2011.11.26 07:00 - Spontaneous irrepressable welling up of time

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Zen Arado. The comments are by Zen Arado. Present were Eliza Madrigal, Multiverse Resident, oo0oo Resident,  Santoshima Resident, Xirana Oximoxi, Vorder Forder, Zon Kwan and myself

    Introductions...I claimed the sesssion from Eliza..didn't realise Xirana had claimed it:

    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Multiverse:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi
    Xirana Oximoxi: it's very quiet here today! I thought I would be alone all the time:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: you have been here before, isn't it?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Is this a scheduled meeting tyme?
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I was here once
    Multiverse1 Resident: for a meeting
    Xirana Oximoxi: I give you the notecard with information about the group and meetings
    Multiverse1 Resident: many tymes to meditate
    Xirana Oximoxi: oh! wonderful:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: it's a nice place to do so
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have the notecrd and have read the web stuff
    Xirana Oximoxi: ok! I gived you just in case :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: So, how is your being this moment, Xirana?
    Xirana Oximoxi: :) I guess my being is quite fine, ty :) and yours?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Quite fine also.
    Multiverse1 Resident: So, are you the mediator this day?
    Xirana Oximoxi: well... I am not a 'mediator' :)) we call it guardians:)) and ausually every time has one who stay here to welcome and give information to new comers:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: and as today there was noone I claimed the session:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'm curious that you display the typing gesture. I did not check your profile. How many days have you been in existence in SL?
    Xirana Oximoxi: I've been here for 2 years more or less:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: My guardian for this period, a nice thought there.
    Xirana Oximoxi: and I like to keep the gesture of writing, that way, the other person knows I am going totell something:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: just curious
    Xirana Oximoxi: not that I sayanything to pay speciall attention..but I like it:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: hmmm
    Xirana Oximoxi: well.. the word 'guardian'... can have different meanings... I think there are some people of the group that did like it and chaged
    Xirana Oximoxi: that did not like it:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: sorry..I forgot the negation:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: typing quickly is not my forte
    Xirana Oximoxi: we are not in hurry :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Got logged out. This Linden world is tedious at tymes.
    Xirana Oximoxi: welcome bakc
    Xirana Oximoxi: and welcome Zen:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: Thanx
    Multiverse1 Resident: and Vorder
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Zen
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Vorder
    Vorder Forder: hello
    Zen Arado: Hi Xirana, Multi and Vorder
    Vorder Forder: hello Zen and Xirana,multiverse1

    Topic of topics:

    Vorder Forder: what is the topic today?
    Zen Arado: I can only opne attachments in Phoenix
    Multiverse1 Resident: Good question, Xirana?
    Zen Arado: you have one Vorder?
    Vorder Forder: yes many
    Vorder Forder: but notthing at the moment
    Vorder Forder: I thoght you had one?
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello we don't have a speciall topic at the moment:)
    Vorder Forder: hello
    Multiverse1 Resident: Have to create one methinx
    Vorder Forder: has to be a eco
    Zen Arado: are topics a good thing?
    Xirana Oximoxi: I was explaining Multiverse things about PaB and guardians:)
    Multiverse1 Resident: How about the topic of Topics?
    Zen Arado: better than aimless conversation?
    Zen Arado: yeh
    Xirana Oximoxi: usually when I come here the topic appear without looking for it... even tha sometimes it's also good to propose one
    Zen Arado: yes...unplanned topics seem best
    Zen Arado: spontaneity
    Multiverse1 Resident: I have many topics also, I chose them based upon the tyme that the topic appears in my cognative thoughts and I then act upon it, in this case by typing words.
    Vorder Forder: letting go of the topic idea and they will come flying to the circel

    Nervous feeling:

