Darren Islar: hey Wol :)
Wol Euler: hello darren
Wol Euler: hi dash
Darren Islar: hi Das
Darren Islar: Dash
Dash Earthboy: finally somebody']
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: hey.
Wol Euler slips out to the kitchen for tea
Dash Earthboy: i was here about 10 minutes ago
Darren Islar: and gone:0
Darren Islar: I see
Dash Earthboy: ya
Dash Earthboy: Rhi asked me to join a meditation
Dash Earthboy: turned out to be a dance
Darren Islar: :)
Dash Earthboy: soooo
Darren Islar: Rhi and sitting still, can't quite imagine :)
Dash Earthboy: some dances can be spiritually uplifting to me
Wol Euler: heheh
Wol Euler: (to rhi, not to dance meditation)
Dash Earthboy: but not so much right now
Dash Earthboy: how are things over there on the other side of the pond?
Dash Earthboy: pun intended :)
Darren Islar: oh, there certainly can be a meditative way of dancing, for sure......
Darren Islar: everything can be meditation actually
Wol Euler: things are pretty good here, dash, thanks for asking
Wol Euler: and yourself?
Dash Earthboy: back
Dash Earthboy: got some iced tea
Dash Earthboy: today the high was supposed to be 90
Wol Euler has hot tea, darjeeling with milk
Dash Earthboy: it's currently 93 with a heat index of 94
Wol Euler: too hot for me
Dash Earthboy: i like darjeeling but usually with a little honey
Wol Euler: oh, is this bruce's session? who has wednesdays?
Darren Islar: Fef?
Wol Euler: fef, yes
Dash Earthboy: Bruce had yesterday
Wol Euler: I don't think he asked for a replacement
Darren Islar: no idea
Dash Earthboy: no stray sounds coming through my mic?
Wol Euler smiles and shrugs her shoulders. I wouldn'T know.
Dash Earthboy: yesterday I was in Vista and Sam noticed my mic seemed to randomly turn on and off
Dash Earthboy: that was weird
Wol Euler: hmmm
Wol Euler: what is its hotkey? perhaps you are triggering it accidentally?
Dash Earthboy: i have it set for Push to Talk, up to Stop
Dash Earthboy: same as here in Ubuntu
Wol Euler: yes, but push what?
Dash Earthboy: the Talk key in lower right corner
Dash Earthboy: key=button
Wol Euler: and no shortcut in your prefernces?
Dash Earthboy: nope
Dash Earthboy: hey ara
arabella Ella: Hiya!
Wol Euler: hello ara
Dash Earthboy: cooling off in the fountain huh?
arabella Ella smiles
Dash Earthboy: :)
arabella Ella: rezzing!
arabella Ella: fascinating lunar eclipse here tonight
Dash Earthboy: cool
arabella Ella: and google doodle dedicated to eclipse too
Wol Euler: oh, yes! starting now-ish
Darren Islar: hi Ara :)
Dash Earthboy: full moon?
Wol Euler: let me go check
arabella Ella: eclipse nearly finished now
arabella Ella: but still visible
arabella Ella: nearly full moon Dash
arabella Ella: but it was a total eclipse
Dash Earthboy: awesome
arabella Ella: yes awesome
arabella Ella: snap :)
Dash Earthboy: who's claiming this session?
arabella Ella: normally Fef
arabella Ella: on Wed
Wol Euler: cloudy :(
Darren Islar: I don't claim sessions anymore
Dash Earthboy: :(
Dash Earthboy: x2
arabella Ella: perhaps Wol could offer when she gets back
arabella Ella: Hiya Darren how are you?
Wol Euler: I'll tell you frankly that I do not wish to. I already take three sessions each week, every week.
Darren Islar: I'm fine thanks, how are you?
Dash Earthboy: s'ok Wol
Darren Islar: well, no recording then tonight :)
Dash Earthboy: enough is enough
arabella Ella: i'm fine too thanks but extremely busy at work as you may have noticed
Wol Euler: yes, we haven't seen much of you at all
Darren Islar: hmmmmm, don't see you much anymore, but I'm not here often as well
arabella Ella: yes regretfully for me
Wol Euler: what are you working on?
Dash Earthboy: hey Zen
Darren Islar: hi Zen :)
arabella Ella: end of academic year here Wol so lots of admin corrections etc at the moment
Wol Euler: hello zen
Wol Euler: ah, right
arabella Ella: plus some pending research i am commited to
arabella Ella: it never ends
Dash Earthboy: ooo sounds like some stress ara
Wol Euler: but you then have four months of summer break, right?
