2012.05.20 19:00 - Dreamweaving Basket and Feedback on Themes

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    Eliza posted this session from the auto-listener database...

    [19:15] Aphrodite Macbain: Hiya Cinda
    [19:15] Aphrodite Macbain: Please join me
    [19:15] Lucinda Lavender: Hi Aph!
    [19:15] Aphrodite Macbain: Noone here but us chickens
    [19:16] Lucinda Lavender: No Cal?
    [19:16] Aphrodite Macbain: No- hope he's OK
    [19:16] Lucinda Lavender: cluck cluck
    [19:16] Lucinda Lavender: me too:)
    [19:16] Aphrodite Macbain: What's new? Have you been working on your motion piece?
    [19:17] Lucinda Lavender: no...very busy in Rl...
    [19:17] Lucinda Lavender: Have no ideas as of yet
    [19:17] Aphrodite Macbain: withthe choir?
    [19:17] Lucinda Lavender: choir is done for the year...went to a college reunion yesterday out of town
    [19:17] Lucinda Lavender: playing catch up today
    [19:18] Aphrodite Macbain: what was the reunion like?
    [19:18] Lucinda Lavender: These next weeks will be very busy ata my school
    [19:18] Lucinda Lavender: really great
    [19:18] Aphrodite Macbain: ccfinishing p?
    [19:18] Lucinda Lavender: ?
    [19:18] Lucinda Lavender: getting things completed
    [19:18] Aphrodite Macbain: finishing up at school -yes
    [19:19] Lucinda Lavender: Done around early June
    [19:19] Aphrodite Macbain: Coupla weeks
    [19:19] Lucinda Lavender: yes

    [19:19] Aphrodite Macbain: Then what?
    [19:19] Aphrodite Macbain: No school, no choir,....
    [19:19] Lucinda Lavender: well...some subbing in July
    [19:20] Lucinda Lavender: midday
    [19:20] Lucinda Lavender: and perhaps a visit to dc area to see my daughter
    [19:20] Aphrodite Macbain: what about the one in the east?

    [19:45] Lucinda Lavender: This log has been taken by Aphrodite and then we ended up chatting in im
    [19:46] Lucinda Lavender: We shared a bit and then we came around to discussion of the dream circle from May 18 at 7 am

    [19:46] Lucinda Lavender: Hi Raffi and San
    [19:47] Santoshima Resident: hello ... just checking my size ... a moment
    [19:47] Raffila Millgrove: hi Luci
    [19:47] Raffila Millgrove: who are you talking to?
    [19:47] Lucinda Lavender: Aph who clamed the session and then just left...I was bringing the log up to date since we were in IM most of it
    [19:48] Raffila Millgrove: ah ty.
    [19:48] Lucinda Lavender: How are you ?
    [19:48] Lucinda Lavender: How are you all?
    [19:48] Raffila Millgrove: good. i really enjoyed that dream circle so i am glad it was decided to do it again.
    [19:49] Santoshima Resident: { shrank .. }
    [19:49] Lucinda Lavender: great I was hoping to hear
    [19:49] Lucinda Lavender: Great, I was hoping to hear how it seemed to you...I meant
    [19:49] Raffila Millgrove: yes i think everyone who attended already weigh in on it.. except for me.
    [19:49] Raffila Millgrove: so i too.. think it would be great to have it regularly.
    [19:50] Raffila Millgrove: once a month, right?
    [19:50] Lucinda Lavender: we had drifted away I guess
    [19:50] Lucinda Lavender: yes

    [19:50] Raffila Millgrove: when i read the logs of the past ones.. many people were.. mixed up on "how to".. this one.. on Fri.. ran so smooth by comparison.
    [19:50] Lucinda Lavender: once a month last friday at 7 am
    [19:51] Lucinda Lavender: surprising perhaps
    [19:51] Raffila Millgrove: if you can maintain that smooth transition with the stone--I think it will be great.
    [19:51] Lucinda Lavender: it requires remoinding people to notice where the stone is and speak up when one is done
    [19:52] Lucinda Lavender: when there is someone who can give out a notecard it helps too
    [19:52] Raffila Millgrove: yes. and that newcomers keep quiet and avoid a lot of hi and "what's happening".
    [19:52] Lucinda Lavender: yes that helps too
    [19:53] Raffila Millgrove: San came in late and was very quiet and didn't interrupt. which i thought was very good role model.