    Zen Arado: I have a nervous feeling atm
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Everyone! Nice to see you again Vorder, Multiverse, and Zen and Xiri :)
    Zen Arado: strange
    Zen Arado: Hi Eliza ;)
    Xirana Oximoxi: hi Eliza!! :)
    Vorder Forder: what is the root of that nervous feeling Zen?
    Zen Arado: maybe I am having a panic attack
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Eliza, my 1st guardian here.
    Zen Arado: don't know
    Zen Arado: just came out of the blue
    Multiverse1 Resident: Use the Zen, and we will have a bell soon.
    Eliza Madrigal: Bodily anxiety?
    Zen Arado: are you a guardian Multi?
    Zen Arado: yes
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hmmm
    Zen Arado: kind of a cold sweat
    Eliza Madrigal: sugar dive?
    Zen Arado: and fluttery feeling in stomach
    Zen Arado: trrying to diet maybe
    Eliza Madrigal: are you? be careful there...
    Zen Arado: just had a cup of soup for lunch
    Zen Arado: trying to fool body into thinking it has eaten
    Zen Arado: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: if you have orange juice, it is a good quick aid to a sugar dive for some reason
    Vorder Forder: what do you mean Eliza when you say careful?
    Multiverse1 Resident: This is my 2nd meeting in this PaB environment, thoough I lave my 1st ( RL ) life this way, ps: soup is good food
    Zen Arado: yeh but this is very low cal
    Eliza Madrigal: :)) I'm really happy to see you back Multi, and Vorder too :)
    Zen Arado: just a little packet of powder
    Xirana Oximoxi: it's always nice to meet new people here :)
    Zen Arado: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: The reason I said that is that I've had isues with panic attacks, and surprisingly many of them were due to diets...
    Vorder Forder: I will try to behave
    Eliza Madrigal: or being to abrupt in changing habits
    Eliza Madrigal: :)) Vorder
    Multiverse1 Resident: Isn't it strange how small quantities of various foods and minerals and such have an effect on our physical being
    Zen Arado: it's god to notice your body feelings
    Eliza Madrigal: indeed
    Zen Arado: good
    Zen Arado: it is passing anyway
    Vorder Forder: what about juse diet
    Zen Arado: I had nothing to be nervous about was funny thing
    Vorder Forder: many people around me are only drinking juice for 6-7 days
    Xirana Oximoxi: hehe today ther are a lot of guardians 'claiming the session:))
    Eliza Madrigal: hypoglycemia shows up in various places in my family so have learned a lot about it...
    Multiverse1 Resident: Now I have an anxietous feeling in RL
    Eliza Madrigal: and it is very similar to a panic attack caused by other things... rather interesting to notice...
    Xirana Oximoxi: it's very good to breathe deep several times.. it helps to relax :)
    Eliza Madrigal: and actually we're often in some kind of panic that we don't register
    Zen Arado: it's new ro me...I usually have a reason
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Stevenaia
    stevenaia Michinaga: waves
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello steve:)
    Zen Arado: Hi Steve :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Breathing helps a lot
    Vorder Forder: humanity is going through a change that will mark a profound effect
    Vorder Forder: ?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Can we breathe in SL?
    Zen Arado: maybe it's a male hot flush?
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: three good topics, haha
    Zen Arado: or hot flash as Americans call it
    Zen Arado: breathes in the pab air
    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Zon :)
    Eliza Madrigal: in some company one does indeed seem to breathe more freely :)
    Zon Kwan: hi all
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Zon
    Zen Arado: Hi Zon :)
    Vorder Forder: hello Zon
    Multiverse1 Resident: i'd rather have a flash flood personnally

    Guided bodyscan meditation:

