2011.11.02 19:00 - Hawaii


    The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga. The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.


    Pila and Aphrodite joined me after a while sitting alone,

    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Pila
    Pila Mulligan: hi Steve
    stevenaia Michinaga: was wondering if everyone was at Bleu's movie screening
    Pila Mulligan: oh, I didn't know she had a movie


    Pila Mulligan: are things getting back to normal for you after the snow storm?
    stevenaia Michinaga:

    hi PaBers, My video, "The Molecule Theater Opening Night" has been chosen by The Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) to showcase in Month of Machinima (MoM) for the month of November. On Wednesday November 2, at 7 pm SL time, my video will be shown along with 6 other films. Sadly, I won't be able to attend the opening due to RL work, but you are all invited to attend. here are the slurls if you want to go: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA1/250/16/21 Bleu

    Pila Mulligan: sounds like quite an honor
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, a recongnized talent
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Pila Mulligan: what is machinima
    Pila Mulligan: ?
    stevenaia Michinaga: some sort of thing that creates movies in SL.. I think
    stevenaia Michinaga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUX2zH2AH90&feature=channel_video_title
    Pila Mulligan: my internet is just limping along, I better not try to open it now
    stevenaia Michinaga: when you do, it's very nice
    stevenaia Michinaga: hi APhrodite
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hi stevenaia, Pila
    Pila Mulligan: hi Aph
    Pila Mulligan: how's your vacation?
    Aphrodite Macbain: I'm home now and doing laundry!
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: It was fine thanks
    Pila Mulligan: ah, back to the mundane :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: and all the commitments
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Aphrodite Macbain: pouring wih rain like every November
    Aphrodite Macbain: maybe I'll come and visit you Pila!
    Pila Mulligan: sure :)
    Pila Mulligan: funny, I was thinking I'd like to take a train ride across canada
    Aphrodite Macbain: I imagine Hawaii to be perpetual sunshine
    Pila Mulligan: grass is always greener ...
    Pila Mulligan: we are in the rainy season now
    Pila Mulligan: a bit less sun
    Aphrodite Macbain: well- the grass is very green here because of the rain!
    Pila Mulligan: :)


    Aphrodite Macbain: are you planning to eturn to the Original face meetings Pila?
    Pila Mulligan: no, but I was wondering how they are doing
    stevenaia Michinaga: do they still hold regular meetings?
    Pila Mulligan: i dont know
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes. I really enjoy them
    Aphrodite Macbain: every Monday 10:30AM -12:30 PM
    Pila Mulligan: I'm trying to find time to do some WoK sessions, but I am not online that much usually
    Aphrodite Macbain: Cal, Darren, Bruce, Zen and I are the regulars
    Pila Mulligan: oh, two hours, nice
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes- it gives us time to get into things
    Pila Mulligan: I have not seen Darren for quite some itme
    Pila Mulligan: yes, two hours is a good session
    Aphrodite Macbain: No, he doesn't come to PaB any mpre- just these sessions
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: occasionally Samuo comes
    Aphrodite Macbain: and recently Santoshima...
    Pila Mulligan: cool
    Pila Mulligan: nice group
    stevenaia Michinaga: nice to find something that resonates
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes, I feel very supportewd and cared for there
    Aphrodite Macbain: A nice way to start the week
    Aphrodite Macbain: Feel free to come steve
    Aphrodite Macbain: we discuss a theme every week and usually Cal suggests it
    stevenaia Michinaga: tine are not right
    stevenaia Michinaga: tiems
    stevenaia Michinaga: times
    Aphrodite Macbain: too bad
    stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps once, not sure how diligent a meditator I am
    Pila Mulligan: do you guys have a theme each week or is it more free form?
    Aphrodite Macbain: each of us have our weaknesses. It's not about that
    Aphrodite Macbain: hjere is a theme that Cal suggests each week. He puts a lot of work into it and gives a summary of the concept before we start
    Aphrodite Macbain: Darren leads the meditation part of the sessin -usuallly 20 minutes
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: *session
    Pila Mulligan: what have been some of your favorties?
    Pila Mulligan: themes?
    Aphrodite Macbain: we go round twice, facilitated by a talking stick
    Pila Mulligan: yes, I rememebr
    Pila Mulligan: a nic eprocess
    Aphrodite Macbain: First we do a check in - describing how we are and what came out of the meditation, and then we address a theme
    stevenaia Michinaga: do you log the sessions?
    Aphrodite Macbain: no
    Aphrodite Macbain: we keep our own but it is a "protected space". Kept within the group
    Aphrodite Macbain: allowing us to feel more open
    Pila Mulligan: like Maxine's dream sessions, no log
    Aphrodite Macbain: no?
    Pila Mulligan: we decided the same thing early on
    Aphrodite Macbain: One day I'll attend. I rately remember my dreams
    Aphrodite Macbain: rarely
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: We had a dream session at the Vashon retreat
    Aphrodite Macbain: I enjoyed it.
    stevenaia Michinaga: did you dream thre?
    Pila Mulligan: yes, Luci's dream circles, they are interesting
    Aphrodite Macbain: People had completely fresh takes on an old dream I had.
    Aphrodite Macbain: I dont think so, I notice I remember dreams when I am in another time zone
    Aphrodite Macbain: and my sleep is shallower
    Aphrodite Macbain: Do yu find Luci's and Maxine
    Aphrodite Macbain: Maxin'es dream sessions useful?
    stevenaia Michinaga: I've never gone
    Pila Mulligan: was afk -- FredEx delivery
    Pila Mulligan: I go to Maxine's regularly
    Aphrodite Macbain: hope it's something nicve
    Pila Mulligan: it is interesting
    Pila Mulligan: a dehumidifer
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes?
    Pila Mulligan: the dream workshop is interesting
    Pila Mulligan: just a chat session
    stevenaia Michinaga: how do you dehumidify hawaii?
    Pila Mulligan: but Maxine is expereinced in dream work
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: inside only
    Pila Mulligan: Fox is also often there and she works at a dream lab in RL
    Aphrodite Macbain: I thought you would have wide open breezeways for the air to circuate


