The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind. The comments are by Storm Nordwind.
Storm arrived a little late for the session, his return from the doctors and testing lab overrunning somewhat.
Bertram Jacobus: hey cal :-)
Calvino Rabeni: bert, how is it?
Bertram Jacobus: it´s okay. ty. some problems with a girl ...
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Bertram Jacobus: and you ? :-)
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, good, thanks
Calvino Rabeni: It's all good, even the troubles :)
Bertram Jacobus: i heard about that ... ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Cal and Bert :)
Bertram Jacobus: hey eliza ! ...
Calvino Rabeni: So Hi, Eliza - your ava has quite a "sashay" while approaching
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zon :)
Eliza Madrigal: You think?
Calvino Rabeni: Visual impression, yes
Eliza Madrigal: Someone gave me a free AO the first week I signed onto SL, and its what I've used ever since...
Zon Quar: hi ㋡
Bertram Jacobus: hello zon
Eliza Madrigal: At first I felt like everything in SL was *too much*... girl's makeup, AOs, etc...
Eliza Madrigal: somehow it all seems natural now. hah
Calvino Rabeni: All that flexing and flowing with the diaphanous gown adds to the effect !
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Eliza Madrigal: What are you two discussing today?
Eliza Madrigal: Now four of us...
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Calvino Rabeni: I believe the "floor" is open :)
Calvino Rabeni: We just toss something out into the pool
Eliza Madrigal: I'm uncharacteristically without a topic in mind today...
Eliza Madrigal: maybe a good stance
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Calvino Rabeni: At times, it would be good to have a "cauldron" effect there
Zon Quar: cauldron ?
Calvino Rabeni: OK then I have an idea
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, a big cooking vessel
Eliza Madrigal: bubbling
Eliza Madrigal: toil and trouble
Calvino Rabeni: MY idea is - let each of us throw one thing out into the pool / caludron
Calvino Rabeni: and then see what mix gets created :)
Calvino Rabeni: I'm thinking of something to throw in the pool
Calvino Rabeni: If everyone is ready with their ingredient, I will throw then
Eliza Madrigal: :) Shoot
Calvino Rabeni: all together now - at the bell's "thank you" :)
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni throws a very tall icon of Kwan Yin into the pool
Zon Quar: joke
Calvino Rabeni: Zon throws a joke into the pool ?
Zon Quar: yup
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Eliza Madrigal is more blank now....
Eliza Madrigal: scrambling...
Eliza Madrigal: I don't even know what I have in my inventory...
Eliza Madrigal: hahah
Zon Quar: wow
Zon Quar: and water
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Eliza Madrigal: Brb
Calvino Rabeni: A hazy image appears, slowly reezzes - I guess some kind of dragon
Zon Quar: is this Kwan Yin
Calvino Rabeni: THis is not Kwan Yin
Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
Eliza Madrigal: gee... I needed this don't you think....
Eliza Madrigal: hehe
Zon Quar: hi storm
Calvino Rabeni: Kwan Yin looks like this
Calvino Rabeni: Welcome to the cauldron, Storm
Zon Quar: wow..many arms
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, each with some kind of tool
Zon Quar: what an embrace....
Calvino Rabeni: Pretty handy - the swiss army knife of benevolent dieties
Calvino Rabeni: Now with "joke" and humour
Zon Quar: is it similar to shiva,
Zon Quar: who also has many arms
Calvino Rabeni: These arms help all beings with whatever they are doing
Storm Nordwind: I don't think helping with "whatever they are doing" would be purpose of Kuan Yin's arms (or Avalokiteshvara's)So I apologize for my earnest and even authoritarian tone. On the other hand, I did have the lady in question next to me at the time, asking me to interject! Calvino Rabeni adds: Storm has quite a relationship with this lady, and I am no stranger to her. Earlier in the day the diety in question paid me a visit and gave me a message to give the group - of course if I garbled it I take full responsibility :)
Calvino Rabeni: Storm, do you think you could create a "bubbling cauldron" mode for the pool here?
Storm Nordwind: You want a jacuzzi?
