The Guardian for this meeting was Pema Pera. The comments are by Pema Pera.
Pema Pera: Hi Corvi!
Pema Pera: So good to see you again!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: and you, Pema.
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins at you.
Pema Pera grins happily back
Pema Pera: oops, RL calling, brb
Corvuscorva Nightfire: heehee
Corvuscorva Nightfire: pesky real life
Corvuscorva Nightfire grins and listens to real life
Pema Pera: b
Corvuscorva Nightfire: wb
Pema Pera: hi O!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hiya, Sam!
oO0Oo Resident: Hi
oO0Oo Resident: w
Pema Pera: how have you been, Corvi?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: well, thank you.
Corvuscorva Nightfire: and you?
Pema Pera: hi Steve!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Stevie!
Pema Pera: yes, fine too
stevenaia Michinaga: evening (or morning)
Corvuscorva Nightfire: hello
stevenaia Michinaga: waves to Pema, Corvi and Samud
Corvuscorva Nightfire: which end of the world are you on, Pema?
Pema Pera: I'll be in Japan for a couple more weeks
Pema Pera: then back to NYC
Corvuscorva Nightfire: ah.
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Stevenaia
Pema Pera: hi Druth!
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Druth
stevenaia Michinaga: do disasters, preceed you, follow you or surround you Pema?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: waves happily to Druth
druth Vlodovic: hey
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Druth
Pema Pera: well, interesting that you mention that, Steve -- and hi Eos!
Pema Pera: Yesterday a typhoon passed straight over me
Pema Pera: first experience of that kind :-)
Corvuscorva Nightfire: ooof
Corvuscorva Nightfire: they're exciting
Corvuscorva Nightfire: at least for me
Pema Pera: but I missed the NYC hurricane AND the East Coast earthquake!
stevenaia Michinaga: some would beg to differ, corvi
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Corvi, Pema, Steve, Sam, druth
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Eos
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Eos
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Heya, Eos!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: well some people are alot calmer than me!!!
Pema Pera: it's quite amazing how "rain" can turn into a wall of water . . . .
Pema Pera: a three-dimensional wall, that is
Corvuscorva Nightfire: nods.
Eos Amaterasu does the cgi
stevenaia Michinaga: Hi Pila
stevenaia Michinaga: cgi?
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Pila?!
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Pila
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Pila
Pema Pera: hi Pila!
Pila Mulligan: greetings
Corvuscorva Nightfire: good to see you.
Eos Amaterasu: computer generated imagery, stevenaia
Pila Mulligan: happy to see you to Corvi
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Dash
Pema Pera: hi Dash!
Eos Amaterasu: hi -
stevenaia Michinaga: we need to coordinate our arrivals
Pila Mulligan: hi Dash
Dash Earthboy: hey y'all
Pila Mulligan: :)
oO0Oo Resident: Heya Dash
Dash Earthboy: sry about b4 but my battery pooped out
druth Vlodovic: we're talking about pema bringing rain
oO0Oo Resident: no worries mate
Pema Pera: :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: is there a difference between a cyclone and a hurricane other than the location?
Pila Mulligan: yo Pema
Pema Pera: as far as I know, typhoon, cycloon, hurricane are all the same phenomena
Pema Pera: a rose by a different name :-)
Eos Amaterasu bows
Pila Mulligan is curious about: [19:13] druth Vlodovic: we're talking about pema bringing rain
Eos Amaterasu: of such refs are legends made of
Pema Pera is happy to let Druth explain her cryptic remarks :-)
Dash Earthboy: hey Susan
Pema Pera: hi Susan!
Eos Amaterasu: Hi Susan
Pila Mulligan: hi Susan
iwandertoo Resident: waves
stevenaia Michinaga: it was preceeded by [19:08] stevenaia Michinaga: do disasters, preceed you, follow you or surround you Pema?
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Susan
stevenaia Michinaga: hi susan
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hey susan
Pila Mulligan: aha
druth Vlodovic: logically they would surround him since he can't experience them until he is there
stevenaia Michinaga: but if they preceed him, we are all clear here when he returns to the States, the storms will have passed
Pema Pera: rain was surrounding me, indeed, while I was happily indoors
Eos Amaterasu: tropical storms do give you the feeling of being immersed in something that wouild take a long long time to traverse
Corvuscorva Nightfire: ooof
Corvuscorva Nightfire: that's just beautiful
Pema Pera: it's kind of oplifting to look at a downpour :-)
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Pema Pera: relatively speaking at least . . .
