2011.07.28 13:00 - adventures for sure

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Lia Rikugun. The comments are by Lia Rikugun.

    Pema Pera: hi Korel!
    Korel Laloix: Heya
    Korel Laloix: In and out a bit today.... at work.
    Pema Pera: nice that you can log in at work!
    Korel Laloix: Yes... a blessing really.
    Pema Pera: good afternoon, Fc!
    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Korel and Pema
    Korel Laloix: But keeps me from geting bored sometiems.
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Pema Pera: how are you, Fc, anything new?
    Pema Pera: hi Santo!
    Santoshima Resident: and Korel
    FcSeeker Resident: hello San
    FcSeeker Resident: each day brings something new...
    Pema Pera: :-)
    Korel Laloix: brb
    FcSeeker Resident: (sorry was desturbed in RL which often happenes too even I'm here)
    Pema Pera: np :)
    Pema Pera: hi Lia!
    Lia Rikugun: hi sorry I am late
    Pema Pera: good to see you again!
    Pema Pera: did you have a good trip?
    Lia Rikugun: had to update my SL viewer
    FcSeeker Resident: so maybe the most right answer to the other part of your question is that I've been very busy lately in RL
    Lia Rikugun: yeay it was great ;)
    FcSeeker Resident: Hallo Lia
    Pema Pera: what have you been up to, Fc?
    Pema Pera: if I may ask?
    Lia Rikugun: visited friends and relatives and then went to marseille to the beach :)
    Pema Pera: oh, how nice!
    Pema Pera: not too warm?
    FcSeeker Resident: sure; just helping people
    Lia Rikugun: hi everybody
    Lia Rikugun: i think this was the only place where the sun was shining at least in france and germany
    Lia Rikugun: so what were you talking about?
    Santoshima Resident: are you well, Fc?
    FcSeeker Resident: no but I have peace inside and in my mind
    Santoshima Resident: can I sit beside you?
    Lia Rikugun: maybe I can come and sit next to you Fc :)
    FcSeeker Resident: of chorse
    Lia Rikugun: haha was thinking the same thing
    FcSeeker Resident: <3
    Lia Rikugun: yeay
    Pema Pera: :-)
    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Qt
    Pema Pera: hi Arch and Qt!
    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Arch
    Qt Core: hi all!
    Lia Rikugun: hi arch and qt
    Santoshima Resident: hello
    Santoshima Resident: hey!
    Lia Rikugun: so how was PaB in the last 3 weeks? I havent beenonline for a long time
    FcSeeker Resident: adventures for sure
    Lia Rikugun: thats good ;)
    Lia Rikugun: i like adventures
    Pema Pera: :)
    Lia Rikugun: should we think of a meditation together to do in 1 minute?
    Archmage Atlantis: yes, please. Lia
    Pema Pera: anything you like, Lia!
    Lia Rikugun: maybe just relax
    Pema Pera: (^_^)
    Lia Rikugun: just feel your middle
    Lia Rikugun: your center
    Lia Rikugun: yes?
    Archmage Atlantis: feels amples *g*
    Lia Rikugun: how was that?
    Lia Rikugun: great arch ;)
    Archmage Atlantis: A thousand thoughts
    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Ari
    Arisia Vita: Hi all
    Lia Rikugun: hi arisia
    Qt Core: hi arisia
    Santoshima Resident: hello
    Pema Pera: nice to let shoulders drop, thoughts drop (hair drop)
    Pema Pera: hi Ari!
    Arisia Vita: and hearts rise...
    Archmage Atlantis: Some of had the hair drop long ago
    Lia Rikugun: i had a lucid dream last night
    Lia Rikugun: i was flying and realized this had to be a dream
    Lia Rikugun: then I thought I need to exercise this flying
    Lia Rikugun: and it was such an energetic feeling, "wow, I am actually flying"
    Lia Rikugun: hehe
    Pema Pera: where did you fly to?
    Arisia Vita: were you flying with others?
    Lia Rikugun: oh i flew only at one place above trhe ground
    Lia Rikugun: there were a lot of people around
    Lia Rikugun: I in the lucid dream I asked myself what I should do
    Lia Rikugun: well just exercise the flying
    Lia Rikugun: actually it was not much more
    Lia Rikugun: but the feeling was great
    Qt Core: were the others flying too ?
    Pema Pera: nice to hear that, Lia!
    Lia Rikugun: no i was the only one
    Lia Rikugun: during my vacation i was wondering what was my first "spiritual" expereince
    Lia Rikugun: I am interested in yours
    Lia Rikugun: maybe I should start :)
    Archmage Atlantis: Lia, is "yours" addressed to a particular individual?
    Pema Pera: yes, please do start, Lia !
