2011.09.18 19:00 - Hopping from Topic to Topic

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Calvino Rabeni. The comments are by Calvino Rabeni.

    iwandertoo Resident: hi
    Frenchie Riverstone: we meet now no?
    iwandertoo Resident: yes
    Frenchie Riverstone: ty :)
    iwandertoo Resident: ty
    iwandertoo Resident: how are you?
    Frenchie Riverstone: ok...i do well :)
    iwandertoo Resident: bien
    Frenchie Riverstone: waves
    iwandertoo Resident: hi cal
    Calvino Rabeni: good evening :)
    Frenchie Riverstone: is fountain broken?
    Calvino Rabeni: hi, let's see if the pavilion can change into something comfortable
    Calvino Rabeni: ah :)
    Frenchie Riverstone: nice :)
    Calvino Rabeni: how are you tonight?
    iwandertoo Resident: how are you, cal?
    Frenchie Riverstone: ok Cal, how are you?
    Calvino Rabeni: well, I am getting used to the change in season!
    Frenchie Riverstone: waves
    Calvino Rabeni: that is,from hot and bright to gray and wet
    Calvino Rabeni: Evening Paradise !
    Paradise Tennant: hiya susan frenchie cal :)
    Frenchie Riverstone: :)
    Paradise Tennant: hiya storm :)
    Storm Nordwind: Hi everyone :)
    Frenchie Riverstone: waves
    Calvino Rabeni: good evning Storm !
    Paradise Tennant: wb susan
    iwandertoo Resident: hi paradise, ty
    Storm Nordwind looks at the seating and wonders whether he should be in the outer ring
    Calvino Rabeni: You can be our man on the inside :)
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    Paradise Tennant: i had that thought too
    Paradise Tennant: hiya stev
    stevenaia Michinaga: waves, didn;t want to interrupt
    Calvino Rabeni: Act 1, Scene 3. Enters Stevenaia
    Paradise Tennant: what shall we play tonight :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: well, the cloud version of myself does
    stevenaia Michinaga: or can you see more of me than I see?
    Storm Nordwind: Cloud and bling Steve!
    Calvino Rabeni: I've forgotten my lines
    stevenaia Michinaga: (forgot my lines too)
    Storm Nordwind climbs inside Steve's head to check

    stevenaia Michinaga: cat appears in RL to assist, enters lap, stage right
    Calvino Rabeni: :)
    Paradise Tennant: relistening to a rented documentary on Glenn Gould the canadian concert pianist .. just one crisp note after the other :)
    Paradise Tennant: eac h falling into form .. with his internal vision of the music :)
    Paradise Tennant: oops sorry bell
    Paradise Tennant: we could talk of internal visions :)
    Calvino Rabeni: nods
    Storm Nordwind sees a girl with a torch walking down the aisle, who leans over my shoulder, and says pointedly, "You can't do that in 'ere sir. This is a decent establishment."
    Calvino Rabeni: I think that's better than what I had in mind
    Paradise Tennant: smiles what did you have in mind ?
    Calvino Rabeni: topic of "guilty pleasures"
    Paradise Tennant: oooo
    Calvino Rabeni: what a dilemma... two really great topics
    Paradise Tennant: things we do and feel guitty about
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Paradise Tennant: sounds pretty lively
    Paradise Tennant: shall we do a guilty pleasure round and see what emerges :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: dificult to talk about those (for some)
    Aphrodite Macbain wonders why she is the only avi sitting in the inside circle
    Calvino Rabeni: it's ok, it can be an extra biscuit or something everyone can relate to
    stevenaia Michinaga: (might be too good)
    Aphrodite Macbain: thanks Paradise!
    Aphrodite Macbain: /e squirms
    Calvino Rabeni: since I proposed it I'll go first
    Calvino Rabeni: it is
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at aph
    Paradise Tennant: smiles at cal and listens
    Paradise Tennant: ready to be shocked
    Calvino Rabeni: watching a web series about dancing, called "The LXD"
    Aphrodite Macbain wonders what there is to be guilty about
    Paradise Tennant: we do a round of sharing our guilty pleasures :) aph cal is just about to confide :0
    Calvino Rabeni: Is there nothing, Apu?
    Aphrodite Macbain: are we going clockkwise?
    stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps that's more interesting than the "What"
    Aphrodite Macbain: oh I thought he alread had confided
    Calvino Rabeni: something like, throwing a perfectly good can in the trash rather than the recycle bin, because I'm too lazy to wash it out.. ?
    Calvino Rabeni: ... Guilt...
    Calvino Rabeni: Well, that's two :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: is that a pleasure Cal?
    Calvino Rabeni: no, just guilty
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Storm?
    Storm Nordwind: Hmm...
    Storm Nordwind: I can think of very many things that I take pleasure in, but - sorry - I can't think of any I feel guilty about.
    Calvino Rabeni: you're missing out :)
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Paradise Tennant: hmm
    Storm Nordwind takes a sip from an exquisite cup of coffee with heavy whipping cream and smiles :)
    Frenchie Riverstone: sry must go now....goodnight :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Good night !
    Storm Nordwind: Bye Frenchie
    iwandertoo Resident: take care,
    stevenaia Michinaga: night
    Paradise Tennant: agree with storm pleasure should just be pleasure .. guilt is like non fat whipping cream spoils the whole but it does creep in
    Paradise Tennant: good nite frenchie a pleasure to meet you :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: but not a guilty one
    Paradise Tennant: hmm I think my most guilty pleasure is sloth :)
    Paradise Tennant: love some days to do very little ..
    Paradise Tennant: today had a long list did very little read . watch a film slept in .. did bit of puttering and it felt wonderful
    Paradise Tennant: but still have my long list

