always wins, but it is fun
[01:43] Qt Core: never been in a casino, my waste of money of choice was videogames, but now you almost can't find them, hidden behind the video-slotmachines
[01:44] Wol Euler: there's a really nice one in Venice, in a palazzo on tthe Canale Grande
[01:46] PaB Listener: Agatha Macbeth's current display-name is "Aggers".
[01:46] Wol Euler: aggers ♥
[01:46] Wol Euler: good morning
[01:46] Agatha Macbeth yawns. Morning
[01:46] Agatha Macbeth: ♥
[01:47] Qt Core: Hi Agatha
[01:47] Agatha Macbeth: Hello QT
[01:47] eggsalad Ormstein: hi agg
[01:47] Agatha Macbeth: hello Egg
[01:47] Agatha Macbeth: Guten morgen yaku
[01:48] Wol Euler: agg and egg :) if we had an ogg and an ugg and an igg we'd have the full set
[01:48] Yakuzza Lethecus: hey, guten morgen aggers
[01:48] Agatha Macbeth: Agh!
[01:48] Agatha Macbeth: :p
[01:48] Agatha Macbeth: Sacha Ogg?
[01:48] Wol Euler: mmhmm, and Iggy Pop ...
[01:48] Wol Euler: just "u" then
[01:49] Agatha Macbeth: Don't know anybody called Ugg
[01:49] Agatha Macbeth: Must be someone
[01:49] Wol Euler: it was probably a common name in Neanderthal
[01:49] Agatha Macbeth: Hm, true
[01:49] Agatha Macbeth: Ugg son of Ugg
[01:49] Qt Core: Can't Hugo work ?
[01:50] Wol Euler: hmm, it's a bit of a stretch :)
[01:50] Agatha Macbeth: Hugo first
[01:50] Wol Euler: oh, I know an Uggo here :)
[01:50] Wol Euler: just remembered
[01:50] Agatha Macbeth: Aha
[01:50] Wol Euler smiles.
[01:50] Qt Core: and Ugo is an italian male name
[01:50] Agatha Macbeth: Seek and ye shall find
[01:50] Wol Euler: indeed
[01:51] eggsalad Ormstein: Ugo is Italian for Hugo
[01:51] Agatha Macbeth: Hugo is the name of a good shop in SL too :)
[01:51] Wol Euler: yep :) lovely sexy latex
[01:51] Agatha Macbeth smiles wistfully
[01:51] Wol Euler smiles encouragingly
[01:52] Agatha Macbeth: Nice shorts QT
[01:52] Qt Core: ty Agatha
[01:53] Agatha Macbeth: Where's Observerm lately?
[01:53] Wol Euler: huh, you#re right
[01:53] Wol Euler: he hasn't been around in quite a while
[01:53] Qt Core: haven't seen him in a couple months
[01:54] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe he found a new spot
[01:54] Qt Core: maybe he collected enough observations
[01:54] Agatha Macbeth: Or decided we are too weird for him
[01:54] eggsalad Ormstein: maybe the person behind the av died
[01:54] Wol Euler nods.
[01:54] Agatha Macbeth: Hope not!
[01:54] Wol Euler: yeah
[01:55] Agatha Macbeth: It must be awful when thatDOES happen, and none of your SL friends or partner know about it
[01:55] Wol Euler: yep
[01:56] Wol Euler: I've left instructions in my will on how to notify my SL friends and my blogging buddies
[01:56] Agatha Macbeth: Awww
[01:56] Wol Euler: so you will at least hear the news.
