Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Wol Euler: hello egg
eggsalad Ormstein: hi wol. I see you have not been raptured
Wol Euler: nice dress!
Wol Euler: nor you :)
Wol Euler: funny, that.
eggsalad Ormstein: ty!
Wol Euler: sometimes one can measure changes in oneself, in attitudes and behaviour
Wol Euler: thinking about the rapture, I realized that say ten years ago, I'd have been crowing about the rapturites
Wol Euler: celebrating that my worldview had prevailed over theirs
Wol Euler: today I'm rather thinking about their confusion and disappointment and fear and anger
Wol Euler: hello rhi
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi Wol
eggsalad Ormstein: rhia!!
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi egg!!!
Wol Euler: how's paloma? I haven't seen her in ages
Rhiannon Dragoone: I don't see you yet, egg; and Wol is T boned
Rhiannon Dragoone squintes
Wol Euler: O.O
Rhiannon Dragoone: Afred,is that you?
eggsalad Ormstein: I see you, Rhia. Wearing my favorite outfit again :)
Wol Euler: he's hiding, and away
Wol Euler grins
Rhiannon Dragoone blushes and giggles at egg
eggsalad Ormstein: she always has such good taste in shoes, too!
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, thank you, egg
Wol Euler: have a seat, join us
eggsalad Ormstein: how can you be a nudist & blush about it?
Rhiannon Dragoone giggles
Rhiannon Dragoone: I'm not sure I should have a seat, Wol; with my bandwidth, i might end up voided
Wol Euler: okay :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: heh, and you answered the comment before it appeared in my chat window, making you a time traveller
Wol Euler: well, what shall we talk about today?
Rhiannon Dragoone: I thought you were talking about the rapture
eggsalad Ormstein: maturity
Wol Euler: okay, fire away
Rhiannon Dragoone looks at the fire behind Wol
eggsalad Ormstein: you started it wol, something about how your attitude towards the rapturists is different now
Wol Euler: [01:01] Wol Euler: sometimes one can measure changes in oneself, in attitudes and behaviour [01:02] Wol Euler: thinking about the rapture, I realized that say ten years ago, I'd have been crowing about the rapturites [01:02] Wol Euler: celebrating that my worldview had prevailed over theirs [01:03] Wol Euler: today I'm rather thinking about their confusion and disappointment and fear and anger
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, and I like your present attitude; sadness at their confusion and anger, rather than gloating
Wol Euler: I would definitely have gloated ten years ago
Wol Euler: call that "learning compassion" perhaps
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, one feels threatened by worldviews that seem bizaare by our standards
Rhiannon Dragoone: But there is no threat, only humans trying to cope
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: that need to be right, to see the world perfectly reflecting one's view of it, is a rather childish state
Wol Euler: I see it literally in my boss's kids
Wol Euler: the son gets enraged if the name he applies to something isn't right (in our eyes)
Wol Euler: like pointing to an ambulance and saying "police"
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, people have ego invested in their opinions
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: as did I, in the days when I would have gloated over the non-rapture
Wol Euler: the only difference being that the "opinion" I was vested in would have been described as scientific fact
Hokon Cazalet: hiya all
Wol Euler: hello hokon
Hokon Cazalet: =)
eggsalad Ormstein: hi hokon
Hokon Cazalet: =)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Hi hokon
Hokon Cazalet: hellos
Alfred Kelberry: hi :)
Hokon Cazalet: Weeee! ^.^
eggsalad Ormstein: pardon me, I must be off
Wol Euler: boxy
Rhiannon Dragoone: yay, I can see boxy now
Wol Euler: bye egg, sleep well
Hokon Cazalet: awwww bye eggsalad
Rhiannon Dragoone: Still can't see egg
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: ok, egg, take care
Rhiannon Dragoone: I'll have you for breakfast tomorrow
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Hokon Cazalet: no!
Hokon Cazalet: MINE O.O
Alfred Kelberry: woly girl :)
Wol Euler: heheheh
Rhiannon Dragoone: I see hair and some splotchy thing that looks like it was stepped on hard, for hokon
Rhiannon Dragoone: Sorry, hokon
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: There, you've rezzed; the splotchy thing was your boots
Hokon Cazalet: =)
Hokon Cazalet: rocket boots!