Wol Euler grins and ducks
Zen Arado: Hi all
Darren Islar: are you used to the working life again?
arabella Ella: many questions :)
arabella Ella: first of all a long vacation is only for the privileged few who dont take committments like i tend to do
arabella Ella: and Darren it has been (and still is) incredibly difficult to adapt to the full schedule again!
Darren Islar nods
Darren Islar: I can imagine
Dash Earthboy: hey Bleu
Darren Islar: hi Bleu :)
Wol Euler: hello bleu
arabella Ella: brb
Zen Arado: Hi Bleu
Dash Earthboy: ara my son has only been working since around Halloween and has had so many holidays paid its ridiculous
Dash Earthboy: now he's off on his second vacation...this time to FL till Sunday
Dash Earthboy: what a rough job huh?
Wol Euler: ah, fef did announce (quite recently) that he would miss this and asked for a replacement
Dash Earthboy: hey Bhang
Darren Islar: hi Bang :)
Bleu Oleander: hello Bhang
Dash Earthboy: so who will reeplace Fef?
Zen Arado: Hi Bhang
Wol Euler: hello bhang
Zen Arado: big Bhang
Wol Euler: you've been here before, right? I remember your avatar
Darren Islar nods, yes he has been
Wol Euler: good, just checking
Bhang Tyran: yes i stop in once in a while
Bhang Tyran: may i join you?
Wol Euler: of coruse
Wol Euler: *course
arabella Ella: back ... apologies was on phone
Bhang Tyran: hahaha typos
arabella Ella: Hiya Zen, Bleu and Bhang!
Bleu Oleander: hiya Ara :)
Dash Earthboy: if anybody's into CAD for work/fun, Autodesk is offering AutoCAD WS in the cloud as a free service Google Chrome app until further notice
Zen Arado: Hi Ara :)
arabella Ella: interesting Dash thanks altho i dont use Chrone
arabella Ella: *Chrome
Dash Earthboy: 's ok, i enjoy the competition between Firefox and Chrome
Dash Earthboy: I've come to use Chrome more often on the platforms I use
Wol Euler: ty bleu
Bleu Oleander: sure :)
arabella Ella: i use Firefox and i tried to download Chrome some time back but it got too complicated for me!
Dash Earthboy: yah, they've made it much easier just this past year
Dash Earthboy: Ubuntu has it right in the store
arabella Ella: oh good to know i may give it another go one of these days!
Dash Earthboy: i think i've got the browsers fairly well covered one way or another
arabella Ella: i was surprised when i tried to download Chrome that it was not as intuitive as modern day stuff normally is
Dash Earthboy: i currently use Konqueror, Internet Explorer, Firefox, SeaMonkey, Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Crazy Browser
arabella Ella: cool
Wol Euler: why?
Wol Euler: hello chris
Darren Islar: hi Chris
Dash Earthboy: well, Crazy Browser has been better than Internet Explorer for over a decade
Bleu Oleander: hi Chris
Dash Earthboy: so I prefer it personally in Windows
Zen Arado: Hi Chris
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: Hi all!
Dash Earthboy: Opera has a nice community and did have some important features built-in
Wol Euler: dead rats lying on the pavement are better than Internet Explorer
arabella Ella: Hiya ChrisToe
Bleu Oleander: hahaha
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: Hiya
arabella Ella: i dont like explorer either
Dash Earthboy: then Firefox and Safari were the main Linux & Mac browsers forever
Dash Earthboy: so I find myself in different ones all the time
arabella Ella: Safari is great on my i phone
Dash Earthboy: cool
arabella Ella: what lovely flowers ... is this you Wol?
Dash Earthboy: Solaris finally gave in and went to Firefox as the main now too
Bhang Tyran: yes pretty flowers
Dash Earthboy: they clung to Mozilla basic
Dash Earthboy: those flowers really helped on Sunday too Wol
Wol Euler: not me
Wol Euler: sorry :)
Bleu Oleander: were beautiful with Sun's performance
Dash Earthboy: really...looked the same
Dash Earthboy: yes, Bleu...wasn't that Sunday?
Bleu Oleander: yes, Sunday
arabella Ella: so whose are the flowers?
