The Guardian for this meeting was Calvino Rabeni. The comments are by Calvino Rabeni.
Calvino Rabeni: Hi Cinda :)
Lucinda Lavender: boo!
Lucinda Lavender: :)
Lucinda Lavender: just done with dinner by the fire pit
Calvino Rabeni: You've got a lot from that fire pit !
Lucinda Lavender: yep
Lucinda Lavender: got more broken concrete that has been placed and so it expands it a bit
Lucinda Lavender: what are you doing by pointing at the fountain?
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks for asking :)
Calvino Rabeni: No one was here, so I started getting curious about the "space" around
Lucinda Lavender: nice
Calvino Rabeni: and noticed how much I don't know / not aware of
Calvino Rabeni: that makes it seem like "space"
Calvino Rabeni: I have no sense of the cardinal directions
Calvino Rabeni: in second life
Lucinda Lavender: that makes you a space explorer
Lucinda Lavender: I do a bit
Lucinda Lavender: off to our right is south I think
Lucinda Lavender: and up toward the dome is north
Calvino Rabeni: You're right ... not sure how you know that though?
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Santoshima
Calvino Rabeni: Good evening Santoshima :)
Calvino Rabeni: Remember Cinda your idea of doing a medicine wheel in SL?
Santoshima Resident: good evening, Lucinda and Calvino
Calvino Rabeni: If I remember right?
Lucinda Lavender: yes! I never ended up doing it did I?
Calvino Rabeni: No ?
Lucinda Lavender: no
Lucinda Lavender: I thought about it...
Lucinda Lavender: and did not follow through
Calvino Rabeni: This circle could become a medicine wheel
Santoshima Resident: :)
Calvino Rabeni: In a subtl way
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Calvino Rabeni: there is a lot of head space
Santoshima Resident: what is needed?
Calvino Rabeni: if you look up at the circular ceiling
Lucinda Lavender: dependeds on the wheel that you want to create
Santoshima Resident: yes, often look up and take images of the circle up there
Calvino Rabeni: there could be a few symbols marking the cardinal directions
Lucinda Lavender: if we made the fountain the center then I would be in the west...
Santoshima Resident: it's very funny,
Santoshima Resident: people are storing things under the fountain edge
Lucinda Lavender: like what?
Santoshima Resident: a deck chair and other items
Lucinda Lavender: hmm...I wonder why?
Santoshima Resident: please excuse me, i am just amusing myself
Calvino Rabeni: I am now facing North, I believe, based on what you said earlier CInda
Santoshima Resident: pls continue
Calvino Rabeni: (looks under)
Calvino Rabeni: So under the ground is a closet, throughout second life ?
Calvino Rabeni: That's weird :) if this were RL there would be animals or ghosts there :)
Santoshima Resident: appears to be without ghost
Calvino Rabeni: Nods
Lucinda Lavender: What I like about the wheel I have used are the words and things associated with was used for dream circle tho and I think of the wheel as organic in a way
Lucinda Lavender: changeable
Calvino Rabeni: Yes .. wondering how could that be designed with SL objects
Lucinda Lavender: If one were to look at what is in the current directions one could assign things that are seen east having sacred art or north having art and resting places, and south having freespace and west a meeting place as well as KuanYin
Lucinda Lavender: free space seems wild
Lucinda Lavender: and undeveloped
Lucinda Lavender: museums as containers
Calvino Rabeni: It is funny, this town I'm in is a little like living in a big museum
Calvino Rabeni: it reminds me a bit of a SL in RL
Lucinda Lavender: artdomes and personal resting places, in the west places to meet as well as the oracular and meditative
Lucinda Lavender: spots
Calvino Rabeni: everything works by the clock .. fills up a lot of space with cultural objects
Lucinda Lavender: really can you say more Cal?