Pila Mulligan: rain releases tension
Eos Amaterasu: there's a lot of tension in the air these days
stevenaia Michinaga: Flowing is a metaphor for so many things
druth Vlodovic: are you tense eos?
Eos Amaterasu: embedded in a world full of tensions....
Eos Amaterasu: and relaxations
oO0Oo Resident: calvino was saying that Space weather may affect our moods ~ Solar flares and such
Eos Amaterasu: I was thinking of the energy that builds up in the oceans and just above, and how it relaxes as moisture
oO0Oo Resident smiles tha tfelt powerful to read that
Pema Pera: it's indeed very refreshing to "taste" the air after a typhoon -- as I'm doing today
stevenaia Michinaga: sunny today?
Pema Pera: mixed, more interesting that way :)
oO0Oo Resident: wb Dash
oO0Oo Resident: tasting typhoons
Dash Earthboy: ty
Eos Amaterasu: ~~, _
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hey Dash!
Eos Amaterasu: let's taste the air in the upcoming 90 secs
Dash Earthboy: ok
oO0Oo Resident: ;P
Pema Pera: nice idea, Eos
stevenaia Michinaga: mine has insense to flavor it
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Dash Earthboy: was on Vista b4 and was about to introduce some ppl looking over my shoulder when Vista crashed on me
Dash Earthboy: drumming up interest in Second Life in general and Play As Being in particular
Pila Mulligan: :)
Dash Earthboy: air tasted BBQ :)
Pema Pera: interesting to see all phenomena becoming a little more airy, roomy, lighter . . .
Pema Pera: colors, sounds, . . .
stevenaia Michinaga: sometimes 90 second pause lasts forever, other times it feels like the blink of an eye, like this time
Eos Amaterasu: It felt so good to do this twice in a row, completely
stevenaia Michinaga: barely had time for a lick
Dash Earthboy: :)
Pila Mulligan: 'the lead of the water region has but one taste'
Pila Mulligan: (from a Chinese meditation text)
Pema Pera pondering the different readings of "lead" . . .
Dash Earthboy: *didn't like the taste of led when chewing on pencils in school :)
Pila Mulligan: they mean the metal I believe :)
druth Vlodovic: not sure it is good to taste lead too much
Pila Mulligan: :)
Eos Amaterasu: that's why there's only one
oO0Oo Resident: the taste of no taste?
Dash Earthboy: oh, lead has taste
Dash Earthboy: found a shotgun pellet in a beefsteak once
Pema Pera: hi Arch!
Dash Earthboy: hey Arch
oO0Oo Resident: Arch :)
Pila Mulligan: hi Arch
Eos Amaterasu: ~~, Arch
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hi Arch
oO0Oo Resident: That was perhaps a mind stopper Dash?!
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Dash Earthboy: :)
Eos Amaterasu: as they say, "eat leaden death"
Archmage Atlantis: Lead. to some of us, has a taste
Pila Mulligan: I read about your cat passing, Arch -- condolences to you
Archmage Atlantis: To others, it is body important
Archmage Atlantis: We havevovled
Archmage Atlantis: We need to learn beyond scientific thought
oO0Oo Resident nods
Eos Amaterasu listens
Archmage Atlantis: I woke up, and it was time to come here....Chester, he is here
oO0Oo Resident waves to Chester :)
Archmage Atlantis: The cat's meow
Archmage Atlantis: i need to go now
Corvuscorva Nightfire: bye Arch
Dash Earthboy: *sends some virtual catnip
Archmage Atlantis: blessings and namaste
Dash Earthboy: bye Arch
oO0Oo Resident: <3 Namaste Arch
Eos Amaterasu: ciao & meow
Pema Pera: bye Arch!
Dash Earthboy: Chester is probably lonely too
Pema Pera: how about tasting space, in the next 90-sec pause?
oO0Oo Resident: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles, favorate meal
Eos Amaterasu: a favorite of astronomers
Pema Pera: :-)
Pema Pera: easy to overeat . . .