    Eliza Madrigal: Yesterday someone shared with me a guided body scan meditation... was surprised by how much it helped...
    Eliza Madrigal: how much anxiety, panic, tension is stored in the body....
    Eliza Madrigal: maybe that's why diets can have dramatic effects
    Zen Arado: oh it's a great thing Eliza
    Multiverse1 Resident: need to release it then?
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, at least for me I think I'm relaxed but wow so much there
    Multiverse1 Resident: energy
    Zen Arado: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=m+c...ient=firefox-a
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Eliza Madrigal clicks...
    Multiverse1 Resident: food converted from sustenance
    Zen Arado: http://www.archive.org/details/MCull...ScanMeditation
    Eliza Madrigal: ty Zen
    Zen Arado: sorry that's the link to a good one
    Eliza Madrigal: our body is actually a microcosm of the 'whole world' if we think about it (thinking of the question Vorder asked)
    Zen Arado: very good for stressful feelings
    Eliza Madrigal: I've been trying to do this for a long time but guess I don't stay with it unless being guided
    Zen Arado: gets you out of your ruminating mind
    Multiverse1 Resident: we are but bacteria to tThe whole World
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    Vorder Forder: as when we change ourselfs we slowly change the world
    Zen Arado: I have a friend is doing an MA in mindfulness and she made us do an hour long one the other week
    Eliza Madrigal: Isn't it a very Zen idea that really going into one area affects all areas?
    Multiverse1 Resident: Haha,
    Multiverse1 Resident: the world changes us methinx
    Eliza Madrigal: wow, MA in mindfulness
    Zen Arado: yeh agree more with Multi
    Zen Arado: it is a two way thing anyway
    Eliza Madrigal: we're at the mercy of a generalized world?
    Multiverse1 Resident: for every action?
    Multiverse1 Resident: an equal reaction
    Zen Arado: well we are the world
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes
    Zen Arado: not two not one
    Multiverse1 Resident: Michael Jackson, no?
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Eliza Madrigal giggles
    Xirana Oximoxi: MA = Master of Arts?
    Zen Arado: yes
    Xirana Oximoxi: ok, ty:)
    Zen Arado: or maybe it is an MSc
    Zen Arado: forget
    Zen Arado: she goes to a UNiversity in North Wale for tutoriaals
    Xirana Oximoxi: well.. I had to google :)
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Zen Arado: Wales
    Xirana Oximoxi: Marin Academy too:))
    Zen Arado: it's MBSR
    Eliza Madrigal: brb, read something interesting from Varela that seems to fit well with not one not two...
    Zen Arado: http://www.bangor.ac.uk/mindfulness/research.php.en
    Zen Arado: that place
    Xirana Oximoxi: ty, Zen :)
    Zen Arado: yes Eliza?
    Eliza Madrigal: Here it is... may take reading a few times, lol :

    Varela stuff:

    Eliza Madrigal: "The main point is this: the sensorimotor coherencies of microworlds and microidentities we discussed in the Frist Lecture disguise the arising of a large set, or ensemble, of transiently correclated neurons in the brain. These ensembles are both the source and the result of the activity of the sensory and effector surfaces."
    Zen Arado: hmmmm
    Multiverse1 Resident: very true indeed
    Eliza Madrigal: What I thought was interesting was the 'both source and result' idea
    Eliza Madrigal: In that light, 'start at the end' isn't a path or idea, but a simple description
    Zen Arado: it's the old question...hwre do thoughts come from?
    Zen Arado: where
    Zen Arado: we think there is an 'I' who thinks them
    Zen Arado: but...
    Zen Arado: they seem to come from nowhere ifd you watch them
    Eliza Madrigal: :))
    Xirana Oximoxi: I must go now, take care all and see you soon! :)
    Eliza Madrigal: if 'you' watch them though, that's the funny thing
    Eliza Madrigal: OK Xiria, nice to see you....
    Zen Arado: bye Xirana :)
    Eliza Madrigal: looking forward to exhibit today
    Xirana Oximoxi: bye bye :)
    Zen Arado: yes
    Xirana Oximoxi: :)
    Zen Arado: :)

    Zeroth law:

    Multiverse1 Resident: In my book, It begins with the Zero'th law. Nothing moves, then you take a step in every direction at once.
    Eliza Madrigal: say more please Multi?
    Multiverse1 Resident: By Xirana, thanx
    Eliza Madrigal: (hope you aren't still feeling anxious)
    Zen Arado: or if they are watched :)
    Eliza Madrigal: 'nothing moves' is a curious phrase
    Zen Arado: ha ha we always get trippied up by this 'I' idea
    Eliza Madrigal: (wb Zon)
    Zen Arado: wb Zon
    Zon Kwan: ty
    Zen Arado: finds it hard to take steps in every direction
    Zen Arado: :)
    Zen Arado: one is hard enough
    Multiverse1 Resident: The zero'th law of thermodynamics
    Zen Arado: zero doesn't exist
    Zen Arado: funny how we accept it
    Eliza Madrigal: then there would be only the appearance of stepping
    Zen Arado: can't even do the appearance :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes zero = 1
    Eliza Madrigal: who is stepping? zen, typist? :)
    Zen Arado: does it?
    Zen Arado: zen
    stevenaia Michinaga: I must be off, thanks
    Zen Arado: typist can't step at all
    Eliza Madrigal: Bye Stevie :) ntsy
    Zen Arado: bye Steve
    Eliza Madrigal: but he steps via zen
    Multiverse1 Resident: It is based on the observer in his own spacetymme
    Eliza Madrigal: or thinks so, so I wonder how different
    Eliza Madrigal: 'do we breathe in SL?' :))
    Eliza Madrigal: (multi's question before)
    Zen Arado: well only finger muscles used
    Multiverse1 Resident: haha
    Multiverse1 Resident: I use my toes
    Zen Arado: I'm thinking about space time atm
    Zon Kwan: no finger musles are used in rl, not in ls
    Zen Arado: want to write poem about it
    Zon Kwan: sl
    Eliza Madrigal: Nice, Zen, and you'll share it?
    Zen Arado: well it won't be much good
    Multiverse1 Resident: Your position in the multiverse
    Zen Arado: but I seem driven to try to paint word pictures lately
    Multiverse1 Resident: x, y z , and A
    Zen Arado: ah mathematically speaking
    Multiverse1 Resident: spacetyme
    Zen Arado: using Cartesian co ordinates
    Zen Arado: but they are ust a human construction
    Multiverse1 Resident: 0=1 is my entire premise
    Zen Arado: from Mr Descartes
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Zen Arado: what is A?
    Multiverse1 Resident: lokk at how a computer thinx, it's either 0 or 1
    Multiverse1 Resident: A was another dimention
    Zen Arado: ah ok a binary cnstruction

    Nonduality questions:

    Eliza Madrigal: form and emptiness?
    Zen Arado: but both the same
    Multiverse1 Resident: form and emptinesss
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes
    Multiverse1 Resident: ying and yang
    Zen Arado: unicity
    Multiverse1 Resident: in and out
    Zon Kwan: nirvana is samsara
    Zen Arado: yep
    Multiverse1 Resident: up and down
    Multiverse1 Resident: unicity, Word of my day to you sir
    Zen Arado: everything and nothing
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: smile and frown
    Eliza Madrigal: roots and braches
    Multiverse1 Resident: words and thoughts
    Eliza Madrigal: but all these things, can remain fun ideas to puzzle and play with....
    Zen Arado: desacralised space
    Multiverse1 Resident: opposites attract!
    Multiverse1 Resident: pie and beans
    Eliza Madrigal: heheh
    Zen Arado: feel hungry now :(
    Eliza Madrigal: how are these musings and puzzlings about non-duality helpful for moment to moment diet? :)))
    Multiverse1 Resident: thirsty here
    Zen Arado: my stomach has nondual emptiness
    Zen Arado: so it says :)
    Eliza Madrigal: articulate stomach
    Zen Arado: very
    Zon Kwan: need a beer
    Zen Arado: its writing a poem about emptiness :)
    Eliza Madrigal: hahah
    Multiverse1 Resident: coffee here
    Zen Arado: glass of red wine
    Zen Arado: feels appropriate
    Multiverse1 Resident: I love the emptiness
    Zon Kwan: i love my glass full
    Zen Arado: empty words
    Multiverse1 Resident: empty thoughts
    Zen Arado: yep full full better than empty empty
    Zon Kwan: empty is so full
    Eliza Madrigal: :) can be
    Zen Arado: forget half full
    Multiverse1 Resident: full and empty look at each other in the mirror
    Zen Arado: lead to duaity of pessimism/optimism
    Multiverse1 Resident: fullness
    Multiverse1 Resident: unity
    Multiverse1 Resident: one
    Multiverse1 Resident: which =0
    Zen Arado: not two
    Zon Kwan: otpimisr thinks this is the beest of al possible worlds
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes which = 2
    Multiverse1 Resident: which=3
    Zon Kwan: pessimist fears he is right
    Eliza Madrigal: conitnuity of 0
    Zen Arado: nah thinks it will be in future
    Multiverse1 Resident: which makes it the continuity
    Zen Arado: both future related
    Multiverse1 Resident: and past
    Multiverse1 Resident: tyme is relitive
    Eliza Madrigal: Vorder, why are people drinking only juice near you, if I may ask?
    Zen Arado: you can't be optimistic about the past
    Multiverse1 Resident: relative
    Eliza Madrigal: retreat of sorts?
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes you can if the past and the future are but spacetyme
    Zon Kwan: ican be oprtmist about anything
    Zen Arado: but we invented them
    Multiverse1 Resident: one direction, a multidirection
    Zen Arado: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: supping on spacethyme soup
    Zen Arado: that's being optimistc Zon :)
    Zon Kwan: yes
    Zon Kwan: its nicer
    Multiverse1 Resident: It then leads to all the things you do here
    Zen Arado: am pessimistic about that
    Multiverse1 Resident: and the arts and such, creativity
    Zen Arado: thyme is nice in soup :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: it will solve itself in the end
    Zon Kwan: you must be zen, otherwise there would not be balance
    Zen Arado: parsley sage too
    Zen Arado: have we any choice?
    Multiverse1 Resident: hehe, I like that one
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes the choice is the other dimension
    Eliza Madrigal: we can panic when facing empty tyme perhaps
    Multiverse1 Resident: Carl Jung
    Eliza Madrigal listens...
    Zen Arado: no thyme for soup :(
    Zon Kwan: choice is the key
    Zen Arado: wasted thyme
    Zon Kwan: no choice no fun
    Multiverse1 Resident: If when we sleep we are awake then we are in the dream state now, ( In the here and now )
    Zen Arado: in deep slepp e are dead
    Multiverse1 Resident: each our own observer
    Zen Arado: sleep
    Zen Arado: no observer
    Zon Kwan: but we wake up, we cant be dead
    Multiverse1 Resident: dead or awake?
    Zen Arado: it is asleep too
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hindu beliefs?
    Zen Arado: don't know don't know
    Zon Kwan: dead dont wake up
    Zen Arado: :)
    Zon Kwan: something is awake in deep sleep
    Multiverse1 Resident: spacetyme sir
