The Guardian for this meeting was Yakuzza Lethecus. The comments are by Yakuzza Lethecus.
// i edited a chatlog out that was posted in this log here accidentally
Korel Laloix: Heya
Wol Euler: hello korel
Korel Laloix: I have something to talk about if no one else has something planned.
Wol Euler: fire away
Korel Laloix: or is it planed?
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: no pla
Wol Euler: plan
Korel Laloix: nn? or n?
Korel Laloix: nn.
Korel Laloix: ANyway.
Korel Laloix: How to put this.....
Korel Laloix: Twice this week, I have essentially been .... subtely accused of being stupid or uneducated becuase I don't know anything about Shakespeare.
Wol Euler: huh
Wol Euler: a strange standard of judgement
Korel Laloix: I really don't care about European culture or histry... relative to how I care about real American history.
Korel Laloix: I know that sounds bad, but you know what I mean.
Wol Euler nods.
Yakuzza Lethecus: onigokko
Korel Laloix: So I guess my question is about cultural snobishness.
Korel Laloix: stop
Wol Euler: hello yaku, nano
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey everyone :)
Korel Laloix: lol
milakel Resident: who is this crazy yaku person running around? :)
Wol Euler: cultural snobbishness ...
nanomilano Resident: ok
milakel Resident: hi folks :)
Wol Euler: there are several questions one might frame around that
Korel Laloix: Just iritates me...
Wol Euler: hello mila
Korel Laloix: I realy dont' care about Romeo and Juliet.
nanomilano Resident: hi wol
milakel Resident: oh, i missed the irritation part, koral
Korel Laloix: WEll.. I can't say not care. interesting stuff in away.
nanomilano Resident: i knew yaku and wol
Korel Laloix: Just people beign hatefuly to me becuase I dont value European leterature as much as tey do.
nanomilano Resident: as i was barcalona
nanomilano Resident: and adoro
nanomilano Resident: Rhapsody
nanomilano Resident: in former lifes
milakel Resident: korel, ah... imagine me who doesn't like fiction at all :)
Wol Euler: it's a foolish thing to feel superior about
Qt Core: hi all
milakel Resident: qt :)
nanomilano Resident: hi Qt
milakel Resident: woly, very common
Wol Euler: because the other can easily go out and read the play that afternoon, and then where is your superiority?
Korel Laloix: And I have no idea what Rhapsody in Blue is about... and now I refuse to even look it up.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey qt
milakel Resident: korel, that's my girl! :)
nanomilano Resident: every thing good in Milano Qr ?
Wol Euler smiles.
nanomilano Resident: Qt
Wol Euler: brb
Qt Core: almost, nano
Korel Laloix: I am sorry... but I am sort of refusing to become "culturaly literate"... lol
nanomilano Resident: ok
nanomilano Resident: i see
milakel Resident: biker girl :P
nanomilano Resident: a bit economic problems in italy i heard
Qt Core: ( i was almost waiting for it)
nanomilano Resident: but that was soon over
nanomilano Resident: sorry
nanomilano Resident: dont wanna bother you
Korel Laloix: WOudl love to go to Italy.. might even learn some Europen History there.. smiles
Wol Euler: better than learning it frombooks :)
nanomilano Resident: my son is to Greece for holidays now
milakel Resident: korel, you'd sure enjoy the italian cuisine :)
nanomilano Resident: learning greek tragedy
Qt Core: in many cities it is harder not to find historical place than finding them
nanomilano Resident: ok
nanomilano Resident: much heritage
Korel Laloix: Not big into Italian food as I can't eat cheese much.
nanomilano Resident: i love cheese
Wol Euler: that restricts it, yes
nanomilano Resident: as a dutch man
Korel Laloix: Lactose intollerent.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hopefully he´s not affected by strike´s and other protests then, a coworker of mine wanted to travel there but they decided otherwise since they were scared of inconveniend surprises du to the protesting ppl
Qt Core: there still is a lot to eat even without milk/cheese
nanomilano Resident: sure
Korel Laloix: yes, but never got the taste for it.
