2012.10.03 07:00 - Writing, Politics, Pragmatism

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Zen Arado. The comments are by Zen Arado.

    Xirana Oximoxi: hello Zen! :-)
    Zen Arado: Hi Xirana:)
    Xirana Oximoxi: how are you?
    Zen Arado: fine thanks
    Zen Arado: you?
    Xirana Oximoxi: I'm fine too:) ...more busy now that I have begun mysemester again...it will be the last..if I pass all :-)
    Xirana Oximoxi: how is your writing course going?
    Zen Arado: still studying Catan authirs?
    Zen Arado: Catalan
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes :-)
    Zen Arado: is it a Master's dissertation?
    Zen Arado: or Ph D?
    Xirana Oximoxi: well... I don't know the relation with other titles in other countries...
    Xirana Oximoxi: so, not sure
    Zen Arado: ok
    Zen Arado: we worry too much abut such things
    Zen Arado: status symbols :)
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes :-)
    Zen Arado: I have my first assignment for my course started
    Xirana Oximoxi: it is the less important title...the first one you get when studying in our Univesity
    Zen Arado: ok
    Xirana Oximoxi: afte it...if you want more high must work in a more important project
    Zen Arado: usually you have to be more independent in higher studies
    Zen Arado: in MA philosophy we had to pick topic, write proposal, then research it and write dissertation
    Zen Arado: took 3 years
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes, here is similar
    Xirana Oximoxi: have you started writing in a creative way? have you discovered a lot of tricks to do it?
    Zen Arado: hmmm
    Xirana Oximoxi: oh! region restart
    Zen Arado: my writing sounds unimaginative
    Xirana Oximoxi: we must go to kira
    Zen Arado: oh ok better go to Kira
    Xirana Oximoxi: yes, we go:)

    Region restart - we moved to Kira. Writing techniques:

    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): well...you may be used to it:))
    Zen (zen.arado): last week they just logged us off
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): oh!
    Zen (zen.arado): no warning
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): they are losing maners:)
    Zen (zen.arado): yes :(
    Zen (zen.arado): I don't think I can be a creative writer
    Zen (zen.arado): they teach many techniques though
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): it may be the programm that was not working well...
    Zen (zen.arado): I have started 'morning pages' again
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): that's fine
    Zen (zen.arado): I write about 900 words every morning
    Zen (zen.arado): about anything
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ahhh that's quite a lot:)
    Zen (zen.arado): I use voice typing
    Zen (zen.arado): it's just drivel
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): and you don't copy them from a book, isn't it???...then...you are a creative writer:))
    Zen (zen.arado): I talk about the first things that come into my head
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): surrealism proposed to do that
    Zen (zen.arado): it is supposed to be good for artists too
    Zen (zen.arado): yes!
    Zen (zen.arado): it bypasses the critical part of the brain
    Zen (zen.arado): so ideas can come up
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes...and maybe it shows things you are not aware of
    Zen (zen.arado): associations
    Zen (zen.arado): I write about my childhood a lot
    Zen (zen.arado): I also do freewriting
    Zen (zen.arado): which is a bit more focused
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): interesting:)...do you have nice souvenirs?
    Zen (zen.arado): you start with a word or phrase
    Zen (zen.arado): good and bad memories
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes....that's normal...me too:)
    Zen (zen.arado): you can start with a diagram
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): do you share what you do with other people following the course?
    Zen (zen.arado): and then write about something that is interesting in the diagram
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): or with the 'teacher?
    Zen (zen.arado): not yet but we will
    Zen (zen.arado): there is an online forum
    Zen (zen.arado): and there are day schools in RL
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): which kind of diagram?
    Zen (zen.arado): they call them 'clusters'
    Zen (zen.arado): like mind maps
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): ahh yes...I understand
    Zen (zen.arado): just a word in a circle
    Zen (zen.arado): then add another word or phrase
    Zen (zen.arado): it brings up associations
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes...good strategy
    Zen (zen.arado): my course officially started last Saturday
    Zen (zen.arado): but I like to stay ahead
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :-)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I am sure you are never 'bored':)...is it still the topic for this week?