Pema Pera: in an expanding universe
Pila Mulligan: :)
Dash Earthboy: just be careful of them Fireballs
Dash Earthboy: they used to burn my mouth :)
Pema Pera: Hi Santo!
Dash Earthboy: hey San
oO0Oo Resident: Hi Santo
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Hi, Santo!
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Santos
Eos Amaterasu: HI Santo
Santoshima Resident: hello pema, dash, sam, susan, eos, corvi, druth, stevenaia
Pila Mulligan: hi Santo
Dash Earthboy: & pila
Santoshima Resident: and Pila!
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pema Pera: I switched between the taste of space and of phenomena arising in space -- similar, yet different
stevenaia Michinaga: Iw as feeling the surface of the space defining surface with my tongue
Eos Amaterasu: sinking into the perceptual quality of sensing space through taste
stevenaia Michinaga: in my tai chi classes we are learning to lead with our tongue.. to taste the directions we are going
Pila Mulligan: here's a fuller context of the previous meditation book quote: "The Great One is the term given to that which has nothing above it. The secret of the magic of life consists in using action in order to achieve non-action. One must not wish to leave out the steps between and penetrate directly. The maxim handed down to us is to take in hand the work on the essence. In doing this it is important not to follow the wrong road. The Golden Flower is the Light. What color has the light? One uses the Golden Flower as an image. It is the true power of the transcendent Great One. The phrase, 'The lead of the water-region has but one taste,' refers to it"
Eos Amaterasu tastes directions
Eos Amaterasu: feels like a paramecium
druth Vlodovic swims off
oO0Oo Resident: :)
oO0Oo Resident: Bye Druth
Eos Amaterasu: bye druth
Santoshima Resident: bye druth
Dash Earthboy: bye druth
Corvuscorva Nightfire: bye druth
Pila Mulligan: bye Druth
Pema Pera: bye Druth!
Corvuscorva Nightfire: follows Druth out ...getting sleepy!
Pema Pera looks at his watch and realizes he needs to get going to
Dash Earthboy: bye Corvi
Pila Mulligan: bye Corvi, nice to see you
Eos Amaterasu: bye corv - nice to see you
Corvuscorva Nightfire: Bye ya'll
Santoshima Resident: bye corvi, pema ~
Dash Earthboy: bye Pema
Pila Mulligan: bye Pema, glad you weathered the storm ok
Eos Amaterasu also looks at watch and joins the exodus
Pema Pera waves to everybody
Dash Earthboy: bye Eos
Pila Mulligan: bye Eos
Santoshima Resident: bye eos
Eos Amaterasu: by thanks all!
oO0Oo Resident: Bye Pema, Eos :)
Pila Mulligan: Steve, in your tai chi practice do you curl the base of your tongue to the roof of your mouth
stevenaia Michinaga: more lightly touch the front behing the teeth
Pila Mulligan: yep, a tatse phenomenon :)
Pila Mulligan: taste*
stevenaia Michinaga: but she says the tongue leads the movement
Pila Mulligan: the tongue also tastes the lead :)
Santoshima Resident: do you practice taiji, Pila?
Pila Mulligan: there is an accupressure point there that is like closing an electric circuit
Pila Mulligan: yes Santo
Pila Mulligan: you also?
stevenaia Michinaga: I have chosen to pactice Tai Chi for my 99 days... if you have read about that Pila
Santoshima Resident: it's a yoga practice ... curling the tongue in that way ... i can't recall the name
Pila Mulligan: nice :)
Pila Mulligan: yes, it is a mudra, I forget the exact name also
stevenaia Michinaga:
Santoshima Resident: yes, mudra
stevenaia Michinaga: can you say more Pila
Pila Mulligan:
stevenaia Michinaga: :
stevenaia Michinaga: 0
Pila Mulligan: well, Steve, I've heard different approaches, but there seems to be a place where the tongue and the top pof the mouth set off a kind of taste response
Pila Mulligan: you can move the tongue around up there and find places where it is stronger
stevenaia Michinaga: tickles
Pila Mulligan: :)
Dash Earthboy: :)
Pila Mulligan: I also use it when hiking -- avoind thirst
Pila Mulligan: avoid*
oO0Oo Resident: Does anyone else notice an increase in saliva production... talking about all this?
