The Guardian for this meeting was oO0Oo Resident. The comments are by oO0Oo Resident.
oh hello fc :)
FcSeeker: Hello Sfindra 0 Adur Dee
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): :-)
Dee (dieter.heslop): Halllooooo
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): do many people come to these meetings
Adur Gaelyth: nice sitting poses lol
FcSeeker: oh so sweet 'halloo'
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
FcSeeker: sometimes
Dee (dieter.heslop): I'm dee
FcSeeker: someties nobody
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): ah the blue have different poses
Adur Gaelyth: yes ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi samuo :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): Ö.Ö MEEP Ö.Ö
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): :-)
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi susan :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): what are we doing
exploring aging
FcSeeker: at least we are getting older if nothing else
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
FcSeeker: hi Susan
Dee (dieter.heslop): lol
Dee (dieter.heslop): you make getting older sound like an asset...
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): it could be in some ways
FcSeeker: is asset something good or bad ?
Dee (dieter.heslop): i think by definition it's something useful
FcSeeker: (my english is poor)
FcSeeker: ah
FcSeeker: then imo it is good
FcSeeker: then I also agree <3
Dee (dieter.heslop): heeh
Dee (dieter.heslop): I try to appreciate being any bit wiser, for being older
Dee (dieter.heslop): thought physically getting old sucks.
Dee (dieter.heslop): lol
FcSeeker: hi Dash
Dash (dash.earthboy): hey y'all
FcSeeker: not nesessarely
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi dash
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
Adur Gaelyth: Hi Dash ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): are you refering to wrinkles dee ? lol
FcSeeker: I addmitt that there's much such that human body gets not-so-good to use by age, but some can live very old and still have good body also
Dee (dieter.heslop): LOL
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): slows down a little, but thats just somethign new to get used to
Dee (dieter.heslop): wrinkles, eyesight failing, aches, pains, hernias, arteriosclerosis, dementia, etc. etc.
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): a long list...
FcSeeker: have met also many young people who's body is not so good to use because it's not used ever
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes
Dee (dieter.heslop): but that can be helped,
Dee (dieter.heslop): many things about getting old cannot
Dee (dieter.heslop): oh and teeth
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): yep, can keep it working well with some mantenance
Dash (dash.earthboy): i know my maternal grandfather/gmother were in their 90s without significant health issues when each died suddenly
Dee (dieter.heslop): Dee nods
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): ah teeth : /
Dee (dieter.heslop): lol
Dee (dieter.heslop): and it's insane what dentists charge
Dash (dash.earthboy): Grandpa smoked cigars & drank whiskey to his dying day
Dee (dieter.heslop): it really angers me
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): Sfindra runs her tongue over her few remaining ones
Dash (dash.earthboy): and had a full head of hair :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): Dee nods @ dash
Adur Gaelyth: lol
Dash (dash.earthboy): Grandma smoked a pipe :)
Adur Gaelyth: lol
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): cool :)
FcSeeker: <3
FcSeeker: each one has own kind of path <3
Adur Gaelyth: very true, fc
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): so all these sessions are recorded, where are they stored, and can anyone read them back ?
Dee (dieter.heslop): so - the philosophy here is to strip down ourselves - possessions, etc, and see what we have left?
Dash (dash.earthboy): hey Yaku
Dee (dieter.heslop): sessions go on the website
FcSeeker: Hello Yaku
Samúð (oo0oo): Hi Fc, Susan, Dash, Adur, Sfindra, Dee
Sorry for the delayed greetings.
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): hey everyone
Samúð (oo0oo): Hi Yaku
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi yaku
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
Adur Gaelyth: Hi Yaku
Dash (dash.earthboy): :)@Sam
Dee (dieter.heslop): hello oOOOo - love your name haha
Dash (dash.earthboy): hey Arch
Samúð (oo0oo): Adur, Sfindra and Dee, Have you been to Play as Being before?
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
aging and dying
FcSeeker: hi Arch
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): hey arch
Dee (dieter.heslop): that was interesting
Arch (archmage.atlantis): All I learned of love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew ya.........Nimbus is dying
Adur Gaelyth: I enjoyed that silence ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): I didn't
Dee (dieter.heslop):it make me squirm
Arch (archmage.atlantis): I found him asleep in his litter box
Adur Gaelyth: who is Nimbus?
