Eliza posted this session from the auto-listener database...
[13:05] Arisia Vita: welcome Wol
[13:05] Aurora Kitaj: hi Wol, nice to see you
[13:05] Wol Euler: hello aurora, haven't seen you in ages!
[13:05] Wol Euler: hello ari, please join us
[13:06] Arisia Vita: she is/was on text link only
[13:06] Wol Euler: oh, I see
[13:06] Arisia Vita: so I was trying to help position her
[13:06] Wol Euler: tricky.
[13:06] Arisia Vita: very
[13:07] Arisia Vita: I'll get her back
[13:07] Arisia Vita: and quit playing with her...
[13:07] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:08] Wol Euler: take your time
[13:08] Arisia Vita: how are you?
[13:08] Wol Euler: pretty well thanks, and you?
[13:08] Arisia Vita: great, ty
[13:09] Aurora Kitaj: hello there
[13:09] Arisia Vita: wb dear
[13:09] Wol Euler: wb
[13:09] Aurora Kitaj: thank you Ari
[13:09] Arisia Vita: we'll leave you pointing sideways, it will be a clue to others that you are text only
[13:09] Aurora Kitaj: giggles
[13:10] Arisia Vita: and you look nice from the side too
[13:10] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:10] Aurora Kitaj: I appreciated you understanding in my present predicament
[13:10] Aurora Kitaj: namely blind
[13:10] Arisia Vita: I've never been on a text link
[13:10] Wol Euler: there's nothing happening as yet :)
[13:11] Aurora Kitaj: I've never been to a meeting on an iPad ;)
[13:11] Wol Euler: wow!
[13:11] Wol Euler: even if you can't see us, I'm impressed enough that it works
[13:11] Korel Laloix: Heya...
[13:11] Korel Laloix: brb
[13:11] Wol Euler: hello korel
[13:11] Wol Euler: bye korel :)
[13:11] Aurora Kitaj: pocket meta verse :)
[13:12] Aurora Kitaj: great to speak to you Wol, after all this time
[13:12] Wol Euler: indeed :)
[13:12] Wol Euler: how have you been? and where?
[13:13] Aurora Kitaj: been waylaid, under a spell in rl
[13:13] Wol Euler nods.
[13:13] Aurora Kitaj: how have you been Wol?
[13:13] Korel Laloix: Back.... smiles..
[13:13] Aurora Kitaj: hi Korel
[13:13] Wol Euler: far too busy, hardly managed to get into SL at all for the last few weeks
[13:13] Wol Euler: but that's over now, thankfully
[13:13] Wol Euler: wb korel
[13:14] Korel Laloix: So your project it done?
[13:14] Wol Euler: the competitoin, yes
[13:14] Korel Laloix: When do you know the results?
[13:14] Wol Euler: the *second* competition in fact :)
[13:14] Wol Euler: late july, I believe
[13:14] Wol Euler: summer in any case
[13:14] Wol Euler: it always takes a while
[13:16] Korel Laloix: How is something like that judged?
[13:16] Korel Laloix: NOt that we should be judgemental.. smiles
[13:17] Wol Euler: heheh
[13:17] Wol Euler: in two sections
[13:17] Korel Laloix: We should be equinimacable and transend judgement..
[13:17] Korel Laloix smiles
[13:17] Wol Euler: first, the technical proofing: did we get all the rooms required? did we exceed any local laws or zoning restrictions?
[13:18] Korel Laloix: OK.
[13:18] Korel Laloix: That makes sense.
[13:18] Wol Euler: if that passes, and not all do, then it goes to the panel of experts and politicians who judge its artistic and social merits :)
[13:18] Korel Laloix: Social merits?
[13:18] Wol Euler: achieving stated goals :)
[13:19] Korel Laloix: Can you give an example please?
[13:19] Wol Euler: (looking for a non-technical kind of judgement)
[13:19] Wol Euler: well, do the room layouts make sense? do the classrooms and the corridors feel comvortable, or are they cramped?
[13:19] Wol Euler: are the little kids separated from the big kids, and is there supervision of al lplay areas?
[13:20] Wol Euler: this overlaps so some extent wiht the technical proofing, of course
[13:20] Korel Laloix: So the artistic bit is how attractive the place is.. but the social is how it feels to the user?
[13:20] Korel Laloix: Is that sort of right?
[13:20] Wol Euler: sort of, yes
[13:20] Wol Euler: the panel typically consists of a few experts (teachres in this case), an architect or three, and some local politicans
[13:21] Wol Euler: all have their agendas :)
[13:21] Korel Laloix: And the politicans ruin it?
