The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Attending were FcSeeker (in and out losing connection), Mila, Storm, Xirana, Dash and Yakuzza .
Riddle Sideways: Hi Fc
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Riddle
Riddle Sideways: well here we are again
FcSeeker Resident: smiles
Riddle Sideways: were you at the 1am session?
FcSeeker Resident: yes I was
Riddle Sideways: was just reading about server issues
FcSeeker Resident: kk
Riddle Sideways: sorry, am IM'ing with son and trying to find a topic at same time
FcSeeker Resident: no sorry please
FcSeeker Resident: all is well
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, know there was a topic someplace here
FcSeeker Resident: aha
milakel Resident: hi :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi Mila
milakel Resident: cute elephant and baby panda look so nice together :)
milakel Resident: storm! :)
Riddle Sideways: :)
Riddle Sideways: morning Storm
FcSeeker Resident: Hello milakel and Storm
Storm Nordwind: Hi there all :)
FcSeeker Resident: GTSY all
milakel Resident: how's the theater workshop going, storm?
Riddle Sideways: sorry to have missed workshop Storm
Storm Nordwind: They seem to be going well :)
Riddle Sideways: but, got the new version rezzer just now
Storm Nordwind: I've done my two - on sets.
Storm Nordwind: Others will no doubt do so of the next ones - though I'm on call I guess!
Storm Nordwind: Hope you find it useful Riddle.
Storm Nordwind: if you missed the workshop, check out the slides of the presentation
Storm Nordwind: And the notecard that comes with the rezzer is fairly comprehensive
milakel Resident: i still haven't gotten around rezzers
Riddle Sideways: can't wait to try it
Riddle Sideways: wb fc
Storm Nordwind: Welcome back!
Riddle Sideways: yes ty, started reading the card, but should pay attention here
Storm Nordwind: hehe!
Riddle Sideways: was reading/scanning the latest Wired magizine
Riddle Sideways: the behavior sci. games that companies are playing with us
Riddle Sideways: viral websites and loyalites
GOC tried a topic, but Mila introduces something fun
milakel Resident: btw, google translate on the web has a voice feature where you can listen to pronunciation. check out "pema" in japanese :)
Riddle Sideways: oh ok
milakel Resident: riddle, apple is an expert at nurturing a loyal userbase :)
Storm Nordwind: and a disloyal non-user base too :)
Riddle Sideways: neat
milakel Resident: storm, that's just a common sense reaction! :)
Storm Nordwind: hehe!
milakel Resident: alfred in japanese sounds funny too
Riddle Sideways: there were several refs to groups forming off the shared building and giving to each other bonds
milakel Resident: dash-ing through the snow :)
Riddle Sideways: Hi Dash and Xir
milakel Resident: xir the fiesta girl :)
Xirana Oximoxi: np Dash:) hello everyone:)
Storm Nordwind: Hi Xirana, Dash!
FcSeeker Resident: Hello Xirana and Dash
Xirana Oximoxi: :) MIla
FcSeeker Resident: GTSY
Dash Earthboy: 's up?
Riddle Sideways: we are typing our names (try Xirana) into google translate
milakel Resident: :)
Riddle Sideways: and listening to our japanese being read
Dash Earthboy: :) sounds like fun!
From here on the chat becomes just commentaries about things we are trying in different windows.
milakel Resident: in spanish "xirana" sounds lovely :)
FcSeeker Resident: <3
Dash Earthboy: even in English :)
Riddle Sideways: in japanese it has 13 sylibles
milakel Resident: in english it's zeerana :/
Xirana Oximoxi: in Japanese it' a complicated pronouncciation:)
milakel Resident: haha
milakel Resident: yea, quite :)
Riddle Sideways: notes that everything sounds worse in english
milakel Resident: haha
Xirana Oximoxi: I like the English sound too:)
milakel Resident: it just sounds "plain" as we're used to it
Dash Earthboy: plain can be nice :)
Riddle Sideways: plain is enough, but icing on it is special
milakel Resident: of course any name sounds lovely in french
Dash Earthboy: i'm kinda more utilitarian than fashionable
Dash Earthboy: * contemplates icing on shrimp... thinks he'll stick with horseradish or plain :)
FcSeeker Resident: it's so lovely to enjoy your presence but I got emergency call in my RL so I must go
Riddle Sideways: dipping sauce is icing too
milakel Resident: dash, one's plain is another's sophistication :)
Storm Nordwind: Bye fc!