Arch (archmage.atlantis): I put him in bed
FcSeeker: oh so sad
FcSeeker: so sad
Dee (dieter.heslop): nimbus is a cat?
Arch (archmage.atlantis): Not sad, Fc, not sad....17 yo for a cat is old
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes it is
Adur Gaelyth: ah ok
Dee (dieter.heslop): that's a long happy life to be sure
Dee (dieter.heslop): for a cat
Samúð (oo0oo): Adur, Sfindra and Dee, are you OK with having your names and comments included in our wiki record?
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): yep
Adur Gaelyth: sure ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): ok
Arch (archmage.atlantis): I feel lucky I was able to pick him up and place him in a place he and I were together
Samúð (oo0oo): kk thanks
Dee (dieter.heslop): as long as i don't embarass myself hehe
Dash (dash.earthboy): condolences for your loss Arch
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes hugs archmage
preoccupied IMing notecards, I wasn't fully present with Arch's news about his cat Nimbus
Samúð (oo0oo): just to clarify Arch, Nimbus is still alive?
Dee (dieter.heslop): thanks arch
Dash (dash.earthboy): what the hospice calls "actively dying"?
Dee (dieter.heslop): akk :\
Arch (archmage.atlantis): Actively dying is a good word
Arch (archmage.atlantis): Chester is beside me........odd how cats can be
Arch (archmage.atlantis): I have to go now
Dee (dieter.heslop): what's he doing?
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): take care arch
Dee (dieter.heslop): ok bye arch
Dash (dash.earthboy): well wishes Arch
Arch (archmage.atlantis): Blessings and Namste, friends
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
Adur Gaelyth: ok see you Arch ツ
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): an animal can we part of our family
Dash (dash.earthboy): yes Yaku
Samúð (oo0oo): tc Arch
FcSeeker: waves to Arch
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): my mother is living alone only with a dog and she´s very attached to it, pet´s are nonjudgemental and usually comfort most of the time, well there are exceptions
Dee (dieter.heslop): Dee nods
Yaku (yakuzza.lethecus): i also recieved a tp, cya soon everyone
Dee (dieter.heslop): bye yakuzza
Adur Gaelyth: Eckhart Tolle says that pets keep their owners sane
Adur Gaelyth: see you Yaku
FcSeeker: waves
Dash (dash.earthboy): bye Yaku
Dee (dieter.heslop): Dee <------- has no pet, is insane
Dee (dieter.heslop): hehe
Dash (dash.earthboy): i hear ya Dee
Adur Gaelyth: I'm quite insane too lol
FcSeeker: you can take one in SL <3
Dash (dash.earthboy): hey San
FcSeeker: Hello san
Dee (dieter.heslop): i used to raise butterflies
Dee (dieter.heslop): they are the sweetest creatures!!
FcSeeker: aww
Dee (dieter.heslop): and they have personality when you get to know them
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lots of people like to take their dogs for walks, but i take me for walks lol
FcSeeker: Yes
Adur Gaelyth: oh wonderful Dee
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): waves
Dee (dieter.heslop): may i share a picture with everyone?
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi santoshima
FcSeeker: I'de like that
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): sure dee
Samúð (oo0oo): Hi Santo
Adur Gaelyth: Hi Santoshima ツ
Dee's pet butterfly "Herbert"
FcSeeker: so beautiful <3
Dee (dieter.heslop): that was one of my pet butterflies
FcSeeker: thank you
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): oh beautiful
Samúð (oo0oo): Nice pic. Thanks
Adur Gaelyth: oh beautiful, Dee!