    Aphrodite Macbain: sounds healthy to me
    Calvino Rabeni: nice, I think it's great to have in the circle here, experts in th different arts
    stevenaia Michinaga: gluttony , whoever invented ice cream....
    stevenaia Michinaga: so un necessary, yet
    Paradise Tennant: wish I could really enjoy sloth more :) without the shadow
    Storm Nordwind: And perhaps, Paradise, you feel far better equipped and relaxed to tackle your long list now?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Aphrodite Macbain: IO have to be sick to enjoy sloth
    Calvino Rabeni: sorry
    Calvino Rabeni: We might add.. not noticing the bell .. ?
    Aphrodite Macbain: My guiltuy pleasures are coffe, chocolate, cheese and red wine
    Aphrodite Macbain: spelled properly
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    Calvino Rabeni: Among many bits of wisdom I learned from my grandfather was ... "there's nothing like a good sulk"
    Aphrodite Macbain: lol
    Aphrodite Macbain: I think my grandfather knew yours
    Storm Nordwind: I'm sure one of my daughters knew him too
    Aphrodite Macbain: I would have such a hard time staying angry - it was very annoying
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes same here
    Calvino Rabeni: for a while I worked pretty hard on "petulant" but I'm afraid I couldn't master that one either
    Storm Nordwind: I seem to remember in my case it was my daughter that got angry when the sulking didn't have the desired effect! :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: I was always jealous of my brother and sister cause they could be very angry - and make a ot of noise. I couln't do that, so made up for it by truying to sulk for extended periods of time..never worked
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, it doesn't work that way, does it
    Aphrodite Macbain: I should have been more like your daughter
    Aphrodite Macbain: Silly emotions. Not sure what sulking and anger serve
    Storm Nordwind: I kept thinking she might grow out of it but... well... she's in her 30s now, so I expect she won't! ;-)
    Calvino Rabeni: What function or purpose might they have?
    Aphrodite Macbain: Depends on who is with ehr
    Calvino Rabeni: Learning from friend / partner?
    Aphrodite Macbain: Sulking? I have no idea. Anfer? it's a good motivator to say things you are afraid to say
    Aphrodite Macbain: Anger
    Paradise Tennant: yes anger can be good some things should make you angry
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes
    Paradise Tennant: gives you the steam to deal with them
    Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps to see if something is important enough to rock the boat about
    Aphrodite Macbain: but somehow not loosing your temper
    Storm Nordwind: From an evolutionary point of view, perhaps it helped one defend one's family and so further survival.
    Aphrodite Macbain: Beingf emotinally intelligent means. I think, that you can be angry but you still are able to keep your temper
    Calvino Rabeni: On that logic, some expressions are "contagious" meaning that they spread to others in one's group / tribe, so perhaps it creates cooperation
    Paradise Tennant: yes you use it skillfully
    Aphrodite Macbain: Us your anger rather than let it use you
    stevenaia Michinaga: is anger simply a result of a disagreement?
    Aphrodite Macbain: Interesting thought Cal - infectious emotion
    Aphrodite Macbain: anger can result from fear
    Paradise Tennant: yes emotion is contagious
    Paradise Tennant: love .. hate .. they leap from heart to heart
    Aphrodite Macbain: and fear, never forget fear
    Paradise Tennant: hyia san :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: HI SAn GTSY
    Santoshima Resident: hello everyone!
    Storm Nordwind: Hi!
    Calvino Rabeni: Hi Santo
    Santoshima Resident: :)
    Paradise Tennant: smiles sometimes I think I am a bit guilty abut not living a bolder life ...
    Calvino Rabeni: "Contagious" sounds like a disease .. but...it does seem like a way to get a group of people "on the same page"
    Calvino Rabeni nods to Para on that
    Paradise Tennant: live very organized .. very safe .. comfortable existance ..
    Paradise Tennant: think sometimes you just leap and see what happens
    Calvino Rabeni: Argh ! Messy disorganized store-room -> guilt :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
    Aphrodite Macbain: You forget you hve it until a button gets pressed