FcSeeker Resident: takes a humble bow
FcSeeker Resident: namaste
Storm Nordwind: Namaste
milakel Resident: fc :)
Dash Earthboy: bye Fc
Riddle Sideways: bye fc
Xirana Oximoxi: bye FC:)
Dash Earthboy: *one man's ceiling is another man's floor
Riddle Sideways: dash in french is completely different
Riddle Sideways: have heard that song
Dash Earthboy: *one's trash is another's treasure :)
translate words turns to translate customs
milakel Resident: btw, japanese must have strong backs as they bow so much
Dash Earthboy: does bowing make stronger backs?
Riddle Sideways: good abs exercises
Riddle Sideways: good humbling exercises
Dash Earthboy: heheh
Storm Nordwind: Courtesy is good exercise
Dash Earthboy: :) @ Storm
Riddle Sideways: politeness is too
milakel Resident: i think for them is not more as a handshake for us
Dash Earthboy: hey Yaku!
milakel Resident: yaku-san :)
Riddle Sideways: just got hung on exercise vs practice
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey everyone
Riddle Sideways: Hi Yak
Storm Nordwind: We see that, but their culture of respect and deference is rather hard to translate to direct Western equivalents
Xirana Oximoxi: hi Yaku:)
Dash Earthboy: right on Storm
Riddle Sideways: ok, google translate does NOT work on that concept
Storm Nordwind: Welcome Meister Lethecus :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: may i get a note of the subject, sounds as if there is one :)
Well... The GoC (/me) has forgotten how to make a notecard !!!
For refreshers: open inventory and right-click->new note
hmmm, but should the entire chat log be pasted in there (maybe not), but that would be fast.
oh darn, better to just write a summary into the log. :))
Riddle Sideways: well, we are playing with google translate to sound
milakel Resident: storm, maybe it has something in common with midieval knights and honor and little kingdoms societies
milakel Resident: *tries yaku in japanese*
milakel Resident: kind of neat :)
milakel Resident: almost like a native name
Riddle Sideways: and other translations to cultures
Dash Earthboy: wb Yaku
Riddle Sideways: wb
Yakuzza Lethecus: thx
Dash Earthboy: whatever happened to the curtsy?
Dash Earthboy: i see it in ballets sometimes
Hold on this next section is heavily threaded.
maybe the editor should reformat and put same threads together! nah!!!!
'might' help to know Yak's av has a paint brush in it's hand/typing AO
Storm Nordwind: The SF author Robert Heinlein once wrote (in "Beyond this horizon") that an armed society is a polite society, a saying that was seized on by the US gun lobby. I'd rather have a bowing society achieve the same effect. But we're obviously agreed that a polite society is a desirable thing!
Riddle Sideways: not seen curtsy in long time
Storm Nordwind wonders what Yaku has been painting
milakel Resident: btw, it's interesting to note how either male or female voices are used for various languages. i wonder if it's intentional or purely accidental.
Dash Earthboy: somehow I don't remember the old wild west as a polite society...
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Yakuzza Lethecus: ah, i´ve been to that angry god´s sim
Yakuzza Lethecus: bleu suggested that
Yakuzza Lethecus: it was part of one installation
Storm Nordwind: Ah yes - I got called away and didn't finish the tour
Xirana Oximoxi: ah...yes, interesting to note that MIla...
Xirana Oximoxi: I wonder why the differences
milakel Resident: *throws a paper plane*
Dash Earthboy: *thinks of angry gods and the "Hungry Ghosts" movie*
Storm Nordwind: Sadly, some languages can't be made more attractive even with a woman's voice! ;->
Dash Earthboy: beauty is ...
Riddle Sideways: :)
milakel Resident: storm, like?
Riddle Sideways: english?
