Eos Amaterasu: Hi Raffi
Raffila Millgrove: greetings Eos.
Eos Amaterasu: Nice rich velvet quality to your dress
Raffila Millgrove: oh ty. i have been away. from Sl most of last 2 week. bad accident with a garden sheers. couldn't type.
Eos Amaterasu: Yikes!
Raffila Millgrove: attempted to cut the finger. lengthwise. painful mess to heal up.
Raffila Millgrove: doing better but excuse if don't type too much.
Eos Amaterasu: Just being here is just fine :-)
Raffila Millgrove: ty. are you hosting on theme of compassion today?
Raffila Millgrove: or was that last week
Eos Amaterasu: I could :-)
Eos Amaterasu: I think that was last week, but it's a big topic :-)
Raffila Millgrove: the new board looks so great.
Eos Amaterasu: Does one add one's own mug shot to it?
Raffila Millgrove: yes.
Eos Amaterasu: is there a way we could approach the upcoming 90 seconds from theme of compassion?
Raffila Millgrove: will do
Eos Amaterasu listens
Raffila Millgrove: oh i meant .. yes i will do it iwth you. meditate on compassion and report after bell
Eos Amaterasu: mabye it's analogous to looking through someone else's eyes : feeling through someone else's heart
Eos Amaterasu: feeling from where their passion is coming from
Raffila Millgrove: yes that would be my... view too.. of "what is compassion"
Raffila Millgrove: here is my report: I start with word "air".. always do here on bell.. next i see word compassion.. and reverse. i am thinking. website! passion.com Where people come and write about their passion. Maybe erotic.. very hot juicy stories. maybe... their passion for their work. all the things they feel passion about. they write. we are reading their thoughts and seeing their world thru their eyes. i wonder if they have this website. i think.. mm.. what a neat idea. What is your report.
Eos Amaterasu: I had some kind of feeling of big momma passion, from which mine is coming, and from which another's is coming.... sharing not me, but big momma (com)passion
Raffila Millgrove: oh! nice.
Eos Amaterasu: the energy of the universe that "through the green fuse drives the flower" (probably mangled that - Dylan Thomas)
Raffila Millgrove: yes. passion definitely--energy.
Raffila Millgrove: a driving one.
Raffila Millgrove: but also very warm. very hot fiery. not air or water. Fire.
Raffila Millgrove: i wonder why we make that.. association. always people would associate fire with passion.
Eos Amaterasu: interesting - can burn what needs to be burned, if needed. Or consume.
Eos Amaterasu: if things are too snug and protected it can upset that
Raffila Millgrove: i wonder if that would be true in other culture. if their word for passion also would match to fire.
Eos Amaterasu: red in color
Raffila Millgrove: yes.
Raffila Millgrove: you think that is true in someplaces.. like Africa or up in cold with Inuit people?
Eos Amaterasu: good question
Raffila Millgrove: that is a hard one to find answer to.
Eos Amaterasu: for example, what about your red velvet dress?
Raffila Millgrove: ah. it is very passionate i think.
Raffila Millgrove: strangely this dress. i do a lot of very erotic scenes here in sl.. i was wearing it. it looks prim.. but somehow it's really not feeling prim to me.
Eos Amaterasu: has color and sense of texture and touch
Raffila Millgrove: yes. very rich. lot of depth for SL.
Eos Amaterasu: sensory detail
Raffila Millgrove: yes
Raffila Millgrove: hehe.
Raffila Millgrove: we cannot touch here.. so visual extremely important.
Raffila Millgrove: you know Eos .. i read the logs. the new ones. the old ones. i am trying to slowly read the whole four plus years.
Eos Amaterasu: wow
Raffila Millgrove: what i notice is that the erotic area.. people really stay away from ever talking in it.
Raffila Millgrove: perhaps of course from a shyness or thinking it is not appropriate for public chat etc.
Raffila Millgrove: it's too bad in a way. cuase it is so much part of our lives/thoughts.