Dash Earthboy: no but good point Sam
Pila Mulligan: yes
Dash Earthboy: that's how thirst is averted
Pila Mulligan: Kechari Mudra is actually a bit more drastic than the simple touching part
Santoshima Resident: "the tongue is the switch between the gross and subtle and between the central and peripheral energy systems. [ ... ] control of the sixteen through connection between the tongue and the sinews, one can influence and direct movement of the body parts using pranic force rather than muscular activity."
Santoshima Resident: shandor remete / shadow yoga
Santoshima Resident: yes, kechari mudra, that's right
Santoshima Resident: after "sixteen" should be the word "sinews"
Santoshima Resident: typos about, sorry
Pila Mulligan: that's the chi of tai chi -- pranic force
Pila Mulligan: or energy
Pila Mulligan: of breathing
stevenaia Michinaga: a rose by any other name
Dash Earthboy: *is getting a refresher course in keywords :)
Pila Mulligan: :)
Santoshima Resident: taiji and hatha yoga, similar roots
Pila Mulligan: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: nothing quite like it in the west
Pila Mulligan: breathing and energy and movement
Santoshima Resident: milder form of kechari mudra is jiva bandha ~ same name for you?
oO0Oo Resident: Got to get moving.. going to follow my tongue, and sense the ocean as I go.
Pila Mulligan: bye 0
Pila Mulligan: nice to see you
oO0Oo Resident bows. Gassho _/|\_
oO0Oo Resident: Nice to see you all :)
Pila Mulligan: yes, San, you are quite right, it is jiva bandha, not kechari mudra
Santoshima Resident: bows to sam ~ namaskar
Dash Earthboy: bye Sam
Dash Earthboy: my onlookers are suggesting we head out for other things
Dash Earthboy: pax et bonum y'all
stevenaia Michinaga: enjoy Dash
Pila Mulligan: bye Dash, nice to see you
Santoshima Resident: enjoy the evening, dash
Pila Mulligan: have you practiced tai chi much Santoshima?
Pila Mulligan: or is this the begining?
Santoshima Resident: i practice yoga, had not realized the overlap in terms between taiji and hatha yoga
Santoshima Resident: but it makes absolute sense
Pila Mulligan: yep, they are complementary
Santoshima Resident: have only studied a little of taiji ... think it was called 24 form, very basic
Pila Mulligan: chi kung is a variation
Santoshima Resident: so enjoyed the round, flowing movement
stevenaia Michinaga: seems every family has its own form
Pila Mulligan: mostly just Chinese styles of yoga
Pila Mulligan: yes Steve
Pila Mulligan: the tai chi lineages are family based
Santoshima Resident: yes
Pila Mulligan: but yoga is too :)
Santoshima Resident: very much so
stevenaia Michinaga: is it the same w/ Yoga styles?
Pila Mulligan: Krihsnamacharya gave birth to several styles from his home in madras, thru his fmaily
Santoshima Resident: for those that acknowledge lineage ... yes
Pila Mulligan: BS Iyengar and Deskacharya
Santoshima Resident: and Sri Patabhi jois
Santoshima Resident: bks iyengar
Santoshima Resident: : his sister was married to Krishnamacharya
Pila Mulligan: :)
Santoshima Resident: Desikachar is his son
Pila Mulligan:
Santoshima Resident: Patabhi Jois was a longtime, devoted disciple
Pila Mulligan: have yuo seen photos of his asanas?
Pila Mulligan: he has some beautiful postures
Santoshima Resident: photos of krishnamacharya i the book: Health, Healing and Beyond by TKV Desikachar / and in this 1938 news clip of BKS Iyengar in which Krishnamacharya also appears: iyengar 1938 / practice
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Santoshima Resident: you are meaning Krishnamacharya, right , Pila?
Pila Mulligan: yes
Santoshima Resident: actually, on reviewing, that clip seems to be lacking K. here is a better choice:
Santoshima Resident:
Santoshima Resident: bye Pila
Santoshima Resident: wb
Pila Mulligan: thanks
Pila Mulligan: and hi Susan
stevenaia Michinaga: jsutg saw you leave
stevenaia Michinaga: just
stevenaia Michinaga: wb
Pila Mulligan: I tihnk it was one of tose stealth crashes Phoenix does sometimes
iwandertoo Resident: waves
stevenaia Michinaga: soon there will be new viewers to crash :)
Pila Mulligan: does your yoga practice get into the role of shakti, Santoshima?