Korel Laloix: I am the only person I know that does not eat Pizza.
nanomilano Resident: now we have zero fat cheese
Wol Euler gasps
Yakuzza Lethecus: how good or bad does it work if you take these additional enzyme pills ?
Qt Core: not going in big cities and smaller islands you could evade protests and strike issues
nanomilano Resident: ok
Korel Laloix: It makes it OK for the people around me the next day, but I stil get the tummy ache.
milakel Resident: eh
nanomilano Resident: vegetable fat cheese
nanomilano Resident: instead of animal fat cheese
Korel Laloix: I have had it... not the same, but OK.
Qt Core: a colleague of mine is going to greece, but changed tyhe usual isle as it is very small and he was told that there will be water issues as there will be less tanker around
Korel Laloix: That sounds fun... wish I coudl afford something like that.
nanomilano Resident: better for heart and vaines
Korel Laloix: I love junk food though... smiles
nanomilano Resident: did u had nice weather today ?
Qt Core: i'm slightly against "fake" foods or too small portions, better to not having it if fake or too small
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey dash
Qt Core: hi dash
Wol Euler: hello dash
Dash Earthboy: hey y'all
nanomilano Resident: hallo dash
Dash Earthboy: finally got some relief from the heat here :)
Dash Earthboy: in RL
nanomilano Resident: ok
nanomilano Resident: it was warm in holland today
nanomilano Resident: in RL
Qt Core: yesterday driving under a thunderstorm i saw temp dropping from 29 to 17 in less than 1 kilometer
milakel Resident: dashing through the snow - hi :)
Dash Earthboy: :)
Wol Euler: wow
Yakuzza Lethecus: here in germany/nrw it was rather cold only around 16-17 degree´s where i live and rain
Dash Earthboy: yah Qt...gthat's so good!
milakel Resident: qt, neat. did you take pictures?
Qt Core: and then back to 24 outside the rain area
Korel Laloix: 104 here
Dash Earthboy: those 17C temps are more to my liking for sure :)
Qt Core: no, busy driving
milakel Resident: yaku, it's better than 30c
Qt Core: i'm a compulsive photographer only in turist mode, in everyday life i almost forget my phone has a cam
Dash Earthboy: :)
Dash Earthboy: well we got all the way down to 26 here :)
Dash Earthboy: C
Dash Earthboy: or rather Up to 26c :)
Qt Core: F would have been even too cold, i presume
Dash Earthboy: you wouldn't like 26F Qt?
Dash Earthboy: that's when I use my fireplace :)
Qt Core: sometimes i wonder if there is a measure unit we agree about on the two side of the ocean ... or the british channel ;-)
Yakuzza Lethecus: -20 C and sunshine, that´s awesome :)
Wol Euler: agreed, yaku
Wol Euler: and far more comfortable than +30c
Dash Earthboy: sun does help :)
Qt Core: someone channelling R2D2 (if not the real thing) down in the street... weird
Dash Earthboy: what planet are we on huh?
Korel Laloix: 40c here.... love it.
Yakuzza Lethecus: tatouine ?
Dash Earthboy: glad you like it hot there Korel :)
Wol Euler wilts at the sheer thought of that
Dash Earthboy: *some like it hot...
Qt Core: grab his juice for dear life and liquids and salts at the thoughts
Dash Earthboy: somehow this feels like a marvelous time to visit the North Pole :)
Qt Core:
Dash Earthboy: i'm trying to reserve space in the car for my two tennis case I need makeshift snowshoes :)
Dash Earthboy: South Pole would be an even longer drive :(
Korel Laloix: I really realy really can't stand snow.
Dash Earthboy: how about Italian ice?
Dash Earthboy: :)
Korel Laloix: Really cant do icecream either.
Dash Earthboy: *chat log: weather, food, onigokko :)
Dash Earthboy: pretty deep huh?
Wol Euler: there was a deep conversation going on as people arrived,but htey didn't wish to sustain it
Wol Euler: :-P
Dash Earthboy: must I wait for the book?