Eos Amaterasu: there's a lot of eros in SL, though... but talking about it is maybe a different thing
Eos Amaterasu: can you say more?
Eos Amaterasu: or how could we erotically approach a 90 second slice of reality?
Raffila Millgrove: well it reflects society. in ours. we only snicker and make jokes etc. people very rarely share their thoughts or feelings on it.
Eos Amaterasu: do you express more passion in SL than in RL/
Raffila Millgrove: sometimes yes. over all. about even.
Eos Amaterasu: passion can be liberating, or scary, or fixating....
Eos Amaterasu: so much energy to things, expressing shape and color and constantly becoming
Eos Amaterasu: such particular forms passion takes
Raffila Millgrove: in the pause. i was thinking of the passion associated with this dress.. here in sl.. and i suddenly remember... that.. i used to.. put my submissive under this dress. and we had many funny, crazy time with that.. and one day i decided that i would go out to real life.. would come out of closet in real life.. as a domme. and my sub says she wishes she could go with me.. and i say--you can. i will do in rl the same as here.. hide you under my skirt. (this very dress) and so.. when i went.. i always imagine that wherever i go.. she is with me. it comforted and made us both.. so happy.
Eos Amaterasu: I grew up very uptight... over time have realized that just about any form of passion I could potentially relate to : all it takes is attention
Raffila Millgrove: i was giving some advice on a press release. the lecturer.. she is still saying.. follow your passion. i was saying too 90's. that's over and i felt sad to think... better not use that word.. dated now.
Raffila Millgrove: yes. attention. !!
Eos Amaterasu: attention with compassion, or maybe attention allows compassion, and passion
Eos Amaterasu: "love is a stranger in an open car...."
Raffila Millgrove: but that lady said follow your passion.. i guess you would be running after it.. instead of it driving you.. as a force. i think follow.. i thinki--maybe let your passion drive you.
Raffila Millgrove: hi steve.
Raffila Millgrove: that is what you said "car". who is driving. you or your passion? LOL
stevenaia Michinaga: hi Raff, Eos
Eos Amaterasu: hi stevenaia
Raffila Millgrove: we were using the 15 min bell to .. medidate and think.. on compassion. somehow we went to passion...
Raffila Millgrove: bringing Stevie up to date.
Eos Amaterasu:
It's guilt edged glamorous
And sleek by design
You know it's jealous by nature
False and unkind
It's hard and restrained
And it's totally cool
It touches and it teases
As you you stumble in the debris
Raffila Millgrove: wow. ty Eos. i love it.
Raffila Millgrove: who wrote that?
stevenaia Michinaga: thanks
Eos Amaterasu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6f593X6rv8
Eos Amaterasu: Eurythmics - Annie Lennox - "Love is a Stranger"
Raffila Millgrove: ty
stevenaia Michinaga: smiles
Eos Amaterasu: theme is (com)passion
stevenaia Michinaga: your passion is compassion?
Raffila Millgrove: we leapt on the passion part. but we were thinking tho.. about learning.. feeling Others passion.
Raffila Millgrove: we were thinking both Steve.
Raffila Millgrove: your own and others.
Eos Amaterasu: compassion coming more from passion than from thinking ?
Eos Amaterasu: passion let go, beyond yourself
stevenaia Michinaga: nods, isn't a compassionate person by their nature passionate?
Eos Amaterasu: "but it's savage and cruel, comes like destruction"
Raffila Millgrove: i meant we were "thinking" as in talking of it.. but we definately mean the feeling.
Raffila Millgrove: and about how it's associated.. with fire.
Eos Amaterasu: must be very passionate to compassionately share everyone's passion
Eos Amaterasu: but passion like fire, fire that burns away mental bullshit
Raffila Millgrove: i was imaginng. what if i read this log.. objectively. of eos and raffi. objectively on a page.. would look random. but to be here. it wasn't. it was kind of very intense. experience.
Raffila Millgrove: you can't always "get it" reading in log. sometimes like today.. feels.. very different from how it end up written in words.
