2012.05.19 01:00 - Swan Wings

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    [01:34] Wol Euler: wow, prettty :)
    [01:34] Korel Laloix: Heya
    [01:34] Korel Laloix: lol... you think.
    [01:34] Wol Euler: yeah
    [01:34] Korel Laloix: Feel like a road killed swan.
    [01:34] Wol Euler laughs.
    [01:34] Korel Laloix: But it was free...
    [01:34] Wol Euler: nice one
    [01:34] Wol Euler: but no
    [01:34] Wol Euler: hold still while I get a photo
    [01:35] Korel Laloix: Did not know you were into humilation.... lol
    [01:35] Korel Laloix: At least I can still see my tats in this.
    [01:35] Korel Laloix: Let me know when you are done.
    [01:35] Wol Euler: done, ty
    [01:35] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:36] Wol Euler: okay, I see the wings now
    [01:36] Wol Euler: swan, yeah

    [01:36] Wol Euler: but if you took the off it would be a fine Kentucky Derby dress
    [01:36] Korel Laloix: HOw that?
    [01:37] Wol Euler: well :) frothy and elegant, vaguely oldfashioned
    [01:37] Wol Euler: pretty
    [01:37] Wol Euler: perhaps I'm carrying English habits over to the US, one would wear such dresses and hats in England to the race days at Ascot
    [01:38] Korel Laloix: The sad part is that I have a bridesmaid dress similar to this...
    [01:38] Korel Laloix: Ascot a place or and event?
    [01:38] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:38] Wol Euler: both
    [01:38] Wol Euler: place that is known for one event, an annual horse race
    [01:39] Wol Euler: social spectacle with horses, actually :)
    [01:39] Wol Euler: the race itself is nearly incidental

    [01:39] Korel Laloix: Never been to a big horse race.
    [01:39] Wol Euler: oh, it's fun
    [01:39] Wol Euler: I can recommend it
    [01:39] Korel Laloix: But you have to dress up?
    [01:39] Wol Euler: just be very careful with your money
    [01:39] Wol Euler: so easy to get caught up and lose a fortune
    [01:39] Korel Laloix: What is this thing on the back?
    [01:39] Wol Euler: no, no compulsion, but more fun if you do
    [01:40] Wol Euler: I guess that's your swan wings :)=
    [01:40] Wol Euler: better without
    [01:40] Korel Laloix: ANotherwing... lol
    [01:40] Korel Laloix: I would rather be naked.
    [01:40] Wol Euler grins.
    [01:40] Wol Euler: don't let me stop you
    [01:40] Wol Euler: if Rhi can, you can
    [01:42] Korel Laloix: Actually that is sort of creapy to me.
    [01:42] Korel Laloix: But to each their own.
    [01:42] Wol Euler nods.

    [01:42] Korel Laloix: I just grew up with my mom and a lot of strangers naked around the house.
    [01:42] Wol Euler: it's a political gesture in her case
    [01:42] Korel Laloix: So it just never sets right with me.
    [01:42] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:43] Korel Laloix: And personally I have a lot of scars that I dont like people ot see, so naked is not really fun for me, even in the right context...
    [01:43] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: This is not bad though...
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: Wish I could wear something like this RL.
    [01:44] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:44] Wol Euler: you could get that online, surely
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: I way over did things today.... in a bit of pain.
    [01:44] Wol Euler: but don't ask me where :)
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: Waiting for my drugs to hit.
    [01:44] Wol Euler: ah, sorry to hear that
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: I just can't wear backless outfits.
    [01:44] Wol Euler: too much running?
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: Dancing.
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: And on the bike.
    [01:44] Wol Euler: oh yes
    [01:45] Wol Euler: the muskogee 2-step
    [01:45] Korel Laloix: It was a lot of fun.
    [01:45] Korel Laloix: The band was crap though and too loud.
    [01:46] Korel Laloix: But there were so few guys that I had a good excuse to get a lot of dances in.
    [01:46] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:46] Wol Euler: that was handy :)

