Present at this Guardian Session were Agatha, Aphrodite, Bruce, Hokon, Maxine, Mila, Storm, Susan (iwandertoo), Yakuzza and Xirana.
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Aph
Agatha Macbeth: Are you well?
Aphrodite Macbain: Hi Aggers
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Aggers.
Aphrodite Macbain: hmmm could be better. thanks for asking
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Brucie - sry didn't see you come in :p
Agatha Macbeth: Here they come
Bruce Mowbray: yeppers -- Here I am - we are. . .
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Max
Maxine Walden: hi, Agatha, Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Good morning, Maxine.
Bruce Mowbray: HA! Strom just DROPPED in!
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Storm.
Agatha Macbeth: He did?
Maxine Walden: hi, Storm
Aphrodite Macbain: Hiya Storm
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Stormy
Storm Nordwind: Hi all
Agatha Macbeth: Good to see you
Aphrodite Macbain: Looking forward to today
Storm Nordwind: Me too!
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, later on..yes
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Yaku.
Aphrodite Macbain: Hiya Yaku
Agatha Macbeth: Hi Yak
Agatha Macbeth: Hope it all goes off ok
Bruce Mowbray: if will be perfect/
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey guys
Bruce Mowbray: it*
Agatha Macbeth smiles @ Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Good day, Xir.
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Xira
Xirana Oximoxi: hello everyone:)
Xirana Oximoxi: good day bruce:)
Aphrodite Macbain: story out there. what did you do storm?
Aphrodite Macbain: stormy
Storm Nordwind: ?? I see there is snow in the distance - I can wave my magic wand on that though
Bruce Mowbray: Where's Eliza?
Bruce Mowbray: Eliza wrote:
Agatha Macbeth: She said she may not make it today
Bruce Mowbray: This week there are a plethora of topics, including much
abuzz about the amazing theater and Art as Being project
now underway. Stay tuned for an email from Storm on this
The main topic for this week's guardian session however, is
Maxine's email to the group just a few days ago, regarding the
Vashon Island Retreat to take place September 25 - October 1.
Agatha Macbeth: And Wol is working so sends her apols
Agatha Macbeth: Well Max, if you want to start...
Maxine Walden: OK, Storm and I can both speak to it
Aphrodite Macbain: I'm very excited about the Vachon retreat.
Aphrodite Macbain: Thanks to Storm and Maxine
Agatha Macbeth: ty
Maxine Walden: But as the link suggests the retreat will be focussed on how we each and all can explore and help each other explore the nature of reality
Aphrodite Macbain: I know there are one or two people who cant afford to go to the full retreat however
Aphrodite Macbain: Can they attend for the first few days?
Aphrodite Macbain: Or pitch a tent!?
Xirana Oximoxi: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Erk
Maxine Walden: We are trying to be as open as possible, and we would like to explore that. So not ruling it out at this stage. Storm, do you have thoughts here?
Aphrodite Macbain: Lucinda and Cal are two who are concerned
Maxine Walden: yes, had heard that Luci was concerned, had not heard back from Cal
Storm Nordwind: My thoughts about partial attendance are the same as other retreats. We've had people who want to attend part. Arriving at the start and departing early has been found to be OK. Coming in in the middle and staying to the end does not seem to work.
Aphrodite Macbain: He told me he would come if he could come for a few days
Aphrodite Macbain: and seemed to find that solution perfectly acceptable
Maxine Walden: We are trying to establish as open and exploratory an atmosphere as possible, and yet respect that some coherence amidst the group is important as partial attendance might be one of the explorations...
Storm Nordwind: Good morning Susan!
Xirana Oximoxi: hi Susan
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Susan.
Aphrodite Macbain: yes, nice way of thinking of it
iwandertoo Resident: waves
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey susan
Maxine Walden: hi, Susan.
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Sue
Aphrodite Macbain waves at Susan
Hokon Cazalet: hi susan =)
iwandertoo Resident: :)
Maxine Walden: We are talking about the Seattle retreat in Sept, Susan
iwandertoo Resident: ty
Agatha Macbeth: Oops
Maxine Walden: assuming that each of our views is important and we likely will be bringin our personal explorations to the whole group, exploring the 'space betweeen' that is the space we all share in just being together...exploring that as well, which is often not put into words. sort of our 'being' together
Maxine Walden: so a variety of avenues of exploration, not privileging any single avenue
Maxine Walden: rally an egalitarian approach
Maxine Walden: really
Agatha Macbeth: Sounds good
Maxine Walden: :)
Storm Nordwind: That approach is all why I'm certainly in favor of added richness that all people can bring. So I'm happy about people who arrive at the start but who need to leave part way. I can also understand why it's good to build a group dynamic from the start so I also prefer that people don't arrive halfway through.
Aphrodite Macbain: I'm sure that is do-able
Bruce Mowbray muses: Yayyyy - - - Diversity rules!
Aphrodite Macbain: How many are confirmed?
Aphrodite Macbain grins at Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
Maxine Walden: Well, so far, Maxine, Storm, Aphrodite, and ...Susan, at one point you had said 'yes' is that still the case?
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Mila.