Dee (dieter.heslop): that was Herbert :) he was born with crumpled antennae
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes their eyes are amazing
Samúð (oo0oo): Indeed
Dee (dieter.heslop): it's funny - the front most legs become like a nose
FcSeeker: hi mila
Mila (milakel): hi :)
Dash (dash.earthboy): hey Mila
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi mila
Samúð (oo0oo): Mila :)
Mila (milakel): *floats in on her balloon*
Dee (dieter.heslop): now the sad part is,
Dee (dieter.heslop): they only live for 8 weeks
FcSeeker: <3
Dee (dieter.heslop): very short
Adur Gaelyth: oh
Mila (milakel): ah, thought dee was aga from behind :)
Mila (milakel): nice spot there, fc :)
FcSeeker: <3<3<3
Dee (dieter.heslop): Noooooo!
Mila (milakel): Mila eeps
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Dee (dieter.heslop): Ö.Ö MEEP Ö.Ö
Adur Gaelyth: ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): ツ
butterflies, to philosophy
Dee (dieter.heslop): so butterflies I think are an interesting motif for reality
Mila (milakel): so what chairs are you going to build for the art being?
Dee (dieter.heslop): what do butterflies perceive?
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): could we ever know
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): unless we were one
Dee (dieter.heslop): I have a theory,
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): k
Dee (dieter.heslop): it's only part my theory,
Mila (milakel): they just flap their wings and look pretty
Dee (dieter.heslop): that animals experience less consciousness that humans
Dee (dieter.heslop): hehe
Dee (dieter.heslop): but it's still there
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): or maybe a different part of the spectrum ?
Dee (dieter.heslop): this is related to the Penrose-Hammeroff theory of consciousness
Adur Gaelyth: I don't think they experience less consciousness than we do
Dee (dieter.heslop): spectrum hmm that's interesting
Mila (milakel): dee, tell more about the theory please
Dee (dieter.heslop): google, um, Orch-or theory of consciousness,
(Orchestrated Objective Reduction)
Dee (dieter.heslop): but basically it comes down to the brain density leading to fewer "moments of consciousness"
Adur Gaelyth: I'm sure when animals experience pain, they feel it as keenly as we do
Dee (dieter.heslop): smaller brain => slower consciousness
Dee (dieter.heslop): it's no good to the butterfly
Dee (dieter.heslop): only to us
Dee (dieter.heslop): maybe butterfly has it's own theory
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): does brain create consiousness or recieve it ?
Dee (dieter.heslop): good question
Mila (milakel): also, body size
Adur Gaelyth: brains modulate consciousness ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): so my head is in my mind ? lol
Dee (dieter.heslop): but if you study animals a seemingly expressionless animal - you see their personality only in time
Mila (milakel): brain tricks us into consciousness :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): even a worm - if you spent long enough with it - you might see personality
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): do we infer this personallity ?
Adur Gaelyth: personality is the opposite of consciousness
Mila (milakel): dee, yes, it also works with inanimate objects
Adur Gaelyth: personality is based on unconscious patterns
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): a pet rock
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
Mila (milakel): pet ipad
Dee (dieter.heslop): many interesting thoughts
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): my computer has a personality
Mila (milakel): xiry cruz :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): I come from a physics background so my view is of a somewhat "objective external reality"
Adur Gaelyth: a newborn baby has no personality, yet he or she is conscious
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): hi xirana
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hello everyone:)
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): and my computer is definately not conscious
Dee (dieter.heslop): adur have you been a mother?
Samúð (oo0oo): Hi Xirana
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): MIlacruz :P
Dash (dash.earthboy): not sure about that Adur, my son came out saying "Ma Ma..."
Adur Gaelyth: no Dee ツ
Dash (dash.earthboy): quite a personality as newborn :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): I think moms might disagree with that statement
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes
FcSeeker: takes a humble bow
FcSeeker: namaste
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): (waves to everyone)
Dash (dash.earthboy): bye Fc
Adur Gaelyth: oh I know what you mean... I didn't mean that all newborns are the same
Dash (dash.earthboy): bye Susan
Samúð (oo0oo): Bye Fc, Susan
Adur Gaelyth: all newborns are unique
Adur Gaelyth: yet their uniqueness is not what I call personality
Dee (dieter.heslop): are newborns conscious?
Dee (dieter.heslop): if so, why are there no memories?