    [01:47] Korel Laloix: At those skulls on this skirt?
    [01:48] Wol Euler: yep
    [01:48] Korel Laloix: lmbo
    [01:48] Wol Euler: :)
    [01:48] Korel Laloix: YOu have skull envy don't you... grins
    [01:48] Korel Laloix: wow.. I am soo wired.
    [01:49] Korel Laloix: Nt bad really.
    [01:50] Wol Euler: mmhmm
    [01:50] Korel Laloix: Need to find a matching long skirt I think.
    [01:50] Korel Laloix: ANd I do like the glove with this.
    [01:50] Wol Euler: the satin matches well
    [01:51] Korel Laloix: BU then again, I am on vicidin and vallium .
    [01:51] Wol Euler: then you should sleep like a log when you *do* crash
    [01:52] Korel Laloix: Exactly.
    [01:52] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:52] Korel Laloix: I am so active in my sleep is why he gave me the vallium.
    [01:52] Wol Euler: busy dreams?
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: I hate the other drug though.. it does kill the pain, but it wakes me up then makes me angry.
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: I kick and hit in my dreams.
    [01:53] Wol Euler: wow
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: I sleep in a sleeping bag when I sleep withsome.
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: I am difficult to sleep with... lol
    [01:53] Wol Euler chuckles.
    [01:54] Korel Laloix: There are a couple of ways to take that yes.. smiles
    [01:54] Wol Euler: I took it the way you meant it, still smiled :)
    [01:55] Korel Laloix: I am actually pretty easy to sleep with the other way though.. as long as you do what I say.... smiles
    [01:55] Wol Euler: hehehe
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: Ok... meds starting to hit...
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: Odd feeling.
    [01:56] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:56] Wol Euler frowns.
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: And probably wy I just said that...
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: lol
    [01:56] Wol Euler: want me to remove it?
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: I should get angry soon...
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: No, it is OK.
    [01:57] Wol Euler: well, I hope it settles so you can get some sleep
    [01:57] Korel Laloix: It will in a bit I am sure.
    [01:58] Korel Laloix: Let me see what else I have recently won.
    [01:59] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:59] Korel Laloix: This one is freaky.
    [01:59] Wol Euler: oh yes, that's actually disturbing
    [01:59] Wol Euler: nasty
    [02:00] Korel Laloix: lol
    [02:04] Korel Laloix: This is.... odd
    [02:04] Wol Euler: indeed
    [02:04] Korel Laloix: Fun hat though.
    [02:04] Wol Euler: strange thrown-together bits
    [02:04] Wol Euler: oh, I thought it was from the evil clown
    [02:07] Korel Laloix: Maybe you are right.
    [02:07] Korel Laloix: NO, this is the whole outfit.
    [02:08] Wol Euler: no, understood, I meant that the look is patchy
    [02:08] Wol Euler: the strappy bits on the blouse
    [02:08] Korel Laloix: Yes... And i thouhgt some might have been from the dwarf AV.
    [02:09] Wol Euler: actually you could wear that skirt with the red satin from earlier
    [02:10] Wol Euler: not bad at all :)

    [02:12] Korel Laloix: I'm too sexy for PaB... grins
    [02:12] Wol Euler: heheheheh
    [02:12] Wol Euler: I think you fit in here
    [02:12] Korel Laloix: Still thinking of the 99 days of SL langerie for the next round.
    [02:12] Korel Laloix: SOmetimes.
    [02:12] Wol Euler grins.
    [02:12] Wol Euler: you'd be welcome to join in
    [02:13] Korel Laloix: Maybe next round.
    [02:13] Korel Laloix: THink I will do the lingerie and look up a woman saint every day as well.
    [02:13] Korel Laloix: A nice two line way of doing it... smiles
    [02:13] Korel Laloix: Are you in this round?
    [02:14] Wol Euler: no, the competitions knocked me out of everything :/
    [02:14] Wol Euler: just sleeping and working at the end
    [02:14] Wol Euler: I'm going to rejoin next week though
    [02:14] Korel Laloix: Great..
    [02:14] Korel Laloix: Going to go for a walk.. starting to get angry.
    [02:14] Wol Euler: :(
    [02:14] Korel Laloix: Darn meds.
    [02:15] Wol Euler: perhaps you need a boxing bag?
    [02:15] Korel Laloix: That would hurt my arm more I think.
    [02:15] Korel Laloix: A walk will work.
    [02:15] Korel Laloix: Might be back in a bit.
    [02:15] Korel Laloix: Ciao.
    [02:16] Wol Euler: bye, korel
    [02:16] Wol Euler: I'm afraid I won't be here, have to get my shopping done before the stores close

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