    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): boredom
    Zen (zen.arado): I don't know
    Zen (zen.arado): oh?
    Zen (zen.arado): a boring topic :)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): it was last week :))
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes:))
    Zen (zen.arado): if I feel bored
    Zen (zen.arado): I examine the feeling
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): but not boring in itself:))...
    Zen (zen.arado): where is the boredom?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): asking yourself why?
    Zen (zen.arado): how exactly does it feel?
    Zen (zen.arado): because it is imaginary I ythink
    Zen (zen.arado): I do that with lots of feelings
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): well...I have no idea....the topic about it usually says that you feel you don't have any ilusion, any desire to do thinghs, ...you sit in a sofa and just stay there inable to find something interesting to do
    Zen (zen.arado): if you sit in a Zen retreat for 6 days looking at the wall...
    Zen (zen.arado): but it isn't boring I find
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes...not necessarily boring:)
    Zen (zen.arado): it's one of those things...we think we know what it is
    Zen (zen.arado): but if you look at it it disappears
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): it may be different for each person too
    Zen (zen.arado): true
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): what can make you feel bored, can be interesting for me....and the opposite
    Zen (zen.arado): it seems to be when you are doing something and would rather do somewthing else
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Eliza :)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hi Eliza!
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Hello :D

    Eliza's Gangham style dress:

    Zen (zen.arado): nice flouncy dress :)
    Second Life: leaping Panther (darren.islar) is offline.
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes...very nice llok:)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me smiles.. yes it is... a delight to wear
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): look
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): thank you
    Zen (zen.arado): I went to Japan Kira meeting
    Zen (zen.arado): but translator doesn't work well enough
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): Eliza!! what are you doing??? lol
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me laughs...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): someone needs to step into the pink poseball
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): hahaha
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hahaha
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): this is so bizarre
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): don't think this is what's supposed to happen
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): laughing so hard
    Zen (zen.arado): ha ha
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I guess the position must be adjusted too:)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes I guess so
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I am riding you
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me giggles
    Zen (zen.arado): blushes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it is supposed to be "gangham style" dance
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): but it's you who are wearing the riding dress:)
    Zen (zen.arado): ah
    Zen (zen.arado): cowboy dance
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well Zen that was quite a show for you eh
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): hehe


    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so ahem... Kira Japan?
    Zen (zen.arado): it's a funny day
    Zen (zen.arado): Alf mentioned it
    Zen (zen.arado): I like William James
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Zen (zen.arado): and his pragmatism
    Zen (zen.arado): I used pragmatism in philosophy
    Zen (zen.arado): dissertation
    Zen (zen.arado): pity it wasn't in English
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): pragsmagic
    Zen (zen.arado): us English speakers are spoiled
    Zen (zen.arado): http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pragmatism/
    Zen (zen.arado): but we would have to read up on it to be able to discuss it
    Zen (zen.arado): and philosophy articles are LONG
    Zen (zen.arado): 'James's dilemma is a familiar one: it is a form of the question of how we can reconcile the claims of science, on the one hand, with those of religion and morality on the other. James introduces it by observing that the history of philosophy is to a great extent that of a certain clash of human temperaments, between the ˜tough minded' and the ˜tender minded. The tough minded have an empiricist commitment to experience and going by ˜the facts, while the tender-minded have more of a taste for a priori principles which appeal to the mind. The tender minded tend to be idealistic, optimistic and religious, while the tough minded are normally materialist, pessimistic and irreligious. The tender-minded are ˜free-willist' and dogmatic; the tough minded are ˜fatalistic and sceptical.'

    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): yes...very long for me...and plus the subject is not easy too
    Zen (zen.arado): reminds me of Alf that paragraph :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I've read a bit of James... but it would be a distraction from current readings... but hm.. interesting phrase 'tender minded'... in our time that might not be heard as a compliment
    Zen (zen.arado): or maybe it would
    Zen (zen.arado): tough minded materialism isn't so fashionable any more

    Politics bit:

    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): let's hold off on that measure until after the US election ...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): one canditate seems the definition of materialism
    Zen (zen.arado): but...'it's the economy stupid'...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so many economies aren't there...
    Zen (zen.arado): most voters interested in their econmic well being above all?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): seems that way.. and very short sighted
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): short memory
    Zen (zen.arado): was it George Bush 1 said that?
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): I must go now....have a nice time Eliza and Zen!! See you soon! :-)
    Zen (zen.arado): oh ok Xirana byee
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): aw
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): bye bye:)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): OK Xiri... did I scare you with politics...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): will stop :D
    Zen (zen.arado): or pragmatism :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): not scare but bore
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): nooo.... the conversation is very interesting...I also find so good to hear the comments of people living in the places at the palce of hearing only the news...but rl calls:))
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): (((xiri))) okay... have a lovely day
    Zen (zen.arado): kk have a good evening
    Xirana (xirana.oximoxi): :)) you both too! (((hugs)))
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Zen it was said against Bush 1
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): Cinton, but not written by hime
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): *him
    Zen (zen.arado): ah ok
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): they store these 'zingers'
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): then wait for openings in debates
    Zen (zen.arado): Romney and Obama having one soon?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): tonight
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Zen (zen.arado): too late for me
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I may go to the university and watch with my daughter who is volunteering at an office
    Zen (zen.arado): volunteering for what?