[01:56] Agatha Macbeth: Well just don't go planning on leaving yet
[01:57] Wol Euler: oh, I don't, but probably the great majority do not plan it either
[01:57] Agatha Macbeth: True
[01:57] Qt Core: i've read something about that on slashdot, the first thing the best friend pf the dead has to do is erase all porn from his pc ;-)
[01:57] Wol Euler: I guess there aren't many who wake up, look around, and say "What a good day for a fatal car accident"
[01:58] Agatha Macbeth smiles and coughs innocently
[01:58] Wol Euler chuckles @ qt
[01:58] Qt Core: then there is the issue of passwords if you are the only keeper of them for your office/club and so non
[01:58] Qt Core: non=on
[01:59] Agatha Macbeth: Yeah, that would be awkward
[01:59] Wol Euler has that in the will too :)
[01:59] eggsalad Ormstein: I won't make a will
[01:59] Agatha Macbeth: You should have been a scout Wol
[01:59] Wol Euler: why not?
[01:59] Agatha Macbeth: He's immortal :p
[01:59] Wol Euler: ah :)
[02:00] eggsalad Ormstein: because there is nothing to say in a will
[02:01] Wol Euler: hello zon
[02:01] Zon Kwan: hi all
[02:01] Qt Core: always wondered about wills, especially how much time between death and their reading, i would not sport a tie in my coffin
[02:01] Yakuzza Lethecus: hello zon
[02:01] Agatha Macbeth: Hiya Zon
[02:01] eggsalad Ormstein: hi zon
[02:02] Qt Core: so if they read it too late it won't work
[02:03] Agatha Macbeth watches the flying fish
[02:03] Wol Euler smiles.
[02:04] Agatha Macbeth: They must find it kinda hard to breathe up there
[02:04] Wol Euler: I wrote a will when I realized that the government would distribute my (very limited) estate as it saw fit
[02:05] Wol Euler: and that this would exclude my business partners and the clubs etc
[02:05] Wol Euler: (as qt said)
[02:05] Agatha Macbeth: Which government?
[02:05] Wol Euler: wherever I happen to be living when I die
[02:05] Agatha Macbeth: Oh
[02:05] Wol Euler: if you die intestate, the relevant government distributes what you leave as it sees fit
[02:05] Wol Euler: that'
[02:05] Wol Euler: that's always true, worldwide
[02:06] Agatha Macbeth: I thought everything passed to your next of kin?
[02:06] Wol Euler: usually, yes; but do you want that?
[02:06] Agatha Macbeth: Certainly!
[02:06] Wol Euler: my sister and BL have enough money, I wanted my estate to bypass them and go straight to their kids, who need the money
[02:06] Agatha Macbeth: Don't want anyone else havin it
[02:06] Agatha Macbeth: Good idea
[02:07] Wol Euler: and for that you need a will, because the next-of-kin rule would not do it
[02:07] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Lugh
[02:07] Agatha Macbeth: (can he hear me?)
[02:07] eggsalad Ormstein: I haven't any kin
[02:07] Wol Euler: 22m away, perhaps not
[02:07] Wol Euler: now :)
[02:07] Wol Euler: hello lugh
[02:07] Agatha Macbeth: Just out of range
[02:08] Agatha Macbeth: Hiya (finally) :)
[02:08] Qt Core: hi Lugh
[02:08] Yakuzza Lethecus: morning lugh :)
[02:08] eggsalad Ormstein: hi lugh
[02:08] Agatha Macbeth: I must say I like your hat
[02:08] Wol Euler sighs.
[02:08] Wol Euler: *smiles
[02:09] Wol Euler: wrong gesture :)
[02:09] Agatha Macbeth: Gesture queen
[02:09] Agatha Macbeth: All of mine disappeared for some strange reason
[02:10] Wol Euler: hats?
[02:10] Agatha Macbeth: Ah, the default ones have come back
[02:10] Agatha Macbeth: No, gestures
[02:10] Wol Euler: ah
[02:11] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe it's it's cos I switched viewer
[02:11] Agatha Macbeth: Twice :p
[02:12] Wol Euler: if you switch between v2 and any ohter, you should clear cache each time
[02:12] Qt Core: time to go starting the day... and lunch
[02:12] Agatha Macbeth: Thx, I'll remember
[02:12] eggsalad Ormstein: bye qt
[02:12] Yakuzza Lethecus: bye qt
[02:12] Agatha Macbeth: Take care QT
[02:12] Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy the day
[02:12] Qt Core: bye all, have fun
[02:12] Agatha Macbeth: Be warm
[02:13] Wol Euler: that#
[02:13] Wol Euler: that's almost guaranteed
[02:13] Agatha Macbeth watches QT moonwalk
[02:13] Wol Euler chuckles.