Calvino Rabeni: No, more a witches cauldron
Calvino Rabeni: or like the bubbling geothermal mud pits
Storm Nordwind: All things are possible, only believe
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Let the tools of Kwan Yin assist in the completion of tasks
Calvino Rabeni: perhaps their dissolution also
Storm Nordwind: I don't think that's what they're for
Calvino Rabeni: Go on, Storm :)
Storm Nordwind: These are arms that reach to all sentient beings in compassion, to help them in dire need, and in - if they so wish - to help liberate them
Calvino Rabeni: ah, it is as I said then :) thanks
Storm Nordwind: no
Calvino Rabeni: Can you elaborate "no", storm?
Storm Nordwind: Her chosen purpose is not to help people complete random tasks
Eliza Madrigal: Apologies... here now
Calvino Rabeni: No of course not
Storm Nordwind: Then I may have missed your previous meaning
Eliza Madrigal: Were you discussing tasks as in obstacles to spiritual development and such, Calvino?
Calvino Rabeni: Most beings are in some kind of dire straits; and benefit greatly from compassion, whether they realize this or not
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Calvino Rabeni: And their tasks are both a pathway and an obstacle
Zon Quar: obstacles test how bad u want something
Eliza Madrigal: compassion and spiritual development might be the same thing...
Calvino Rabeni: the obstacles test the clarity of their vision
Calvino Rabeni: The benevolence of kwan yin is that all the many doings and tasks are seen in their greater role
Calvino Rabeni: Kwan yin does not tell anyone what they ought to do
Eliza Madrigal: Well she told me that all pathways were open to my choosing... twice!
Eliza Madrigal: heheh
Calvino Rabeni: But only enables their tasks to a truer significance
Storm Nordwind: We will have to disagree then Cal :)
Calvino Rabeni: NP
Bertram Jacobus: is this an authentical kwan yin site, please ? :
Storm Nordwind: What does 'authentic' mean to you Bertram?
Bertram Jacobus: no fake
Calvino Rabeni: But I would encourage storm to express the important distinctions he has in mind for this matter
Bertram Jacobus: cal ?
Calvino Rabeni: My old laptop could not open that link yet, bert
Storm Nordwind: What do you mean by fake Bertram?
Bertram Jacobus: ah. okay. ty. so i´m not sure, what you´re talkin about - "ok" thanks
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Maybe it is just asking the question:
Eliza Madrigal: So what might a thousand arms represent...?
Bertram Jacobus: fake ? in german i could tell all that very easily
Bertram Jacobus: also authentic
Storm Nordwind: There are many people that draw their inspiration from Kuan Yin
Storm Nordwind: They express that inspriation in many different ways
Storm Nordwind: I cannot read the German, but perhaps this site has a healing bias, I am not sure
Bertram Jacobus: okay - i stay aside. ty
Bertram Jacobus: try to understand a bit
arabella Ella: Hiya
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ara :)
Bertram Jacobus: hy ara
Storm Nordwind: Hi there ara
Zon Quar: ara:)
Calvino Rabeni: Hi, arabella
Bertram Jacobus: is kuan yin a hindu tradition ?And that first product was a camera !
Eliza Madrigal: When I think of a thousand arms I do think of compassion being 'effective'... working for the sake of others, without self 'consciousness' in the way
Calvino Rabeni: Nice Eliza :)
Storm Nordwind: Kuan Yin is the Chinese version of a Buddhist deity bertram
Bertram Jacobus: ah. which buddhist deity please ? chenrezig ?
Storm Nordwind: This was Avalokiteshvara originally
Calvino Rabeni: When I "see" the thousand arms, the benevolence of such a capability strikes me
Storm Nordwind: In India
Bertram Jacobus: okay. then i know. thanks
Storm Nordwind: In Tibet he became Chenrezig
Storm Nordwind: And in China he became Kuan Yin
Bertram Jacobus: i know all that. ty again
Bertram Jacobus: except the chinese part
Storm Nordwind: But then about 1000 years ago he became a she
Calvino Rabeni: But - that was the concept of Kwan Yin evolving through different cultures
Bertram Jacobus: but now
Bertram Jacobus: :o)
Calvino Rabeni: That was not the real Kwan Yin :)
Zon Quar: is she a female deoty ?