Calvino Rabeni: Sound travels well in the valley ... there are numerous venues,
Calvino Rabeni: the main one being the Shakespeare Festival
Lucinda Lavender: nods
Calvino Rabeni: and every day from 7to 7:55 there is a music on open stage
Calvino Rabeni: half a mile away
Calvino Rabeni: maybe less
Lucinda Lavender: wow! quite a place
Santoshima Resident: yeah
Calvino Rabeni: and then at 7:55 it stops, and there are medieval trumpets
Lucinda Lavender: :))
Calvino Rabeni: announcing the movement into the main theatre
Santoshima Resident: :) to herald in the thesbians
Calvino Rabeni: a replica based on the Globe Theater - circular
Lucinda Lavender: back in time
Santoshima Resident: great!
Calvino Rabeni: Yes it is a herald indeed
Lucinda Lavender: brb
Calvino Rabeni: And then there is the rabble of the crowd .. young rowdies .. who get going after midnight until about 2am
Calvino Rabeni: brb green tea :)
Santoshima Resident: ditto
Lucinda Lavender: teatoo
Santoshima Resident: *
Calvino Rabeni: bk
Lucinda Lavender: lemonginger
Santoshima Resident: tea in hand, green
Santoshima Resident: raining here, no rowdies, just lulling sounds
Lucinda Lavender: ah! is it the first in a while?
Calvino Rabeni: Here it was the drumbeat announcing the theater ... no rain yet from the western regions
Santoshima Resident: first since it has turned darker in the evening
Calvino Rabeni: but it is starting to feel like that
Lucinda Lavender: we are expecting it very soon too
Calvino Rabeni: I will be traveling north ... probably to arrive just in time for it :)
Lucinda Lavender: drive carefully
Calvino Rabeni: welcome back to the rainy northwest
Lucinda Lavender: it is so dry here right now
Lucinda Lavender: every piece of wood snaps
Lucinda Lavender: oh! my tea bag has a message on it!...May your inner self be secure and happy.
Santoshima Resident: :))
Calvino Rabeni: Speaking of Lavender ... I was sitting outdoors and I noticed how well they grow .. huge and lush in spite of the drought .. there are big lavender bushes all around the area
Lucinda Lavender: wow really
Lucinda Lavender: drought tolerant then
Santoshima Resident: very
Lucinda Lavender: rosemary too?
Calvino Rabeni: Nods .. dry climates seem really friendly to aromatic plants
Calvino Rabeni: yes there is that too
Lucinda Lavender: I like the aromatic ones
Santoshima Resident: sage, lavender, mullen, rosemary
Calvino Rabeni: Sage, many mint-like plants, lemony minty combinations
Santoshima Resident: what else
Lucinda Lavender: when I went to Port Townsend I say grasses on peoples yards
Santoshima Resident: lemony mint sounds a good combination
Lucinda Lavender: the deer won't eat them
Santoshima Resident: grasses?
Calvino Rabeni: well a lot of red-barked green-leaved plants
Calvino Rabeni: manzanita, madrona
Santoshima Resident: madrone, beautiful
Calvino Rabeni: berries favoured by the bears
Santoshima Resident: manzanita i don't know
Santoshima Resident: is there another name?
Lucinda Lavender: there is one that looks like pony tails blowing in the wind!
Santoshima Resident: wind flowers
Santoshima Resident: anemone
Santoshima Resident: or something like that
Santoshima Resident: grasses, you mean
Lucinda Lavender: sorry grasses are like pony tails not sure their name at all
Santoshima Resident: i was thinking of smaller flowers
Santoshima Resident: prt townsend has a wonderful poetry press
Santoshima Resident: called Copper Canyon
Lucinda Lavender: yes!