[02:13] Agatha Macbeth: Wonder who got all of Jacko's money?
[02:14] Agatha Macbeth: I know it wasn't me
[02:14] Wol Euler: hehh
[02:14] eggsalad Ormstein: his kids?
[02:14] Wol Euler: probably the monkey
[02:14] Yakuzza Lethecus: his dad
[02:16] eggsalad Ormstein: I must be off. have a fine Sunday
[02:16] Agatha Macbeth: What does CLIENT on the lag meter actually refer to?
[02:16] Agatha Macbeth: Bye Egg
[02:16] Wol Euler: bye egg, sleep well, have a tgood sunday
[02:16] Yakuzza Lethecus: good night egg
[02:16] Wol Euler: -t
[02:16] Wol Euler: your viewer software
[02:16] Agatha Macbeth: Ah, right
[02:17] Agatha Macbeth: Cos it's flitting between red and yellow for me
[02:18] Wol Euler: are the rest green?
[02:18] Agatha Macbeth: Yep
[02:18] Wol Euler: then it's probably the upload speed of your connection is too low
[02:18] Wol Euler: because you are downloading fast enough
[02:19] Agatha Macbeth: Ok, I'll blame BT :p
[02:19] Wol Euler: as usual
[02:19] Agatha Macbeth: Ha
[02:19] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe being Sunday has something to do with it
[02:19] Wol Euler: ' "Damn and blast BT" he cried, wondering how easily the words came to his lips.'
[02:19] Agatha Macbeth: Bye Lugh
[02:19] Yakuzza Lethecus: bye lugh
[02:19] Wol Euler: bye lugh, enjoy your sunday
[02:20] Agatha Macbeth: I finally remembered to get the scripts out of my hair
[02:21] Agatha Macbeth: So that reduces lag around here a bit
[02:22] Agatha Macbeth: Yay I'm green
[02:22] Yakuzza Lethecus: i wonder how the lag is interconnected sometimes, voice is on a different server, is the chat also depending from the scripts in the sim ?
[02:22] Wol Euler: as kermit said
[02:22] Agatha Macbeth: :D
[02:22] Yakuzza Lethecus: or is that also a channel split from the rest
[02:22] Wol Euler: text chat is run through the viewer connection
[02:22] Wol Euler: as is IM
[02:23] Agatha Macbeth: 1984 - George would be proud :p
[02:23] Wol Euler smiles.
[02:25] Agatha Macbeth: brb - toilet
[02:27] Agatha Macbeth: back
[02:27] Yakuzza Lethecus: wb
[02:27] Wol Euler: wb
[02:27] Yakuzza Lethecus: *smiles*
[02:28] Agatha Macbeth: So what does everybody have planned for today?
[02:28] Wol Euler: laziness, hopefully
[02:29] Agatha Macbeth: Ah, noo work?
[02:29] Agatha Macbeth: -o
[02:29] Wol Euler: I am *really* hoping that I don't get called in to work
[02:29] Yakuzza Lethecus: no real plan´s except regular sunday visits and 2-3 sl activities
[02:29] Yakuzza Lethecus: visiting family for lunch and alike
[02:29] Wol Euler: boss wanted to go to the site with wife and kids, if htey do that would pretty well exclude us meeting
[02:29] Agatha Macbeth: Sunday is always a busy day in SL
[02:30] Agatha Macbeth: Ok, silly question: why does he want to take the wife and kids to the site?
