Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Wol Euler: hello mary
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Wol
Wol Euler: how are you this morning/evening?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I'm good; Winding the day down
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: How 'bout you?
Wol Euler: trying to wind my day up :)
Wol Euler: I slept badly and too little
Wol Euler: I'm actually thinking aboutgoing back to bed after this
Wol Euler: other than that, fine :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, I've done that; slept only a few hours, then done some things in the morning and gone back to bed
Wol Euler: it wouldn't be so bad if I didn'T have to work this afternoon
Wol Euler: without that I could just drift through the day
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Work on a Sunday?
Wol Euler: yeah
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: What do you do?
Wol Euler: I'm an architect
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: oh, cool
Wol Euler: we are in the last stages of finishing a building site, opening is planned for early september
Wol Euler: but work should be finished at the beginning of august
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And is it going well?
Wol Euler: it's behind schedule, of course:)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, that's what I meant. lol
Wol Euler: resulting in the usual panic and casting of blame
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Rosalyn's mother took care of a boy who's now a man, and an architect. He does quite well for himself.
Wol Euler: we have 12 trades on site at the moment, and we have to coordinate and negotiate between them
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Observem!
Wol Euler: with that many people around, even the question of who stows which materials where becomes heated
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: 12 trades? you mean Unions?
Wol Euler: mmmm, not necessarily unions as such
Wol Euler: companies, specialized contractors
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Not familiar with the term, then.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: ok, ok; we just call them contractors in the States. lol
Wol Euler: well, that's not exactly right. The point is that we distinguish them internally by what they do
Wol Euler: there is no general contractor, as is common in the US
Wol Euler: we wrote out 27 requests for tender for the specific tasks that had to be done
Wol Euler: i.e. concrete work, waterproofing (internal), waterproofing (external), tiling, painting and so on
Wol Euler: some companies took on more than one tender, but the majority just did one
Wol Euler: so there are all these guys running around, getting in each other's way
Wol Euler: and since the completion date is written in to their contract, with penalties for lateness, tempers are running high
Wol Euler: it's funny, what the general public thinks architects do, and what architecture students are taught to do, is about 20% of the job
Wol Euler: I spend entire days checking contractors' invoices
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, all this negotiation with contractors and paperwork is not something we think about
Wol Euler: proofing their material calculations against the tender and against our plans
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Just people doing cadcam and then building something. Like in SL. lol
Wol Euler: yep :)
Wol Euler: SL is so much easier :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: you think?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: lol
Wol Euler: well ... it has its own challenges, sure
Wol Euler: we rarely have to deal with DMCA lawsuits :)
Wol Euler: but SL doesn't have to deal wiht rain or snow or gravity, or neighbours
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, not rain or snow, but yes, neighbors
Wol Euler: but they have no power here. If your neighbour hates your building, he can make your life hell by shouting at you, but that is all he can do
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Not to mention land covenants, bureaucrats
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Not so;, Wol.
Wol Euler: mm?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: A freiind of mine who lived at Philosophy Island had neihbors who bitched to the Council; they came with their rule books and told him to return all his stuff
Wol Euler: huh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Big confrontation between the SEnate Chair, the Council Chair, my friend; a builder; she cried and threatened to leave the sim; the Senate Chair had to publicly explain herself in a note card
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It was like living with a housing assoicaition and rules
Wol Euler smiles.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: So bureaucracy, neighbors trying to stop you, politics, the whole shebang
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Hi Qt!
Wol Euler: hello qt
Qt Core: hi wol, mary, observem
Wol Euler: funny, my impression is of the opposite: of jerks putting up huge signs 0.1 metres inside their borders, right in front of somebody's ocean view, and there being *allegedly* no recourse available
Wol Euler: ah, but the philosopher/builder was renting? not herself the land owner?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yeah, I guess it depends on the sim, but that would get you in trouble
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It was a he, he wasn't really a philosoppher, just liked discussions. But no, he was a land owner
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But subject to the sim Covenant
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Just like a gated community with a land owner's association
Wol Euler: oh, I see, so the she who cried was not the builder who was told to remove stuff. I misread that
Wol Euler: well in a way I am glad to hear that, I think it's a sign of SL maturing socially
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, I think she was told to remove stuff, but I think it was because of the conflict
Wol Euler: we are no longer in the wild west
Wol Euler: who is "she"?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Wol, fights and politics is a sign of maturity?