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): bye bye :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): byee :)
Dash (dash.earthboy): Dee, some have a hard time remembering yesterday now :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): hehe
Adur Gaelyth: newborns have no idea about themselves, or how they are, or how they are... that's what I meant about personality
Dee (dieter.heslop): i would call that consciousness
Dee (dieter.heslop): and yet,
Dash (dash.earthboy): agreed Dee
Dee (dieter.heslop): I think there is an essence of something newborns know
Dee (dieter.heslop): I have a sense of being even as a newborn
Dee (dieter.heslop): no memory of course,
Adur Gaelyth: so do you think newborns are not conscious, or do you think they have thoughts about themselves?
Dee (dieter.heslop): more of an awareness of parental "forces" ?
Adur Gaelyth: oh of course
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): an awareness yes
Adur Gaelyth: awareness, sure
Dee (dieter.heslop): i think we have an incomplete definition of consciousness
Adur Gaelyth: who would deny that babies are aware?
Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I go now.... take care all:)
Dash (dash.earthboy): bye Xirana
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð smiles at Xirana... Bye
Dee (dieter.heslop): ok bye xirana :)
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): bye :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): i will say this,
Dee (dieter.heslop): i was adopted as an infant
Dash (dash.earthboy): And Adur, that expression of their awareness springs from their personality :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): and I'm absolutely convinced i was aware that my biological mother went away
Adur Gaelyth: it's not possible to define consciousness, because consciousness is the essence of reality
Samúð (oo0oo): interesting Dee
Dee (dieter.heslop): it's certainly convolved with reality
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Dash (dash.earthboy): is this part of semiotics known as semantics?
Adur Gaelyth: I love these silences ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar)::-)
Adur Gaelyth:they help the mind quiet down a bit ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): *silences.. yes
Dee (dieter.heslop): so i'm convinced that a newborn has the awareness to distinguish people around them, and I think consciousness and "being" has something to do with that level of interpersonal connection
Samúð (oo0oo): mmm yes
Samúð (oo0oo): well worth exploring
Adur Gaelyth: what you call personality, Dee, I would call "being" or "essence"
Dee (dieter.heslop): I like also to think that my butterflies "knew" me :)
Adur Gaelyth: I'm sure they knew you ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): i would take one out and just let it sit on my leg
Adur Gaelyth: also plants are aware of us when we look at them with full attention
Dee (dieter.heslop): ahh
Samúð (oo0oo): *!
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes the old plant consciousness issue (giggles)
Samúð (oo0oo): willing delicate focused present
Adur Gaelyth: yes lol
Dee (dieter.heslop): I don't know if plants are conscious or not - I don't remember ever being one :)
Samúð (oo0oo): tendrils?
Samúð (oo0oo): newborns
Samúð (oo0oo): always arriving new
Adur Gaelyth: I know they are conscious because I was God once... so I know lol
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): conscious, or consciousness ?
Dee (dieter.heslop): it's interesting to see footage of plants sped up fast - they take on a whole new perspective to us
Dee (dieter.heslop): you were God once?
Adur Gaelyth: good point Sfindra
Samúð (oo0oo): sentient
Adur Gaelyth: it's more accurate to say that plants are consciousness... everything is
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): could there be anything that is not consciousness, and so then is to be conscious some aspect of that
Dee (dieter.heslop): that is yet to be learned by science
Samúð (oo0oo): other ways of knowing?
Dee (dieter.heslop): some feel however that science's answer would merely be redundant
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes the other way of knowing is through consciousness itself
Dee (dieter.heslop): i reckon...
Adur Gaelyth: to be conscious is maybe a matter of focusing consciousness
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð smiles
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): being
Dee (dieter.heslop): aha
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð likes image of butterfly on leg
Dee (dieter.heslop): consciousness may well be a property of the universe - like temperature, or electric fields
Dee (dieter.heslop): we only observe conglomerations of it
Adur Gaelyth: yes exactly Dee
Adur Gaelyth: I believe it's the fundamental property of the universe
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes that seems to be the trend in current research :)
Adur Gaelyth: science will find that out sooner or later
Adur Gaelyth: yes it is
Samúð (oo0oo): in the mean time...
