The guardian for this session was Riddle Sideways...
[07:02] Yakuzza Lethecus: hope you have a good coffee
[07:02] Riddle Sideways: good afternoon my friend
[07:03] Riddle Sideways: good coffee is just here. alas no milk to steam for it
[07:03] Riddle Sideways: have been gone from this computer for a week
[07:03] Riddle Sideways: it is starting up slowly
[07:04] Riddle Sideways: amazing how many little programs want attention
[07:04] Yakuzza Lethecus: sometimes i wonder if it´s even good to notice all of those
[07:04] Riddle Sideways: they all want to be noticed
[07:05] Yakuzza Lethecus: hey arch
[07:05] Riddle Sideways: Hi Arch (and Koya)
[07:05] Riddle Sideways: little kitty wants to be noticed the most
[07:06] Archmage Atlantis: It is always good to notice....It may be good, or less good, or not so good to acknowledge
[07:07] Riddle Sideways: a simple achnowledge for some
[07:07] Archmage Atlantis: Yes Riddle
[07:07] Riddle Sideways: then move on
[07:07] Yakuzza Lethecus: talking about kittens, how is your nimbus arch ?
[07:07] Riddle Sideways: is that your old cats name, Arch?
[07:07] Archmage Atlantis: Koya stands in for this planet.......and ty for asking, Nim (Nimbus) is better now
[07:07] Yakuzza Lethecus: *thinks about bruce and hopes that bruce is healty again or getting better*
[07:08] Riddle Sideways: so sorry, but /me has not read any logs for a week
[07:09] Yakuzza Lethecus: good afternoon xirana :9
[07:09] Riddle Sideways adds reading to the todo/notices list
[07:09] Riddle Sideways: then moves on
[07:09] Riddle Sideways: Hi Xiranna
[07:09] Archmage Atlantis: I have done my crying for both, when Nim made me aware of what was needed, I did what I had to do......Bruce has not made me aware
[07:09] Xirana Oximoxi: hi Yaku, Riddle and Arch:)
[07:09] Archmage Atlantis: Hiya, X
[07:10] Archmage Atlantis: Aand Kor
[07:10] Korel Laloix: Heya
[07:10] Riddle Sideways: Hi Korel
[07:10] Yakuzza Lethecus: hi korel
[07:12] Riddle Sideways: nice fishes in fountain
[07:12] Archmage Atlantis: Yes, Riddle
[07:14] Archmage Atlantis: And my rescue cat arrives next Sunday, his name is Chester, so I suppose you will hear of him and Nim learning to get along, or not
[07:14] Korel Laloix: In and out.... any particular topic today?.... or lately as I have not been here in a while.
[07:14] Archmage Atlantis: Life, the universe and everything, usual
[07:16] Riddle Sideways: was able to read the groups emails, but not being in SL for a week has left some kind of hole
[07:16] Archmage Atlantis: 42 as Douglas Smith said
[07:16] Riddle Sideways: Adams*
[07:16] Riddle Sideways: :)
[07:17] Korel Laloix: What?
[07:17] Archmage Atlantis: Dang, u're wright
[07:17] Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, not sure where the topic is
[07:17] Riddle Sideways: does anybody have the topic?
[07:18] Xirana Oximoxi: which topic are you asking?
[07:18] Archmage Atlantis: The topic is, how did we get here, how was what we leaned on the trip, and where do we go from here
[07:18] Korel Laloix: Where is here?.... smiles
[07:19] Xirana Oximoxi: from SL?
[07:19] Archmage Atlantis: Right
[07:19] Archmage Atlantis: Life moves forward......
[07:19] Korel Laloix: I logged on from the left.
[07:19] Riddle Sideways: does it?
[07:20] Archmage Atlantis: To me
[07:20] Archmage Atlantis: It remembers the past
[07:20] Xirana Oximoxi: well to me still going ahead..rl/sl :)
[07:20] Riddle Sideways: ah, SL remembers the last state
[07:20] Archmage Atlantis: Your son, Riddle, he is moving forward
[07:21] Riddle Sideways: yes, (thanks) leaves for Kenya end of week
[07:21] Korel Laloix: Would love to go to Kenya... or ay part of Africa really.