Santoshima Resident: shakti, yes
Santoshima Resident: shakti, in essence is cosmic energy
Pila Mulligan: to me it is analogous to yin in the Chinese scheme
Santoshima Resident: yes, i think that's so
Pila Mulligan: the relationship between prana and shakti (or chi and yin) is a subtle part of the practice
Santoshima Resident: as in yoga as well
Pila Mulligan: yes, that was my menaing too, in most such practices :)
Pila Mulligan: Steve, it was interesting to read the chat log where you discussed anima and animas
stevenaia Michinaga: it wasn't much of a discussion, but perhaps a begining as it was something new
Pila Mulligan: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: new in the sense that jung thought about it
Pila Mulligan: maybe we can continue the discussion Tuesday at the I Ching workshop
Pila Mulligan: Jung was much influenced by yin and yang theory
stevenaia Michinaga: don;t know much about it other than what I live :)
Pila Mulligan: ;)
stevenaia Michinaga: sounds like homework, but yes, there is the ying/yung components to it
Pila Mulligan: Jung used Eros and Logos as his correlates at the perosnal level, for yin and yang ...
Pila Mulligan: but his freind and correpsondent Richard WIlhelm used anima and animas in describing personal yin and yang
stevenaia Michinaga: would be interested to hear what Rhi has to say about it
Pila Mulligan: Jung was already using anima and animas for his ownpurposes then
Pila Mulligan: but the descriptions are similar
Pila Mulligan: is Rhi a Jung fan?
stevenaia Michinaga: not that I know much about either but Jung seems so much more _____(fill in your own word) than Freud
Pila Mulligan: hippy?
Santoshima Resident: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: she said she lead a discussion of it
Pila Mulligan: ahh, anima ... yes I think I recall
Santoshima Resident: stevenaia, is that past or future tense for the discussion?
stevenaia Michinaga: her discussions remind me of scien tific ameria articles, fun to begin, dificult to get to the end
Pila Mulligan: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: in the past
Santoshima Resident: ah
stevenaia Michinaga: she hold weekly discussion in another land
stevenaia Michinaga: on a variety of topics
stevenaia Michinaga: ethics, morals, philosphy
Santoshima Resident: must one attend nude, or is that just her?
stevenaia Michinaga: clothing optional, but she usually has kick-ass heels on
Santoshima Resident: :)))
iwandertoo Resident: lol
Pila Mulligan thinks of the hot tubs at Esalen
Santoshima Resident: heels? in the tub?
stevenaia Michinaga: nice that my officemate (in RL) brough it up
Pila Mulligan: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: but I should see if she is available to stop in for our iChing discussion on Tuesday, if that's ok
Pila Mulligan: sure ... I am interested in pursuing the WIlhelm version, but the Jung version is also worhty of pursuit
stevenaia Michinaga: Santos, and susan, if you are intrested in IChing, Pila holds a monthly discussion on that very subject
Pila Mulligan: same foundation
Santoshima Resident: i have only seen the Wilheim version
Santoshima Resident: and would be interested in coming to the discussion
iwandertoo Resident: thank you
Santoshima Resident: ty
Pila Mulligan: you are most weclome -- next Tuesday, 6:30 pm SLT
Pila Mulligan: at the Kuan Yin Terrace discussion area
Santoshima Resident: ok, thank you
stevenaia Michinaga: I will tp you as I can never find the link :) (if Pila tp's me)
Pila Mulligan:
Pila Mulligan: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: id the surl on the page, Pila?
stevenaia Michinaga: is
stevenaia Michinaga: might be woth posting it, I belive druth puts it on the PaB calendar, let me check
Pila Mulligan: well, I handed out landmarks
Pila Mulligan: it is not really a Kira project
stevenaia Michinaga: great, it;s right belove Kira Cafe in my inventory
stevenaia Michinaga: below
Pila Mulligan: so maybe not appropriate for the PaB calendar
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: but I'm happy if he wishes ot add it
stevenaia Michinaga:
stevenaia Michinaga: it was agreed that it was not a problem, Pila
Pila Mulligan: cool :)
stevenaia Michinaga: even though it is not a Kira event
Pila Mulligan: website members' area -- username: member password: 1gua6yao
stevenaia Michinaga: there is also a morning session on the following tuesday
stevenaia Michinaga: do you wnat that in the log Pila?