Wol Euler: yes :)
Wol Euler: believing that there are social rights and wrongs, and that these are worth adressing, is a sign of maturity
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, I suppose. They ran a scarlet woman out too (me).
Wol Euler: one need not fight about it
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, they fought incessantly at that sim
Wol Euler: but it's a step forward from the caveman days where I can do anything I wish and fuck you if you don't like it
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I suppose; wasn't here for those days in SL
Wol Euler: before the maturity ratings were enforced, people used to buy tiny plots of land and put up huge (tall) billboards on them
Wol Euler: with screaming-loud sound tracks that could be heard all over the sim
Wol Euler: and the Lindens were *allegedly* unable to intervene
Wol Euler: it was a form of blackmail.
Wol Euler: they'd place one of those opposite the entrance to your mall, then offer to sell you the land for US$250
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, of course they could intervene, had they wanted to
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: omg
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yeah, that would be a kind of extortion
Wol Euler: that was stamped down by my second year here
Wol Euler: but it did take that long for the Lab to recognize that it was a social issue
Qt Core: (oh the joy of being homeless)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling laughs at Qt
Wol Euler smiles.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I like my sim; when I first moved there, we had trouble with voyeurs.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: My neighbor rushed out naked and said "I guess you can tell I was having sex."
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I had to laugh; I was naked too, and *I hadn't* been having sex
Wol Euler: um, okaaaay
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Anyway, she had been cammed by our new neighbors
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And they were commenting on her technique with her husband in open chat
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: One IM to the estate manager and they were gone.
Wol Euler: good
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Even though they had rented there
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I picked that sim, actually because there had been a misunderstanding that they had with me and my girlfriend
Qt Core: thinking about sex with sport-like commenting... and 0-10 voting afterward by experts ;-)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: They thought she was abusing me, but we were just playing a game.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: They offered to ban her from the sim; i was to just say the word. They were offering me a safe haven.
Wol Euler: which is good, in itself.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah
Wol Euler: the intention was right
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And my very first week in SL I came across this sim, and the club manager made me feel so welcome, i came back and then rented there. When I told her that, she was in tears, she was so happy that she had made that impression on me.
Wol Euler smiles.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And it was funny; I left that sim, and took up at Philosophy Island; when I was booted from there, I came back to ED, and it was like coming home.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, it was coming home, not just like it.
Wol Euler nods and smiles
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And now, with me there, we are the No. 1 philosophy sim, even though that's not it's primary purpose
Wol Euler: I wonder ... qt, you don't have a place to live in SL. What is your sense of "home" here?
Wol Euler: do you hve one? where is it?
Wol Euler: what makes it?
Qt Core: as i almost spend all my time in two places, here and at a couple of friend place/shop, i can say i really have two homes :-)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: So it's where you feel you belong?
Wol Euler: do they feel like "home"?
Wol Euler: yes, belonging is a good word
Qt Core: yes, belonging may be the word, as it isn't just the place but the people
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes. That was my point, really
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And in SL, it has to be the people; the rest is artwork
Qt Core: those two friends (that are a couple, at least in sl) when set up sitting area always put up three chairs, and say that the third is mine
Wol Euler smiles.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Oh, that's nice
Wol Euler whispers "wb" to Obs
Qt Core: in the end i come to think to what sl calls Home only as my Entry Point, i even thought of moving it here, but then you know, sometimes one get in sl and want some private time to check im and choose what to do next
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: hi Obs!
Wol Euler: yeah, true
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yeah, that's part of home; i like to change and get oriented in private
Qt Core: that is one of the few pro of a home (and changing clothes, if you need to do it and don't want to be naked)
Wol Euler nods.
