The Guardian for this meeting was Maxine Walden. The comments are by Maxine Walden.
The session began a bit slowly, that is will plenty of silence,where sitting together is so restful, and then the session evolved toward discussion of identities, including gender issues, SL avis, and more, which became so lively as to run into a 90 sec pause...By the time I had to leave the discussion seemed to be in full gear.
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Maxine Walden: hi, Susan
Maxine Walden: sorry, I did not see you for a moment, was taking the log...
Maxine Walden: :)
iwandertoo Resident: no worries
iwandertoo Resident: how are you?
Maxine Walden: how are you?
Maxine Walden: :))
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Maxine Walden: same question both ways
iwandertoo Resident: smiling here...bit tired...but smiling
Maxine Walden: I am fine, enjoying a Sunday afternoon...
Maxine Walden: sometimes just resting in the silence together feels very nice
iwandertoo Resident: yes
iwandertoo Resident: true
Maxine Walden: hi, Wol
Wol Euler: hello maxine, susan
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Maxine Walden: wol, another striking outfit!
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: thank you :)
Maxine Walden: :)
iwandertoo Resident: it is
Wol Euler smiles.
Maxine Walden: I like your colorful dress too, susan.
iwandertoo Resident: ty
Maxine Walden: Looks so summery which is so welcome, in my part of the world at least
Wol Euler nods. Yes, very nice; very summery
iwandertoo Resident: sun had these funky pants i wanted...went crazy in the store
Maxine Walden: oh?
Wol Euler: heheheh
iwandertoo Resident: yes
iwandertoo Resident: it's called Hobo something
iwandertoo Resident: "BoHo HoBo"
Maxine Walden: catchy name
Wol Euler: phone
Maxine Walden: :)
Maxine Walden: Susan, I think you mentioned being interested in the RL retreat in Seattle this Sept?
iwandertoo Resident: i wont be able to make it
iwandertoo Resident: i dont think
iwandertoo Resident: definitely not July
iwandertoo Resident: september i need a couple of more weeks
iwandertoo Resident: (new job...not possible for July)
Maxine Walden: ah, OK. Sure, these take planning...
iwandertoo Resident: wish i could
Maxine Walden: yes, wish you could as well. :)
iwandertoo Resident: ty
Maxine Walden: Feeling into the can evolve in so many directions...
milakel Resident: hi :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
milakel Resident: woly girl :)
Maxine Walden: hi, milakel
milakel Resident: ah, woly, you're grey to me again :(
Maxine Walden: Wol has been called to the phone I think
milakel Resident: a long phone call :)
Maxine Walden: hmm
iwandertoo Resident: might be...
Maxine Walden: I was writing to Milakel because I had not recognized her, just to make sure she is OKwith the chatlog :)
milakel Resident: um, me and maxine touched on "identity" in a private chat. we'd like to bring this topic here :)
Maxine Walden: please, Milakel
milakel Resident: and i'd like to say again how much i look forward for woly's identity workshop :)
Maxine Walden: (wonderingif Woly is feeling nudged)
Maxine Walden: But maybe milakel, would you like to say some things about identity right now?
milakel Resident: i think it's interesting, on its own and as a self-awareness, how we relate to our identities. and given this sl media we have a new dimension to explore it.
Maxine Walden: nods
Maxine Walden: Care to share your experience, milakel, re identities?
Maxine Walden: hi, Zen!
milakel Resident: zen :)
Zen Arado: Hi all :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
milakel Resident: *thinks on maxine's question*
Zen Arado: you haven't been in SL long Mila
Maxine Walden: Zen, we have been sharing the silence and then recently Milakel has raised her interest in the experience of different identities perhaps especially available in SL
milakel Resident: no, a new resident, zen :)
Zen Arado: welcome :)
milakel Resident: thank you :)
Zen Arado: YW :)
Zen Arado: different identities?
milakel Resident: or maybe it's the same identity in various contexts which is being perceived separately :)
Maxine Walden: sounds a bit mysterious, Milakel
Maxine Walden: :)
Zen Arado: I think we take on different identities in RL too
Zen Arado: don't think there is any 'real' one
Zen Arado: I find gender is just a role
Zen Arado: surprisingly
milakel Resident: well, it is, and with a huge impact :)
iwandertoo Resident: a role?
Zen Arado: yes it isn't really me
Zen Arado: just somethng I play out
Maxine Walden: that is interesting to hear, Zen
Wol Euler: bck, reading
Maxine Walden: wb, Wol
Zen Arado: wb Wol
Wol Euler: ty
milakel Resident: btw, one canadian couple decided to raise their kid gender neutral and let him choose who to be on his own
Maxine Walden: and what happened?
Zen Arado: don't see how you can do that
Zen Arado: even if the parents decide the rest of society will make hum be a boy if he has a willy
Wol Euler: perhaps that is the point
iwandertoo Resident: he is a boy
iwandertoo Resident: (if it is a son)
Wol Euler: says who? :)
iwandertoo Resident: his dna
iwandertoo Resident: sorry...the dna
milakel Resident:
Wol Euler: there is a percentage of babies born every year with indeterminate or intermediate genital forms
Wol Euler: perhaps this child is one of them?
iwandertoo Resident: the dna says this as well, Mila
Wol Euler: it's news to me that DNA was gender identifyable
iwandertoo Resident: what definition of gender are we using?
