The Guardian for this meeting was Bleu Oleander. The comments are by Bleu Oleander.
Bleu Oleander: 's current display-name is "Bleu".
szavanna Resident: 's current display-name is "Sunshine".
Bleu Oleander: heya Sunji !
szavanna Resident: hi there ;))
Bleu Oleander: big crowd this morning lol
szavanna Resident: how is Bleuji today
Bleu Oleander: great, u?
szavanna Resident: I am ok ty
szavanna Resident: busy with the club :)
Bleu Oleander: what's happening at the club?
Bleu Oleander: your club or the PP club?
szavanna Resident: my club :)
szavanna Resident: arranging live music
szavanna Resident: and particle artists
Bleu Oleander: with Zenji?
szavanna Resident: and DJs
szavanna Resident: no
szavanna Resident: will ask if he'd like to take part
Bleu Oleander: send me the schedule of cool stuff at your club :)
szavanna Resident: ok ;))
szavanna Resident: mostly 1pmish
Bleu Oleander: so mid day?
Bleu Oleander: hi Uns
szavanna Resident: yes
Uns Mistwalker: hello Bleu
Bleu Oleander: kk
szavanna Resident: what time is it for you?
Uns Mistwalker: oh? is this a building class?
Bleu Oleander: 1pm
Bleu Oleander: lol
szavanna Resident: sort of
Bleu Oleander: I'm on SL time
szavanna Resident: but people are sleeping
Uns Mistwalker: no place for the likes of me.
szavanna Resident: ahh yes SL time
Bleu Oleander: oh 1 am?
szavanna Resident: aww where he went
Bleu Oleander: was it something you said hehe?
szavanna Resident: lol may be
szavanna Resident: sooo I am still busy helping Luci
szavanna Resident: and Aph
Bleu Oleander: ah great
Bleu Oleander: I set up my egg already ... and Bruce did too
szavanna Resident: I need to find something that ties Aph to earth
szavanna Resident: will check it out :)
Bleu Oleander: Aph to earth?
szavanna Resident: yes
szavanna Resident: so I was thinking we need a chain script
szavanna Resident: particle script
Bleu Oleander: sounds fun
szavanna Resident: that connect you to an object
szavanna Resident: do you have that by any chance °͜°
Bleu Oleander: lol
Bleu Oleander: haven't seen that before
szavanna Resident: soo you know the BDSM collars
szavanna Resident: have this chain thingy
Bleu Oleander: oh hadn't noticed
szavanna Resident: so I will go after this
szavanna Resident: to the particle lab
Bleu Oleander: particle lab is great
szavanna Resident: yes °͜°
Bleu Oleander: I should spend more time learning it
szavanna Resident: basically it needs a particle script
szavanna Resident: that uses target
Bleu Oleander: right
Bleu Oleander: and the right texture?
szavanna Resident: hmm
szavanna Resident: it can be something simple
szavanna Resident: may be doesn't even need texture
szavanna Resident: it needs to form a connection
Bleu Oleander: could you use a "link" texture?
szavanna Resident: that is not static
szavanna Resident: needs to move
Bleu Oleander: yes
szavanna Resident: as she floats
Bleu Oleander: sounds dreamy
szavanna Resident: ;))
szavanna Resident: thinking
szavanna Resident: I try something :)
Bleu Oleander: kk
Bleu Oleander: whoa
szavanna Resident: nuuuuu
szavanna Resident: lol
Bleu Oleander: blobby things everywhere lol
szavanna Resident: bobble wobble
Bleu Oleander: blobji's
szavanna Resident: ;o)
Bleu Oleander: hitting me in head lol
szavanna Resident: yes thats what I am after
szavanna Resident: ;p
Bleu Oleander: haha
szavanna Resident: aha
szavanna Resident: see °͜°
Bleu Oleander: yay working
szavanna Resident: something like this
szavanna Resident: but needs to target an object
Bleu Oleander: great
Bleu Oleander: what if you used a link image?
szavanna Resident: how?
szavanna Resident: opens eyes and listens
Bleu Oleander: just one link
Bleu Oleander: as the texture
szavanna Resident: soo
szavanna Resident: for example I have this aura script
Bleu Oleander: i found one ... one sec and i'll give it to you
szavanna Resident: yay
szavanna Resident: ;))
szavanna Resident: soo I could use this
Bleu Oleander: try that
szavanna Resident: with the particles?