    Lia Rikugun: no actually to the group whoever wants to say something
    Qt Core: (wondering what qualify as one)
    Archmage Atlantis: ty for the clarification
    Lia Rikugun: well i was on vacation with a very close friend of mine
    Lia Rikugun: with whom I had philosophical discussions early on
    Lia Rikugun: we once tried telepathy, haha, but it didnt work
    Lia Rikugun: and this triggered my questioning when this started
    Lia Rikugun: and i can remember something when I was 5, 6, 7 years old
    Lia Rikugun: I was on vacation with my family
    Lia Rikugun: and we were walking near the beach at a street
    Lia Rikugun: and I was about to cross teh street
    Lia Rikugun: but something held me back
    Lia Rikugun: actually a car would have crashed into me if i had walked
    Lia Rikugun: well the cars were not dryving that fast but still
    Lia Rikugun: so in my memory my giuardian angel saved me
    FcSeeker Resident: <3<3<3
    Lia Rikugun: but now i dont know if my memory is objective or if i put something in this memory
    Arisia Vita: does it matter?
    Lia Rikugun: actually to test this
    Archmage Atlantis: Probably both
    FcSeeker Resident: why have you doubts ?
    Lia Rikugun: i thought of an experiment
    Lia Rikugun: I will convince myself that my guardian angel is by my side for one week
    Lia Rikugun: and see what happens :)
    Archmage Atlantis: Testing "angels
    Lia Rikugun: oh what meditation do we do?
    Lia Rikugun: 1 minute
    Archmage Atlantis: not so easy to do
    Qt Core: just don't start croissing roads without looking both ways ;-)
    Pema Pera: :)
    Qt Core: speaking about that, how do you manage the change between japan and us roads with your many trips Pema ?
    Pema Pera: as you said, I look both ways, Qt :-)
    Pema Pera: too complicated to try to remember
    Archmage Atlantis: The thing about the universe(s) is there are more than (both) ways :)
    Qt Core: luckily there are not (so many) flying cars around, Arch
    Archmage Atlantis: Really, QT?
    Archmage Atlantis: What we do not see, we do not acknowledge
    Arisia Vita: perce
    Arisia Vita: perceive
    Qt Core: it become a matter of faith
    Pema Pera: Lia, did your lucid dream happen just by chance, or did you try practice, trying to have a lucid dream?
    Archmage Atlantis: Time to make spaghetti....Blessings and Namaste :)
    Lia Rikugun: i am always thinking about lucid dreams
    Lia Rikugun: so i am trying
    Qt Core: enjoy, Arch
    Lia Rikugun: but maybe it could be more active
    Pema Pera: have a nice spaghetti, Arch!
    Lia Rikugun: bye arch
    Pema Pera: a good practice seems to be to ask yourself during the day many times "am I dreaming?"
    Arisia Vita: Of all illusions, the smoothest and most convincing is perception
    Pema Pera: and to check you can try to look at your watch, or read something, or see whether you can jump up without falling down :-)
    Lia Rikugun: actually what I am also trying to practice
    Lia Rikugun: is
    Lia Rikugun: to see every real experience as dream like
    Caledonia Heron: hi there :)
    Lia Rikugun: hi caledonia
    FcSeeker Resident: Hello Caledonia
    Pema Pera: hi Cal !!
    Qt Core: hi Caledonia
    Pema Pera: good to see you hear again!
    Caledonia Heron: thanks and hi Pema :)
    Caledonia Heron: perseverance furthers in virtual worlds .... a lot of tries to get here :)
    Pema Pera: Lia was just talking about a lucid dream she had
    Pema Pera: yes, it seemed difficult to get you over here -- glad you made it!
    Pema Pera: have you met most of the folks here already?
    Caledonia Heron: please, sorry to interrupt
    Pema Pera: oh no, we were not in the middle of something
    Pema Pera: Caledonia is one of the very first PaB participants
    Pema Pera: right from day 1 :-)
    Pema Pera: three and a half years ago
    Lia Rikugun: heycool i didnt know :)
    Caledonia Heron: :)
    Pema Pera: Caledonia and I first met at the space station
    Caledonia Heron: yes, midnight at ISS :)
    Pema Pera: while a real astronaut was visiting there
    Arisia Vita: ISM?
    Pema Pera: a friend of mine, Ed Lu
    Lia Rikugun: cool
    Pema Pera: International Space Station
    Pema Pera: the one that only Russians can visit now
    Pema Pera: and American can hitchhike to
    Pema Pera: now that the shuttles have been retired
    Pema Pera: on Russian spaceships
    Caledonia Heron: yes, all can visit that can pay, Russia drives :)
    Lia Rikugun: (haha he performed a magic trick in outer space as what wikipedia says ;))
    Pema Pera: and Chinese are not allowed . . .