Zen Arado: that's just sexual orientation though - which is hardwired of course
Wol Euler: no, it's physical
Wol Euler: anyway, sorry, I didn't mean to start riding hobbyhorses
milakel Resident: dna killed the bell :)
Zen Arado: I am happy to be proved wrong
Maxine Walden: :)) we seem to have things to say about this into the pause...
Zen Arado: I first read this in Nisargadatta
Wol Euler:
Zen Arado: really jolted me
Wol Euler: start there
Wol Euler: sorry, zen, pls continue
Zen Arado: np that's all was going to say
Wol Euler: all that I wanted to say is that "we" are making a lot of assumptions about this kid, and about its parents, which may be entirely unfounded
Wol Euler: and are in any case, I'd say, none of "our" business
Gosons Resident: hey
milakel Resident: hi, gos
Maxine Walden: hi, gosons
Wol Euler: hello gosons, welcome to Second Life. Born today.
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Gosons Resident: yep
Gosons Resident: so what you guys doing?
milakel Resident: new guy! :)
Wol Euler: wow, you know how to speak :) many newborns don't
Zen Arado: Hi Gos
Gosons Resident: lol just type it:P
Wol Euler: I'll give you a notecard about the group, and give you an introduction in IM
Wol Euler: so we don'T disturb the others
Gosons Resident: allright
Maxine Walden: hi, Gos, happy birthday, new to SL?
Gosons Resident: yes
Maxine Walden: ah, wol, thanks
Gosons Resident: can u teach me something about SL?
Wol Euler: take a seat, right-click on a cushion and select "sit"
Gosons Resident: oke im sitting
Zen Arado: that's quite scientific
milakel Resident: nominal
milakel Resident: bleu! :)
Maxine Walden: hi, bleu
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Zen Arado: I was thnking more about the way society conditions us to behave certain ways according to our physical gender equipment
milakel Resident: stripy girl :)
Zen Arado: Hi Bleu :)
milakel Resident: *nods to zen*
Zen Arado: like giving dolls to girls
Zen Arado: or do girls have a natural preference for dolls?
milakel Resident: :)
Bleu Oleander: a mothering instinct perhaps
Zen Arado: yeh
Zen Arado: or is it conditioned into them
Zen Arado: ?
Bleu Oleander: probably a good bit is already there
Bleu Oleander: lots of animals have it
Zen Arado: well gender isn't just a role then
Bleu Oleander: someone has to care for the kids :)
Bleu Oleander: mothers are usually the first to accept that role
Bleu Oleander: although there are exceptions
Zen Arado: there have been a lot of societal changes of expectation for men and women's roles re child rearing?
Bleu Oleander: cultures could always go against that tendancy
Zen Arado: even since I was young
Bleu Oleander: yes and some might argue good and bad results
Zen Arado: aren't there cultures where the men look after the kids?
Maxine Walden: Afraid I have to leave this interesting conversation. I look forward to seeing the rest of he chatlog.
Bleu Oleander: bye Maxine
Wol Euler: bye maxine, take care
Zen Arado: bye Maxine
Maxine Walden: bye for now, everyone. See you all soon, I hope!
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Zen Arado: good and bad Bleu?
Zen Arado: women have become more liberated though?
Zen Arado: though that is because of technology too
Bleu Oleander: have children benefited from that?
Zen Arado: washing machines and vacuum cleaners
Wol Euler: those that were vaccinated and thus did ont die of polio certainly did
Wol Euler: sorry, I'm in a polemical mood today, I will shut up
Bleu Oleander: way not referring to tech
Bleu Oleander: was referring to liberated moms
milakel Resident: *tickles woly* :)
Zen Arado: it's np Wol
Bleu Oleander: but tech can be good and bad as well
Zen Arado: like to hear your views
Bleu Oleander: so much is coming out now about childrens early development
Zen Arado: yes?
Bleu Oleander: lots
Bleu Oleander: can google it
Bleu Oleander: diet, touch, emotional connection, bonding, etc
Bleu Oleander: who knows if it will prove true in the future
Bleu Oleander: but many are looking into it
Bleu Oleander: not an expert myself :)
Bleu Oleander: so I should probably shut up too :)
Zen Arado: it's a big subect for sure
Bleu Oleander: yes!
Bleu Oleander: new info says a childs brain is not fully developed til mid 20's
Zen Arado: BTW I have an art exhibition just opened on Perfect Paradise
Bleu Oleander: oh nice!
milakel Resident: how about taking a field trip, zen? :)
Bleu Oleander: have to get my "Zen original" out of inventory!
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Bleu Oleander: have to go all
Bleu Oleander: take care :)
Zen Arado: bye Bleu
Wol Euler: bye bleu, bye susan
Zen Arado: a field trip?
Zen Arado: bye Susan
milakel Resident: let's compose a collective poem for bruce :)
Zen Arado: thinking..
milakel Resident: bruce we missed you - could start with that :)
Zen Arado: bugt we have Ways of Knowing that your Original Face will soon be back at Play As Being
milakel Resident: ha! :)
Zen Arado: ...
Wol Euler smiles.
milakel Resident: creative zen :)
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: ty Alf
Zen Arado: I mean Mila
milakel Resident: :)
Wol Euler: bye gosons, take care
Zen Arado: it' is just silly poem
Gosons Resident: bye!
milakel Resident: *waves*
Zen Arado: bye Gos
Wol Euler: I'm going to head off too, got a headache from the weather (stormy)
Wol Euler: goodnight, take care
Zen Arado: yeh ok me too then
Zen Arado: bye Wol, Mila
milakel Resident: i'm going to post the poem :)
Zen Arado: ok :)
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