Santoshima Resident: at least, i think it is still there
Santoshima Resident: a wonderful designer i used to admire
Santoshima Resident: designed for them
Lucinda Lavender: it was right by where my husband took his gypsy Wagon class
Santoshima Resident: ahh
Santoshima Resident: a mythic press for me
Santoshima Resident: i haven't ever visited
Santoshima Resident: Tree Swensen
Santoshima Resident: hello wherever you are
Calvino Rabeni: I think I saw that grass
Calvino Rabeni: (wow big lag)
Calvino Rabeni: Here is manzanita
Calvino Rabeni: google link
Calvino Rabeni nods, PT is a great town
Santoshima Resident: completely beautiful tree
Calvino Rabeni: The trail is in a tunnel under it
Calvino Rabeni: when I came here first in the 90s there was a whole trail network underneath it
Santoshima Resident: nice
Calvino Rabeni: all in tunnels, and it was named after Alice in Wonderland places
Lucinda Lavender: lovely
Santoshima Resident: quite, yes, lovely
Santoshima Resident: is that an image you took?
Calvino Rabeni: Yes, from today
Calvino Rabeni: Add to that large looming sculpted boulders in some places .. fanciful names like the Mad Hatter trail, etc. .. it's a fun landscape
Lucinda Lavender: did you imagine much while walking there?
Lucinda Lavender: anything new or unusual?
Calvino Rabeni: yes .. and now .. the tricky thing is familiarity ... the new and unusual seems shy under those conditions
Calvino Rabeni: but .. Idid find a good one
Lucinda Lavender: you mean...familiarity has what sort of effect...?
Calvino Rabeni: the space becomes less numinous
Calvino Rabeni: more mundane
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Calvino Rabeni: perhaps .. less of .. what's the word ... oh yes, "sublime" ... an old-fashioned word
Lucinda Lavender: below limes
Santoshima Resident: :)*
Calvino Rabeni: Good question
Lucinda Lavender: sometimes I imagine like there is a spiral of waves rotating around me or just in front...
Calvino Rabeni: Of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. Occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
Calvino Rabeni: The threshold I think you understand
Calvino Rabeni: under the threshhold
Calvino Rabeni: definition of "liminal"
"Subliminal" also means something about perception and awareness, "present, beneath one's conscious notice"
Lucinda Lavender: interesting word
Calvino Rabeni: Can give a practical example...
Calvino Rabeni: I'd been contemplating last week, the proverb "find a place to trust, and then try trusting it for a while"
Calvino Rabeni: there are familiar places we pass by
Calvino Rabeni: and on the edge of them , places we don't visit
Calvino Rabeni: and don't know what is in there
Calvino Rabeni: maybe down inside
Santoshima Resident: only place
Calvino Rabeni: and maybe slightly aversive because of that possible depth
Calvino Rabeni: but I think it could happen almost anywhere
Calvino Rabeni: Off to the side of a road i'd traveled hundreds of time, there was a small canyon I'd never stepped into
Calvino Rabeni: not sure why .. busyy, or it seemed unexceptional
Calvino Rabeni: So I went there, sat down, and then to my right, stone buddha appeared, or perhaps a troll
Calvino Rabeni: a round boulder with hair of ivy and a meditating eye
Lucinda Lavender: rich then
Calvino Rabeni: Like to see a photo of him?
Santoshima Resident: yes!!
Lucinda Lavender: yes!
Calvino Rabeni: google link
Calvino Rabeni: tell me if that works
Santoshima Resident: really works
Santoshima Resident: jizo
Lucinda Lavender: wow!
Lucinda Lavender: quite remarkable
Santoshima Resident: sweet face
Calvino Rabeni: the head about 1.5 meter diameter, with a perfect hair of ivy
Calvino Rabeni: waiting there all these years
Santoshima Resident: hmm
Lucinda Lavender: nice...I have to go because i need to get ready for well all:) see you soon...
Santoshima Resident: good night, Lucinda
Lucinda Lavender: thanks ...:)
Calvino Rabeni: I should do the same, I think
Lucinda Lavender: lovely pictures and thoughts Cal
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks for your company, Santoshima and Lucinda
Santoshima Resident: i'll go too ~ g'ninght Calvino ~ thanks for the images
Calvino Rabeni: Good night :)
Calvino Rabeni: dream well
Santoshima Resident: bye, Cal :) you too