[13:21] Wol Euler: heheheh
[13:21] Wol Euler: far be it from me to say that (coughs)
[13:21] Korel Laloix: Commiteesssss are really a good solution I don't think.
[13:21] Wol Euler: they tend to be fairer than letting the mayor choose by hhimself
[13:21] Korel Laloix: Boxy would comment on my negative construction in that sentance...grins
[13:22] Wol Euler: but can also be driver by a determined single person, sure
[13:22] Korel Laloix: Good point.
[13:22] Korel Laloix smiles
[13:22] Wol Euler: it happens often enough that two strong projects (each of which had an enemy) will lose to a much weaker project that nobody hated
[13:22] Wol Euler: lesser of evils
[13:22] Korel Laloix has been accused of being determined and single minded
[13:22] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:23] Korel Laloix: I do tend to be bossy and overbearing if not limited in some ways.
[13:23] Wol Euler: well, somebody has to get things done :)
[13:24] Korel Laloix: Exactly.
[13:24] Korel Laloix: I think that is one reason they keep me around.
[13:24] Korel Laloix: But... I do have too much power for a 25 year old in a firm full of lawyers and CPAs..... lol
[13:25] Wol Euler: hello aggers
[13:25] Korel Laloix: And I like it... smiles
[13:25] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:25] Korel Laloix: Heya.
[13:25] Wol Euler: as long as you only use your powers for The Good.
[13:25] Agatha Macbeth: G'day :)
[13:25] Wol Euler: well, as good as lawyers can be :)
[13:25] Agatha Macbeth: Use the force Luke
[13:25] Korel Laloix: I think I keep things moving at least.
[13:25] Korel Laloix: lol
[13:26] Korel Laloix: I still can't keep it straight... is Luke and hte like Star Wars or Trek?
[13:26] Wol Euler: wars
[13:26] Korel Laloix: OK.
[13:26] Agatha Macbeth: He's dr Who's long lost love child
[13:26] Wol Euler: heheheh
[13:26] Agatha Macbeth: (alledgedly)
[13:27] Korel Laloix: What?
[13:27] Korel Laloix: How is?
[13:27] Wol Euler: or his grandfather (time travel paradoxes and all that)
[13:27] Korel Laloix: Who
[13:27] Aurora Kitaj: hello Agatha
[13:27] Wol Euler: (aurora is on text viewer, can't move or see us)
[13:27] Agatha Macbeth: Wonder where the time traveller's wife comes in
[13:27] Korel Laloix: I thought the Dr WHo stuff was a seperate thing.
[13:27] Korel Laloix: That is in Star Wars as well?
[13:28] Wol Euler: it is, she's pulling your leg
[13:28] Korel Laloix: OH ... lol
[13:28] Agatha Macbeth: Don't believe all you hear ;-)
[13:28] Korel Laloix: I don't remember all I hear either evidently.
[13:28] Agatha Macbeth: Sometimes, that is wise
[13:28] Wol Euler nods.
[13:28] Arisia Vita: Of all lies, the smoothest and most convincing is memory,
[13:29] Agatha Macbeth: Damn lies and statistics
[13:29] Korel Laloix: hmm... can you explain that a bit Arisia?
[13:29] Korel Laloix: Statistics arnt lies, they are just drawn that way.
[13:29] Agatha Macbeth: Tell that to Mark Twain
[13:30] Agatha Macbeth: Oh you can't, he's dead
[13:31] Wol Euler smiles at the Jessica Rabbit reference
[13:31] Agatha Macbeth: Peter's sister?
[13:32] Wol Euler: "who killed roger rabbit?" a cartoon/live actor mixed film from some years back
[13:32] Agatha Macbeth: Bob Hoskins?
[13:32] Wol Euler: that's the one!
[13:32] Korel Laloix: He was in Star Wars as well I bet.
[13:32] Wol Euler: heheheh
[13:32] Agatha Macbeth: Yes, he played Yoda
[13:32] Wol Euler: ha
[13:32] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Eos
[13:32] Korel Laloix: Bob Hoskins or Mark Twain played Yoda?
[13:33] Agatha Macbeth: Maybe both
[13:33] Wol Euler: hello eos
[13:33] Agatha Macbeth: How are you E?
[13:33] Aurora Kitaj: hello Eos
[13:33] Wol Euler: mark twain died ... when did he die? 20th century?