    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): or I may TiVo and go to bed early, hah
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): obama campaign
    Zen (zen.arado): I see
    Zen (zen.arado): seems to be parralel parties in N.Ireland
    Zen (zen.arado): DUP are like Republicans
    Zen (zen.arado): Alliance party like Democrats
    Zen (zen.arado): parallel?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Zen (zen.arado): seems a type of people vote a certain way
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): the sad thing is the polarization, which doesn't reflect diversity of thought
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Zen (zen.arado): seems more cultural than rational thought
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): game mentality
    Zen (zen.arado): maybe we need the polarity
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I read a great Vanity Fair article on Obama recently... his way of playing basketball... If you go easy on him you are not invited back
    Zen (zen.arado): just right :)
    Zen (zen.arado): I would vote ODemocrat
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): maybe the polarity serves to stir things up, force clarity, but when it comes to making choices the two that appear are not so different
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): the machinery is too similar
    Zen (zen.arado): always disliked Republicans
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): really? I was a young Republican... when I first registered to vote
    Zen (zen.arado): oh
    Zen (zen.arado): how could you :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): seems strange now , I know
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I still like to read some moderate republicans
    Zen (zen.arado): seems candidates have to be in a certain mod
    Zen (zen.arado): married with two children
    Zen (zen.arado): 40's or 50's
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): the political uniform
    Zen (zen.arado): mold
    Zen (zen.arado): (mould in UK)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): it's all like a big machine
    Zen (zen.arado): and finances is so important too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): all important really
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I heard that unless Putin keeps oil prices very high in Russia, he will not be able to accomplish what he's promised there
    Zen (zen.arado): makes you wonder if there is actually any control
    Zen (zen.arado): anywhere
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): we rarely talk about the International complexities unless there is an attack, in the mainstream US... but I think Obama is savvier there
    Zen (zen.arado): politicians can only do what they are allowwed to do
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I was asked an interesting question about which 'archetypes' are present in these choices
    Zen (zen.arado): they are just pawns in a way
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): 'representatives' of ___?
    Zen (zen.arado): different times throw up different types
    Zen (zen.arado): like they needed Churchill during world was 2
    Zen (zen.arado): but dumped him as soon as war was over
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods...
    Zen (zen.arado): a black man had no chance until recently
    Zen (zen.arado): probably no woman would be elected in US
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): coincidentally as you say that, the article also mentioned that Churchill's bust was replaced, by Obama, with Martin Luther King Jr
    Zen (zen.arado): oh?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes quite controversial
    Zen (zen.arado): I don't like to see wives behind campaigners
    Zen (zen.arado): having to make emotional speeches
    Zen (zen.arado): playing a wifely role
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it can be strange... like Romney's wife telling women "he will take care of you"
    Zen (zen.arado): 'stand by my man'
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but then again, I think Michele is fantastic, hm... so...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): maybe I'm just riddled with biases
    Zen (zen.arado): if you analyse their speeches though
    Zen (zen.arado): mostly emotional
    Zen (zen.arado): but they are intelligent women
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I think the two choices are patriarchal model vs something less definable with more grey area
    Zen (zen.arado): not allowed to show it
    Zen (zen.arado): Hilary does well
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): now...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but early on, eek...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I had issues with Hillary early on, because I felt marginalized when I chose to raise the kids full time for a while
    Zen (zen.arado): they have to play roles don't they?
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): and she made some comments that stung
    Zen (zen.arado): one wrong word can wreck them too
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): ah ok
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I was defensive about it, is what it comes down to... doing my best and the 'mommy wars' were being propogated
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): another simplistic view

    My childhood:

    Zen (zen.arado): I was writing about my childhood and realized that none of the women had jobs in the 50's
    Zen (zen.arado): they stayed at home and raised the kids
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): amazing isn't it... it feels change is slow but when you look at the differences in society over just one lifetime...
    Zen (zen.arado): all the delivery men
    Zen (zen.arado): breadservers, milkmen,
    Zen (zen.arado): groceries
    Zen (zen.arado): so much more community
    Zen (zen.arado): knew everyone in the street
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): sounds like a nice way to grow up Zen, guess there are reasons for nostalgia
    Zen (zen.arado): it was so primitive
    Zen (zen.arado): queueing up for groceries
    Zen (zen.arado): no supermarkets
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): interesting
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): where were you queuing?
    Zen (zen.arado): things sliced up and weighed
    Zen (zen.arado): everywhere
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ah... diversity
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): little stores
    Zen (zen.arado): butchers, grocers, home bakery
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): cheese cut with a wire cutter
    Zen (zen.arado): sawdust on the floor of butchers
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me smiles... evocative, Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): no refrigerators
    Zen (zen.arado): lugging heavy bags of shopping
    Zen (zen.arado): no cars
    Zen (zen.arado): no crouching over computer screens :)
    Zen (zen.arado): no TV
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): quite different from my own world, except for the schools I attended
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): when very young...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): school was homey-er than home
    Zen (zen.arado): we never had a TV until I was about 13
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): we had 3 channels :) and you had to get up to change them!
    Zen (zen.arado): we had two until the late 50's
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): what were your parents like Zen?
    Zen (zen.arado): didn't start until 5pm
    Zen (zen.arado): normal working class folks
    Zen (zen.arado): father worked in shipyard
    Zen (zen.arado): he worked 6 days a week often but we were still poor
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): did you feel that, as a kid?
    Zen (zen.arado): not really
    Zen (zen.arado): rich in other ways I guess
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it is sort of relative to environment too... what others around are doing...
    Zen (zen.arado): we socialized so much with other kids
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): /me nods
    Zen (zen.arado): played games in the street
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): yeah.. free play
    Zen (zen.arado): parents threw us out in the morning
    Zen (zen.arado): amazing the distances away from home we travelled
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I think about that too... my bike took me so far
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh me too
    Zen (zen.arado): on main roads
    Zen (zen.arado): but traffic so light
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): my daughter saw a kid on the handlebars of another kids bicycle the other day and protested that she would never do that.... startled me to hear that
    Zen (zen.arado): so many dangerous things we did
    Zen (zen.arado): miracle we survived ;)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): with our traffic and the world she's grown up in I guess it makes sense but was a bit sad... it was so fun
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Zen (zen.arado): so many restrictions now
    Zen (zen.arado): and worries about pedophiles
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): so for the class are you writing your life's story?
    Zen (zen.arado): I had a woman friend from England ..we used to take the kids to a playground and sit and read
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh... nice :D
    Zen (zen.arado): but I couldn't go and sit there on my own
    Zen (zen.arado): they would be suspicious
    Zen (zen.arado): no I'm just gathering material
    Zen (zen.arado): back to morning pages
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): I can use it and expand on it
    Zen (zen.arado): hopefully
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): will you be blogging?
    Zen (zen.arado): maybe later
    Zen (zen.arado): funny...you daren't use your own material on a blog until after an assignment has been marked
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): oh?
    Zen (zen.arado): or plagiarism software might pick it up
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ooooh! I get it...lol
    Zen (zen.arado): I would have to prove I am Zen Arado :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): stealing from yourself... very sci fi
    Zen (zen.arado): migh try writing about SL adventures
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): a little late in life to be kicked out of school
    Zen (zen.arado): they are very strict about plagiarism these days
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): that's a good idea... I think about doing that too.... Eden weaved RL/SL in her poetry
    Second Life: vegetal Wrigglesworth is offline.
    Zen (zen.arado): so easy to steal stuff from the web
    Zen (zen.arado): good idea
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): it seems more dangerous to hold back... like, if I feel to write something and I don't, then nothing more comes until I do... or it comes slowly...
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): but not holding back isn't necessarily writing on a blog
    Zen (zen.arado): my writing is so factual and pedantic
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): if you write that way about things that happen in SL it will sound fantastical :D
    Zen (zen.arado): they tell you weave sensory impressions into writing
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): especially if you leave out SL
    Zen (zen.arado): hmmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): well... you did that earlier... sawdust on butcher's floor....
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): very tangible
    Zen (zen.arado): just say it is in London England
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): like, if you described what I am wearing as though I walked into a London cafe that would be very odd
    Zen (zen.arado): and looking for nice metaphors
    Zen (zen.arado): they can be strange in London :)
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): lol
    Zen (zen.arado): I remember three guys fron Chile I was training being astounded at punk dress of girls in Belfast
    Zen (zen.arado): in the 80's
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): "sun is in the sky oh why oh why would I wanna be anywhere else..."
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): ahhh
    Zen (zen.arado): spiky hair and leather and studs
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): unpretty :)
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Zen (zen.arado): but,,
    Zen (zen.arado): hmm
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): :) a different kind of interesting maybe
    Zen (zen.arado): depends on the person I guess
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): I'd better go... sure you too... hah... fun talk running quite the range
    Zen (zen.arado): kk
    Zen (zen.arado): yes...
    Zen (zen.arado): thanks for coming
    Zen (zen.arado): bye for now
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): have a really fun day Zen, thank you
    Eliza (eliza.madrigal): bfn
    Zen (zen.arado): you too :)

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