    milakel Resident: hi :)
    Santoshima Resident: hi Mila :)
    Storm Nordwind: Some people seem to differentiate between guilt and regret. I think the reasoning is that the first can be corrosive whereas the second is a motivator. Has anyone else heard that before?
    Calvino Rabeni: True aph... but I had 90 seconds to "drop" .. so the storeroom can keep its chaos another day
    Santoshima Resident: nope, storm ... want to say more?
    Calvino Rabeni: Perhaps storm, remorse is a similar word
    Storm Nordwind: mm yes Cal
    Paradise Tennant: smiles hiya mila :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: thinking about what Paradise said earlier- I feel guilty when I walk past a homeless person, feeling how lucky I am.
    Aphrodite Macbain: I feel like apologizing
    Aphrodite Macbain: not sure if that's a pleasure...
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Mila!
    stevenaia Michinaga: who does that help?
    Storm Nordwind: I think Santo, one of the things they mean is that regret is something you realize, change your behavior and let go, whereas it can be easy to hold on to guilt and yet nothing changes.
    Santoshima Resident: yes, ty storm, that makes sense
    Aphrodite Macbain: No one Steve
    milakel Resident: heh, funny you talk about regret as i heard a nice quote today: regret is an inevitable consequence of life. if you see it this way, it may rather be a motivator, i think :)
    Calvino Rabeni: perhaps if one feels "ruth" .. for the unfortunate person, it balances the accounts emotionally to feel one's own relative fortune as positive
    Santoshima Resident: guilt can use tremendous energy to sustain
    Aphrodite Macbain: Feeling regret may change how you act in the future. Doing it again may then create guilt
    Calvino Rabeni: Which can be atoned for ?
    milakel Resident: like eating cookies at night?
    Calvino Rabeni: That fits the theme I think, of guilty pleasures
    Aphrodite Macbain: that's a guilty pleasure Mila
    Aphrodite Macbain: snap
    milakel Resident: i like those :)
    Calvino Rabeni: yes, nice, a paradigm case :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Thanks!
    Calvino Rabeni: Eating them at midnight is clearly different than eating them at noon :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Atonement- now there's an interesting concept
    Aphrodite Macbain: Can one atone for eating cookies at midnight?
    stevenaia Michinaga: A seasonal theme for some
    Aphrodite Macbain: Atonement, I think, is for sins.
    milakel Resident: aph, a morning run :)
    Storm Nordwind: Atonement interestingly comes from "at one"-ment
    Aphrodite Macbain: not guilty pleasures
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes Storm
    Paradise Tennant: sin is a distinctly different animal much different from guilty pleasures
    Aphrodite Macbain: snap
    Paradise Tennant: but just as broadly subjective
    Calvino Rabeni: or inter-subjective
    Aphrodite Macbain: Good book, Atonement
    Calvino Rabeni: in that it seems to have a lot to do with other people too
    Paradise Tennant: yes rife with interpersonal judgement
    milakel Resident: anyone feeling guilty right now?
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes
    stevenaia Michinaga: only about the 2 servings of ice cream I jsut ahd
    milakel Resident: stev :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: I've eaten too much gruyere and sipped too mych Shiraz
    stevenaia Michinaga: wonders if I would have had them if I didn;t have this conversation
    milakel Resident: good those are pleasant guilts :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: feels less guilty when I can blame you :)
    Calvino Rabeni: :)
    Storm Nordwind chuckles
    Paradise Tennant: interesting that animals show guilty behaviour too
    Aphrodite Macbain: :-) in fact I may have more..
    Paradise Tennant: we must all have an idea of what is proper each species
    milakel Resident: stev, less so when we do it together :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: We learn to ahve guilt. Bad boy! Bad girl!
    milakel Resident: or the whole circle of ice-cream eaters
    milakel Resident: then it feels like play
    stevenaia Michinaga: passes Mila ice cream
    milakel Resident: heh, thank you :)
    Calvino Rabeni feels tremours of guilt, for having created a temptation and let others down this path
    Paradise Tennant: goes gets a spoon :)
    Storm Nordwind: I notice that transport is available at the Vashon Island retreat for what Maxine calls "ice cream emergencies" :)
    Calvino Rabeni: !
    iwandertoo Resident already mapped out all the ice cream
    Calvino Rabeni: A work of master logistics :)
    iwandertoo Resident: kidding....
    Aphrodite Macbain: happy for that