Storm Nordwind: And in Japan the now she became Kannon
Zon Quar: or he
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, didn't know that Storm...
Storm Nordwind: After whom we get the name of the famous [optical/]electronics company!
arabella Ella: ah
Calvino Rabeni: Canon camera?
arabella Ella: cameras copiers etc
Storm Nordwind: And there are many similar names throughout the rest of Asia
Bertram Jacobus: no fuji
Storm Nordwind: Yes Cal
Calvino Rabeni: Now Kwan Yin has a thousand eyes!
Storm Nordwind: The company named themselves after their first product
Storm Nordwind: and the the first product was named after Kannon
Eliza Madrigal: :)Actually I overestimated. My RL apartment has 15 statues of Kuan Yin and 3 more of Avalokiteshvara.
Calvino Rabeni: Such a helpful diety, with these machines assisting in so many mundane tasks.
arabella Ella smiles
Calvino Rabeni: That could be seen as idolatry, or as something better
Storm Nordwind: I think the buddha behind this is the same. And he/she presents to each culture as best accepted by them it seems
Eliza Madrigal nods
arabella Ella: it is amazing how narratives tend to evolve often depending on geography
Calvino Rabeni: Yes :)
arabella Ella: and culture
arabella Ella: could you tell us more about her Storm please?
Storm Nordwind: My teacher told me that originally, a VERY long time ago, Avalokiteshvara was a pure practitioner called Bhikkshu Stainless One
Storm Nordwind: Upon attaining buddhahood he manaifested in many aspects including a thousand armed version that is very popular today
Calvino Rabeni: It is important to remember, that Kwan Yin is alive today, and is different than those images and historical stories
Storm Nordwind: I haven't counted, but I expect I have 20 or more statues of her here
Calvino Rabeni: It would be a very nice thing to have a notecard of LMs to each of those statues
Storm Nordwind: By here, I mean in the house where I am sitting in RL
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Then one could go on a pilgrim walk (or whatever you want to call it)
Calvino Rabeni: Oh, I was hoping in SL
Calvino Rabeni: Maybe later
Bertram Jacobus: sry - i had a bad day today - don´t ask - cu later ... ty and bye .
Calvino Rabeni: Bye bert, take care
Storm Nordwind: My Kuan Yin Terraces are 250m to the west of here. I built them when my skills were poor, more than 2 years ago, but I keep them open as a service
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: I have a couple Kwan Yin statues / figures in RL also
Eliza Madrigal: I like going there... though it has been a while...
Calvino Rabeni: And this diety appears in visions / meditations sometimes in a potent form
Storm Nordwind: They are not visited by so many people these days, but the oracle seems enduringly very popular
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: I have found that oracle to be unique and helpful :)
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, probably the first such icon I knew as a child
Calvino Rabeni: not counting the christian ones of course
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, really Cal?
Storm Nordwind: I am pleased Eliza.
Storm Nordwind: She had me rewrite each poem and oversaw each one till she was satisified!
Eliza Madrigal: !
arabella Ella: (wonders what the connection with christian ones is?)
Calvino Rabeni: Which poems, Storm?
Storm Nordwind: The 100 poems in her oracle
arabella Ella: wow cool
arabella Ella: must visit the oracle Storm
Eliza Madrigal: yes, they are lovely....
Calvino Rabeni: very devoted
Eliza Madrigal: and so uncanny that at times I've thought "I need to see all of them and compare"...
Eliza Madrigal: hah
arabella Ella: :)
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Storm Nordwind: One day, perhaps I'll publish them all - if she wants that
arabella Ella: lovely
Eliza Madrigal: :) yes, whatever she likes...
Calvino Rabeni: I hope so
Storm Nordwind: the time has not been right so far
Storm Nordwind: but I think it will be one day
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Liza :)
Storm Nordwind: perhaps now I am in the US and my wife can illustrate them
Storm Nordwind: Hi Liza!
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, wow, what a nice thought
Liza Deischer: hi all
arabella Ella: Hiya Liza!