Wol Euler: wheeeee
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Rhiannon Dragoone: I'm up against my bandwidth limit, so everything is rezzing really slowly
Hokon Cazalet: aw
Hokon Cazalet: steal bandwitdh from a neighbor =P
Rhiannon Dragoone: Hi Agatha
Agatha Macbeth: Hiya
Wol Euler: aggers!
Hokon Cazalet: hi agatha
Rhiannon Dragoone: That's why I'm standing; I will end up voided if I sit
Agatha Macbeth: Though I'd drop in :p
Rhiannon Dragoone: Hi Bert!
Wol Euler: hallo berti
Agatha Macbeth: Berti?
Hokon Cazalet: hello bertram
Agatha Macbeth: where
Wol Euler: bertram
Rhiannon Dragoone: We were talking about how one matures in one's attitudes towards beliefs we disagree with
Agatha Macbeth: Guten morgen Bert
Wol Euler: well, the listener thinks he's here
Bertram Jacobus: hi everybody, hi friends :-)
Agatha Macbeth: I see him now
Alfred Kelberry: aga girl :)
Agatha Macbeth waves
Agatha Macbeth: Boxy!
Rhiannon Dragoone: I can't see him, but I'm only now beginning to see you, Aggers
Wol Euler: [01:01] Wol Euler: sometimes one can measure changes in oneself, in attitudes and behaviour [01:02] Wol Euler: thinking about the rapture, I realized that say ten years ago, I'd have been crowing about the rapturites [01:02] Wol Euler: celebrating that my worldview had prevailed over theirs [01:03] Wol Euler: today I'm rather thinking about their confusion and disappointment and fear and anger
Hokon Cazalet wants her own little box
Rhiannon Dragoone: your hair hasn't rezzed; oh, there it goes, but it's short
Agatha Macbeth: Lucky you eh Rihi? :))
Alfred Kelberry: berty :)
Agatha Macbeth: short?
Rhiannon Dragoone giggles at Aggers
Agatha Macbeth: Hope not
Rhiannon Dragoone: Don't woory, it's me, not you
Agatha Macbeth: You'll have to forgive me, just woke up
Bertram Jacobus: boxl ... :-)
Rhiannon Dragoone: It's a lezzie buzz cut right now
Agatha Macbeth: ah, that's the underbase
Wol Euler: you're probably seeing it against the trees, and seeing an alpha texture conflict
Wol Euler: or that
Rhiannon Dragoone: Thhere's bertie!
Agatha Macbeth: Looks better than bald :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, it's flowing out now, Aggers
Hokon Cazalet: Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!
Bertram Jacobus smiles ...
Rhiannon Dragoone: Nice
Agatha Macbeth beams
Hokon Cazalet: omg i havent crashed yet, my new pc is awesome
Rhiannon Dragoone: yay, Hokon
Hokon Cazalet: =)
Agatha Macbeth: Woohoo
Rhiannon Dragoone: But it won't be the same without you crshing every time you tp
Hokon Cazalet: hehe rhia
Bertram Jacobus: i remember that still very well : first time a new computer gave a much much much better sl experience - such is soo nice ! ... :-)
Hokon Cazalet: yup
Hokon Cazalet: Weeee! ^.^
Agatha Macbeth: Doesn't stop the Lindens from crashing you tho :(
Hokon Cazalet: no lag omg, ive left my settings where they were on my old pc, its nice to be without lag
Hokon Cazalet: hehe yup
Hokon Cazalet: nothing can stop the gods though
Agatha Macbeth: No lag? Good grief
Rhiannon Dragoone: hokon, no lag? Don't believe it
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Agatha Macbeth: Are you up early Hok or not been to bed yet?
Hokon Cazalet: i slept some but woke up
Agatha Macbeth: Aww
Hokon Cazalet: i need to head back to bed though, i gotta be up in 2 hrs for work
Agatha Macbeth: Erk
Wol Euler: :(
Rhiannon Dragoone: hokon, you'd better get some sleep then
Wol Euler: that'll be tricky
Agatha Macbeth: Yeah
Hokon Cazalet: hehe i got most my sleep already though, went to bed at 7pm
Agatha Macbeth: weird sleep patterns...
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Hokon Cazalet: for a weird person (me) :Þ
Agatha Macbeth: Well, there is that :p
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Agatha Macbeth: Not that I have room to talk
Hokon Cazalet: aww
Hokon Cazalet: =)
Agatha Macbeth grins
Wol Euler smiles.
Hokon Cazalet likes being weird
Hokon Cazalet: MWHAHAHA!!!