[02:30] Wol Euler: wife because she is archtict too and partner, kids because they are far too young to stay home aline
[02:31] Agatha Macbeth: Ok, good answer
[02:31] Agatha Macbeth: It's just that I imagined they go for days out visiting construction sites :p
[02:31] Yakuzza Lethecus: i guess it´s also nice to see construction side´s from perspectives nobody will ever see them again
[02:32] Agatha Macbeth: Yeh, 'work in progress'
[02:32] Wol Euler: yep
[02:32] Wol Euler: but also checking on how things are progressing
[02:32] Agatha Macbeth: And hoping they *are* progressing
[02:32] Wol Euler: when the site is in operation, during the week, you can't walk around without people constantly stopping you to ask for advice
[02:32] Wol Euler: that too
[02:33] Agatha Macbeth: Reminds me of that film with Cary Grant
[02:34] Wol Euler: kmm?
[02:34] Wol Euler: which?
[02:34] Agatha Macbeth: Can't think waht it's called now
[02:35] Agatha Macbeth: The one where he builds his own house
[02:35] Agatha Macbeth: And things keep going wrong
[02:35] Wol Euler: huh, don't now that
[02:35] Wol Euler: *know
[02:35] Agatha Macbeth: Let's look at IMDB
[02:35] Yakuzza Lethecus: http://www.carygrant.net/reviews/blandings.html <- ?
[02:37] Agatha Macbeth: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
[02:37] Agatha Macbeth: Quite good actually
[02:37] Agatha Macbeth: You would probably find a few resonances there Wol :p
[02:37] Wol Euler: heheheh
[02:37] Wol Euler: veyr likely
[02:37] Wol Euler: (reading the website)
[02:39] Wol Euler: what's your plan for today, aggers?
[02:39] Agatha Macbeth: Probably listen to the cricket and do some gardening
[02:39] Wol Euler: ah :)
[02:39] Wol Euler: the sounds of summer
[02:40] Agatha Macbeth: Yes!
[02:40] Agatha Macbeth: Enjoy it while it's here
[02:40] Agatha Macbeth: Tho the weather has been awful here for the most part
[02:41] Yakuzza Lethecus: yeah, here too, was better at the end of the week just to bring thunderstorms and rain
[02:41] Agatha Macbeth nods
[02:41] Agatha Macbeth: We've had a couple of storms here too
[02:41] Agatha Macbeth: Not as bad as the ones in the States of course
[02:42] Yakuzza Lethecus: i wonder why zon had 8mb and 3% scripttime while his avi is far less sophisticated
[02:42] Agatha Macbeth: Yeah, I wondered that too
[02:42] Wol Euler: I assume he had some kind of RP hud running
[02:42] Wol Euler: since there was nothing visible
[02:43] Agatha Macbeth: Certainly can't blame clothes or hair :p
[02:43] Wol Euler smiles.
[02:44] Agatha Macbeth: My boots have a lotta scripts, but can't take those ones out
[02:44] Wol Euler: isn't there a "delete" option?
[02:44] Agatha Macbeth: Yes, but I don't like to :p
[02:44] Wol Euler: well, you make a copy first :)
[02:44] Agatha Macbeth: Are they copyable?
[02:44] Wol Euler: hmm, I asssumed so
[02:45] Agatha Macbeth: Cos if you remember I lost the tops off them outta my inventory, and Bax gave me new ones
[02:45] Wol Euler: yeah ...
[02:45] Agatha Macbeth: So maybe not
[02:45] Wol Euler: mine say no-mod, no-trans, so yes copyable
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: Anyway, I don't like to mess around with them, too expensive to replace
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: Ah
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: Good
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: I'll take a look at that then
[02:46] Wol Euler smiles.
[02:46] Wol Euler: right, m'dears, it's time.
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: Hello time
[02:46] Yakuzza Lethecus: have a nice sunday everyone
[02:46] Wol Euler: enjoy the day, see you at teh guardian meeting perhaps
[02:46] Agatha Macbeth: Yep, I'll try
[02:47] Agatha Macbeth: See you at the GM maybe...
[02:47] Wol Euler: bye for now
[02:47] Agatha Macbeth: ♥
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