[13:33] Agatha Macbeth: E by gum
[13:33] Agatha Macbeth: Wiki it :p
[13:33] Wol Euler: doing that :-P
[13:33] Agatha Macbeth shakes her head
[13:34] Wol Euler: yes, 1910
[13:34] Wol Euler: wow, I thought he was older tahn that
[13:34] Eos Amaterasu: H Aga, Ari, Wol, Kor, aurora
[13:34] Agatha Macbeth: Hm, long time
[13:34] Korel Laloix: Funny enough, I am looking up Mark Twain.. and he was in an episode of STart Trek as a character.
[13:35] Wol Euler: wow.
[13:35] Agatha Macbeth: Ta da!
[13:35] Wol Euler: it's a small world.
[13:35] Agatha Macbeth: Blame the klingons
[13:35] Korel Laloix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn76PGlfbsA
[13:35] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Bleu :)
[13:35] Bleu Oleander: hiya everyone :)
[13:36] Eos Amaterasu: Hi Bleu
[13:36] Wol Euler: helllo bleu
[13:37] Wol Euler: "jack london" heheheheh
[13:37] Agatha Macbeth: Wasn't he a boxer?
[13:37] Wol Euler: nope
[13:37] Wol Euler: well, might have been
[13:37] Agatha Macbeth: Oh
[13:37] Korel Laloix: Jack london?
[13:37] Wol Euler: most famous as a writer, who did indeed go to the Klondike and wrote about it
[13:38] Wol Euler: in the scene you linked to :)
[13:38] Korel Laloix is looking up Jack London
[13:38] Wol Euler: the bellhop is "jack london", mark twain tells him to go to alaska :)
[13:38] Korel Laloix: I have no sound so I could not listen.
[13:38] Agatha Macbeth: Oh, did he write White Fang?
[13:38] Wol Euler: yes, thats right
[13:38] Agatha Macbeth: Aha
[13:38] Wol Euler: call of the wild
[13:38] Agatha Macbeth: Now i remember
[13:39] Arisia Vita: wb Aurora
[13:39] Agatha Macbeth: Ah the joys of snowy climes
[13:39] Wol Euler: wb aurora, and hello bruce
[13:39] Korel Laloix: I really really really hate snow.
[13:40] Aurora Kitaj: hello again
[13:40] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:40] Agatha Macbeth: I love it
[13:40] Wol Euler: stay away from alaska then
[13:40] Korel Laloix: Nice to look at though... as long as you don't have to go out in it.
[13:40] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Brucie
[13:40] Korel Laloix: Heya.
[13:40] Aurora Kitaj: hello Bruce
[13:40] Bruce Mowbray: Hello!
[13:40] Bleu Oleander: love snow ... probably 'cause i'm in Arizona :)
[13:40] Agatha Macbeth: and hello Stormy
[13:40] Bleu Oleander: hi Storm :)
[13:41] Wol Euler: hello storm
[13:41] Storm Nordwind: Hi all
[13:41] PaB Listener: Zen Arado's current display-name is "Zen".
[13:41] Korel Laloix: If I never have to see snow again, I will be happy.
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray: I just booked flight to Arizona for last week in Sept.
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray: Just lkess than an hour ago.
[13:41] Agatha Macbeth: Ooh
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray: less*
[13:41] Wol Euler: nice
[13:41] Aurora Kitaj: hi Storm :)
[13:41] Wol Euler: what's happening there then?
[13:41] Bleu Oleander: nice the end of Sept
[13:41] Zen Arado: Hi all
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Zen.
[13:41] Eos Amaterasu: no snow?
[13:41] Aurora Kitaj: hi zen
[13:41] Zen Arado: Hi Aorora :)
[13:41] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Zen
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray: birthday celebration trip.
[13:42] Zen Arado: forgotten how tp spell your name ;)
[13:42] Korel Laloix: Happy birthday.
[13:42] Wol Euler: ah
[13:42] Bruce Mowbray: heh heh.
[13:42] Wol Euler: hello zen
[13:43] Storm Nordwind: Hi all
[13:43] Eos Amaterasu: hi Storm, Bruce, Zen, ...
[13:43] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Eos!
[13:43] Aurora Kitaj: hi Bleu
[13:43] Bleu Oleander: hi Aurora :)
[13:44] Korel Laloix: Just looking at your antlers... makes me think of the question.....
[13:45] Korel Laloix: Is there dear hunting in SL?
[13:45] Bruce Mowbray hopes not!
[13:45] Zen Arado: it's cheap ;)
[13:45] Korel Laloix: deer
[13:46] Storm Nordwind: There's plenty of dear hunting, as I can testify. Not sure about deer hunting.
[13:46] Agatha Macbeth: Deer oh deer
[13:46] Korel Laloix: There is evidently SL fishing, but not hunting.