Agatha Macbeth: Absolutely - more fun
Hokon Cazalet: yup
Agatha Macbeth: And noisier evidently
Bertram Jacobus wants to be normal ... ;-)
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Hokon Cazalet: aw
Agatha Macbeth: You're just sweet Berti :)
Hokon Cazalet: yeah with high weirdness quotient you get more gestures to play
Bertram Jacobus: or at least simple - THAT would be nice i guess
Agatha Macbeth: I noticed
Rhiannon Dragoone: I accidentally derendered hokon. I'm going to relog to see if I can get her back
Hokon Cazalet: eep! o.O
Wol Euler: no
Wol Euler: wait
Rhiannon Dragoone: yes, Wol?
Bertram Jacobus: ty aggers ... :-)
Agatha Macbeth: How did you manage that?
Wol Euler: look in the "view" menu under "mute list"
Wol Euler: you can de-mute her there
Wol Euler: de-muting will re-render
Hokon Cazalet: or maybe mute me, then unmute
Agatha Macbeth: At least you can't hear all the gestures now Rhi :ppp
Hokon Cazalet: (if im not on the list)
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: ok, i'll mute her and then unmute her
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, she's not on the mute list
Wol Euler: huh
Hokon Cazalet: try muting me then unmute
Hokon Cazalet: ok now i can badmouth rhia!!!
Agatha Macbeth: Try ejecting her! [evil grin]
Hokon Cazalet: :Þ
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Wol Euler: then you may have to re-log, yes
Hokon Cazalet: hi nano
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, great; can't mute you
Hokon Cazalet: o.O
Wol Euler: hello nano
Rhiannon Dragoone: hi nano
nanomilano Resident: hi folks
Agatha Macbeth: Hello
Wol Euler: have you been here before, nano?
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, the barefooted noob...
Wol Euler: three days old :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bless him
nanomilano Resident: thnx
Wol Euler: nano, have you been here before?
nanomilano Resident: i am a reborn avatar
Agatha Macbeth: Ah
nanomilano Resident: i was barcalona rhapsody
Wol Euler: ah, ok
nanomilano Resident: all known by you
Wol Euler: no need to give you a notecard then :)
Agatha Macbeth: OH, hello Barca :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: ok, i'll be right back
nanomilano Resident: not needed
Alfred Kelberry: barca :)
nanomilano Resident: yea
Agatha Macbeth: Good to see you (and your feet :)
Bertram Jacobus: hey nano ! :-)
Agatha Macbeth: wb Hok
nanomilano Resident: i had the name barca as a tribute to Bertram
Hokon Cazalet: arg my connection died
Wol Euler: wb non-crashing hokon
nanomilano Resident: the same beginnig letter
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Hokon Cazalet: ty
Agatha Macbeth: Crashing non-crashing Hohon
Bertram Jacobus: hello qt
Hokon Cazalet: i hate how windows 7 reconnects me to any nearby wireless, not the one in my home =(
nanomilano Resident: but now i wanna tribute to nano technology
Qt Core: hi all
Alfred Kelberry: nano, really? how come?
Wol Euler: just one of the many ways in which WIndows is superior to Mac :)
Hokon Cazalet: hi Qt
nanomilano Resident: and to milano
Hokon Cazalet: lol wol
Wol Euler: hello qt
nanomilano Resident: hi qt
Agatha Macbeth: That's why I don't use wireless :p
Agatha Macbeth: Morning QT
Wol Euler: wb rhi
Bertram Jacobus: very special nano ... milano ... ;-)
nanomilano Resident: i think nano is a great theme in expo 2015
nanomilano Resident: in milan
Qt Core: do you really thing there will be an expo 2015 ? ?
nanomilano Resident: sure
Qt Core: *think
Wol Euler: mmhmm
nanomilano Resident: they are so good preparing it now
Qt Core: while i'd like it to happen, from my point of view, less than 5km from milan city limits, i almost hope it won't, less than 4 years and they still have problems in acquiring the land it should happen
Wol Euler: that's getting close
Agatha Macbeth: Hey, the world didn't end yesterday
Hokon Cazalet: Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!
nanomilano Resident: with nano tech they dont need so much land
Wol Euler: heheheheheh
Wol Euler: shrink the visitors!