Wol Euler: brb
Bleu Oleander: not mine
Darren Islar: I try to find the particle source.....
Dash Earthboy: they're here to enjoy like the eclipse
arabella Ella smiles
arabella Ella: they look like almond blossoms and have a lovely scent too!
Darren Islar: I think it's Chris :)
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: I've been pounding pavements and am probably malodorous!
arabella Ella: owwwwww
Dash Earthboy: hey druth
druth Vlodovic: hi guys
arabella Ella: Hiya druth
Wol Euler: hello druthz
Wol Euler: -z
Darren Islar: hi Druth
Darren Islar: (I'm a particle source too?????)
Dash Earthboy: :)
Darren Islar: (ah yes, my ring)
Dash Earthboy: this was much more relaxing than dancing :)
Bleu Oleander: hi druth
druth Vlodovic: depends on the type of dancing I suppose :)
Bleu Oleander: bye all :)
Wol Euler: bye bleu, take care
Bleu Oleander: will post the log for Fef
Dash Earthboy: see ya Bleu
Wol Euler: ty
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: bye bleu
arabella Ella: bye bleu!
Bhang Tyran: later bleu
Darren Islar: bye Bleu (for teh record)
druth Vlodovic: how many particles do we need?
Dash Earthboy: hmm hmmm hmm
arabella Ella: i have a silly question
Wol Euler: I keep mine set low because I don't want to get inundated, 2048
Dash Earthboy: oh boy
Wol Euler: ask it:)
arabella Ella: why do i see chris and zen as one person?
arabella Ella: one avi?
Wol Euler: move your camera around :)
arabella Ella: i did
druth Vlodovic: siamese twins
Wol Euler: I see them on separate cushions
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: One with everything!
Darren Islar: I see them seperate too
Dash Earthboy: i'm looking thru you
Darren Islar: a particle party :)
Bhang Tyran: hahaha
arabella Ella: ah so is Chris a tiny?
Darren Islar: nope
arabella Ella: angels!!!!
Wol Euler: zoom in on him, ara, that might update your viewer
arabella Ella: ok
arabella Ella: it worked ty Wol brilliant :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Wol Euler: yw
Dash Earthboy: an eclipse is a marvelous way to mark the middle of the work week
Dash Earthboy: things only get brighter from here on :)
Dash Earthboy: sry you had clouds Wol :(
Wol Euler: ty, but not your fault :)
Wol Euler: we've had weeks of lcouds now
arabella Ella: not just that Dash these magnificient natural events bring back my sense of awe and wonder!!
Dash Earthboy: :)
Dash Earthboy: * thinks of the song "Runaway"
arabella Ella: the lindens should have organised an eclipse on SL too
Wol Euler: ha!
Dash Earthboy: yah
Zen Arado: a very old sonf Dash !
Zen Arado: Del Shannon?
Dash Earthboy: yah
Dash Earthboy: and Bonnie Raitt
arabella Ella: after all google celebrates stuff thru its awesome google doodles so why not SL
Darren Islar grins at Ara
arabella Ella smiles back at Darren
Zen Arado: Michael O'Keefe was married to Bonnie Rait
Darren Islar: Need to go guys and girls
Darren Islar: have a nice day/night :)
Dash Earthboy: take care Darren
Wol Euler: bye darren, take care
Zen Arado: bye Darren
arabella Ella: bye Darren good night!
Bhang Tyran: saiyonara darren
Darren Islar: they won't let me go :)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Dash Earthboy: heheh
arabella Ella: i've got to go too
Wol Euler: trapped by the power of our dropping
Dash Earthboy: it happens
arabella Ella: good night everyone!
Dash Earthboy: g'nite ara
Zen Arado: nite Ara
Wol Euler: bye ara, work well
Wol Euler: but not too much
Dash Earthboy: :)
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: Bye
Dash Earthboy: so much for symmetry :)
Zen Arado: hates being assymetrical :)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Wol Euler: and I thought I was the only one who noticed
Bhang Tyran: symmetry hides the choas beneath
Dash Earthboy: how about asynchronous?
Zen Arado: not sure about that one
Dash Earthboy: :)
Zen Arado: could write a book about it :)
Zen Arado: big subject
ChrisToeFurHaitch Resident: Must go Now. Bye!
Wol Euler: bye chris, take care
Dash Earthboy: bye Chris
Zen Arado: bye Chris
Bhang Tyran: its true i recently heard that the balance of matter and anti matter in the universe is off by .00001 %
Dash Earthboy: is the tea helping Wol?
