The Guardian for this meeting was Zen Arado. The comments are by Zen Arado.
Zen Arado: Hi Rhia :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi Zen
eggsalad Ormstein: hi zen & rhia
Zen Arado: Hi Eggsalad
Zen Arado: what's new?
eggsalad Ormstein: not much. you?
Zen Arado: I thought I overslept and that it was 9.05 amand rushed to get up..then found it was only 5 am
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi egg
Zen Arado: and somebody sent me a nasty message from SL
Rhiannon Dragoone: Zen, really?
Rhiannon Dragoone: What did it say?
Zen Arado: so the rest of the day can only get better
Zen Arado: 'My favorite part about you fucking in my skybox is the ridiculous amount of prims you left. You stain my sheets and dont even clean up after yourself, tsk tsk.'
Zen Arado: don't know what that is about
Zen Arado: I haven't been near any skyboxes
Zen Arado: I have one of my own
Rhiannon Dragoone: that's strange; may have opened the wrong window; the guy who wrote that, I mean
Zen Arado: yeh maybe
Zen Arado: I also had a cat returned
Zen Arado: but didn't know I lost it
Zen Arado: maybe it wandered onto the person's property
Zen Arado: you get up early Rhia?
Zen Arado: or haven't been to bed yet?
Rhiannon Dragoone: Not in bed yet, Zen
Rhiannon Dragoone: But am thinking about it. ::yawn::
Rhiannon Dragoone: Saw two people here on the map, thought I'd stop by an say hi before retiring.
Rhiannon Dragoone: so "hi!"
Zen Arado: nice of you Rhi
eggsalad Ormstein: you're swell. I think I'll go to bed also. bye
Rhiannon Dragoone: But I think I will get ready for bed. I'm sleepy
Rhiannon Dragoone: thank you egg
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, sorry to start a stampede, Zen
Zen Arado: nite to each
Zen Arado: glad you could drop in
Zen Arado: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone waves and poofs. ::me too::
Zen Arado: Hello Zaldaan :)
Zaldaan Sirnah: hi. I can't sit in this client.
Zen Arado: oh?
Zen Arado: what viewer is it?
Zaldaan Sirnah: when you learn something subtle, how do you retain it as a part of you, instead of forgetting it for instance... write it? meditate on it?
Zaldaan Sirnah: mobile grid client. I'm on my cellphone.
Zen Arado: oh I see ok
Zen Arado: I think we retain everything
Zen Arado: it's getting it back into conscious memory that is hard
Zen Arado: there is a kind of store consciousness they talk about in Buddhism
Zaldaan Sirnah: I want it to be a part of my being. it feels like a wiser way
Zen Arado:
Zen Arado: well I don't think it can be forced
Zen Arado: but meditating and reading wisdom literature helps I guess
Zaldaan Sirnah: I think so too. I have to rest now though.
Zaldaan Sirnah: thank you.
Zen Arado: ok
Zen Arado: you stayed up late?
Zen Arado: my favourite reading atm
Zen Arado:
Zaldaan Sirnah: sort of.. need to be up when it willl be late. so need nap now
milakel Resident: hi :)
Zen Arado: Hi Mila
Zen Arado: :)
milakel Resident: two lonely souls :)
milakel Resident: one is asleep
Zen Arado: yeh everyone drops in and goes to sleep :)
milakel Resident: yea... i'm rather late
Zen Arado: I seem to get Americans on their last legs
milakel Resident: any new paintings you've done recently?
Zen Arado: I did one of elephants
milakel Resident: oh! wonderful :)
milakel Resident: is it in sl?
Zen Arado: I have an exhibition at perfect paradise
milakel Resident: aha, nice :)
milakel Resident: sun's place
milakel Resident: or so it feels like :)
Zen Arado: my place too :)
Zen Arado: it's behind you
milakel Resident: how long does it take to paint one painting?
milakel Resident: huh? *looks around*
Zen Arado: depends
milakel Resident: oh!
milakel Resident: i can sense the african heat :)
milakel Resident: there's riddle somewhere :)
Zen Arado: pastel paintings are done more quickly
Zen Arado: maybe 6 hours on that one
milakel Resident: why elephants? what was the motivation?
Zen Arado: don't know
milakel Resident: :)
Zen Arado: I don't understand why or what I paint
Zen Arado: I paint pastels for a while and then juts have to change to oil
Zen Arado: and vice versa
milakel Resident: paitning in the moment :)
Zen Arado: Picasso said something about that
Zen Arado: about your art tells you what to paint
milakel Resident: ah
Zen Arado: so you just go with it
Zen Arado: maybe we should be more spontaneous like that in the rest of our lives
milakel Resident: is there time when you struggle what to paint? or it's always coming naturally?