[13:46] Wol Euler: it would surprise me if there weren't, sommewhere.....
[13:46] Korel Laloix: lol
[13:47] Korel Laloix: Well, yes, a lot of that kind of hunting... smiles
[13:47] Agatha Macbeth dies from laughing....
[13:47] Storm Nordwind needs to relog. brb
[13:47] Korel Laloix: See you soon.
[13:47] Agatha Macbeth: I still can't finish up under the fountain like Bruce does
[13:47] Wol Euler: that takes natural talent
[13:47] Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
[13:47] Wol Euler: and perhaps blub helped
[13:48] Agatha Macbeth: Yeh
[13:48] Agatha Macbeth: A fishy tale
[13:48] Zen Arado: blub aid
[13:48] Arisia Vita: wb Storm
[13:48] Zen Arado: wb Storm
[13:48] Agatha Macbeth: wb
[13:48] Zen Arado: sad about Robin Gibb
[13:48] Zen Arado: only 62
[13:49] Storm Nordwind: Thank you
[13:49] Agatha Macbeth: Is he dead?
[13:49] Zen Arado: yes
[13:49] Storm Nordwind: Still a young man
[13:49] Zen Arado: cancer
[13:49] Wol Euler: mmhmm
[13:49] Korel Laloix is looking up Robin Gibb.
[13:49] Agatha Macbeth: So, only one left now?
[13:49] Wol Euler: oh no :)
[13:49] Wol Euler laughs.
[13:49] Zen Arado: Maurice died at 53
[13:49] Storm Nordwind: Yup
[13:49] Wol Euler: bad genes, or unlucky
[13:49] Zen Arado: Bee Gees
[13:49] Agatha Macbeth: I'm pretty sure their mother is still alive
[13:49] Storm Nordwind: Or just Bee Gee now
[13:49] Zen Arado: he was a vegetarian teetotaller
[13:49] Zen Arado: be warned :)
[13:49] Agatha Macbeth: Imagine outliving three of your kids
[13:50] Korel Laloix resists making hatefull comments about disco and disco "musicians"
[13:50] Agatha Macbeth: Poor woman
[13:50] Storm Nordwind: one is enough
[13:50] Wol Euler nods.
[13:50] Zen Arado: oh I like ...him
[13:50] Zen Arado: they lasted a long time
[13:50] Wol Euler nods.
[13:50] Zen Arado: 5 decades
[13:50] Wol Euler: wrote some great songs
[13:51] Agatha Macbeth: I like their earlier stuff better
[13:51] Zen Arado: yes
[13:51] Bruce Mowbray hums, "Staying Alive, Staying Alive"
[13:51] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:51] Zen Arado: it didn't work :)
[13:51] Agatha Macbeth: I didn't like it as much after they went disco-ey
[13:52] Zen Arado: likes the disco stuff
[13:52] Storm Nordwind realizes he's playing the riff for "Stayin' alive" on air guitar... which is kind of ironic now :-/
[13:52] Agatha Macbeth: Nah, pas pour moi
[13:52] Wol Euler: heheheh
[13:52] Eos Amaterasu hums staying alive, while still alive
[13:52] Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
[13:52] Bruce Mowbray: best time to do that, Eos.
[13:52] Eos Amaterasu: every moment a living wake
[13:52] Korel Laloix: Unfortunatly, I think I actually know that song.
[13:52] Zen Arado: and Donna Summer too
[13:52] Bleu Oleander tries to picture Storm on air guitar
[13:52] Wol Euler: hard not to, it's such a classic
[13:53] Agatha Macbeth: She was in the bee gees?
[13:53] Korel Laloix: Please pass the mind bleach.
[13:53] Eos Amaterasu: she was disco goddess
[13:53] Storm Nordwind: Sorry Blue... I only have pictures of me on real guitar!
[13:53] Agatha Macbeth: Hmm
[13:53] Bruce Mowbray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcPdzsL0kMQ
[13:53] Zen Arado: worrying all these young people dying
[13:53] Agatha Macbeth: 62 is young?
[13:53] Zen Arado: to me yes :)
[13:53] Agatha Macbeth: Ah, right
[13:54] Korel Laloix: IF that is young, what am I?
[13:54] Storm Nordwind: growing
[13:54] Bleu Oleander: to anyone 62 or older its young!
[13:54] Wol Euler nods.
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray: alas, and what am I?
[13:54] Agatha Macbeth: It's the poor buggers who never even make 30 I feel sorry for
[13:54] Korel Laloix: I wish.
[13:54] Zen Arado: he he
[13:54] Wol Euler: seriously, I thought they'd be much older than that.