Eliza Madrigal: I guess that for some Christians, Mother Mary evokes that kind of devotion...
Zon Quar: hi liza
Storm Nordwind: Many draw the parallel Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: There is an artist who makes Mary statues into figures of superheroes and all kinds of interesting 'modern' expressions...
Eliza Madrigal: she's actually rather respectful in the way she does it.. can tell it comes from a place of fondness
arabella Ella: ah ... now i see ... interesting ... a bit like a mother archetype to some extent
Eliza Madrigal nods
arabella Ella: how lovely ... and universal too
Eliza Madrigal: and considering that women's stories are so few comparatively...
arabella Ella: yes
Storm Nordwind: And yet she is no 'soft' deity. Though she is compassionate, she is massively powerful
Eliza Madrigal: it seems there is a kind of concentration...
Eliza Madrigal: hmm
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
arabella Ella: some other day we could discuss some of the Malta Mother stories Eliza ... but I must go now
arabella Ella: nite all
arabella Ella: and thanks for the interesting chat!
Eliza Madrigal: Bye ara :) yes that would be nice
Storm Nordwind: That would be nice ara!
Storm Nordwind waves
Liza Deischer: bye ara
Zon Quar: nite all ㋡
Eliza Madrigal: Nite Zon :)
Liza Deischer: bye zon
arabella Ella: bye ... all i would need is a gentle reminder :)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Storm Nordwind: hehe sure!
Eliza Madrigal: Hm, and now I'm thinking that Eden is inspired by Guadalupe...
Eliza Madrigal: should ask her about that when she returns...
Eliza Madrigal: Seems an interesting topic from many angles
Storm Nordwind: She was here last night :)
Eliza Madrigal: yes I saw she peeked in... IMed a little but didn't want to bombard
Eliza Madrigal: hah
Eliza Madrigal: Liza... you're quiet :) Thoughtful?
Liza Deischer: no listening
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Liza Deischer: coming in late, not really knowing what you are talking about
Liza Deischer: but I seem to have missed a great evening :-)
Liza Deischer: and it feels nice just sitting here
Eliza Madrigal: yes it does, was thinking that too
Storm Nordwind nods and smiles
Calvino Rabeni: I've had some outside interest in PaB coming my way lately - I like bringing friends here sometimes
Storm Nordwind: Wonderful. Is there a common theme that attracts them?
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni says modestly - only "calvino" :)
Storm Nordwind: :)
Liza Deischer: :-)
Calvino Rabeni: They probably like my enthusiasm and want to see what occasioned it
Storm Nordwind: hehe - great! And do you know if any have any taken up the practice?
Eliza Madrigal: haha... If one is able to articulate PaB well, then its an attractive vision... for me I sometimes get tongue-tied
Calvino Rabeni: But would it work for them? Who knows!
Eliza Madrigal: works if you work it... hehe
Storm Nordwind crashes the small cymbal for Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
Calvino Rabeni: You can articulate it different for each person
Calvino Rabeni: because there's something for everyone, potentially
Eliza Madrigal: yes, I do agree with that Cal... just being silly
Calvino Rabeni: silly is good :)
Liza Deischer: (i think I miss here something)
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, sorry Liza. I was talking about 9 second practice... seems a simple thing but people look sometimes at you like you're suggesting something enormous...
Liza Deischer: (something englsh :-)
Storm Nordwind: Don't worry Liza, we were fencing in English clichés for a minute :)
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: So it is interesting to me to hear how others articulate PaB to those offline especially....
Storm Nordwind: And the same person may articulate it differently to different people too
Eliza Madrigal nods
Storm Nordwind: (But Cal already said that! ;)
Eliza Madrigal nods
Liza Deischer: ah, I just looked up 'articulate' and found out there are other meanings then I knew off
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Oh!
Liza Deischer: so, I'm back on track :-)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Storm Nordwind: I think they have a common theme of flexibility - in movement or communication etc
Liza Deischer: You use one and the same word for things we have two words for
Calvino Rabeni: Not to explain or describe, but to express the idea's meaning in a way people relate well with
Liza Deischer: yes
Calvino Rabeni: So there are different ways to go using language
Liza Deischer: so my dictionary told me :-)
Eliza Madrigal: yes, maybe 'convey' is even better in this context....