Yakuzza Lethecus: gosh, movie in my case
Wol Euler: you can read it in the log
Wol Euler: as soon as it gets published
Dash Earthboy: okee dokee
Yakuzza Lethecus: well i had a kind of exciting moment 2-3 days ago, i watched and episode of my atm favorite tv show, game of thrones and suddenly i realized that i knew the place from somewhere
Yakuzza Lethecus: then i googled and it was actually the entrence to mdina
Wol Euler: wow
Dash Earthboy: cool
Wol Euler: (where we had dinner at teh Malta retreat 1.5 years ago)
Dash Earthboy: hey Zon
Yakuzza Lethecus: and i was kind of excited that i´ve been there and that that was only through pab even tho very exidental
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey zon
Zon Kwan: heya
Wol Euler: hello zon
Yakuzza Lethecus: so mdina is part of ,,kings landing" in game of thrones
Yakuzza Lethecus: well, sometimes i wonder how to really transmit messages through music or movies
Yakuzza Lethecus: in the past i just used to crunch things away and didn´t reflect futher upon images, i wonder how much other ppl elaborate on the deeper meaning of books,music,...
Dash Earthboy: i toyed with subliminal messages about 20 years's much easier to do digitally
milakel Resident: yaku, if there is a deeper meaning at all :)
milakel Resident: beatles played a nice game with their fans
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey rhi
Zon Kwan: how
Dash Earthboy: hey Rhi
Zon Kwan: rhi adorable
Wol Euler: hello rhi
milakel Resident: rhi :)
milakel Resident: it's so nice that you made it to the session today, woly :)
milakel Resident: danke :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: my pleasure
Dash Earthboy: still under the weather, Wol?
milakel Resident: rhia, how's your wonderfully fast adsl doing?
Wol Euler: no, fine,but flying to canada tomorrow morning early
Rhiannon Dragoone: My wonderfully fst what? adsl?
milakel Resident: rhia, yep. you kept talking about it. haven't installed it yet?
Rhiannon Dragoone: um, you mean DSL?
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, you notice I walked in.
Rhiannon Dragoone: Hi Arch!
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey arch
Dash Earthboy: hey Arch
Wol Euler: hello arch
milakel Resident: archy :)
Zon Kwan: waves
Dash Earthboy: bye Zon
Archmage Atlantis: Hello friends of mine
milakel Resident: time for bubbles
Dash Earthboy: always mila :)
milakel Resident: :)
Archmage Atlantis: Wol, u r getting more and more dark
Dash Earthboy: Dash likes a good bubbly personality :)
Wol Euler: ?
milakel Resident: :)
Dash Earthboy: and a good bubbly with personality too :)
Wol Euler: well, this is darker tahn my first furry, but it's unchanged in a month or more
Archmage Atlantis: Wol, this place is important
milakel Resident: i think woly would look cute as a little panda
Wol Euler: ???
Archmage Atlantis: It is a legacy
Wol Euler: what makes you think I disagree?
milakel Resident: "sacred pond"! :)
milakel Resident: *feeds fishes*
Archmage Atlantis: disagree? never.....forget, I did.
Dash Earthboy: *Thinks Fcseeker would like another panda to pal with too
milakel Resident: dash ;)
Rhiannon Dragoone: This place is one of peace, Arch; that's always important
Wol Euler nods.
Dash Earthboy: i'll drinkk to that
milakel Resident: when you invest so much time coming here month by month, it sure becomes important :)
Archmage Atlantis: As a shaman...I drink also Dash
milakel Resident: :)
Dash Earthboy: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Shame-n on you, Arch
Archmage Atlantis: gotta pee, Rhi
Archmage Atlantis: brb
Dash Earthboy: thanks for sharing :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Why do men always tell me that?
Rhiannon Dragoone: lol
milakel Resident: peeing is important
milakel Resident: *tries not to laugh*
Wol Euler: marking territory
Dash Earthboy: guess they know you care Rhi :)
Rhiannon Dragoone laughs
Dash Earthboy: onigokko
Korel Laloix: stop
Dash Earthboy: that was refreshing :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: You must carry real authority, Korel, you said 'stop,' and they stopped. lol
Korel Laloix: Yes, but I say stop with style.