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray just booked his 70th birthday celebration vacation.
[13:55] Agatha Macbeth: Go for it brucie
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: YAYYYY!
[13:55] Wol Euler: rain, gotta close some windows, brb
[13:55] Agatha Macbeth: Don't forget to take Blub with you
[13:55] Bleu Oleander: 70 is young right Bruce?
[13:55] Korel Laloix: Wow.. almost three times my age...
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: Young at heart, as they say.
[13:55] Korel Laloix smiles
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:55] Zen Arado: only next year for me too
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: It can be done, Kori!
[13:56] Bleu Oleander: age is a state of mind
[13:56] Zen Arado: feels the walls close in
[13:56] Bruce Mowbray feels the walls expanding . . .
[13:56] Agatha Macbeth: Stormy weather
[13:56] Bleu Oleander: what walls?
[13:56] Zen Arado: wonders why he is typing manually after being at a voice typing seminar
[13:56] Storm Nordwind can't feel the walls
[13:56] Bruce Mowbray: heh heh. . .
[13:56] Agatha Macbeth: Walls have ears
[13:57] Storm Nordwind: Walls have ice cream ;)
[13:57] Agatha Macbeth: makes a change from susages
[13:57] Wol Euler: boom boom
[13:57] Storm Nordwind plays a rimshot
[13:57] Agatha Macbeth ducks
[13:57] Korel Laloix: The wall have sausages?
[13:57] Storm Nordwind: UK company Korel
[13:57] Agatha Macbeth: Another brick in the wall
[13:58] Korel Laloix: Now that I know... Pink FLoyd...
[13:58] Agatha Macbeth: Yay
[13:58] Bruce Mowbray: just a reminder that there are still f available pedestals in the Dome for your Art of Being in Motion projects.
[13:58] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:58] Agatha Macbeth: Thx Bleu
[13:58] Bruce Mowbray: lots of available*
[13:58] Zen Arado: I have an idea
[13:58] Bleu Oleander: nice segue Bruce
[13:58] Zen Arado: but it's so obvious everyone else will have thought of it
[13:58] Korel Laloix: Sausages in motion.
[13:58] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:58] Zen Arado: he he
[13:58] Wol Euler: hehehe
[13:58] Agatha Macbeth: Interesting concept
[13:58] Wol Euler: go for it.
[13:58] Bleu Oleander: just do it
[13:59] Storm Nordwind: I shall be handing out shades for visitors to the Art Dome
[13:59] Zen Arado: I better do it quick and case someone else thinks of it although it's pretty obvious
[13:59] Agatha Macbeth: Is it bright in there?
[13:59] Zen Arado: in the case
[13:59] Storm Nordwind: Getting brighter
[13:59] Korel Laloix: What is obvious?
[13:59] Agatha Macbeth: Aha
[13:59] Zen Arado: my project
[13:59] Bruce Mowbray checked ticket price for Indiannapolis, Indiana, concert of the Wall in June --- WHOA! Over $100 USD per ticket. cheaper to go to Arizona.
[14:00] Zen Arado: isn't that cheap Bruce?
[14:00] Agatha Macbeth: Especially if you walk
[14:00] Bleu Oleander: are you calling Arizona cheap?
[14:00] Zen Arado: :-)
[14:00] Agatha Macbeth: Cheap cheap
[14:00] Bleu Oleander: 108 here today
[14:01] Agatha Macbeth: You must have a big house
[14:01] Zen Arado: :)
[14:01] Bruce Mowbray thinks, should have said "lss expensive."
[14:01] Bleu Oleander: ty
[14:01] Bruce Mowbray: or even "less" expensiove.
[14:01] Agatha Macbeth: Or even less expensive
[14:01] Bruce Mowbray: yeah, that too.
[14:01] Eos Amaterasu: (eos silently leaves)
[14:01] Agatha Macbeth nods
[14:01] Bleu Oleander: bye Eos
[14:01] Agatha Macbeth: Be careful out there E
[14:01] Zen Arado: silently waves
[14:01] Eos Amaterasu: (bye all...)
[14:02] Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Eos!
[14:02] Storm Nordwind silently waves to the silent leaver
[14:02] Agatha Macbeth: Mind the bears
[14:02] Wol Euler: be eos
[14:02] Wol Euler: *bye
[14:02] Agatha Macbeth: I'll try
[14:02] Bleu Oleander: don't see the walls or the bears ... need a new viewer
[14:02] Agatha Macbeth: So do LL
[14:03] Storm Nordwind chuckles
[14:03] Zen Arado: try voice typing in Phoenix
[14:03] Agatha Macbeth: Bruce will in six months
[14:03] Bruce Mowbray hopes Wol will send rain this way -- our new corn crop needs watering.