[07:21] Riddle Sideways: is taking a GPS, camera and solar recharger
[07:21] Archmage Atlantis: I only forget why I walk from one room in rl, not the data that has meaning
[07:21] Riddle Sideways: to map the Masaii lands and pouchers
[07:21] Riddle Sideways: Poachers*
[07:22] Korel Laloix: That sounds interesting.
[07:22] Korel Laloix: Can you tell us about that?
[07:22] Riddle Sideways: we were testing the setup
[07:22] Riddle Sideways: and went for a test walk
[07:23] Riddle Sideways: looked at it later
[07:23] Riddle Sideways: was really interesting how many times
[07:23] Riddle Sideways: we stopped turned to walk in circles
[07:24] Riddle Sideways: not many would be interesting in a google map of the walk in circles
[07:24] Korel Laloix: In Africa aybe.
[07:24] Korel Laloix: maybe
[07:24] Riddle Sideways: right,
[07:25] Riddle Sideways: tried to go Geocaching too
[07:25] Korel Laloix: Was looking at google moon the other day... strange we can do that.
[07:25] Riddle Sideways: the GPS keep on saying "you are there"
[07:26] Riddle Sideways: whatever coordinates we put in
[07:26] Korel Laloix: No matter where you go, there you are.
[07:26] Riddle Sideways: it would say "there you are"
[07:26] Korel Laloix grins
[07:26] Archmage Atlantis: very metaphysical, te GPS
[07:26] Korel Laloix: How are you getting htere?
[07:27] Korel Laloix: What do you mean?
[07:27] Riddle Sideways: anyway, was really exciting to go for a walk and take some pictures.
[07:27] Riddle Sideways: plug both devices into a laptop
[07:27] Korel Laloix: I am getting ready for a several thousand mile bike trip.
[07:27] Riddle Sideways: and after about 3 hours playing
[07:27] Korel Laloix: Going to try and take a lot of pictures.
[07:27] Riddle Sideways: get a website and google earth of where we went and what we saw
[07:28] Xirana Oximoxi: what an adventure Korel :)
[07:28] Korel Laloix: Erin is thinking of doing something like that.
[07:28] Korel Laloix: She is a lot better at that sort of thing than me.
[07:28] Korel Laloix: I should be fun.
[07:28] Riddle Sideways: oh sorry for obscure ref to "Buckaroo Bonsai"
[07:28] Korel Laloix: What efference?
[07:28] Riddle Sideways: "No mater where you go, there you are"
[07:29] Korel Laloix: Is that where that is from?
[07:29] Korel Laloix: What is Bucakroo Bonsai?
[07:29] Riddle Sideways: a campy old movie
[07:29] Korel Laloix: Will look it up.
[07:31] Korel Laloix: I nthat case Erin probably has a copy of it..... lol... our movie tastes so dont line up.
[07:31] Xirana Oximoxi: I must go now, bye to all and take care :)
[07:32] Riddle Sideways: bye Xir
[07:32] Korel Laloix: ciao
[07:32] Yakuzza Lethecus: bye xirana
[07:32] Riddle Sideways: if in the proper mood, it is a good movie
[07:32] Riddle Sideways: rather silly
[07:33] Korel Laloix: Texting her to see fi she knows it.
[07:33] Korel Laloix: I like biographical movies.
[07:33] Riddle Sideways: so many refs in it to other topics, things, etc.
[07:33] Archmage Atlantis: zeus, poseidon, gaia, atlas, phaeton, hercules, the stag, the birds,
[07:33] Archmage Atlantis: 8
[07:33] Archmage Atlantis: still missing 4
[07:35] Archmage Atlantis: harry potter?
[07:35] Archmage Atlantis: poke
[07:36] Riddle Sideways: ok, Arch. is that G-ds of Atlantis list?
[07:36] Korel Laloix: lol.... Erin wrote back.... "no matter where you go, there you are"...
[07:37] Korel Laloix: I guess she knows it....