Pila Mulligan: 11:30 am second Tuesday :)
Pila Mulligan: sure, thanks
Pila Mulligan: oh, I thought you meant the claendar -- the passwor is ok too
Pila Mulligan: not really secret
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
stevenaia Michinaga: there is good information there, I am using the book more Pila, "The Complete ICHing"
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Pila Mulligan: I had the pleasure of meeting Mick and his wife i RL a week ago
Pila Mulligan: first time I've met someone form SL in RL
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, they visited you
stevenaia Michinaga: you should get off the island paradise more
Pila Mulligan: it was as people say .. already familiar :)
Pila Mulligan: I was tempted by the Seattle retreat :)
stevenaia Michinaga: as susan and san will find if they get to teh retreat on the west coast
Pila Mulligan: it is almost iwhtin reach, but a bit too far for my old bones to travel
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
Santoshima Resident: here are you located, Pila?
Pila Mulligan: Hawai`i
Santoshima Resident: ahh
iwandertoo Resident: not sure I will feel this
Pila Mulligan: 7 hours from Seattle
Santoshima Resident: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: (and not by car)
iwandertoo Resident: but will be interesting
Pila Mulligan: it will be interesting Susan
iwandertoo Resident: nods
iwandertoo Resident: battery is dying
iwandertoo Resident: thank you for this
stevenaia Michinaga: night susan, SL eats battery power
iwandertoo Resident: best to you
Pila Mulligan: bye Susan, nice ot see you
Santoshima Resident: thanks, susan ~ take care
Pila Mulligan: where are you located, Santoshima?
Pila Mulligan: if I may ask ...
Santoshima Resident: vancouver, bc, canada
Pila Mulligan: ahh, close to the retreat locale
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, that;s what brought me to the Pinceton Retreats.... proximity
Pila Mulligan:
stevenaia Michinaga: although Malta sounded very interesting
Pila Mulligan: :)
Santoshima Resident: was in malta?
Pila Mulligan: a couple of years ago a retreat was held in Malta
Pila Mulligan:
stevenaia Michinaga:
stevenaia Michinaga: list
Pila Mulligan: :)
Santoshima Resident: hmm. what had either of you found most interesting/useful in attending retreat
Pila Mulligan: immersion :)
Pila Mulligan: I have not been to a PaB retreat, Stve has
Pila Mulligan: but I like how yoga style retreats are immersive
stevenaia Michinaga: meeting people you have met virtually and discussing things you have discussed virtually
Rasima Petrovic: hello!
Pila Mulligan: hi Rasima
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Ras
Santoshima Resident: hello rasmina
Santoshima Resident: are we still recording?
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
stevenaia Michinaga: have you been here before Rasima
Rasima Petrovic: Yes
stevenaia Michinaga: we record.... ok yadda yadda, thanks
stevenaia Michinaga: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: we were discussion our RL retreats
Santoshima Resident: did someone explain about the recording here, Rasmina?
Rasima Petrovic: I don't understand why it's done, but I know that it's done.
stevenaia Michinaga: we post them to the groups wiki for otherts to read
stevenaia Michinaga: those who can't make it, for instacne
stevenaia Michinaga: instance
Pila Mulligan:
Pila Mulligan: can be interesting reading some times
Rasima Petrovic: do others actually read it? xD
Pila Mulligan: yes :)
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Santoshima Resident: are ou ok with being recorded and having your name mentioned?
Santoshima Resident: *you
Rasima Petrovic: I was told I don't have a choice
stevenaia Michinaga: I assume if you were here before you understand you will become part of the log and it isi ok
Rasima Petrovic: sure
Rasima Petrovic: but the last time I came here
Rasima Petrovic: I was told that I couldn't always have my name removed from the logs
Pila Mulligan: it ould beburdensome for the perosn posting the log
Pila Mulligan: could*
stevenaia Michinaga: but san, the retreat discussion are always lively and interesting
stevenaia Michinaga: and thoughtful
Santoshima Resident: i think it would be great to attend , just need to consider work, finding other teachers to cover classes ... and that kind of thing
stevenaia Michinaga: ofcourse
Pila Mulligan: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: lets say good night to Pema and close the log
Pila Mulligan: ok
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