Raffila Millgrove: passion is like that too. hard to capture in words.
stevenaia Michinaga: what are your passions that shine so bright?
stevenaia Michinaga: is it a thing, a goal, a feeling?
Raffila Millgrove: oh i talked about this dress. eos gave us those lovely images.. and explain to with song lyric. he talked in images.
Raffila Millgrove: and of force-energies. hard to put in words. but if you sit here. you could feel what he meant.
Eos Amaterasu: "put on your red dress, momma..." :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: nice t o be able to pinpoint those thngs which you have grown to accept as a driving force in your life
Raffila Millgrove: see? he does again!
Eos Amaterasu: ha ha
Raffila Millgrove: so no. we didn't say thing or goal.
Raffila Millgrove: do you think that steve.. that it's a goal?
Eos Amaterasu: look at stevenaia's passionate body!
stevenaia Michinaga: no, I was jsut trying to frame "it", for me it is a sense of emotion that drives me, love of a creative act, no goal
Raffila Millgrove: yeah i think it drives you also. i was saying forget this follow. i think it is the one driving.
stevenaia Michinaga: like the car metphor I walked in on :)
Raffila Millgrove: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: it;s the ride... in the right car
Eos Amaterasu:
It's savage and it's cruel
And it shines like destruction
Comes in like the flood
It seems like religion
It's noble and it's brutal
It distorts and deranges
And it wrenches you up
And you're left like a zombie
Raffila Millgrove: eos picked a cruel car tho. personally i am in a very luxe car with soft ride.
Raffila Millgrove: like my dress. velvet.
Eos Amaterasu: Raffi is provoking this whole conversation :-)
Raffila Millgrove: not really. we were just meditating.
Raffila Millgrove winks.
stevenaia Michinaga: giggles
Eos Amaterasu: I like that: passion and meditation as not separate: that's probably compassion!
Raffila Millgrove: gosh i had so much fun. I have to get back to work now. Thank you so much Eos. great session. good to see you Stevie.
Eos Amaterasu: Thanks Raffi...
Eos Amaterasu: I have to go shortly too, good night
stevenaia Michinaga: always a pleasure, Raff
Raffila Millgrove hugs you both and poofs.
Eos Amaterasu: we didn't know what the theme was, so continued last week's
stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, I didn;t know it was last weeks, I see eliza and pila began and ethics theme yesterday, but themes change
stevenaia Michinaga: so I;m not sure it matters as much you have one, which also doesn;t really matter either
stevenaia Michinaga: but it helps
Eos Amaterasu: just playing :-)
stevenaia Michinaga: (me)
stevenaia Michinaga: nods
Eos Amaterasu: little gift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXwjeEJtyLM
stevenaia Michinaga: I see your pic is missing from the big board, shall we take one?
Eos Amaterasu: sure.... was wondering how to put one there
stevenaia Michinaga: take one in the booth behind the board and send it to Bleu for tagging and posting
Eos Amaterasu: ah ok
stevenaia Michinaga: you can pose, I can take it if you wnat
Eos Amaterasu: should I go there?
stevenaia Michinaga: sure
stevenaia Michinaga: sit on the chair
stevenaia Michinaga: and smile
Eos Amaterasu: :-)
Eos Amaterasu: so this is just a backdrop against which to do a screen shot?
Eos Amaterasu: okay.... well, good night, stevenaia
File | Size | Date | Attached by | |||
![]() | 2012-09-19RaffiEosStevenaia700.png Raffi, Eos, stevenaia | 548.31 kB | 11:41, 19 Sep 2012 | eos | Actions | |
![]() | 2012-09-19RaffiRedDress.png Raffi in red velvet dress | 188.93 kB | 11:34, 19 Sep 2012 | eos | Actions |
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![]() Raffi, Eos, stevenaia2012-09-19RaffiEosStevenaia700.png | ![]() Raffi in red velvet dress2012-09-19RaffiRedDress.png |