2012.10.08 19:00 - Dropping to See

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eliza Madrigal. The comments are by Eliza, who at first sat considering lostness, and a poem by William Carlos Williams - Descent.

    Soon she was happily joined by a colorful and compassionate Bleu, for a talk of blank spaces, canvas washes, and conditioning . :)


    The descent beckons
                  as the ascent beckoned.
                                   Memory is a kind
    of accomplishment,
                  a sort of renewal
    an initiation, since the spaces it opens are new places
                  inhabited by hordes
                                   heretofore unrealized,
    of new kinds—
                  since their movements
                                   are toward new objectives
    (even though formerly they were abandoned).
    No defeat is made up entirely of defeat—since
    the world it opens is always a place
                                   unsuspected. A
    world lost,
                  a world unsuspected,
                                   beckons to new places
    and no whiteness (lost) is so white as the memory
    of whiteness     .
    With evening, love wakens
                  though its shadows
                                   which are alive by reason
    of the sun shining—
                  grow sleepy now and drop away
                                   from desire     .
    Love without shadows stirs now
                  beginning to awaken
                                   as night
    The descent
                  made up of despairs
                                   and without accomplishment
    realizes a new awakening:
                                   which is a reversal
    of despair.
                  For what we cannot accomplish, what
    is denied to love,
                  what we have lost in the anticipation—
                                   a descent follows,
    endless and indestructible


    Bleu Oleander: hi Eliza :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bleu :)
    Eliza Madrigal zooms
    Bleu Oleander: how's your evening?
    Eliza Madrigal: fantastic pattern..... what was the inspiration?
    Bleu Oleander: frank lloyd wright
    Eliza Madrigal zooms again...
    Bleu Oleander: mixed in with some of my own :)
    Bleu Oleander: I love his stained glass windows
    Eliza Madrigal: ah yes...am smiling
    Eliza Madrigal: and the bow tie... darling
    Bleu Oleander: that was mine haha
    Eliza Madrigal: :)


    Eliza Madrigal: As for the evening just fine.... was pondering lostness
    Eliza Madrigal: remembering poems that conjure the sensibility...
    Bleu Oleander: hmmm
    Bleu Oleander: lostness can be scary, but also can be opportunities to find new
    Eliza Madrigal: I was thinking about your mentioning the artist... and her crossroads....
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Bleu Oleander: i've been artistically lost many times :)
    Eliza Madrigal: it isn't exactly lostness, that feeling, but in a way the feeling, inward, is similar... crossroad brings one inward

    Bleu Oleander: I find switching directions to be helpful under those conditions
    Eliza Madrigal: in what way?
    Bleu Oleander: taking my mind completely off the problem
    Bleu Oleander: new focus
    Bleu Oleander: then go back with fresh eyes

    Bleu Oleander: with painting
    Bleu Oleander: i often stop for years
    Bleu Oleander: and start up again
    Bleu Oleander: always surprised by what comes out
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: when I painted it was a lot just to begin something
    Bleu Oleander: yes!

    Bleu Oleander: I always find it helpful to paint over the whole canvas first
    Bleu Oleander: so no blank spots
    Bleu Oleander: somehow relaxes me
    Eliza Madrigal: nice.... conditioning
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Bleu Oleander: also adds depth to the painting ... win win :)
    Eliza Madrigal: a 'wash'
    Bleu Oleander: yes

    Bleu Oleander: btw I listened to Richard Davidson tonight
    Bleu Oleander: interesting series
    Eliza Madrigal: oh, excellent... am planning to listen to that one but became wrapped up in a film earlier
    Eliza Madrigal: any ideas to share?

    Bleu Oleander: the main one I got was that even a short compassion meditation can change your brain
    Bleu Oleander: brains are not fixed
    Bleu Oleander: neuroplasticity
    Eliza Madrigal: wash for the brain...hah....
    Bleu Oleander: haha yes!

    Bleu Oleander: he used the term "obscurations"
    Bleu Oleander: things that hide our compassionate leanings

    Bleu Oleander: I thought of PaB
    Bleu Oleander: and dropping to see our compassionate qualities


    Bleu Oleander: he spoke about on-the-fly practice
    Bleu Oleander: even making a difference

    Eliza Madrigal: PaB is a light handed approach... lots of trust in not trying to convince ... just taste
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Bleu Oleander: focus on others is more effective than focus on self

    Bleu Oleander: next week is Dan Siegel
    Eliza Madrigal: I remember the first time I heard the term 'flash bodhicitta' which is a term for raising the 'mind of compassion' - that meditation starts there rather than getting there... starting at the end
    Eliza Madrigal: it sounded so obscure... speaking of obscurations....
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: but just stopping once in a while... like a dolphin diving down... so easy
    Bleu Oleander: yes

    Eliza Madrigal: Dan Siegel will speak on emotion?
    Bleu Oleander: I don't remember what his focus will be
    Bleu Oleander: but I think still on compassion
    Eliza Madrigal: :) whatever the question is, it is a good answer

    Eliza Madrigal: there is so much focus in the society we grew up in, on talking things out and problem solving through advice... but I love the idea that even without
    Eliza Madrigal: doing that....
    Eliza Madrigal: there is a resonance and capacity beings have with one another
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Eliza Madrigal: so each deepening their own capacity to just be with another person.... seems worthy work... not to mention probably enhances listening/appreciation... being able to withstand a long winding book full of ideas :D
    Bleu Oleander: :)

    We sit quietly for a while...

    Bleu Oleander: well, I think I'll take the pups for a walk
    Eliza Madrigal: the image of museums comes to mind just now... the palate cleansing between exhibitions
    Bleu Oleander: yes, when I worked in an art gallery
    Bleu Oleander: definitely had a palate cleansing between shows
    Bleu Oleander: somehow needed the blank walls for a few days
    Eliza Madrigal smiles

    Eliza Madrigal: thanks for stopping with me for a moment Bleu, hugs to pups :)
    Bleu Oleander: ok have a great evening :)
    Eliza Madrigal: you too :) Night
    Bleu Oleander: take care

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