Zen Arado: it's a struggle
Zen Arado: and I am never completely happy with my paintings
Zen Arado: I see faults
Zen Arado: never quite what I want
milakel Resident: hmm, interesting
Zen Arado: I like one's I did years ago better
milakel Resident: oh :)
Zen Arado: it's like I can distance myself from them better
milakel Resident: it's the other way around when you code :)
Zen Arado: like they were done by a different person
milakel Resident: well, they were :)
Zen Arado: the other way around?
milakel Resident: yes, as you gain experience, you see flaws in your earlier work
Zen Arado: I see
milakel Resident: not always though
Zen Arado: I never took to computer programming
Zen Arado: so tedious
Zen Arado: (to me)
milakel Resident: i think it's different for an artist where no exact science is involved
Zen Arado: yeh maybe a left brain/right brain thing
Zen Arado: but I did web design
Zen Arado: I liked doing xhtml and CSS
milakel Resident: it's more about you in the moment, i guess, for an artist. so experience not always converts to "better work".
milakel Resident: ah, that's nice, zen :)
Zen Arado: yeh painting is funny that way
Zen Arado: Picasso also said something about having spent his life trying to paint like a child
milakel Resident: :)
milakel Resident: i like this one
milakel Resident: we lose it too early in life
Zen Arado: you think of me as artistic and creative?
milakel Resident: our "childness"
milakel Resident: i sure do
Zen Arado: yet I spent my working life as an engineer
milakel Resident: heh
Zen Arado: and I did an engineering degree
milakel Resident: a creative one :)
milakel Resident: maybe i'll paint one day too :)
Zen Arado: yeh
Zen Arado: maybe we define ourselves too much
Zen Arado: we kind of close ourselves off..narrow ourselves
milakel Resident: society does that to us
milakel Resident: that's when "childness" is gone
Zen Arado: yes...or the education system
Zen Arado: the pressures of making a living
Zen Arado: I only started to paint cos I had to retire early
Zen Arado: so my disability helped in a way
Zen Arado: so I had time to find new outlets
Zen Arado: maybe I would have gotten into web design if I had been younger
milakel Resident: i think i'll be a photographer when i retire :)
Zen Arado: yeh why not?
milakel Resident: web or not, it's still design, you can start today :)
Zen Arado: yeh but I am too old and disabled
Zen Arado: and I wouldn't be fast enough
milakel Resident: travelling photographer - isn't it a dream occupation? :)
milakel Resident: fast for what? picking the right colors? :)
Zen Arado: you need a lot of coding expertise
Zen Arado: I didn't get very far with that
Zen Arado: java scripting Sql and all that stuff
milakel Resident: you can leave it up for a programmer and deal with design exclusively
Zen Arado: hmmm... didn't know that
Zen Arado: I only did a couple of OU short courses
Zen Arado: anyway I don't need the money and I prefer to paint
Zen Arado: I have an electric guitar and I want to try to play stuff on that
Zen Arado: I am finding some great backing tracks etc on the web lately
milakel Resident: sorry, had a phone call
Zen Arado: np
milakel Resident: ah, true. you also play a guitar :)
milakel Resident: i forgot :)
Zen Arado: I only took that up lately
Zen Arado: a RL friend got me interested again
milakel Resident: that's nice
Zen Arado: and the music sessions here in SL
Zen Arado: :)
Zen Arado: it's like painting though
Zen Arado: just do it for the enoyment
Zen Arado: Hi Observerm :)
milakel Resident: he's been here for a while :)
Zen Arado: I didn'tr notice
Zen Arado: did you try any backing tracks Mila?
Zen Arado: L like this one
Zen Arado:
milakel Resident: ah, no. i'm just reading the cords :)
milakel Resident: *chords
Zen Arado: you know someting worries me about that site
Zen Arado: it has my Facebook photo and a comment box
Zen Arado: how did it get that?
Zen Arado: I didn't join or anything
milakel Resident: it's caused you're logged in to facebook currently
milakel Resident: it's just a widget
Zen Arado: but it shows how much FB is sharing about me on the web
milakel Resident: that's the "social web" for you :)
Zen Arado: yeh I'm a bit uneasy about that
milakel Resident: i'm not on facebook :)
Zen Arado: I'm not using it much lately
Zen Arado: find it a great time waster
Zen Arado: prefer to waste time in SL :)
milakel Resident: agreed :)
Zen Arado: but even if I left it they still have so much info about me
Zen Arado: and can still pass that on?
milakel Resident: i think officially they keep your data for 3 months after account cancellation
milakel Resident: but unofficially... it's mostly likely there indefinitely :)
Zen Arado: yeh
Zen Arado: I get embarassed at some of the things pplreveal
milakel Resident: i closed a flickr account a few years ago and it still shows my pics :)
Zen Arado: hmmm
Zen Arado: anyway I have to go
Zen Arado: nice talking to you Mila:)
milakel Resident: yea, me too
milakel Resident: thank you, zen
Zen Arado: nice of yiu to drop by
milakel Resident: glad i did :)
Zen Arado: byee