Rhiannon Dragoone: Aggers, unless this is all an illusion
Qt Core: nanovisitors, then ?
nanomilano Resident: sure
Hokon Cazalet: lol wol
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe it was to begin with Rhi
nanomilano Resident: with nano food
Hokon Cazalet: nano-pizza
Wol Euler: and nano prices? no, probably not
Agatha Macbeth: Milano pizza
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Hokon Cazalet: probably giga-prices
Wol Euler: yep
nanomilano Resident: sure on ypur nano iphone
Agatha Macbeth: More than likely
nanomilano Resident: just feeding the nano world
nanomilano Resident: with nano food
Hokon Cazalet: G$1.21 for a slice of nano-pizza
nanomilano Resident: products
Qt Core: (just for the neatification of John Paul II htel prices went up tenfold in Rome
nanomilano Resident: the whole nano-industry is waiting
Agatha Macbeth: OMG
nanomilano Resident: thats nano religion and nano captalism
Hokon Cazalet: speaking of 1.21 jiggwatts, i had a dream i was in the back to the future movie earlier this night ...
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Hokon Cazalet: nano-bible
Wol Euler: heheh
nanomilano Resident: nano dreams
Hokon Cazalet: nano-rights! eep!
Agatha Macbeth: Hey McFly
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
nanomilano Resident: so i have to go taking a nano espresso
nanomilano Resident: bye all
Wol Euler: nano-bye!
Hokon Cazalet: byebyes
Hokon Cazalet: lol wol
Agatha Macbeth: Nano well :)
Hokon Cazalet: i hope work shrinks =)
Hokon Cazalet: nano-work and giga-paychecks
Agatha Macbeth: The money will
Hokon Cazalet: Hoooo!
Wol Euler: money always does
Hokon Cazalet: yup
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe we shouldn't have un-muted Hokon :p
Hokon Cazalet: lol
Hokon Cazalet: eep! o.O
Hokon Cazalet: eep! o.O
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Wol Euler: heheheh
Rhiannon Dragoone: WORK WILL always expand, hokon
Rhiannon Dragoone: aggers, laughs
Agatha Macbeth: As Parkinson said
Rhiannon Dragoone: well, her voice/text is all I have left of her
Hokon Cazalet: aw
Rhiannon Dragoone: (:
Qt Core: i had mixed feelings about expo 2015 since the beginning
Agatha Macbeth: Is it in Milan then QT?
Bertram Jacobus: the expo in hannover was np to me
Qt Core: (yes, aga, to be precise a few km east) starting with the almost insulting consideration toward Izmir, the pther town competing to having it
Agatha Macbeth: Oh, right
Agatha Macbeth: Izmir is in Turkey, yes?
Qt Core: yes
Agatha Macbeth nods
Qt Core: now i've heard they are competing for 2020
Agatha Macbeth: Long way from Milan then :p
Qt Core: the problem is not being near or not (i'm far enough to not be swallowed by it but near enough to enjoy it, but going at this pace we are going to have a big fail in front of all the world
Wol Euler: yep
Wol Euler: four years is a very short time
Agatha Macbeth: And getting shorter :(
Wol Euler: it's taken us 3 years from the start of the planning process, to build a single pool/health complex
Agatha Macbeth grins
Qt Core: and with The Crisis around many projects are being downsized or just cancelled
Agatha Macbeth: Lotsa political interference too no doubt
Qt Core: that would be good, it seems that mafia is quite interested in the big money being spent there
Agatha Macbeth: Surprise!
Wol Euler: yeah
Agatha Macbeth: They definitely don't want it to go to Izmir :p
Wol Euler: I'm sure the mafia is as thoroughly globalized as any other commercial entity
Agatha Macbeth nods
Agatha Macbeth: Moving with the times
Qt Core: and that bring us to the great surprise about mafia doing great in northern italy amd especially in milan area... after all milan is the financial capital of italy.... and people are surprised by that
Agatha Macbeth: :)
Wol Euler: :)
Qt Core: i'm always surprised by the common assumption that criminals are stupid/ignorant
Hokon Cazalet: well we see the dumb ones get caughtand assume all are like them
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, I got hokon back, everyone; just so you know
Hokon Cazalet: Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: wb ags
Hokon Cazalet: wb
Agatha Macbeth: Sorry, local connection prob
Wol Euler: wb nano
Bertram Jacobus: you amsterdam nano ?
Alfred Kelberry: qt :)
Qt Core: hi Alfred
Agatha Macbeth: Hello again
nanomilano Resident: i just wanna say see: www.nextnature.net
Agatha Macbeth: ??
nanomilano Resident: bye
Alfred Kelberry: birthmarks tattoo :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye nano!