[14:04] Agatha Macbeth: Storm can send some
[14:04] Bruce Mowbray: cool!
[14:04] Storm Nordwind: We need ours!
[14:04] Wol Euler makes "shoo, go away" gestures to the rain
[14:04] Agatha Macbeth: Or Wol
[14:04] Bruce Mowbray: shoo in this direction please, Wol.
[14:04] Storm Nordwind: It's Spring. It's our only rainy season.
[14:05] Agatha Macbeth: Oh dear
[14:05] Wol Euler points to the westsouthwest. That way!
[14:05] Agatha Macbeth: Do the clouds have trouble getting over the mountains?
[14:05] Wol Euler: indeed they do, hence the rainforest on one side and near-desert on the other
[14:05] Agatha Macbeth: Ah
[14:06] Agatha Macbeth: Rain shadow
[14:06] Wol Euler: exactly
[14:06] Storm Nordwind: Warmer on the leeward side
[14:06] Agatha Macbeth: Mmm
[14:06] Storm Nordwind: Fohn effect
[14:06] Wol Euler nods.
[14:06] Agatha Macbeth answers the Fohn
[14:06] Zen Arado: meteorology experts
[14:06] Wol Euler: heheh
[14:06] Agatha Macbeth: The whether men
[14:07] Storm Nordwind: Pronounced 'fern' :)
[14:07] Zen Arado: or is that about meteors?
[14:07] Storm Nordwind: With no post-vocalic 'r'
[14:07] Agatha Macbeth: Do you ave a license for your minkey?
[14:07] Wol Euler laughs.
[14:07] Agatha Macbeth: I ave a burm in my and
[14:08] Agatha Macbeth is in a silly mood
[14:08] Storm Nordwind: o_O
[14:08] Agatha Macbeth: onigokko
[14:09] Agatha Macbeth: stop
[14:09] Bleu Oleander: don't have to exercize now
[14:09] Agatha Macbeth: I like bruce's menagerie
[14:09] Bruce Mowbray hopes that was a rain dance.
[14:11] Wol Euler: hello korii, haven't seen you in a while
[14:11] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Korii.
[14:12] Bleu Oleander: hi Korii
[14:12] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Korii babe
[14:12] Zen Arado: Hi Korii
[14:12] Arisia Vita: color me happy :)
[14:13] Korii Tiger: :)
[14:13] Agatha Macbeth gets out a brush
[14:13] Korel Laloix: So Kori and Korii
[14:13] Korel Laloix: We are spreading.
[14:13] Korii Tiger laughs
[14:13] Korii Tiger grins
[14:13] Korii Tiger: what you think Ari?
[14:13] Korel Laloix: One day, we will rule PaB.
[14:13] Agatha Macbeth waits for Koriii to appear
[14:13] Korii Tiger: shoudl show them how korii's multiply?
[14:13] Korii Tiger: lol
[14:13] Arisia Vita: sure
[14:13] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[14:13] Wol Euler smiles.
[14:13] Agatha Macbeth: Remember the lag [grin]
[14:14] Korel Laloix: You two looking nice together.
[14:14] Korii Tiger smiles
[14:14] Korii Tiger: i'm Ari's Angel.
[14:15] Korel Laloix: lol
[14:15] Bruce Mowbray: OMG! And on that happy note, I shall meander. . .
[14:15] Zen Arado: it's raining Koriis
[14:15] PaB Listener: Alfred Kelberry's current display-name is "boxy".
[14:15] Agatha Macbeth: Never seen so many angels
[14:15] Bleu Oleander: bye y'all
[14:15] Wol Euler: wow
[14:16] Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
[14:16] Korii Tiger: there ya go ko
[14:16] Wol Euler: bye bleu, take care
[14:16] Agatha Macbeth: And here's the pup
[14:16] Zen Arado: bye Bleu
[14:16] Korii Tiger: we took over BaP :)
[14:16] Wol Euler: hello koriiii
[14:16] Korel Laloix: Looks like the take over will happen sooner than I thought...
[14:16] Korii Fallen: hello :)
[14:16] Alfred Kelberry: there can only be one true kori
[14:16] Korel Laloix: So true.
[14:17] Alfred Kelberry: :)
[14:18] Alfred Kelberry: how are you, woly? feel fresh and rested after the weekend?
