FcSeeker: Hello Lucinda
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Fc:)
Lucinda Lavender: welcome...
Lucinda Lavender: How are you this morning:)?
FcSeeker: exiting for the buildign
FcSeeker: building
FcSeeker: how are you ?
Lucinda Lavender: excited for the upcoming retreat.
FcSeeker: <3<3<3
Lucinda Lavender: wondering what you mean about exiting for the building:)do you mean ecited for the building?
FcSeeker: sorry I got a call
Lucinda Lavender: sorry excited
FcSeeker: wish you to have good time
FcSeeker: takes a humble bow
FcSeeker: namaste
Lucinda Lavender: waves:)
Lucinda Lavender: namaste
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo) is Online
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Susan!
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): how are you?
Lucinda Lavender: Welcome:)
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): hi Luci
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): ty
Lucinda Lavender: getting very excited for retreat
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): how so?
Lucinda Lavender: how about you?
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): looking forward to it...smiling right now
Lucinda Lavender: well there is something very new about attending a retreat with new people:)
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): looking forward to walking a lot
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): possibilities
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): learning
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Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo) is Online
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): hi fcseeker, sam
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Sam
FcSeeker: rehi Lucinda
Lucinda Lavender: Hi fc:)
FcSeeker: Hello O Susan Bruce
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): hi bruce
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): Hi Lucinda, Susan, Fc and Bruce :)
Lucinda Lavender: HI Bruce
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Good day, Fc, O, Luci, and Susan.
Lucinda Lavender: I wanted to say thanks for the peace day...
FcSeeker: <3
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): Was nice being together like that I thought :)
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): I am still feeling the afterglow from Peace Day.
Lucinda Lavender: something very special about the silence there
Lucinda Lavender: sense of unity
FcSeeker: yes
FcSeeker: that something so special was/is that we joined so fully in our spirits
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): :)
FcSeeker: to many people that was new...
Lucinda Lavender: setting aside the time, the container etc
Lucinda Lavender: allowed for settling
FcSeeker: ...imo...that day/the joining, is to reach back when ever all wants that at the same time
FcSeeker: that each one who attended, got new 'relate' which shall never cut...
FcSeeker: ...that is love and will of peace which connects...
FcSeeker: joined/connected forces do only grow for sharing
Lucinda Lavender: brb
FcSeeker: meaning sure that it dont cut by itself
Lucinda Lavender: back thanks...phone...
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): wb
FcSeeker: wb
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): Vashon Island retreat coming up
Lucinda Lavender: Luci is thinking that she is very grateful at this time of herlife
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): at this time Luci?
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Lucinda Lavender: vashon, people, family,computers.
Lucinda Lavender: and plums
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): and bells
Lucinda Lavender: :)
FcSeeker: ...thinking that you Lucinda and Bruce can now understand how I am/feel when I may sit down and let myself to experience the connection
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): Perhaps "Gratitude" could become the fifth Immeasurable: Compassion, Joy, Loving Kindness, Equanimity, and Gratitude.
Lucinda Lavender: I must let you all continue this session...hope you understand...
Lucinda Lavender: it is to be a busy day
FcSeeker: that how it is to 'meditate' all the time
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): sure Luci
Susan Sorensson (iwandertoo): take care, Luci
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): no worries
Bruce (bruce.mowbray): ok, Luci. May this be a day of happiness and peace for you.
FcSeeker: enjoy your day Lucinda
Lucinda Lavender: it really is...
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): and plums
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo): :)
Lucinda Lavender: two large boxes to dry and process:)
Lucinda Lavender: thank you may all the time together be peaceful:)
Sam√∫√∞ (oo0oo):
FcSeeker: <3<3<3
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