    Lia Rikugun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Lu
    Pema Pera: oh, hadn't seen taht!
    Caledonia Heron: :)
    Santoshima Resident: goodbye all, thank you ~
    Lia Rikugun: byebye santoshima
    Qt Core: bue Santoshima
    FcSeeker Resident: waves to san
    Pema Pera: bye Santo!
    Caledonia Heron: yes, I believe we have met at a time or another :) nice to see everyone
    Caledonia Heron: tell us your dream Lia
    Qt Core: :-) Caledonia
    Lia Rikugun: when I was getting lucid I exercised flying
    Lia Rikugun: just above the ground and this gave me such a good energetic feeling
    Lia Rikugun: thats the summary :)
    Pema Pera: actually, sorry to leave a bit early, it's getting close to 6 pm here in Halifax, and I have a dinner appointment
    Caledonia Heron: bye Pema :)
    Lia Rikugun: bye pmea nice to see you
    Pema Pera: see you soon again, Caledonia, and all!
    Qt Core: bye Pema
    FcSeeker Resident: waves to Caledonia
    Qt Core: i lately had a series of dreams where i was flying but as nice as they were they clearly reminded me about some flaw i have
    FcSeeker Resident: waves to Pema
    Lia Rikugun: that you cannot fly?
    Qt Core: :-)
    Lia Rikugun: i know, its sad
    Lia Rikugun: so you can easily remember your dreasm qt
    Qt Core: that's depend on how many i don't even know i had ;-)
    Caledonia Heron: :)
    Lia Rikugun: haha yes
    Caledonia Heron: excuse me please
    Lia Rikugun: so the flying reminded you of some flaws you have?
    Qt Core: but those were interesting 3 in a week and everyone more explicit
    Lia Rikugun: explicit in what way?
    Qt Core: in showing said flaw
    Lia Rikugun: hm, but the flying was giving you some energy
    Lia Rikugun: ?
    FcSeeker Resident: takes a humble bow
    FcSeeker Resident: namaste
    Qt Core: not really, at least this time as
    Qt Core: bye Fc
    Lia Rikugun: oh bye fc
    Qt Core: basically those dreams followed always the same "script"
    Lia Rikugun: aha
    Lia Rikugun: always the same story?
    Qt Core: i can fly, others don't, i have to keep it secret, but i almost want that people would discover my talent so i start to fly around but manouvering as to not be seen just at the last moment, and in each dreams i did weirder and more evident flying moves before landing just outside the peripheral vision of people
    Lia Rikugun: wow
    Qt Core: in the last one there were even explosion, flames and buildings coming down
    Arisia Vita: why do you feel you must keep it a secret?
    Lia Rikugun: what do you think this means?
    Qt Core: i thinks it may be tied t my usual wish to be more complimented about me (not really) being modest about my (eventual) talents than about said talents
    Qt Core: (it's funny as i usually say dreams don't really have a meaning)
    Arisia Vita: I must fly to another meeting, be well and happy...
    Lia Rikugun: byebye arisia
    Qt Core: bye Arisia
    Lia Rikugun: so what do you think you should do? should you do anything?
    Qt Core: don't know, i wasn't even thinking about that (even if i know about that) lately
    Qt Core: i was almost hoping for other dreams about them just to see what i would invent ;-)
    Lia Rikugun: you mean the same kind of dream, what would be the next stage?
    Qt Core: yes, and i thought about those dreams as if even not lucid i felt very involved and less spectator (as happen in most cases)
    Lia Rikugun: yes it is interesting
    Lia Rikugun: what will be next ?
    Lia Rikugun: so you think this has more meaning than other dreams?
    Qt Core: walking down in an active volcano ? ;-)
    Lia Rikugun: oh my
    Qt Core: it may be, as i never made such a connection
    Lia Rikugun: or maybe no meaning at all, just an interesting story
    Lia Rikugun: well it is interesting to follow
    Qt Core: it just hit me as soon as i woke up
    Qt Core: both the memory of the dream and the connection that is
    Lia Rikugun: so no superficial thing but a strong experience of that dream
    Qt Core: and not a creat difference in mental tiredness in the days nearby, my dreams (or just dream remembering ratio) is strictly connected on how much tired my mind is
    Qt Core: more tired more and weirder dreams
    Lia Rikugun: the more tired the better remembering?
    Lia Rikugun: yes when I have light sleep I remember better
    Lia Rikugun: talking of sleep and dreams ...
    Lia Rikugun: i thinm I will go to bed :)
    Lia Rikugun: nice to talk to you
    Lia Rikugun: and thank you for sharing
    Qt Core: :-) and i have somewhere else to be too
    Qt Core: yw
    Lia Rikugun: have a good night
    Lia Rikugun: see you soon
    Qt Core: you too, bye
    Lia Rikugun: byebye

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