Qt Core: (in open view, that is)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yeah, I just hate being naked in front of people. lol
Wol Euler: heheheh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But actually, changing clothes, or trying on new feet, or cchanging avatars; i'd rather do that in private
Wol Euler: well, I agree, there is discomfort in being *unintentionally* naked in unexpected times or places
Wol Euler: right
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But someone told me a trick, if you don't want to be naked in public an change--go up to about 3000 meters
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Do it there
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yes, to be unexpectedly naked, or to change clothes is discomforting
Qt Core: a few months ago i spent quite the time trying things from my inventory in public, near my entry point, almost no one around but some may have enjoyed the silli show :-)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: One time, i was putting on a Burka, and had this one place as my home but it really wasn't. Just my entry point. Someone came in, having seen an avatar on the map, and saw me in a burka, instead of naked, which was my usual appearance. She was embarassed and scrambled out.
Wol Euler: heheh, that is a nice statement
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Qt, yes, if you want to put on a show, that's the way to do it
Qt Core: you don't know moderation, mary ;-)
Wol Euler: heheheheh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Qt, I take moderation in moderation
Qt Core: ;)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But a buka and nudity both are the opposite sides of the same coin; women who--voluntarily--wear burkas are challenging menn not to treat them as objects; which is my purpose too.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Right, Wol? How was your burka experience?
Wol Euler smiles.
Qt Core: like my cube , Wol
Wol Euler: it was interesting, though I didn't stay human and wrapped long enough to really test it
Wol Euler: the burka polarizes, no doubt about that
Wol Euler: it provokes more and stronger reactions than my fetishy outfits
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It can
Wol Euler: which I find kinda funny
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I've worn a burka at Blckheart's, and no one cared one way or the other
Wol Euler: wearing it needs to be explained
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, i find nudity polarizes too. And I find it funny
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yes, as does wearing nothing.
Wol Euler: it's assumed to have a meaning, and people ask about that
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Ditto
Wol Euler: as a garment, I liked it
Qt Core: wondering, how is easy to get if under a sl burka there is a man or a woman ?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: irl, it is very comfortable
Wol Euler: I enjoyed the concealment, much as I also like revealing
Wol Euler: qt, apparently it is very easy *if* you are used to seeing them
Wol Euler: because men and women move differently
Wol Euler: even under a burka
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yes, and that is emulated by your AO
Qt Core: if i only were a little more social (even here in sl) it would be an interesting expewriment ?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, look at egg and his dress; he's clearly a man in a dress, or as a date of mine said "a bloody dress," when he saw him
Wol Euler: well, let me give you a landmark to a free burka set :)
Wol Euler: mind you, it would be much harder to do that experiment in SL, with nametags and profiles and all
Wol Euler: hard to avoid knowing who somebody is
Qt Core: yes, but then one would have to actively search for it
Qt Core: seeing this funny image of mary (in current attire) and someone in a burka walking around side by side
Wol Euler: we could do that.
Wol Euler: (when I'm human)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: That's a great idea, Wol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: let's go sim hopping that way.
Qt Core: and then if the burked one is a male that would be almost like antimatter ;-)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Qt, lol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, if you wanted anonymity and to do it Wol, you could use an alt
Wol Euler: true
Qt Core: (but then it may be taken as insulting, even not by extremist)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But I think the experiment should be with your primary, to see if there is any differennce in attitude toward you
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I know when I'm a male avi, and people know it's me, they still sometimes treat me differently
Wol Euler nods.
Qt Core: sometimes it may not be instinctive, just respecting your current choice and going along with it
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Not always. It was funny; I went to a sim where one of my alts was banned, but others were not 9and the sim owner knew they were all me) and I went to one discussion; they guy running it used my name, not the name of the burly male alt, and the alt had an androgynous name, could have a female form, and he used that to address me.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: So here was this hulking guy being treated like a woman.
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: I try not to do that, personally; I try to treat the person as the avatar is presenting
Wol Euler: and not to know what I cannot see
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Wol, you're one of the sane ones
Wol Euler: because it really annoys me when people wrong-gender my avs
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, me too; although I'm getting better at that
Qt Core: there are already so much thing to wrong people with...