Maxine Walden: So,we may have three and one half if Luci plans to come for half the time
iwandertoo Resident: yes...i'm 99% in...
iwandertoo Resident: sorry
milakel Resident: hi :)
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Mil
Maxine Walden: oh, great, Susan. Was not sure...
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey mila
iwandertoo Resident: this is the September one...yes?
Xirana Oximoxi: hi MIla:)
Maxine Walden: yes, Sept 25-Oct 1
milakel Resident: retreat?
Maxine Walden: yes, Mila, retreat on Vashon Island, near Seattle
Agatha Macbeth blows a bugle
milakel Resident: ah, yes... lovely place
Maxine Walden: :)
milakel Resident: the lighting looks harsh here. is someone wearing a really bright face light? :)
Agatha Macbeth glares suspiciously
milakel Resident: :)
Hokon Cazalet: nope, not my face-light
Agatha Macbeth: ;P
milakel Resident: could be sl
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, it is Sunday after all
Xirana Oximoxi: I was wearing face light and now not... has it improved the lighting around?
Hokon Cazalet: naw i saw no difference
milakel Resident: no, xir, but thanks :)
Xirana Oximoxi: ok:)
Hokon Cazalet: sl lighting isnt the best it could be
Xirana Oximoxi: I look beautiful anyway ;)
Hokon Cazalet: =)
Agatha Macbeth: me too :)
Storm Nordwind: There are the normal three facelights that are part of this hall - but they've always been here
Xirana Oximoxi: :))
milakel Resident: btw, who do i send the molecular theater opening pictures to?
milakel Resident: stormy, ah, must be them :)
Agatha Macbeth: To be honest I haven't even noticed
Xirana Oximoxi: me either:)
Agatha Macbeth: Is it your graphics Mil?
milakel Resident: maybe it's a new feature in 2.7.1 :)
milakel Resident: *wonders how sl client 3.0 will look like*
Agatha Macbeth: Yeah, V2 to blame again!
Hokon Cazalet: hehe milakel
Xirana Oximoxi: I've read about viewer 2.7..they say it has improved the 'shadows' in SL
Aphrodite Macbain powders her nose
Hokon Cazalet still uses 1.23.5
milakel Resident: *watches aph*
Agatha Macbeth grins
Aphrodite Macbain: better?
Agatha Macbeth: You looked ok before :p
milakel Resident: that's a small sampling of guardians today
milakel Resident: aph, you still have the molecular headphones on? :)
milakel Resident: what's playing?
Agatha Macbeth: Listening to music prob
Aphrodite Macbain: Yes. I forgot to remove it.
milakel Resident: :)
Aphrodite Macbain: I rather liked it as a hairpiece
milakel Resident: hehe
milakel Resident: yep
Agatha Macbeth: New fashion accessory
Maxine Walden: :)
Aphrodite Macbain: hehe
Aphrodite Macbain giggles
milakel Resident: i like stormy's opening tune
I hear a strange laugh
Agatha Macbeth: Did 0 sneak in?
milakel Resident: 0?
Agatha Macbeth: ooO0Ooo...or whatever
Hokon Cazalet: no he isnt here
milakel Resident: ah, sam :)
Agatha Macbeth: That sounded like her laugh
Hokon Cazalet: not on my radar
Agatha Macbeth: Ah well
Hokon Cazalet's radar sees all, except lindens
Agatha Macbeth: Mine sees them
Hokon Cazalet: !
Agatha Macbeth: They appear in blue
milakel Resident: hearing laughs in a quiet room is probably a good sign :)
Agatha Macbeth: Could be
Agatha Macbeth: Aph, remind me...was there anything else we intended to bring up today?
Aphrodite Macbain: umm
Agatha Macbeth: Can't think of anything myself
Aphrodite Macbain: the scheduling of the music activities on Tuesday and taking place in the theatre
Aphrodite Macbain: Sun isn't here to explain
Storm Nordwind: There are two workshops today. There's a Theater Workshop at 11am (first of 2 on Set design). And there's an Art History workshop at noon.
Agatha Macbeth: Oh yes, damn
Agatha Macbeth: Yes, thx Storm
Xirana Oximoxi: how can I know the activities that will be played in the theater? looking at the calendar?
Aphrodite Macbain: Yes but the music workshops were going to take place in the theatre now-on Tuesdays at noon sIt's in the minutes of the WG meeting
Storm Nordwind: At the moment we're annoncing by email. Don't know whether druth has added Theater stuff to the calendar (or whether it's our own responsibility!)
Aphrodite Macbain: at noon on Tuesdays
Xirana Oximoxi: ok, thank you:)
Agatha Macbeth: I must take a look at the calendar...
Aphrodite Macbain: It was going to be put in the Calendar
Agatha Macbeth nods
Storm Nordwind: druth is experimenting with an inworld noticeboard that can look at the calendar - I know that
Agatha Macbeth: Ooh
Agatha Macbeth: sounds good
Storm Nordwind: Been assisting druth a little with that
Aphrodite Macbain: and put at the Pavilion?
