2018.04.08 - Day 25

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    April 08, 2018



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    Sunday morning, birds tweeting happily wake me up. Later on, it snows a little bit. Feeling calm and quiet, collected. To do list dancing in my mind but I meander from drawing to journaling, reading the Wiki [ enjoyed so much Eliza's report and happy to know there will be more!] Hybridization sounds good, loving the idea. Groundbreaking a new path feels sooooo good! Feeling enthusiastic about PaB future.
    Posted 18:45, 8 Apr 2018
    Reading about Being, noticing my tendency to hurry from one page to the next. (I must have formed that habit at a very young age, as a survival skill in school, when teachers would assign so many chapters to be read before the next class. The only way to finish in time was to plow through the words at full speed.)

    This is not about how many pages I can get through, but about taking the words inside me and carefully watching what they do there.
    Posted 21:14, 8 Apr 2018
    I wrote a small book today, hadn't intended to. Nor had I intended to write it in bed with the laptop, resulting in my now being in a fair amount of pain. I don't think I paused the whole time, while writing about pausing. :)

    But as you see from the smiley, I'm okay with that. I loved writing it all, processing the adventure and considering the group we are 'now'. I left so much out, but what I hope translates in tact, is the sense of joy and celebration, of possibility. Haven't pointed to the pages yet, but will do so soonish.

    Now to turn attentions to tweaking my party poem.
    Posted 22:01, 8 Apr 2018
    I'm feeling weird since the meetup. A combination of inspired and tired.
    I do still do the exercise, it even seems to become more of a habit, but I don't feel like writing about it. Almost as if I only started it to share during the meetup.
    Posted 06:49, 9 Apr 2018
    Hi Wester, I felt weird last night, after I'd written and written... just sort of poured out. Which must be part of the process I'd think? It was a vigorous time! ;-) Then, back to the dishes...
    Posted 13:47, 9 Apr 2018
    Initially had planned to start each post with naming the holiday of that day, so we could celebrate together: Here are today's list. Hope
    Dog Farting Awareness Day
    Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
    International Feng Shui Awareness Day
    International Romani Day
    National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
    National Empanada Day
    Step into the Spotlight! Day
    Trading Cards For Grown-ups Day
    Zoo Lovers Day
    National All is Ours Day - (which starts out sounding the best of days, until clicking and reading http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/allisoursday.htm even the editor could not come up with much)

    The Worlds should read a few of the PaB Wiki logs to know "All is Ours"
    Posted 18:07, 9 Apr 2018
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