Alfred Kelberry: woly, would you like one?
Wol Euler: a birthmark tattoo?
Wol Euler: I can think of places and uses for them :)
Agatha Macbeth: Kitten ears?
Alfred Kelberry: "As the name suggests, Birthmarks Tattoos, are fake – but permanent – birthmarks that you can add to your body. Aside from its decorative potential, Birthmarks Tattoo makes it possible for you and your partner to “exchange” birthmarks or to imprint your body with a secret message in braille."
Alfred Kelberry: it's from nano's link
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Wol Euler: indeed
Wol Euler: http://www.nextnature.net/2011/05/ki...-blushing-2-0/
Alfred Kelberry: at least braille is not as visible as "i love jane"
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe Jane prefers the latter :)
Wol Euler: maybe jane's blind?
Alfred Kelberry: she is not
Agatha Macbeth: Hadn't thought of that
Agatha Macbeth: Good excuse for her to touch you
Qt Core: so after tattoos, tattoos that do not seem tattoos ? useful! ;-)
Wol Euler: http://neurowear.net/?p=96
Agatha Macbeth: Tattoo you
Bertram Jacobus: ty for this nice morning meeting - i'll leave now - have a nice time everybody !
Hokon Cazalet: bye bertram =)
Qt Core: bye bertram
Agatha Macbeth: Take care berti nice to see you again
Wol Euler: bye bert
Wol Euler: take care
Bertram Jacobus: [tyty] ! :-)
Alfred Kelberry: i don't like those ears
Alfred Kelberry: too big and fluffy
Agatha Macbeth: They're for cats not dogs
Alfred Kelberry: sharon has nice cute little ears :)
Wol Euler: so consider the fact, not the object
Wol Euler: there will of course be other shapes, sizes and colours
Alfred Kelberry: yea, would be neat
Qt Core: does it hurt to be touched "persistently" ?
Alfred Kelberry: btw, woly... what are those strings coming from your sleeves?
Wol Euler: yep
Alfred Kelberry: first i thought you're holding a whip :)
Wol Euler: whipcords attached to the wrist bits
Agatha Macbeth: They are what's keeping them on :p
Alfred Kelberry: aha
Alfred Kelberry: nice :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Alfred Kelberry: yes, keeping thigns in order
Agatha Macbeth likes the garter
Qt Core: they would come useful when slapping someone, right Wol ?
Hokon Cazalet: hehe
Wol Euler read that as "keeping thighs in order" :)
Wol Euler: right!
Agatha Macbeth: You need to do that too
Alfred Kelberry: haha
Wol Euler: right
Qt Core: (feeling lucky at seating far away from Wol
Qt Core: ) ;)
Alfred Kelberry: read: unlucky :)
Wol Euler: my dears, I'm going to have to leave for work in a few minutes
Agatha Macbeth: Unrucky
Alfred Kelberry: woly...
Alfred Kelberry: :(
Wol Euler: please continue to blather inconsequently :)
Alfred Kelberry: it's sunday, give it a break
Wol Euler: I had two days off during the week, boxy, it's not so bad
Agatha Macbeth: Bye for now, don't work too hard
Alfred Kelberry: ah
Alfred Kelberry: well
Alfred Kelberry: i guess
Hokon Cazalet: byebyes
Qt Core: bye Wol try to have some fun... even at work
Agatha Macbeth: I'll get back to building for a bit
Wol Euler: bye for now, take care
Agatha Macbeth: Bye for now
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye!
Alfred Kelberry: have fun at work, woly
Hokon Cazalet: i should get going also
Alfred Kelberry: wait, aga said building?
Rhiannon Dragoone: I need to log too; was waiting for two things; hoken to re rezz for me and for my dogs to come back inside
Hokon Cazalet: get a little more sleep in before work
Qt Core: me too, having to plan for lunch
Hokon Cazalet: yummy
Hokon Cazalet: lol now im hungry
Alfred Kelberry: sleep well and long hokon :)
Hokon Cazalet: hehe ty =)
Alfred Kelberry: eat something in yoru dream :)
Hokon Cazalet: Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!
Qt Core: so, bye all!
Hokon Cazalet waves to Qt
Rhiannon Dragoone: bye Qt!
Alfred Kelberry: nice of you to stop by, rhia
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