Korel Laloix: onigokko
Korel Laloix: I can start them as wel... smiles
Dash Earthboy: tradition is sometimes important too :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: stop
Yakuzza Lethecus: but not in doing it alone :(
Archmage Atlantis: bk
Korel Laloix: onigokko
Wol Euler: wb
Korel Laloix: They look so cute.
Rhiannon Dragoone: They do
Rhiannon Dragoone: When people were doing it the other day, Rosalyn started cracking up, which I was happy for.
Archmage Atlantis: and to manipulate another being carries with it great responsibility
Korel Laloix: Things should work like this anyway...
Archmage Atlantis: those who choose to call themselves women
Yakuzza Lethecus: stop
Archmage Atlantis: rarely acknowledge that
Korel Laloix: What is that from anyway?
Dash Earthboy: *thinks of song "I'm Your Puppet"
Wol Euler: the music? it's the lone ranger theme,originally from an opera
Dash Earthboy: in this case maybe R2D2 instead?
Dash Earthboy: ponders the lone arranger
Dash Earthboy: oops, *loan arranger :)
Dash Earthboy: still at work Korel?
Korel Laloix: Yes...
Korel Laloix: For another hour or so.
Yakuzza Lethecus: when is ur plane taking off wol ?
Wol Euler: first stage is a trainactually :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: ack Loan arranger; trying to get some documents through to my loan company; they keep saying that they don't get them, even though they are sent; I just sent the same 21 docs twice, and will keep sending them until their fax machine is broken. lol
Wol Euler: 7:20 for frankfurt;then to london; then to halifax
Wol Euler: so up at 6am
Rhiannon Dragoone: My dog got me up at 6 am; wanting to go out, so I empathized. stayed up late watching a really stupid film made in canada on netflix
Dash Earthboy: and arrive about 6 AM Canadian time?
Wol Euler: someting like that
Dash Earthboy: what a feeling :(
milakel Resident: feeling of morning happiness in friendly town of halifax
Rhiannon Dragoone: Wow, travel in the 21st century
Dash Earthboy: *still likes walking :)
Wol Euler: yes, pema will be in early evening, we might meet in the bar;but eliza won't arrive until late
milakel Resident: oops
Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.
Wol Euler: wrong window?
Archmage Atlantis: FrankenFuhrer
Rhiannon Dragoone: wtf?
milakel Resident: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Arch, don't say long sentences in open chat--there are *ladies* present
Rhiannon Dragoone: lol
milakel Resident: *looks around*
Rhiannon Dragoone: brb
milakel Resident: woly, so tell me. why book readers so don't like movie watchers?
Wol Euler: O.O
Rhiannon Dragoone glowers at Mila an laughs
Wol Euler: that's news to me
milakel Resident: rhia :P
Rhiannon Dragoone: brb
Wol Euler: find one who fits that description and ask him
milakel Resident: if i ask anyone: oh, the book was so much better than the movie :)
Dash Earthboy: I did like the book "Goodbye Mr. Chips" better than the movie...but I did both :)
Wol Euler: well, that is usually true :-P
Wol Euler: how do you conclude that book readers do not like people who enjoy movies?
milakel Resident: i know why, but people keep fussing about it
Wol Euler: some of my best friends like movies. I like movies,even
Rhiannon Dragoone: Am making meatloaf sandwiches for Rosalyn and me; this may take a while.
Archmage Atlantis: I like iPads, I just cannot afford one
Archmage Atlantis: movies, books
Archmage Atlantis: cat
Wol Euler: book people are usually disappointed in the movie because it has cut out many of their fa vourite parts
Archmage Atlantis: in my rl lap
Wol Euler: it has to
Yakuzza Lethecus: cat vs dog lovers
milakel Resident: woly, motion picture generally considered less of an art than book writing
Yakuzza Lethecus: apple vs pc lovers
Wol Euler: the average book is (say) 150 pages long, the average filmscript is around 30
Wol Euler: it *has* to leave stuff out
Dash Earthboy: i like both Yaku :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: the book was always better when comming out of the cinema and someone read the book first :)
Archmage Atlantis: Why can't we all just get along.....LA riots
milakel Resident: woly, they're disappointed because they're already clinged to their first and "oh, so personal" experience with the book
Wol Euler: why do you conclude that we dislike PEOPLE who like films, though?