    Aphrodite Macbain: Too bad you can't come Cal, you're so close
    Aphrodite Macbain: Maybe we can meet you at the ice cream parlour
    Calvino Rabeni: I'll feel the presence
    Aphrodite Macbain wonders what that might feel like
    Calvino Rabeni: Is that in the schedule (ice cream social) ?
    Paradise Tennant: looks like you will have wonderful hiking :)
    iwandertoo Resident: want it to be?
    Aphrodite Macbain: yes- or the option of one Cal
    iwandertoo Resident: :)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Hiking?
    Storm Nordwind: I think so far it has been a spontaneous idea
    Aphrodite Macbain: That would be fun
    Aphrodite Macbain: I'm taking my watercolours
    Paradise Tennant: there should be great trails near by :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Beach walks are a good option too
    Aphrodite Macbain: along the shoreline?
    Aphrodite Macbain: trails I mean
    Calvino Rabeni: Keep an eye out for moon snails, sand dollars, and agates, if you're on the shore
    Aphrodite Macbain: I'll collect them and pint them
    Aphrodite Macbain: paint
    Aphrodite Macbain: what's a moon snail?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles like that sentence .. will fall asleep .. rolling that around in my mind moon snails sand dollars and agates :)
    Santoshima Resident: wow!
    Aphrodite Macbain smiles at the sounds
    Paradise Tennant: namaste my friends thank you :) sweet unguilty dreams :)
    Santoshima Resident: glam, paradise
    Aphrodite Macbain: nite Paradise
    Santoshima Resident: g'night!
    Paradise Tennant: lol
    Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
    Calvino Rabeni: Paradise
    stevenaia Michinaga: night
    Calvino Rabeni: A moon snail is a shell that looks like this
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.google.com/search?q=moon+snail&hs=VCV&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=A7J2TsKIOuLz0gGJ-dXVDQ&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1021&bih=780
    Aphrodite Macbain: dormez bien
    Aphrodite Macbain: Lovely thanks Cal
    stevenaia Michinaga: I must be off as well, night all
    iwandertoo Resident: ty, cal
    stevenaia Michinaga: night
    Calvino Rabeni: Good night !
    Aphrodite Macbain: me too. Got to eat something other than cheese and um delicious bread! (and wine)
    Aphrodite Macbain: Nite all
    Calvino Rabeni: That's a good type of bread to eat
    Santoshima Resident: oh, nite Aph
    Calvino Rabeni: Good night !
    iwandertoo Resident: nite
    Aphrodite Macbain: Yes- my friend gave me some . It's yummy
    iwandertoo Resident: take care
    Santoshima Resident: bye susan
    Calvino Rabeni: Bye !