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Qt, that's for sure
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I hang out at philosophy sims, and there was this one avatar who had an affair with the sim admin of one of them. It was torrid, and the guy was really happy; had had two bad experiences with women before--won't even acknoledge that he was married, the marriage was so bad. Turns out the avatar was a man, and married at that; this avatar also played games with other people
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: To discredit me, one of the trolls circulated a rumor I was this guy; convinced some people that I was male; made them have hysterics around me, although it didn't seem to hurt me any (although it may have contributed to my being banned from one of tghe sims; don't know)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It was wierd being treated as a guy; got one of the people SL suspended because he'd sexuallyharass me on that basis.
Qt Core: getting an headache just reading it...
Wol Euler: :)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: lol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Imagine living through it
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But you know the saddest thing?
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Tell you after the bell
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: The saddest thing was when a friend of the guy--I'll call him [redacted] , as that's his RL name--IM'd me, so excited. He thought his friend was back.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It crushed him when I told him his friend was still gone from SL. He said, "If you're lying, may there be a special place in hell for you." Isn't that sad?
Wol Euler: a strong friendship
Qt Core: yes, the crushing of faith in people always is
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, it took me aback, as I had only heard negative things about [redacted]; but apparently some people loved him/her
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: I think it is very sad to lose a friend like that
Qt Core: time to leave for chaffeur and cooking (and eating) duties
Wol Euler smiles
Wol Euler: bye qt, enjoy the day
Wol Euler: and try that burka
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: bye, Qt
Qt Core: i'll try, and you two try to have fun
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Yeah, I'd love to see a man in a burka
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: always, Qt
Qt Core: |)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, we got into some interesting concepts--what's home, for instance
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: a very significant question, I think
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: semoitics of clothing (or the lack)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes, it is
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: and the alleged significance of RL identity in SL
Wol Euler: um, say perhaps "proclaimed" instead of alleged
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes, and of gender
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: which I don't get, but I know that many do see a great importance there
Wol Euler: when I am in SL, I look at SL
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: well, I think it's because a lot of people come here for sex and love
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And are freaked out by same sex relations
Wol Euler: agreed
Wol Euler: but what is the relation?
Wol Euler: my SL sexuality is from avatar to avatar
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes, and that is the way it should be
Wol Euler: I actively disregard what I might know of RL
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And if you love someone, why should that change, if their gender has?
Wol Euler: if you present as male, then you are male to me. End of statement.
Wol Euler: right
Wol Euler points to her t-shirt
Wol Euler: "love knows no gender"
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: In fact, that one guy who had the affair with [redacted]? He wasn't upset to much by her being a him as much as that *he* was married
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yes, love knows no gender
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I like that
Wol Euler: right, I understand that
Wol Euler: I'd offer you one but ... :)
Wol Euler: perhaps you could get it as a tattoo
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: oh, and it's a part of psychologicy now, at least clinical, that you accept a person's gender presentation
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: lol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, a tattoo.
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Here in sl, they do come off. lol
Wol Euler: (to accepting gender presentation)
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: right
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It's more a male thing, I think. I heard of one woman who fell in love with another woman, thinking she was a man; when she found out the truth, she still loved him; men, on the other hand, tend to beat up the 'woman' they once loved.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Like 'how dare you have a penis!'
Wol Euler: I think women are far more open to experience(s) than men
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Far more into the relationship, I think
Wol Euler: men see in black and white, women know colours
Wol Euler: and yes, that is very true
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And they are hung up on their own fears that they may not be masculine enough
Wol Euler: yep!
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: OMG! I'm gay! I love a man. Gulp
Wol Euler: my gods, that one burns right through society and culture
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: He had nice tits though
Wol Euler: heheheheheh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I think I may come more often in this shape and form; I was being inundated with IM's and people wanting me to come to parties, or see their builds, or their new sims, that I needed to come this way. Only about six people know who I am, and one of them tends to think all female avi's she doesn't know is me.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It allowed for more quiet time.