[07:37] Archmage Atlantis: I thought it was....but
[07:37] Riddle Sideways: Hephaistus
[07:37] Archmage Atlantis: Also, I am everywhere
[07:37] Archmage Atlantis: Tell Erin that
[07:38] Riddle Sideways: Korel, for a fun time, try to get erin to explain it
[07:38] Archmage Atlantis: Brain hurts, gotta go.......Blessings and Namaste
[07:38] Korel Laloix: ciao
[07:38] Riddle Sideways: ok thanks Arch
[07:38] Riddle Sideways: bye
[07:38] Korel Laloix: Get her to explain the movie?
[07:38] Korel Laloix: ok
[07:38] Riddle Sideways: yes, the movie
[07:38] Riddle Sideways: that should be good for an hour
[07:39] Riddle Sideways: about the 8th dimension
[07:39] Riddle Sideways: about grovers mill
[07:39] Korel Laloix: I asked her to explain the movie to me.... lol
[07:40] Riddle Sideways: is best asked at the start of a slow cooked meal
[07:40] Riddle Sideways: with wine
[07:41] Korel Laloix smiles.... she siad she is out of absinthe.....
[07:41] Riddle Sideways: :) good reply
[07:41] Korel Laloix: Ok... not I am curious enough to watch it.
[07:42] Korel Laloix: We typically don't like the same movies so it will be a good date..... maybe.... maybe not from the sound of it.
[07:42] Korel Laloix grins
[07:42] Riddle Sideways: if in the proper mood, it would get very good
[07:42] Riddle Sideways: but, it could be thought as toooo silly
[07:42] Korel Laloix: Shetypically wants to watch sit comes of scifi stuff which I dont care for.
[07:43] Korel Laloix: And I still can't remmber the difference between Starwars and Startreck which really really really annoys her.... grins
[07:43] Riddle Sideways: couple of years back, had partner read "Snow Crash" before going to Hawaii
[07:44] Riddle Sideways: we discussed it for the week
[07:44] Korel Laloix: What that about it?
[07:44] Riddle Sideways: over wine and fruit
[07:44] Korel Laloix: What that about?
[07:44] Korel Laloix: That does sound good.
[07:44] Riddle Sideways: Snow Crash is book
[07:44] Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, it has at least 5 major themes going on
[07:45] Korel Laloix: Sounds cold
[07:46] Riddle Sideways: much of it takes place in the Metaverse (some virtual world place :)
[07:47] Korel Laloix: Sounds silly
[07:47] Korel Laloix: Probably something she will like....
[07:48] Riddle Sideways: the theme/material on sanscrit, languages, relgion, etc. is really interesting
[07:48] Korel Laloix: Does sound interesting.
[07:48] Korel Laloix: Dated a girl from India for a bit.
[07:49] Korel Laloix: She taught me a little Hindi and Punjabi.
[07:49] Korel Laloix: Learning about sanscrit was interesting.
[07:49] Riddle Sideways: the concept of there being a base language behind all other languages
[07:50] Korel Laloix: Have to get back to RL...
[07:50] Riddle Sideways: a language we all know, but can not access
[07:50] Korel Laloix: Take care all
[07:50] Riddle Sideways: ok, bye and thanks
[07:50] Korel Laloix: Thanks for teh chat
[07:51] Riddle Sideways: Yak, do you know Snow Crash or Buckaroo?
[07:52] Riddle Sideways: or the genre "Cyberpunk"
[07:53] Riddle Sideways: the writing style's most interesting addition
[07:53] Riddle Sideways: was not assuming the reader is stupid
[07:54] Riddle Sideways: most sci-fi books contain a ... (e.g. Grandmother) character
[07:55] Riddle Sideways: who is the vehicle to explain everything fictional/new
[07:55] Riddle Sideways: they have to explain laser beams to granma
[07:56] Riddle Sideways: in Cyberpunk, they just start speaking in slang and the reader is expected to get it eventually
[07:59] Riddle Sideways: how would it be, if we just started from now/here
[08:00] Riddle Sideways: and did not back-track continually to explain
[08:05] Riddle Sideways: ummmmm, the region restart message cometh
[08:06] Riddle Sideways: at least it is after the session (8:03)
[08:06] Riddle Sideways: bye Yak
[08:06] Riddle Sideways: and thanks
[07:01] Yakuzza Lethecus: good morning riddle
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