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, convey is good
Eliza Madrigal: one doesn't have to carve perfect sentences but a sense of things is understood
Eliza Madrigal: very PaB :)
Storm Nordwind: For articulate speech, I suspect two way communication is needed, not just one way
Liza Deischer: yes, but sometimes one little word can really make you not understanding something at all
Storm Nordwind: So the speaker is always listening to see if the message is being understood
Liza Deischer: hard to say in sl
Storm Nordwind nods
Eliza Madrigal: sometimes very :)
Calvino Rabeni: SL feels like piloting a ship using radar
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Liza Deischer: very strong radar is needed :-)
Eliza Madrigal: echolocation
Storm Nordwind: yes... often more like sonar, true
Calvino Rabeni: "where a voices says = are you there? where another answers = are You there?"
Calvino Rabeni: "I'm hardly here at all, alas"
Calvino Rabeni: Echolocation
Storm Nordwind: one knock for yes, two knocks for no [knock knock] ?!
Calvino Rabeni: UDERE?
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Or like prisoner stories, using tapping language
Calvino Rabeni: But nicer that that :)
Liza Deischer: :-)
Liza Deischer: much nicer
Calvino Rabeni: The wallpaper os *much* prettier
Eliza Madrigal: Thanks Storm, Liza, Calvino :)
Eliza Madrigal: Time to go for me... always appreciate the nice company
Storm Nordwind waves
Liza Deischer: bye Eliza
Calvino Rabeni: Bye then Eliza :)
Eliza Madrigal waves
Calvino Rabeni: It's easy to take things for granted in SL, but sometimes things surprise me
Storm Nordwind: Something do that recently?
Calvino Rabeni: Storm has created a wonderful background for our activities
Calvino Rabeni: But after a while I don't look carefully
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, recently I zoomed in on some very small earrings someone was wearing
Calvino Rabeni: And found subtlety, detail and humor at that scale
Calvino Rabeni: Almost like seeing a living creature in a microsocope
Storm Nordwind nods. I suspect that may be true in RL too. I am seeing things here in Denver for the first time, things that my wife has 'seen' without seeing for years. Beginner's eyes.
Liza Deischer: giving you a whole new perspective?
Liza Deischer: sometimes I play being a tourist in my own town
Storm Nordwind: That sounds fun!
Liza Deischer: it is
Calvino Rabeni: I try that, but it is difficult to see with new eyes
Liza Deischer: you really start to look different at things you're passing by daily
Calvino Rabeni: sometimes I go to a hillside to meditate and "drop"
Storm Nordwind: In a way, it's easier to see things for the first time in SL. We can move the camera to view things from a completely new angle. Something we can't do in RL
Liza Deischer: well I don't use 'new eyes' but being more observant
Liza Deischer: yes
Storm Nordwind: So Cal may zoom right in. Or I may view the pavilion from underground. Difficult to do either in RL!
Liza Deischer: :-)
Calvino Rabeni: In RL, any view can go infinitely deep in zoom. In SL you almost always reach the end of the virtualization quickly, where it has no more to reveal and present
Liza Deischer: I suppose you're underground now Storm :-)
Liza Deischer: true but at the same time you can examine someone without the person knowing it
Liza Deischer: you can't do that in rl, without someone knowing it
Storm Nordwind: Oh they can know it Liza, they just don't know who's doing it!
Liza Deischer: hmm, that kind of perception doesn't work for everyone
Storm Nordwind: I meant in SL. You can always see if someone is zoomed into you (if you're ever interested)
Liza Deischer: is that so
Calvino Rabeni: How does that work?
Storm Nordwind: Let me demonstrate
Liza Deischer: becasue I'm right in your face now :-)
Storm Nordwind: I know
Liza Deischer: :-)
Storm Nordwind: Do you both have the Advanced menu at the top left of your screens activated?
Calvino Rabeni: no
Liza Deischer: advanced menu?
Calvino Rabeni: yes
Storm Nordwind: Type ctrl-alt-D to show it
Storm Nordwind: See, next to Help?