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lol
Dee (dieter.heslop): then of course certain laws, like "conservation of consciousness" - it can be neither created or destroyed
Dash (dash.earthboy): pax et bonum y'all
Samúð (oo0oo): Good to see ya Dash!
Adur Gaelyth: there's no other way of explaining the fact that we are aware
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): bye dash :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): sometimes I feel like i've inherited pieces of consciousness from people who have lived before
Adur Gaelyth: science can't accoutn for awareness, so awareness has to be a fundamental property of reality
Adur Gaelyth: see you Dash
Dee (dieter.heslop): hmm
Samúð (oo0oo): how does 'we' operate throughout consciousness?
Dee (dieter.heslop): that's not a logical deduction adur
Dee (dieter.heslop): science, at one time, could not account for lightning
Adur Gaelyth: don't you think it's logical, Dee?
Adur Gaelyth: consciousness is always there
Dee (dieter.heslop): i agree it does make sense though
Adur Gaelyth: and I mean always
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): does 'we' exist ?
Adur Gaelyth: so, isn't it logical to deduce that it's fundamental?
Dee (dieter.heslop): lightning is not fundamental though
Adur Gaelyth: it must be more fundamental than electromagnetism or gravity
Dee (dieter.heslop): there's many examples
Dee (dieter.heslop): nono i disagree,
Adur Gaelyth: but lightnings don't happen all the time
Dee (dieter.heslop): there's simply no proof either way - consciouness could be composed of electromagnetism and gravity
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): am i creating this story of consciousness ?
Adur Gaelyth: can you make a thought experiment where there is no consciousness?
Dee (dieter.heslop): haha
Samúð (oo0oo): Shall we let the pause open us to the unknown... and see if we come back as something other than 'we' thought 'we' were?
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Dee (dieter.heslop): meep!
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lol
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð giggles
Dee (dieter.heslop): hehe
Dee (dieter.heslop): laughing is good :)
Samúð (oo0oo): *
Adur Gaelyth: Oh let me think... what were we saying? lol
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lol
Samúð (oo0oo): lol
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): meow !
Dee (dieter.heslop): i agree with you though - i believe consciousness is very fundamental
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): Sfindra *pUrrrpUrrr~~*
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð smiles
Dee (dieter.heslop): i think there's a physical mechanism to it also
Dee (dieter.heslop): perhaps quantum
Adur Gaelyth: why where we discussing this in the first place?
Dee (dieter.heslop): why not?
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
Adur Gaelyth: oh yes... butterflies ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes my precious butterflies
Adur Gaelyth: yes...
Samúð (oo0oo): It seems so much could be learned... simply by having the patience to watch a butterfly up close for an extended period of time.
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): transformation
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes!
Adur Gaelyth: yes Samud
Dee (dieter.heslop): most people don't make the effort
Dee (dieter.heslop): to see what is all around them
Adur Gaelyth: yes...
Adur Gaelyth: we think too much
Samúð (oo0oo): Samúð nods
Dee (dieter.heslop): about the wrong things lol
Adur Gaelyth: too self-absorbed with our "problems"
Samúð (oo0oo): what to accept, what to reject
Adur Gaelyth: yes
Dee (dieter.heslop): hmm yes accept/reject
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): making daisy chains in the mind
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes
Adur Gaelyth: ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): effort to watch butterfly is choice beyond usual impulses to desire or aversion or ignoring?
Dee (dieter.heslop): for some yes
Adur Gaelyth: I wonder if butterflies get self-absorbed too.... maybe sometimes they do ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): free will..
Dee (dieter.heslop): i must rent and watch brainstorm again
Dee (dieter.heslop): lol
Samúð (oo0oo): I believe Dee said she had the sense that the butterflys 'knew' her.
Dee (dieter.heslop): yes
Dee (dieter.heslop): ok I shall go now :)
Adur Gaelyth: oh yes, that's our only choice: attention in the present or attention in our thoughts about past and future, fears and desires
Dee (dieter.heslop): coffee time hehe
Adur Gaelyth: oh ok Dee
Adur Gaelyth: nice meeting you ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): nice meeting you all too
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): ok dee, nice to meet you :)
Samúð (oo0oo): ah... so good to meet you :)
Adur Gaelyth: Milea looks so peaceful there floating with her baloon ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): Peaceful mila
Adur Gaelyth: she is asleep ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): Hope to see you again... enjoy coffee
Dee (dieter.heslop): thanks!