Storm Nordwind looks at the sky and says nothing
Xirana Oximoxi: :)
milakel Resident: i thought arabic translation would not be made female
milakel Resident: which is not :)
Riddle Sideways: ummm, the Dutch guy sounds pretty :)
milakel Resident: maybe it' s about a certain perception that people have towards a language
Dash Earthboy: we ought to be having a voice session to hear this :)
milakel Resident: one would think having a female for french is natural
milakel Resident: riddle, pema will like that :)
Riddle Sideways: :)
milakel Resident: pema in dutch though sounds... odd :)
Riddle Sideways: are we bordering on generalizations here?
milakel Resident: poking, riddle
Storm Nordwind: Just stand at least 5 metres away from Pema if you ask him to say the name Van Gogh :)
Riddle Sideways: :D
milakel Resident: heh, why is that?
milakel Resident: oh... guess i know :)
Xirana Oximoxi: I think being male or female changes in every language on different words
Storm Nordwind: You know the sound that is the 'ch' in Scottish 'loch'? The Gogh has two of those sounds, but worse - and you may get sprayed!
milakel Resident: hehe
milakel Resident: thankfully, i wasn't visiting the van gogh museum
Dash Earthboy: *remembers his verbal showers during conversations in russian * :)
Riddle Sideways: am thinking this is a chat that is not about the real/factual/experience (by having the voices added)
Riddle Sideways: but about our reactions
Riddle Sideways: critisms
Riddle Sideways: a second person chat
milakel Resident: it always is
Dash Earthboy: one might call it "hearsay"?
Riddle Sideways: :)
Riddle Sideways: [sometimes the title comes in the last sentences]
Dash Earthboy: glad the recording is back up for sessions here
Dash Earthboy: anybody know when it got fixed?
milakel Resident: 12 hours ago
Dash Earthboy: ty
Riddle Sideways: ty all the worked on it
Xirana Oximoxi: yes, ty... I also like to read the logs time to time...
Yakuzza Lethecus starts to wonder if secondlife is skipping our thuesday tradition
Dash Earthboy: peace to all...and better days too!
Yakuzza Lethecus: take care dsh
Riddle Sideways: oh that's right
Xirana Oximoxi: bye Dash:)
Riddle Sideways: no restart of the sim yet
milakel Resident: what tradition?
milakel Resident: ah...
milakel Resident: storm had a quick nap :)
Storm Nordwind is an old man ;)
Riddle Sideways: let's all leave before we wake the server
Riddle Sideways: :)
milakel Resident: he thought no one would notice :)
Riddle Sideways: naps are good things
milakel Resident: yep
milakel Resident: magic brush
milakel Resident: *forgot the grass command*
Riddle Sideways: btw - for a fun experiment compare the saved chat log to the server chat log
Riddle Sideways: they do not sync for some time
We stayed too long and the for the 10th time our region restarts during a session!!!!!
Yakuzza Lethecus: ha!
Riddle Sideways: whatttttttt
milakel Resident: here we go
Xirana Oximoxi: hehehe now! :))
Yakuzza Lethecus: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: the admin must have overslept this morning
Yakuzza Lethecus: tzzz
Riddle Sideways: so who thinks that is going to happen because you said it
Riddle Sideways: did you create it
Xirana Oximoxi: Yaku has powers
Xirana Oximoxi: :)
milakel Resident: riddle, come on, it happens every tuesday :)
Storm Nordwind: And so the axe falls
Riddle Sideways: there are about 7 tuesdays it has not happened
Yakuzza Lethecus: FREEDOM!
Xirana Oximoxi: :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: *stom made me think of braveheart*
Storm Nordwind imagines Yaku singing like Richie Havens
Riddle Sideways: ah
Xirana Oximoxi: hehe crossing imaginations
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Riddle Sideways: ok All
Xirana Oximoxi: waiting the 'inevitable.....
Riddle Sideways: thanks for the fun, chat, hearsay and crossing images/imaginations
Xirana Oximoxi: bye to all... nice day to all and take care!!!
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone
Xirana Oximoxi: holding hands before we go?
Storm Nordwind: TOGETHER!
Yakuzza Lethecus: we need an animation for that!
Xirana Oximoxi: yes!!!
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