[14:18] Wol Euler: yes,thanks, veyr much so
[14:18] Wol Euler: had a couple of naps :)
[14:18] Agatha Macbeth: Yay
[14:18] Alfred Kelberry: good :)
[14:19] Zen Arado: Hi Boxy
[14:19] Alfred Kelberry: to all canucks happy queen day :)
[14:19] Wol Euler: heh
[14:19] Agatha Macbeth: Nothing like a happy queen
[14:20] Korel Laloix: Queen day?
[14:20] Wol Euler: you explain, boxy :)
[14:20] Alfred Kelberry: i was rather shocked to learn that canada stayed a british dominion until the 30s
[14:21] Agatha Macbeth: I think they were too
[14:21] Alfred Kelberry: kori, er... the old monarch thing inherited from britain
[14:21] Agatha Macbeth: Thorn of crowns
[14:22] Korel Laloix: OK.
[14:22] Wol Euler: my dears, I am afraid I'm going to have to move on
[14:22] Agatha Macbeth: Bye Wollage, draw well
[14:22] Wol Euler: goodnight all, take care, be hapy
[14:23] Korel Laloix: Take care.
[14:23] Alfred Kelberry: queen victoria, presumably the first "independent" monarch of canada
[14:23] Alfred Kelberry: be good, woly
[14:23] Korel Laloix: What does that mean?
[14:23] Zen Arado: nite Wol
[14:23] Alfred Kelberry: kori, i guess we could call it an independence day... i don't know
[14:24] Korel Laloix: OH OK.
[14:24] Agatha Macbeth: Wasn't Will Smith in that?
[14:24] Korel Laloix: What?
[14:24] Agatha Macbeth: Independence day
[14:25] Agatha Macbeth: Film about alien invasion
[14:25] Korel Laloix: OH... loked it up.. That movie.. I did not see it.
[14:25] Agatha Macbeth: Alf, your av looks alittle odd
[14:26] Agatha Macbeth waves a hand in front of Boxy's nose
[14:26] Agatha Macbeth: Is there anybody there?
[14:27] Agatha Macbeth: Asleep again eh?
[14:27] Agatha Macbeth: Ah well
[14:27] Arisia Vita: I need to take a break too, so I'll say be well and happy to you all, and hope to see you again soon
[14:28] Alfred Kelberry: er, odd how?
[14:28] Arisia Vita: it's been great being with youall
[14:28] Agatha Macbeth: Break well Ari
[14:28] Storm Nordwind waves
[14:28] Alfred Kelberry: ari :)
[14:28] Agatha Macbeth: Well your neck seems to be missing for a start
[14:28] Alfred Kelberry: i blame sl
[14:28] Zen Arado: bye Ari
[14:28] Agatha Macbeth: SL blames you :p
[14:28] Alfred Kelberry: nice and mutual :)
[14:28] Arisia Vita: bye all...
[14:28] Agatha Macbeth: Rebake maybe?
[14:29] Alfred Kelberry: nah
[14:29] Alfred Kelberry: i'll stay as is
[14:29] Storm Nordwind: I don't think you can rebake attachments can you?
[14:29] Agatha Macbeth: Dunno
[14:29] Alfred Kelberry: i let time fix that
[14:29] Agatha Macbeth: All greek to me
[14:30] Alfred Kelberry: zen, do you speak irish?
[14:31] Agatha Macbeth: Bejasus
[14:31] Zen Arado: nope
[14:31] Storm Nordwind: You mean Gaelic?
[14:31] Zen Arado: that either
[14:32] Zen Arado: I was brought up in the Protestant tradition
[14:32] Alfred Kelberry: is it odd to imagine that a person from ireland would most likely speak irish?
[14:32] Zen Arado: and they don't teach Irish in the schools
[14:32] Zen Arado: in Catholic schools they do
[14:32] Zen Arado: I am more British than Irish
[14:32] Korel Laloix: Take care all.
[14:32] Zen Arado: the North of Ireland is part of Britain
[14:33] Korel Laloix: Thanks for the chat.
[14:33] Zen Arado: bye Korel
[14:33] Agatha Macbeth: Bye for now
[14:33] Storm Nordwind: I thought that Northern Ireland was part of the UK, not Britain. ?
[14:33] Zen Arado: yeah okay whatever :)
[14:33] Storm Nordwind chuckles
[14:34] Zen Arado: Great Britain?
[14:34] Zen Arado: Never was good at geography
[14:34] Storm Nordwind: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It used to say that on passports
[14:34] Zen Arado: Ah yes
[14:34] Zen Arado: I could get an Irish passport too
[14:35] Zen Arado: many Americans don't realise the difference between the North and South of Ireland
[14:35] Zen Arado: they are two different countries really
[14:35] Zen Arado: different currencies
[14:36] Alfred Kelberry: so, when i think of ira it's what ireland?