milakel Resident: haha
milakel Resident: woly :)
milakel Resident: "we" - i like it :)
Wol Euler: direct qoute from you
Wol Euler: [14:06] Mila (milakel): woly, so tell me. why book readers so don't like movie watchers?
milakel Resident: hehe
milakel Resident: so cute :)
Dash Earthboy: well, in mila's defense a book-reading professor thought I could not possibly get anything of importance from watching a movie :)
Wol Euler: I disagree
Korel Laloix: I am a reader, and my gf is a movie person.
Wol Euler: there are great movies around, which achieve things that books cannot
Korel Laloix: SO typically, she watches a movies with me resting my head i her lap while I read... smiles
milakel Resident: korel, works out well :)
Dash Earthboy: the prof didn't think i was very intelligent since I like to watch movies more these days and read fewer books
Dash Earthboy: but I listen to audio books in the car :)
milakel Resident: dash, that's exactly an attitude i'm talking about
Archmage Atlantis: Stories, conveying information, can be tol through many media
Wol Euler: I guess such people are arseholes, mila.
Wol Euler: there are book-loving arseholes just as there are sport-loving arseholes
milakel Resident: and i didn't apriori included you in this group, woly. i asked you cause i value your opinion :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: yah, Wol, and lots of them :)
Archmage Atlantis: Disapprove of word " a-es"
Wol Euler: this comes back to where we started, actually: Korel's question about cultural superiority
milakel Resident: yes, it's been stewing in me i guess :)
Wol Euler: if my favourite art form is better tjhan yours, then I can feel that I am a better person than you
Archmage Atlantis: Korel ....good work
Wol Euler: that's the theory, insofar as it is thought about
Yakuzza Lethecus: i like to read more about that in the log, but i will go to bed now, good night everyone
Wol Euler: ghoodnight yaku, take care
Dash Earthboy: but this professor believed microwaved water kills plants :)
Korel Laloix: For what?.. sorry
Dash Earthboy: bye Yaku
Archmage Atlantis: microwaved water has all bacteris killed....good and bad.....the bad come in from the outside first
Dash Earthboy: the reasoning behind that idea was that microwaves heat by changing the positive/negative polarity because they run on a/c current
Dash Earthboy: as opposed to sun and other radient heat supposedly not changing polarity of stuff
milakel Resident: eh, i almost forgot all the physics course :/
Dash Earthboy: this was an engineering prog too :(
Dash Earthboy: *prof
Archmage Atlantis: I totally hated my physics course in high never made sense
Dash Earthboy: from this theory, the prof extrapolated that anything cooked in a microwave was unhealthy for consumption by living tissue
Archmage Atlantis: Now,,,,when physicist are cool
Dash Earthboy: i've been microwaving since 1976
Rhiannon Dragoone: Actually, I'd better head out. Lunch is vry distracting
Archmage Atlantis: I still dispise tm,,,,,Ich bin ein Mathematician
Korel Laloix is haveing a hard time imagining life without microwaves
Dash Earthboy: bye Rhi gtsy again
Wol Euler: bye rhi
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, yu too, Dash
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye, Wol; enjoy Canada
Wol Euler: mila, you're right, I reacted too sharply to your question; I did take it as personally directed
Wol Euler: my apologies
Dash Earthboy: does sound like it will be a good time Wol
Rhiannon Dragoone: Bye Mila
Wol Euler: I'm sure it will, dash
Rhiannon Dragoone: Bye Qt
Wol Euler: I'Ve been there before
Wol Euler: on a PaB reetreat
milakel Resident: it's important to note that the "prof" title merely increases a possibility of the right answer, but does not guarantee it
Archmage Atlantis: Rhiannon, say hello to the parter
milakel Resident: rhia :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Arch, I will
Rhiannon Dragoone: ty
Rhiannon Dragoone smiles at Mila
Rhiannon Dragoone waves and poofs
Dash Earthboy: mila, you mean a professor could be wrong? :)
Archmage Atlantis: telll the that the partner matters
milakel Resident: ha! woly, i forgot. but thanks :)
Archmage Atlantis: This illusion reminds me of a moie
Archmage Atlantis: The island of misfit toys
Dash Earthboy: heheh
milakel Resident: dash, i did dare to say that :)
milakel Resident: or hint? :)
Dash Earthboy: would you, would you really mila ? :)
Dash Earthboy: imagine the grades you'd get :)
milakel Resident: guess i should first throw a few of my titles before i'm entitled to such comments :)
Archmage Atlantis: Blessings, Namsate and Shakim
Dash Earthboy: bye Arch
Wol Euler: bye arch, have a good weekend
milakel Resident: well, i had rather nice grades :) but then, i was smarter then :)
Dash Earthboy: and older?