    Calvino Rabeni: That was refreshing
    milakel Resident: stormy? how are the mountains today? :)
    Storm Nordwind: Snowy :)
    milakel Resident: that's good
    milakel Resident: haven't been up yet?
    Storm Nordwind: In the snow? No. Last time I was in the mountains was three weeks ago. There were still some snowy patches from last winter, but they weren't covered like today
    milakel Resident: :)
    milakel Resident: no edelweiss, i presume? :)
    Storm Nordwind breaks into song - then stops himself ;)
    Calvino Rabeni: Where did you go ?
    milakel Resident: "where do you go to my lovely..." :)
    milakel Resident: me, cal?
    Calvino Rabeni: no, i was wondering where stormy went in the mountains
    Storm Nordwind: We usually go up to Nederland - there's a delightful Nepalese restaurant there. Then we go along the peak-to-peak highway for many miles.
    Calvino Rabeni: It might be a good time to listen to the elk in rocky mtn national park
    Storm Nordwind: Very likely
    Storm Nordwind: Fall colors coming soon too
    milakel Resident: storm, sounds very nice. pics would be appreciated :)
    Storm Nordwind: Ah ha! OK. Will do my best :)
    milakel Resident: thank you :)
    Storm Nordwind: Trees already starting to turn here in Denver
    milakel Resident: yet another fall...
    Santoshima Resident: nederland is a beautiful area ... have been there once
    Calvino Rabeni: looks for a representative photo
    Calvino Rabeni: http://cache2.artprintimages.com/p/LRG/26/2675/TV2UD00Z/art-print/gary-conner-the-flatirons-boulder-colorado.jpg
    Calvino Rabeni: and before too long, this:
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.thomasmangan.net/images/large/Flatirons-Winter.jpg

    Storm Nordwind smiels
    Santoshima Resident: :) !!!
    Calvino Rabeni: I love this spot, a reverse view overlooking the plains
    Calvino Rabeni: http://organicclimber.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Flatirons_01.jpg
    Storm Nordwind: Some of you may have seen this already - taken from our road: http://i.imgur.com/HmlOd.jpg
    Calvino Rabeni: Nice, thanks
    Santoshima Resident: nice pics, what a place
    milakel Resident: the snowy peaks are so welcoming :)
    Storm Nordwind: I would have moved anywhere my fiancee lived, but I can't help feeling lucky that she lived in such an amazing place :)
    Calvino Rabeni smiles
    Calvino Rabeni: here's another showing the way the plains join the mountains
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.coloradosbestbroker.com/artman/uploads/aerial-view-of-boulder-b_001.jpg
    Calvino Rabeni: so much open area so close to the city
    Storm Nordwind nods

    Editor's note ... this is the high point of the session...

    Calvino Rabeni: can't resist this one more ... the up close view
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.scottborger.com/images/large/20081042.jpg
    Calvino Rabeni: Anyway, the place is so dimensional :)
    Storm Nordwind: yes. Atypically colored sky though! :)
    Calvino Rabeni: True .. though I caught myself taking it for granted, given my current northwest location
    Storm Nordwind: Ah! :)
    Santoshima Resident: { & you gotta love those rock climbers ... }
    Calvino Rabeni: indeed
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lMc_gpA8FA
    Storm Nordwind: I suspect by rock climbing (or even scrambling) days are a couple of decades behind me now. I've found ways to enjoy the heights in other ways. :)
    Storm Nordwind: *by > my
    Calvino Rabeni: It seems one can find most anything on the net these days
    Calvino Rabeni tries googling "climbing flatiron wearing kangaroo costume"
    Santoshima Resident: .... any luck?
    Storm Nordwind: Oh! And have they practised Extreme Ironing there too? That's a sport I goggle at :)
    Santoshima Resident: :)
    Santoshima Resident: ironing while climbing the flat irons of colorado?
    Calvino Rabeni: No luck,... but it does show a "holodeck" scene, so I suppose it's possible
    Storm Nordwind: Seems like a must-do
    Santoshima Resident: { *snort* }
    Santoshima Resident: wow ... ! it's true ... must all sports be "extreme"?
    Storm Nordwind: I think the whole thing started as a wry English joke around 15 years ago - and took off from there

    ... and it's downhill from here

    Calvino Rabeni: Ahem
    Calvino Rabeni: here's a kleptomaniac kangaroo
    Calvino Rabeni: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MicK7DrFUAw
    Santoshima Resident: yes, wry-ness might instigate that kind of thing
    Storm Nordwind: Thank you Cal. I think the music adds to it too!
    Calvino Rabeni: I don't speak French unfortunately
    Santoshima Resident: g'night all, going to dream about moon snails and high mountain plains
    Santoshima Resident: thanks for the chat!
    Storm Nordwind looks at the time too
    Storm Nordwind: Please excuse me - I have to up at 5:30. Thank you Cal :)
    Calvino Rabeni: YW, sleep well Storm
    Calvino Rabeni: I will be off too
    Storm Nordwind gently shakes Mila's shoulder
    Calvino Rabeni: Good night Milakel
    milakel Resident: heh :)
    milakel Resident: night, storm, cal

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