    [19:53] Lucinda Lavender: letting the dreams weave the basket

    [19:53] Lucinda Lavender: thanks San
    [19:53] Santoshima Resident: np
    [19:53] Santoshima Resident: was glad to be there

    [19:53] Raffila Millgrove: what's the theme for this week Luci? i didn't get to the logs yet.
    [19:54] Lucinda Lavender: I do not know
    [19:54] Raffila Millgrove: hehe. maybe it starts tomorrow then. busy day with the motion workshop and the art history presentation.
    [19:54] Lucinda Lavender: have some people already started discussing one?
    [19:55] Lucinda Lavender: I will look it up
    [19:55] Santoshima Resident: don't think so ...
    [19:55] Raffila Millgrove: well supposedly the Guardian meeting--picks two.. one for each week.. until the next Guardian meet.. so it is in there somewhere. lol
    [19:55] Santoshima Resident: oh
    [19:56] Lucinda Lavender: ah
    [19:56] Lucinda Lavender: forgot
    [19:57] Raffila Millgrove: i think these theme weeks have been going along pretty good.. you think so?
    [19:57] Lucinda Lavender: yes actually
    [19:57] Raffila Millgrove: san? you like them or not?
    [19:58] Santoshima Resident: like {quite a lot }
    [19:58] Raffila Millgrove: yes. i didn't hear any complaints.. so i think.. working ok so far.

    [19:58] Raffila Millgrove: I wonder if Pema and boxy will show tomorrow for this science talking?
    [19:59] Santoshima Resident: just a complaint of "spiritual vagueness" and lack of focus ... is all
    [19:59] Lucinda Lavender: gives some focus...less time wondering about where topics will be coming from
    [19:59] Santoshima Resident: minor
    [19:59] Raffila Millgrove: hehe.well the science talk... was the suggested solution to vague.. so i hope it happens. wasn't too clear if .. it would or not.
    [19:59] Santoshima Resident: yeah, good if it happens
    [20:00] Raffila Millgrove: i really love science. you always learn something in hearing about it.
    [20:01] Santoshima Resident: I won't be able to attend, alas
    [20:01] Santoshima Resident: oops
    [20:01] Lucinda Lavender: San...do you mean there is spiritual vagueness with the themes?
    [20:01] Raffila Millgrove: oh no? shame. i hope i make it. i have to run now.. popped in to say hello... in midst of dinner prep. Have a great week all.
    [20:02] Santoshima Resident: no ... that was the only compaint i heard
    [20:02] Santoshima Resident: dunno what was meant
    [20:02] Lucinda Lavender: bye Raffi:)
    [20:02] Lucinda Lavender: thanks
    [20:02] Santoshima Resident: bye raffi
    [20:02] Raffila Millgrove: (San was referring to the boxy ... mentioning he felt things got spiritually vague in the discussions)
    [20:02] Lucinda Lavender: ah

    [20:02] Raffila Millgrove: not exactly related to the themes.. as much as how they end up being discussed occasionally.
    [20:02] Santoshima Resident: right
    [20:02] Raffila Millgrove: anway... i pop off now. take care ladies.
    [20:03] Lucinda Lavender: well take care too
    [20:03] Santoshima Resident: good evening
    [20:04] Santoshima Resident: cal away tonight?
    [20:04] Lucinda Lavender: not sure...
    [20:04] Lucinda Lavender: talked to him briefly yesterday
    [20:05] Lucinda Lavender: there is a big lag for me tonight
    [20:05] Santoshima Resident: sometimes it's like that
    [20:05] Lucinda Lavender: is there one for you too?
    [20:05] Santoshima Resident: there has been in the past week
    [20:05] Lucinda Lavender: ah
    [20:05] Santoshima Resident: not too bad tonight
    [20:05] Lucinda Lavender: ok
    [20:06] Lucinda Lavender: I think I should go...
    [20:06] Santoshima Resident: ok, bye luci
    [20:06] Lucinda Lavender: unless there is something you want to say...
    [20:06] Santoshima Resident: um,
    [20:06] Santoshima Resident: take good care
    [20:06] Lucinda Lavender: yes you too!
    [20:06] Santoshima Resident: ty
    [20:06] Lucinda Lavender: namaste
    [20:06] Santoshima Resident: ciao
    [20:07] Santoshima Resident: g'night wiki

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