    Zen Arado: (zen koan)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hello oO0Oo
    Zen Arado: knocks coffin...alive or dead?
    Multiverse1 Resident: they will always and everywhere exist in spacetyme, this is a fact
    Eliza Madrigal: I would offer a note, but it might not help ;-)
    Zen Arado: what is Zon?
    Zon Kwan: aswakesleep
    Eliza Madrigal: I think we've arrived at shrodinger but not sure
    Multiverse1 Resident: scrodinger's box?
    Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
    Zen Arado: Schrodingeer's corpse
    Multiverse1 Resident: The cats meow
    Zon Kwan: now o take that beer..in i think as an optimist it will taset good and i will enjoy it
    Multiverse1 Resident: 0=1 again
    Zon Kwan: see ay
    Zen Arado: have prejudged taste Zon
    Zen Arado: (won't say, won't say is koan)
    Zon Kwan: yes and i wil make a choice
    Eliza Madrigal: :) Bye Zon
    Zen Arado: better to sip in present moment?
    Zen Arado: no optimism required then?
    Eliza Madrigal: cat's unicycle
    oO0Oo Resident: Hi Vorder, Zen, Eliza, Zon, Multiverse :)
    Zen Arado: Hi Sam :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: yes the flowing of one tyme with another and the reality of taste, a physical sense and a satisfying flavor, what type of beer is it?
    Vorder Forder: hello Sam
    Eliza Madrigal: we may never know Multi
    Multiverse1 Resident: Hi Sam
    Vorder Forder: thank you for an intresting talk
    Vorder Forder: bye bye
    Zen Arado: ha ha Vorder
    oO0Oo Resident: :) Vorder
    Zen Arado: bye
    Eliza Madrigal: Thanks for joining us VOrder, hope we weren't moving too quickly and sporatically :)
    Multiverse1 Resident: I'm off also, Have a wonderful tyme period all.
    Eliza Madrigal: bye Multi, nice to see you again too
    oO0Oo Resident: Ty Multi! tc :)
    Zen Arado: yeh I betteer go...emptiness makes me hungry
    Multiverse1 Resident: you also Eliza
    Zen Arado: bye all
    Eliza Madrigal: Zen, take good care of yourself
    oO0Oo Resident: Some food will help yo unot levitate Zen ;) tc
    Zen Arado: take care
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Zen Arado: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: thanks for taking the session
    Eliza Madrigal: bye for now
    Eliza Madrigal: >whew<
    Eliza Madrigal: :) How are you today Sam?
    oO0Oo Resident: Thanks.. I'm OK Eliza. Sorry to arrive so late. Hope you are well.
    Eliza Madrigal: Not at all... actually arrived late myself
    Eliza Madrigal: but yes, well...
    oO0Oo Resident: "on time"
    oO0Oo Resident: "well on time"
    Eliza Madrigal: YES
    Eliza Madrigal: No time, like the present, but closer
    oO0Oo Resident: "deep well of on the dot"
    Eliza Madrigal: well of deep being
    oO0Oo Resident: beinf wells up
    oO0Oo Resident: *being
    oO0Oo Resident: well with welling
    Eliza Madrigal: spontaneous irrepressable welling up of time
    Eliza Madrigal: (this is beginning to feel like a party game) :)))
    oO0Oo Resident: time to irrepress being well with being
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi San :)
    Santoshima Resident: hello: please explain sam: [08:39] Samúð (oo0oo): time to irrepress being well with being
    Santoshima Resident: and elizan:
    Santoshima Resident: [08:39] Eliza Madrigal: (this is beginning to feel like a party game)
    Santoshima Resident: how are you both?
    Santoshima Resident: care to chat
    Eliza Madrigal: Well :) Thank you
    Santoshima Resident: or am i interrupting IM
    Eliza Madrigal: How are you?
    Santoshima Resident: very well
    Santoshima Resident: please eplain your comments
    Eliza Madrigal: A few others were here and the conversation ran quite a gambut....
    Santoshima Resident: will b appreciated
    Eliza Madrigal: from time to tyme to no time
    Eliza Madrigal: then being well to well being to wellspring
    Santoshima Resident: sorry i missed
    Eliza Madrigal: light banter
    Santoshima Resident: what's the party game aspect?
    Eliza Madrigal: well at some point rather than conversation it begins to feel like hm a party game
    Eliza Madrigal: fun
    Eliza Madrigal: hard to recapture to show but fun to jump into sometimes
    Eliza Madrigal: I was late to session, and sam just arrived actually
    Santoshima Resident: was tlking with someone last night here
    Santoshima Resident: about this, and am sucrious to find out from various people who come here:

    Why use alts?

    Santoshima Resident: i'd like to ask about why peopel choose to have second or more avitars
    Santoshima Resident: why do either of you do so?
    Santoshima Resident: what purpose does it serve for you?
    Eliza Madrigal: Oh, so many reasons
    Santoshima Resident: can you be annonymous?
    Santoshima Resident: brin other aspoects of yourself forward
    Santoshima Resident: just play around?
    Santoshima Resident: what's the motivation?
    Eliza Madrigal: some discover other apects, some more for practicality not to be innundated with IMs , maybe wanting to build or have a conversation where they give full attention, highly individual
    Santoshima Resident: since this is highly individual
    Santoshima Resident: what is it for you, eliza?
    Eliza Madrigal: all of thee above
    Santoshima Resident: :)
    Santoshima Resident: what do youj discover?
    Eliza Madrigal: I can tell you that twice I have hid my avatar inworld, or used the 'busy' feature, and been defriended by someone feeling offended by it
    Santoshima Resident: really?
    Santoshima Resident: and so you came online differently?
    Eliza Madrigal: sure.. we had an experiment in PaB once for Art of Being as well
    Santoshima Resident: that seems a creative way to deal with that
    Eliza Madrigal: were you were at that time?
    Santoshima Resident: i don't think so
    Santoshima Resident: since july
    Santoshima Resident: what was the experiment
    Santoshima Resident: ?
    Eliza Madrigal: really interesting.... in the events tab on the wiki you can see the sessions
    Eliza Madrigal: people basically shared some explorations
    Eliza Madrigal: what they saw, how their body may have drawn personality differently, etc
    Santoshima Resident: a chance to spark imagination?
    Eliza Madrigal nods
    Santoshima Resident: related to felt body sensation?
    Eliza Madrigal: hmm, for some indeed
    Santoshima Resident: and for you sam?
    Eliza Madrigal: may be away
    Santoshima Resident: don't think so
    Santoshima Resident: just shy of me
    Santoshima Resident: that's ok
    Eliza Madrigal: the best way to see how one feels in an av, is to play
    Eliza Madrigal: are you thinking of trying that?
    Eliza Madrigal: alt I mean
    Santoshima Resident: it seems to me, that all the possible reasons you mentioned, eliza, make some sense
    Santoshima Resident: i don't have the time it takes to do that well
    Santoshima Resident: to represent oneself in even one drawn avitar is enough for em
    Santoshima Resident: but i can understand the appeal
    Santoshima Resident: sometimes feeling of necessity to bring personality to bear in different ways
    Santoshima Resident: to bear .... hmm ...
    Eliza Madrigal: I haven't really had time to explore too deeply as an alt either to be honest, but really respect those who do
    Eliza Madrigal: fascinated really
    Santoshima Resident: because it's done in relation to others
    Santoshima Resident: how onese;f can be reflected in the eyes of those around us
    Santoshima Resident: how we can interect
    Santoshima Resident: and the responses
    Santoshima Resident: it's very intersting
    Eliza Madrigal: indeed, it is an oft discussed matter in philosophy forums as well
    Santoshima Resident: indeed
    Eliza Madrigal: as is the immersion issue, of different ways of being here
    Santoshima Resident: and we are discussing it now, are we not?
    Santoshima Resident: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: :) yes, just giving pointers
    Santoshima Resident: pointers?
    Eliza Madrigal: for me I am often surprised by angles that people bring up in different types of contexts
    Santoshima Resident: yes? what mostly surprises?
    Eliza Madrigal: like the emotion someone feels sometimes, having projected expectations, etc
    Eliza Madrigal: when it comes to alts and such
    Santoshima Resident: what surprises for yourself?
    Eliza Madrigal: Rhi has had thoes discussions
    Eliza Madrigal: actually Im more of an observer in that regard
    Eliza Madrigal: re alts
    Santoshima Resident: ah, but you have your own experiences.
    Santoshima Resident: as an observer
    Eliza Madrigal: more like reading a book
    Santoshima Resident: whether you feel that you interact with that or not
    Santoshima Resident: there is interaction, even in silence
    Eliza Madrigal: yes I suppose I'm not exactly clear on the question more than what I've shared...
    Santoshima Resident: thank you for what you have shared
    Eliza Madrigal: most welcome
    Eliza Madrigal: will be interested to hear what you find when exploring further
    Santoshima Resident: but i think that we/ you are more than an observer
    Santoshima Resident: otherwise
    Santoshima Resident: you wouldn't be here
    Santoshima Resident: playing
    Eliza Madrigal: :) ohhhh
    Santoshima Resident: there is a being witnessed part to this
    Eliza Madrigal: yes I don't mean to say I'm merely an observer in SL
    Santoshima Resident: by oneself
    Santoshima Resident: as reflected back by those we call others
    Eliza Madrigal: more just that one aspect of projecting in alts
    Santoshima Resident: all alts, including the primary one
    Eliza Madrigal: this is an amazing way to play and see oneselves in play simultaneously
    Santoshima Resident: bye sam
    Eliza Madrigal: but you're right it takes a certain amount of time, etc
    Santoshima Resident: like anything that is of any worth
    Eliza Madrigal: yes
    Santoshima Resident: i better go, very nice talking with you eliza, i don't believe we have ever had a conversation before this. so i am expecially glad to have had this chance. enjoy the day ~
    Eliza Madrigal: SL is quite Shakespearean
    Santoshima Resident: work calls ...
    Eliza Madrigal: Thanks much San, a pleasure
    Eliza Madrigal: enjoy
    Santoshima Resident: yes very shakespearean
    Santoshima Resident: see ya
    Eliza Madrigal: :) waves

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