Calvino Rabeni: I have it
Liza Deischer: found it, but to a Mac it is different
Storm Nordwind: OK. Now select Advanced > Character > Show look at
Storm Nordwind: You will see colored crosswires appearing
Liza Deischer: yes
Storm Nordwind: The color code is not documented well
Storm Nordwind: but pink/magenta means someone is zoomed in
Liza Deischer: ok
Storm Nordwind: If you are not zoomed in on your own face but you have magenta crosswires there, someone is zoomed in on you
Liza Deischer: ok
Storm Nordwind: Watch you own face Liza
Liza Deischer: but you don't know who it is
Storm Nordwind: Correct
Liza Deischer: yes, I see
Liza Deischer: nice feature
Storm Nordwind: The crosswires are visible at long distances too
Calvino Rabeni: Pink wires, storm is looking at liza
Storm Nordwind: There are colors for just generally looking and one for looking at a popup display etc
Liza Deischer: if it isn't you cal, than it is storm :-)
Storm Nordwind: And flicking between us
Calvino Rabeni: yes
Storm Nordwind: Now I'm zoomed above the lotus
Liza Deischer: but at what range are you zoomed in
Calvino Rabeni: What am I looking at?
Storm Nordwind: Any range. Close or distant
Storm Nordwind: It's just alt-click (in PC speak)
Calvino Rabeni: Can you determine my current likely view?
Storm Nordwind: Far side of the pool for someone
Calvino Rabeni: Mine
Calvino Rabeni: but it is the waterfall
Storm Nordwind: Usually coincides with a stable head position too
Liza Deischer: you mean Storm that you can see somebody is zoomed in
Storm Nordwind: You don't know their camera range Liza
Liza Deischer: but I mean when does the pink crosswire come up
Storm Nordwind: On a PC, when you alt + left click
Liza Deischer: never mind :-)
Storm Nordwind: Sorry - I'm a Mac ignoramus!
Liza Deischer: no, that's not the problem
Liza Deischer: because I understand what you mean
Calvino Rabeni: someone looking at my t shirt image?
Liza Deischer: but i realise I mostly use the mouse to get closer of get to a distance
Liza Deischer: or get
Storm Nordwind: Yes. But sometimes you can't get close enough
Storm Nordwind: For example to look VERY closely at earrings is hard
Liza Deischer: yes, then you use the alt-key
Storm Nordwind: But then you can focus on something behind and zoom through
Storm Nordwind: SL limits you to the distance you can zoom into a face
Storm Nordwind: so you have to be sneaky :)
Calvino Rabeni: The earrings had little glass globes with images inside
Liza Deischer: wow
Storm Nordwind: lovely!
Liza Deischer: for sl-earrings
Calvino Rabeni: Yes I thought so
Storm Nordwind: There is an art to making microprims
Calvino Rabeni: and no one would think to look there, so it is surprising for there to be anything in that place
Calvino Rabeni: this is the main difference between SL and RL
Liza Deischer: yes, you don't axpect so much detail in an sl-earring
Calvino Rabeni: It highlights the benevolence and abundance of RL
Storm Nordwind: Please excuse me. Thank you for the chat!
Liza Deischer: and show point at is how you can see storm
Liza Deischer: is somebody is a ghost
Calvino Rabeni: YW - and thanks for the lessons :)
Storm Nordwind: Yes. ghosts have no crosswires of any color anywhere
Liza Deischer: ok, thanks
Liza Deischer: nite Storm
Storm Nordwind: bye for now
Liza Deischer: I'm going too
Calvino Rabeni: OK, see you later
Liza Deischer: going to say good nigt to some friends
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Liza Deischer: see you cal
Calvino Rabeni: bye
Liza Deischer: bye
Liza Deischer: I im you soon, for seeing each other
Calvino Rabeni: sounds good :)
Liza Deischer: but things seem to be coming up, somehow
Liza Deischer: cu
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![]() | KYoracle_chatlog.jpg No description | 32.27 kB | 21:19, 9 Apr 2010 | Storm Nordwind | Actions |