Dash Earthboy: :)
milakel Resident: um...
Dash Earthboy: *i'm younger than that now...- Dylan
milakel Resident: tricky
milakel Resident: oh
milakel Resident: guess i'm not there yet
Wol Euler: all right, my dears, my time is up
Wol Euler: goodnight, gods bless
milakel Resident: ding
Dash Earthboy: i've found even being in Mensa doesn't get me much respect :)
Wol Euler: take care
milakel Resident: *pokes dash* :P
Dash Earthboy: goodnight Wol...pleasant journey :)
Wol Euler: ty
Wol Euler: have a great two weeks
Qt Core: bye Wol, have fun!
milakel Resident: fly well, woly :)
Dash Earthboy: hey Santos
Dash Earthboy: i had thought this time last week, that by this time now I would have been further west than you Korel
Dash Earthboy: been having delay after delay :(
Dash Earthboy: mila, i've been challenging teachers since kindergarten :)
Korel Laloix: I know that feeling.
Korel Laloix: I think we might do the same trip next year rather than go east.
Qt Core: me too, even before my mother being one ;-)
Dash Earthboy: that sounds good Korel
Dash Earthboy: it seemed such a good time for ya :)
milakel Resident: dash, good for you :)
Dash Earthboy: oh and protecting my health from bad medicine since first grade
Korel Laloix: OH it was.
milakel Resident: dash, how?
Korel Laloix: Finally got my bike back... in acouple of boxes and a crate though.
Dash Earthboy: against both mother AND the medical professional Experts :)
Dash Earthboy: didn't know about that bike problem Korel ?
Dash Earthboy: what happened?
Korel Laloix: Was stopped at a stop light and got hit from behind.
Dash Earthboy: dang
Korel Laloix: Bike destroyed, I was realy unscratched.
Dash Earthboy: whew!
Korel Laloix: Hosptital was like three blocks away.
Dash Earthboy: glad you weren't hurt :)
Korel Laloix: SO we just mailed a bunch of stuf home and I road with Erin the rst of the way back.
Dash Earthboy: oh that sounds nice :)
Korel Laloix: It was actually.
Korel Laloix: Somethign about wrapping my arms around her as we go..... such lovely thoughts.
Dash Earthboy: my first bike accident ruined my high school junior finals, the rest of that summer, and any job I could have got when I was run off the road
milakel Resident: *smiles at korel*
Korel Laloix: THis was my second.
Korel Laloix: Both ahve been really not much of a big deal.
Dash Earthboy: a piece of curbing wore my skin down to the collarbone
Korel Laloix: Just minor scratches on my gear.
Dash Earthboy: my helmet saved my skkull
Korel Laloix: I fully armor up as I love to be warm.
milakel Resident: ouch
Korel Laloix: YOu have to have agood helmet.
Dash Earthboy: but my legs and arms were all tore up with gravel
Dash Earthboy: i was dressed to interview for job
Korel Laloix: Probably not the best of safety gear... frowns.
Dash Earthboy: summer job
Korel Laloix: I was in full leathers and a full face helmet.
Dash Earthboy: true
Dash Earthboy: i like to dress like that for most riding too
Dash Earthboy: but employers surprisingly frown on such attire at interview :)
Dash Earthboy: at leastt then and there
Korel Laloix: True.
Qt Core: time to go, bye all!
Dash Earthboy: bye Qt
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