Wol Euler laughs.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, speaking of sad; she really hates me; so when she goes to some event she really wants to go to, and I'm there, she poofs immediately
Wol Euler: a kind friend should introduce her to the "mute" button
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: She's the one who banned me from Pi; it seems that she may have exiled me from the sim, but she's now exiled from SL, as she can't go anywhere without running into me
Wol Euler: ha
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Wol, yeah, but the trouble with that is that I talk a lot
Wol Euler: ... and people respond. right.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Any conversation I'm in will make no sense if I'm muted.
Wol Euler: yah, it's an imperfect tool
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It's a little silly to let a personal prejudice interfere with your enjoyment of SL, if you ask me.
Wol Euler: what are humans if not silly
Wol Euler: we are lousy at making value comparisons
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I mean it's not like I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears, stick my tongue out and make funny faces at her all through the event.
Wol Euler: delight of attending a concert versus nagging annoyance that mary is there too, somewhere in the back? skip the delightful concert
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, exactly.
Wol Euler: like the famous monkey trap :)
Wol Euler: lowest-tech, based on value rigidity
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Monkey trap?
Wol Euler: ah :)
Wol Euler: the way to catch monkeys is to get a big jar, too tough to break and too heavy to carry off
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, you finally hit something I don't know. lol
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: ohhhh.
Wol Euler: the neck of which is just a little wider than a monkey's wrist
Wol Euler: and put fruit in it
Wol Euler: monkey reaches in to get the fruit, and is caught
Wol Euler: because its hand around the fruit is wider than when the hand was empty, so it can't get its hand back out
Wol Euler: you just walk up nice and slowly and grab it
Wol Euler: the monkey is caught because of value rigidity
Wol Euler: it cannot say "my freedom is worth more than a banana, I will let go and run away"
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: A nice analogy. Value rigidity
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: not my expression, I read it somewhere
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: So onto one last, extremely important topic, before I leave. And that's my feet. lol
Wol Euler: heheheheh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: What do you think of them?
Wol Euler: I noticed your toe ring
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: here' I'll stand
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, this one came with a toe ring
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: But the color? Fits my skin perfectly, doesn t it?
Wol Euler: yes, a very close match
Wol Euler: you seem to be standing on tiptoe ...
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, these are tiip toes
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: They seem to match better and be more natural
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: I tried the flat foot
Wol Euler: it's funny, one of my oddities is that I have to count the fingers and toes
Wol Euler: I always think that there are too many or too few, until I've counted them
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: And if anything happened? Like a inadvertantly used V2 and were thrown back to an earlier form, it would take hours to get the colors right
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: huh, sounds slightly like an obsesssion/compulsion Wol
Wol Euler: yeah, I'd admit that :)
Wol Euler: but to be clear, I don't do it every three minutes
Wol Euler: not even daily. I've seen your feet before and didn't count them.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Well, that's a relief
Wol Euler: but if I *notice* fingers or toes then I count them
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, so my toe ring is my only adornment in this avatar
Wol Euler nods.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: huh, i wonder if they'll alow me in the Wild Coast with a toe ring.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: They don't let you in with shoes, which leaves out my sister, as she refuses to be ccaught dead barefoot.
Wol Euler: huh
Wol Euler: well that is definitely not a shoe
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, i'll ask first before shelling out the 400L
Wol Euler: oh, that place
Wol Euler: heh
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, that place
Wol Euler: I went there, looked, and thought "L$400 to stand on your beach? no way"
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: It's not all that anyway
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: yeah, pretty much
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: There are other, equally nice, places for free
Wol Euler: it didn't even look prettier than any other I know
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Eden naturist resort for instance
A few lines were removed here at Mary's request.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: well, it's getting late, so i think i'll be off
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: Thanks for hosting this, Wol
Wol Euler: yw, thank you for your thoughts, mary
Wol Euler: take care, sleep well
MaryMagdeleine Shilling: you have a great rest of the day.
MaryMagdeleine Shilling waves and poofs
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