[14:36] Zen Arado: the Irish Republican Army want Ireland to be united again
[14:37] Alfred Kelberry: a fair wish
[14:37] Zen Arado: but many of us don't want that
[14:37] Storm Nordwind: It's the Republic of Ireland - Eire - that's to the south of Northern Ireland
[14:37] Zen Arado: I prefer to be British
[14:37] Alfred Kelberry: why?
[14:37] Zen Arado: because I am British
[14:37] Zen Arado: it's the way I think of myself
[14:37] Alfred Kelberry: ah
[14:38] Zen Arado: and the Republic of Ireland has had financial troubles
[14:38] Zen Arado: although they went through a boom time
[14:38] Alfred Kelberry: so, most people in northen ireland would rather stay british?
[14:38] Zen Arado: I wouldn't say that
[14:38] Zen Arado: but most Protestants would
[14:39] Zen Arado: that's why there was all the trouble here
[14:39] Alfred Kelberry: yea
[14:39] Zen Arado: the troubled stems a lot from the English plantation hundreds of years ago
[14:40] Zen Arado: the English gave land in Ireland to favoured people
[14:40] Zen Arado: they just took it off the peasants
[14:40] Alfred Kelberry: yes, a usual colonial tactics
[14:41] Zen Arado: perhaps the long-lasting solution would be a united Ireland
[14:41] Zen Arado: but there are fierce loyalists in the North
[14:41] Zen Arado: Orangemen and such who would strongly resist that
[14:42] Storm Nordwind: Tribal memory lasts a long time
[14:42] Alfred Kelberry: is it rather calm there these days? never hear of ira in the news
[14:42] Zen Arado: there are still dissident republicans who tried to bomb places
[14:42] Zen Arado: but really the crime rate is much lower than many big US cities
[14:42] Alfred Kelberry: good :)
[14:43] Zen Arado: Belfast is actually quite a safe city
[14:43] Alfred Kelberry: probably a question to storm... what are all the recent talks about scotland breaking away from the uk?
[14:44] Alfred Kelberry: any real basis to that?
[14:44] Storm Nordwind: Sure
[14:44] Zen Arado: the Scottish Nationalist party want devolution
[14:44] Storm Nordwind: There's a political force to do that
[14:44] Zen Arado: I think they are going to have a referendum
[14:45] Storm Nordwind: The SNP is probably one of the more respectable nationalist parties :)
[14:45] Alfred Kelberry: how come, storm?
[14:45] Storm Nordwind: how come what boxy?
[14:45] Alfred Kelberry: snp most respectable
[14:45] Storm Nordwind: more
[14:46] Alfred Kelberry: you mean in a sense that they don't blow up stuff, etc?
[14:46] Storm Nordwind: They are a political force with good policies. A real people's party, not a lunatic fringe
[14:46] Zen Arado: Scotland has a large of wealth from oil and gas but that is running out now
[14:46] Storm Nordwind: I used to vote for them when I lived there
[14:46] Alfred Kelberry: ah, good
[14:46] Zen Arado: University education is still free in Scotland
[14:47] Alfred Kelberry: zen, what about out shore?
[14:47] Alfred Kelberry: i hear there are many more
[14:47] Zen Arado: that's what I mean offshore
[14:47] Zen Arado: they find gas in the Irish Sea
[14:47] Alfred Kelberry: zen, re: uni - very cool
[14:47] Zen Arado: but they have to do that fracking business
[14:48] Zen Arado: and nobody wants that
[14:48] Zen Arado: they had earth tremors already just doing tests
[14:48] Storm Nordwind is amused how the names of seas change over the decades
[14:48] Alfred Kelberry: heh, tell more, storm :)
[14:48] Alfred Kelberry: i like geographic history
[14:48] Storm Nordwind: I'll just tell you one... then I must go...
[14:49] Storm Nordwind: if you look on old English atlases, you'll find something called "The German Ocean"
[14:49] Storm Nordwind: After WWI it was no longer politically acceptable to call it that
[14:49] Alfred Kelberry: :)
[14:49] Storm Nordwind: So it was renamed to "The North Sea"
[14:50] Zen Arado: :-)
[14:50] Alfred Kelberry: thanks
[14:50] Storm Nordwind: Nice to see you :)
[14:50] Zen Arado: interesting conversation
[14:50] Zen Arado: byee
[14:50] Storm Nordwind will take the new train ;)
[14:50] Alfred Kelberry: new! again? :)
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