Adur Gaelyth: bye Dee ツ
Dee (dieter.heslop): coffee = greater consciousness hehehe
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): see you soon dee :)
Dee (dieter.heslop): byeeeee
Adur Gaelyth: which group does that tag come from, Sfindra?
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): im glad i found this place
Adur Gaelyth: me too ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): me three
Adur Gaelyth: lol
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): this group
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): friends of play as being
Adur Gaelyth: oh ok ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): can join on the wall behiind
Samúð (oo0oo): Adur, You can join Play as Being (the tag)
Samúð (oo0oo): kiosk outside the pavilion has a place to join
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): brb one moment, making tea
Adur Gaelyth: ok ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): The Play as Being wiki is a goldmine, if you have time and inclination to dip in. Many conversations about consciousness and many other vast topics.
nice to have new people's perspectives too.. so :)
meetings a 1 AM 1PM 7 AM 7 PM SLT
Quite varied in theme, topic, mood
Adur Gaelyth: wonderful ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): :) from the profound to the silly... it all rezzonates in the pavilion of consciousness
Samúð (oo0oo): playing as being
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): i wandered around yesterday and found the molecule theatre too
Adur Gaelyth: ツ
Adur Gaelyth: what's that?
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): ill show you after
Adur Gaelyth: ok ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): 'after'
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lol
Adur Gaelyth: ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): You may wish to float up on single balloons and take a self guided tour (wear the headphones when you land). I'll give you an LM for the Balloon location.
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): oh yes :)
Adur Gaelyth: ok ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): the balloon trip was cool
Samúð (oo0oo): Here you will see a box with flashing lights and above it a balloon
Samúð (oo0oo): click the balloon to suspend from it
Samúð (oo0oo): then click again to be on your way
Samúð (oo0oo): :)
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): ok :)
Samúð (oo0oo): and have fun!
Adur Gaelyth: thank you ツ
Samúð (oo0oo): There have been several performances, but reletively new ... quite exciting
Adur Gaelyth: oh Dee is back! ツ
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): wb dee :)
Samúð (oo0oo): The kind fellow who built this pavilion, also built Molecule Theater.. Storm Nordwind
Dee (dieter.heslop): thanks :)
Samúð (oo0oo): wb Dee
Dee (dieter.heslop): meep!
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): i like the design here
Adur Gaelyth: me too
Samúð (oo0oo): It has always felt a kind of homecoming quality... here for me
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
Samúð (oo0oo): hard to describe
Adur Gaelyth: beautiful
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): for a while myself and some friends have been trying to create a place like this, but its already here !
Dee (dieter.heslop): :)
Samúð (oo0oo): in a way you did create it then.. found each other :)
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): true
Samúð (oo0oo): yay
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): lol
Samúð (oo0oo): You are most welcome to come at any time
Sfindra (sfindra.belar): thank you :)
Samúð (oo0oo): I will flutter on now, but so good to meet you all.. Dee, Adur, Sfindra :)
15 minute --BELL-- Please observe 90 seconds of silence.
Sfindra Belar: good to meet you samuo :)
Adur Gaelyth: I like these photos
Sfindra Belar: im going to check out the balloon ride
Adur Gaelyth: oh great
Adur Gaelyth: I'm coming too
Sfindra Belar: kk :)
Sfindra Belar: oh, its too close to tp to lol
Adur Gaelyth: ok ツ
Sfindra Belar: must be round here somewhere
Adur Gaelyth: oh is it still recording?
Sfindra Belar: yeah lol
Sfindra Belar: testing testing ...
Adur Gaelyth: what are you doing Sfindra? lol
Sfindra Belar starts singing
Adur Gaelyth: lol
Sfindra Belar: ah ok ty
What a delight it was being with this group, and to meet Dee, Adur and Sfindra
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Herbert.png No description | 415.62 kB | 05:15, 1 Sep 2011 | oO0Oo | Actions |