Xirana Oximoxi: yes, sounds very good:)
Storm Nordwind: No idea where yet
Storm Nordwind: Had to be v1 and Phoenix compatible so the technique is restrictive
Aphrodite Macbain: seems to be the place we all go to
Agatha Macbeth: Can it not go next to the present one?
Storm Nordwind: (One of the few benefits of v2 is seems ;))
Storm Nordwind: Viewer 1 compatible noticeboards are sensitive to the plot of land where the avatar is standing
Agatha Macbeth: OMG
Storm Nordwind: if they use a web page view that is
Storm Nordwind: That's why the two noticeboards at the pavilion are on separate plots of land
Storm Nordwind: A third might be hard
Agatha Macbeth: Mm, yes
Aphrodite Macbain: oh
Storm Nordwind: so we might have one with buttons to select the page you want!
Agatha Macbeth: That would be ok
Storm Nordwind: yes
Aphrodite Macbain: yes. one simple step
Agatha Macbeth: If i could work it out, anybody could
Bruce Mowbray: Folks, I need to get ready for Quaker Meeting now.
Agatha Macbeth: Quake well Brucie
Xirana Oximoxi: bye Bruce:)
Maxine Walden: nice to see you, Bruce.
Bruce Mowbray: May we all have a safe and happy day.
Hokon Cazalet: bye bruce =)
Bruce Mowbray: bye for now.
Agatha Macbeth: U2
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye!
Agatha Macbeth: Does anyone else have any business to bring up?
Xirana Oximoxi: I also go, nice day to all:)
Aphrodite Macbain: Can't think of anything right now
Agatha Macbeth: Adios Xira
Xirana Oximoxi: hasta pronto:)
Aphrodite Macbain: si
Aphrodite Macbain: hasta la vista
Agatha Macbeth: Baby
Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
Aphrodite Macbain: see you soon
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Aph
Agatha Macbeth: wb Mil
milakel Resident: *wakes up*
milakel Resident: :)
milakel Resident: thanks
Agatha Macbeth: yw :p
milakel Resident: dozed off a little
Maxine Walden: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Are we that boring?
Storm Nordwind: The lights are too bright for you?
milakel Resident: aga, i was waiting who'd bring it up :)
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
milakel Resident: no, just got distracted
milakel Resident: so, 11am is the theater workshop?
Agatha Macbeth: I wonder if those bells have a Pavlov effect, and induce meditative states :p
milakel Resident: aga, in a while, i'd think :)
Maxine Walden: and where will the theatre workshop be held?
Agatha Macbeth grins
milakel Resident: maybe we should use various bells to keep them anew
Agatha Macbeth: A load of bells
milakel Resident: stormy has a lot :)
iwandertoo Resident: waves
milakel Resident: including big ben
Agatha Macbeth: I know, I heard most of them...
milakel Resident: susie :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bye sue
milakel Resident: there's a thin line between seeing fresh and keeping fresh
Agatha Macbeth: Mm
Storm Nordwind: The Theater Workshop will be in the main Theater auditorium
Storm Nordwind: Arrive in the lobby just before 11am
Storm Nordwind: so we can start promptly
Agatha Macbeth nods. Gotcha
milakel Resident: lm?
milakel Resident: i don't think i saved it
Storm Nordwind: There's a TP in the email or take the shuttle balloon
Milakel Resident accepted my inventory offer.
milakel Resident: ah, ok
Agatha Macbeth: :p
Hokon Cazalet: im gonna head off for lunch, have fun everyone =)
Agatha Macbeth: Lunch well Hok
Hokon Cazalet: hehe ty
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye
Storm Nordwind: See you at 11am!
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone
Agatha Macbeth: Bye yak
Agatha Macbeth: Looks like the meeting's over then...
Storm Nordwind: You can stay! :)
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
Agatha Macbeth: It's going to be a busy evening then
Storm Nordwind: Yes. And.......
Storm Nordwind: you can go to the PUB at 10am too if you're enthusiastic!
milakel Resident: 12pm adam's workshop
Agatha Macbeth: What's happening there?
Agatha Macbeth: (at the pub)
milakel Resident: mid-session meetings
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, are we still having them?
Storm Nordwind: Not recorded
Storm Nordwind: yes
Storm Nordwind: 4pm seems popular
Agatha Macbeth: I never remember
milakel Resident: :)
milakel Resident: busy girl you
Agatha Macbeth: Well, yes :(
Storm Nordwind: Gadabout
milakel Resident: *tickles aga*
Agatha Macbeth: Gadfly
Agatha Macbeth: Heehee
milakel Resident: ok, at 11am i shall return
milakel Resident: now i have to go
Storm Nordwind: K great
Agatha Macbeth: Ok Arnie
Storm Nordwind: bfn!
milakel Resident: :)
Storm Nordwind: Stay cute ;)
Agatha Macbeth: 'She'll be back'
Maxine Walden: OK, busy morning/day with the various activities...will try to make the 11am theatre ...but see you all later...
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Max, have fun
Maxine Walden: bye for now
Storm Nordwind: Love to see you then
Maxine Walden: :)
Storm Nordwind: I'll go cach up with email too
Maxine Walden: yes....
Agatha Macbeth: Bye all, c ya later