Bleu Oleander: see if I need to resize or change direction
Bleu Oleander: with a target script
szavanna Resident: ok
szavanna Resident: can you test this
szavanna Resident: it used to work when I target an object
Zen Arado: 's current display-name is "Zen".
szavanna Resident: hi Zenji °͜°
Bleu Oleander: hey Zen
szavanna Resident: you are so naughty
szavanna Resident: you sent me all those Ls
szavanna Resident: next time I will ground you
Zen Arado: hi Sunji and Bleu
szavanna Resident: we are testing this script
Zen Arado: I got waylaid by Mira
szavanna Resident: really
szavanna Resident: she loves your music
szavanna Resident: ;))
Zen Arado: I logged out in perfect paradise
Bleu Oleander: we all do!
Zen Arado: and she got me coming in
Bleu Oleander: haha
Bleu Oleander: dangerous to log in to where you left off lol
szavanna Resident: hehe
Zen Arado: I know
Bleu Oleander: so Sunji what am I supposed to do with this script?
szavanna Resident: wait
szavanna Resident: I have an idea
Bleu Oleander: uh oh
szavanna Resident: brb
Zen Arado: I can't think of what to do for the project
Zen Arado: I had a dream the other night
Bleu Oleander: yes?
Zen Arado: I was in the back seat of a car with three or four other people
Zen Arado: and I asked the driver where we were going
Zen Arado: it was a big comfortable car
Zen Arado: and the driver was going off-road and screeching round corners
Zen Arado: but he was a very good driver
Zen Arado: he told me not to worry where I was going but just to enjoy the ride
szavanna Resident: 's current display-name is "Sunshine".
Bleu Oleander: like life lol
Zen Arado: :-)
Zen Arado: mostly my dreams are pretty meaningless
Zen Arado: wb Sunji
szavanna Resident: lol
Bleu Oleander: most are lol
szavanna Resident: ty °͜°
Zen Arado: but how could I put that into the project?
Bleu Oleander: create what it looked like in your mind
Zen Arado: I could put the text in but what else?
Bleu Oleander: place the elements in the egg
Zen Arado: It just felt like being in the back seat of a car
Bleu Oleander: no text just the elements of the dream
Zen Arado: it would really need a video to get that movement
Bleu Oleander: use the notecard for the text
Zen Arado: where could I get a photo of being in the back seat of a car
Zen Arado: ? I can't even get into the back seat of a car myself
Bleu Oleander: well don't have to take it literally
Zen Arado: looks on Google for backseat of car photos :-)
Bleu Oleander: can use artistic license
Zen Arado: I haven't got an artists license :-)
szavanna Resident: soo Firestorm has a particle creator thingy
szavanna Resident: and it can target
szavanna Resident: testing that for Aph
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: oooh and not the SL view? L
Zen Arado: viewer
Bleu Oleander:
Zen Arado: I can get this stupid voice typing to say viewer
Zen Arado: I cant I mean
Zen Arado: reviewer viewer
szavanna Resident: heheZenji you type better than most I know
Zen Arado: fewer and fewer
Zen Arado: no fewer
Zen Arado: viewer
Bleu Oleander: brb
szavanna Resident: ok °͜°
Zen Arado: shouts at voice typing program
szavanna Resident: ;p
Zen Arado: :-)
szavanna Resident shouts at it too
szavanna Resident: ouaaaaaaaaaaaaa
szavanna Resident: ;D
Zen Arado: fewer and viewer sound the same unfortunately
Zen Arado: or not much difference anyway
Zen Arado: there is a big music festival here this weekend
Zen Arado: Glastonbury
szavanna Resident: really
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: the Rolling Stones were performing live last night
szavanna Resident: wow
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: there were many African groups to there was one from Mali
Zen Arado: a woman playing guitar
szavanna Resident: wow nice
Zen Arado: I didn't catch her name though
Zen Arado: you might be able to see some of it on the website
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado:
szavanna Resident: do you have the url
szavanna Resident: tyty
szavanna Resident: will check
Zen Arado: It's a very big festival may be the biggest in the world
Zen Arado: it has been going for 35 years or something
szavanna Resident: yes the name sounds familiar
Zen Arado: I'm not sure if it allows you to look at the videos?
Zen Arado: Because they are done by the BBC
Zen Arado: I downloaded some clips of Chic and Nile Rodgers
Zen Arado: for next week
szavanna Resident: I will look soon °͜°
Bleu Oleander: getting there Sunji
szavanna Resident: yes lets see
szavanna Resident: I think I should use the drop pattern
szavanna Resident: ahh °͜°
Bleu Oleander: the verticle version might work better
szavanna Resident: merciii
szavanna Resident: I will change how it emmits
szavanna Resident: ohh its gropup meeting
szavanna Resident: I will continue later
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Bleu Oleander: kk
szavanna Resident: ty for the textures ;))
Bleu Oleander: yw!
Bleu Oleander: so we have the Guardian mtg now?
szavanna Resident: yes °͜°
Bleu Oleander: ok c u there
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