    Aphrodite Macbain: OH -so she brings a science to it
    Pila Mulligan: I'm up on a mountain in a rainforest -- cool here, and wet
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Aphrodite Macbain: How lovely that sounds
    Pila Mulligan: it is nice
    Aphrodite Macbain: nice view?
    Pila Mulligan: trees :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: you had some extraordinary pics, Pila
    Aphrodite Macbain: pics?
    Pila Mulligan: there are some extraodrinary places to see, but I'm in a jungle
    Pila Mulligan: I lived on Maui before, and there it was all extraoridnary sights
    Aphrodite Macbain: what kind?
    Pila Mulligan: like the photo on the I Ching site, from my front porch -- incing,ws
    Pila Mulligan: www.iching,ws *
    stevenaia Michinaga: http://www.iching.ws/
    stevenaia Michinaga: you had a comma in there
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: that;s your view?
    Pila Mulligan: it was until 2005
    Aphrodite Macbain: That link didn't work
    stevenaia Michinaga: try mine
    Aphrodite Macbain: ah. OK
    stevenaia Michinaga: what happened in 2005
    stevenaia Michinaga: tree gone?
    Pila Mulligan: I moved to the jungle
    Pila Mulligan: different island
    stevenaia Michinaga: awww
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: Maui was too expensive
    Aphrodite Macbain: ah that explains it. It doesn't look like a jungle
    Pila Mulligan: nope :)
    Pila Mulligan: really a buetiful place
    Pila Mulligan: beautiful*
    Aphrodite Macbain: what's it like living in a jungle?
    Pila Mulligan: quiet, wet
    stevenaia Michinaga: big bugs?
    Aphrodite Macbain: humid? insects? birds? monkeys?
    Pila Mulligan: humid, some bugs, no monkeys
    stevenaia Michinaga: lol
    Pila Mulligan: or elephants
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: I imagine the sound of rain falling on big leaves
    stevenaia Michinaga: anything w/ legs, deer?
    Aphrodite Macbain: splat splat
    Pila Mulligan: wild hogs
    Pila Mulligan: yes, much pitter patter split plat
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Pila Mulligan: frogs
    Aphrodite Macbain: you must sleep well
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Aphrodite Macbain: do things go mouldy quickly?
    Aphrodite Macbain: like paper and leather?
    Pila Mulligan: yes, ergo the dehumidifier
    Aphrodite Macbain: ah!!
    Pila Mulligan: mold is abig issue
    Pila Mulligan: this is my third one
    Aphrodite Macbain: I lived in Nigeria for a year and remember it was a big problem
    Pila Mulligan: yep
    Aphrodite Macbain: plus the fact that cuts dont heal quickly
    Pila Mulligan: were you ina rural area?
    Aphrodite Macbain: no Lagos
    Pila Mulligan: ah
    Pila Mulligan: sound sinteresting
    Aphrodite Macbain: but very humid, with a river running through it
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: I was 16/17 yrs old and learned to do the twist there
    stevenaia Michinaga: bedtime for me, night Aph, Pila,
    Aphrodite Macbain: and watrskiid and rode horses and went to night clubs
    Pila Mulligan: bye Steve sleep well
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: since 1985
    Pila Mulligan: 26 years
    Pila Mulligan: Iowa before that
    Pila Mulligan: it was very cold there in winter
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Pila Mulligan: enuf to propel me to the tropics

    Aphrodite Macbain: but still in the US!
    Aphrodite Macbain: I would find it hard to work in heat and humidity but I suppose youhave air conditioning
    Pila Mulligan: crashed
    Aphrodite Macbain: oops


    Pila Mulligan: I've signed back on using the text only SL client
    Pila Mulligan: less trouble
    Aphrodite Macbain: you look really strange
    Aphrodite Macbain: like Ruth
    Pila Mulligan: am I not an appearing as avi?
    Aphrodite Macbain: a female avi- you have breasts
    Aphrodite Macbain: same clothing, different shape
    Aphrodite Macbain: with a small beard/moustache
    Pila Mulligan: aPh ... are you there?
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, thnaks
    Aphrodite Macbain: Did you read my description of you?
    Pila Mulligan: I guess I should signoff ow, the internet connection here is not doing well -- only about 200 kbs
    Pila Mulligan: nice to see you -- bye for now :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
    Aphrodite Macbain: NP. I should go too, Bye! Pila.

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