Bhang Tyran: a tiny bit mor matter is what makes reality powssible
Wol Euler: yep
Zen Arado: I better go too
Zen Arado: bye all
Wol Euler: bye zen, sleep well
Bhang Tyran: bye zen
Dash Earthboy: hopefully the universe will correct itself Bhang
Dash Earthboy: Bye Zen
Bhang Tyran: that would destroy our world dash the un balance is what keeps things stable wierd enough
Bhang Tyran: relatively stable anyway
Dash Earthboy: glad to know i hadn't flubbed the time when I came here at 1
Dash Earthboy: i hear ya Bhang
Bhang Tyran: word hahaha
Wol Euler: funny, I always imagined that all that anti-matter made up an anti-universe with anti-beings on anti-planets
Dash Earthboy: wish I had some stable relatives
druth Vlodovic: "stable" like caught unchangeably in amber
druth Vlodovic: or "stable" changes we enjoy, or can live with
Bhang Tyran: anti relativity ? wow
Dash Earthboy: are preservatives necessary for stability?
Bhang Tyran: nah dash lettem rot
Dash Earthboy: is anti-relativity the same as chaos?
Bhang Tyran: its all relative i guesse
druth Vlodovic: keepyour auntie relatives in the stable when they visit
Dash Earthboy: *wonders how anti-relativity can be relative?
Dash Earthboy: :)
Bhang Tyran: me too i should be more careful with my B.S. hahaha
Dash Earthboy: heheh
Dash Earthboy: thought that's what we call "Play"
Dash Earthboy: druth I'm not sure my aunties are as unstable as my uncles :)
druth Vlodovic: or your proculs
Dash Earthboy: well, my uncles married my aunties after all :)
druth Vlodovic: oh, it's that sort of family :)
Dash Earthboy: yah
Dash Earthboy: not much for kissin cousins tho :)
Wol Euler: were they already your aunties before your uncles married them?
Bhang Tyran: birds of the the same screwball feather flock together
Dash Earthboy: :) at Wol
Wol Euler: well, y'know, up there in the backwoods ...
Wol Euler grins
Dash Earthboy: :)
Bhang Tyran: i have woods out back but nevver kissed a cousin
Bhang Tyran: not a first cousin anyways
Dash Earthboy: at church everybody calls each other sister and brrother
druth Vlodovic: you have to marry people from other churches
Dash Earthboy: so how can one keep track of such a large family huh?
Wol Euler: interesting idea. keeping hte gene pool deep
Dash Earthboy: yep
Dash Earthboy: i've seen the struggles in Amish communities
druth Vlodovic: how to attract people from outside without becoming other than ourselves
Dash Earthboy: yep
druth Vlodovic: advertising :)
Wol Euler nods.
druth Vlodovic: I'd bet an amish community would make a heck of a retirement spot
Wol Euler: my dears, I have to be moving on. Take care, be happy
Dash Earthboy: that's what I've been doing: advertising
Dash Earthboy: sleep well Wol
druth Vlodovic: HAVE FUN WOL
Dash Earthboy: gtsy
Wol Euler smiles.
Bhang Tyran: work hard be kind and good things will happen
druth Vlodovic: oops,
druth Vlodovic: well, I really really meant it
Dash Earthboy: :)
Dash Earthboy: Bhang I think this is our first mtg?
Bhang Tyran: well then how do you do im bhang
Bhang Tyran takes a humble bow
Dash Earthboy: cool
Dash Earthboy: i've been looking for a humble bow animation
druth Vlodovic: hey! give that back! I need my humble bows
Dash Earthboy: heheh
Bhang Tyran: most of the time i come here its empty
Bhang Tyran: hahaha
druth Vlodovic: if you come here at 1am you could become very popular :)
Dash Earthboy: yes the mtgs are at 1 and 7 and 1 and 7
druth Vlodovic: did you get a notecard?
Dash Earthboy: i like those 1 AM mtgs when i'm not sleeping :)
Bhang Tyran: not a recent one
Bhang Tyran: sleep dep is a good source of insipation i say
Dash Earthboy: yep
Bhang Tyran: dankedruth
druth Vlodovic: speaking of sleep derevation, I have to go get ready for work
druth Vlodovic: have fun guys
Dash Earthboy: you too druth
Dash Earthboy: have a good one
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