When things go right I blog first then stop in here to say I did my duty for today. Eliza's comment yesterday about lists and having an accounting at the end of the day struck a chord. Busy-ness can consume.
I wish everyone a good rest of the day today with no mental suffering.
Frustration (what a nice topic to discuss with self).
Unfortunitly, this Riddle is alive too often.
1.Tired traveling people want somebody to deliver food to us. Want to get in sweats/jammies, not lose the one parking spot, not sit up nice in a resturant.
The Airbnb people left a list of good food options. Find websites for pizza and salads. Find websites of 2 delivery services.
One gives a discount for 1st time. Sign-up with no choose a password. Come back to site in a few minutes and need a password. clicking never has them send a password reminder.
The other has to install thier App. Tablet does not enough memory. Uninstalled some favorite games, the Kindle books, music players, (Facebook will not uninstall). App now needs an update! that will not install.
Try on another, then third, then fourth device. Finally can order a pizza. WT? no order custom pizza tab like the one on the website.
An hour to order, 50 minutes for delivery, not the gormet pizza nor salad desired.
2.The early morning Simple person, trying to do a simple task.
Add an entry in dream journal.
Have tablet and bluetooth keyboard. Finally find those batteries. Finally bluetooth connects. Evernote app times out connecting, then times out every enter edit mode. Auto sent report to app makers. Drank more coffee. Tried again. enter edit mode, walk away, come back, Works now.
So this is interesting (waving to Wester who I am including in my check-in) ...
I realized that a shift experienced post-retreat is actually because of 'food practice' as much as anything else, because the habit of contemplating myriad relationship factors that present any given moment or situation (like Riddle's above), and one's part in that, including one in which there is partaking in food, is a habit of perspective and surrender. Quite liberating actually. This reminded me of Ways of Knowing workshop, and the way Stim had us choose a focus for homework, such as 'right speech'.
What I found was that it was impossible to get speech right, especially, the more I tried to get speech right, the more I just didn't speak. 'Seeing' that my will couldn't possibly contain and drive such an intention, led to a kind of surrender and wider sense of appreciation. It wasn't actually about what words I was or wasn't speaking, or how many, or, or or...
[yes, set the timer today - Son asked, "Why is your timer counting UP?"] edited 17:18, 11 Apr 2018
I re-read my intention from day zero, and did that with a cup of cinnamon tea (like on day one).
I found that I included not just the drink and what happened to make it possible, but also the mug it was in, my hands holding it... a wider view.
I think this exploration is too interesting, and the group is too lovely, to stop at thirty. Count me in for another 20 days.
Laughed out loud at Riddle's report of moral suffering. Such an exquisitely cruel description of how these apps which "facilitate" our lives do exactly the reverse!
Wondering if our AI robots of the near future will help us solve these issues faster or if we are going to encounter total havoc...Like being locked out of our own houses....if the thingy that reads our iris or our palm goes dysfunctional.
Lots of fun ahead! Could write a groundbreaking science-fiction novel about that. But won't: somebody else will certainly write it (or has already written it:) So I can rest and just daydream about it.
I wish everyone a good rest of the day today with no mental suffering.
Frustration (what a nice topic to discuss with self).
Unfortunitly, this Riddle is alive too often.
1.Tired traveling people want somebody to deliver food to us. Want to get in sweats/jammies, not lose the one parking spot, not sit up nice in a resturant.
The Airbnb people left a list of good food options. Find websites for pizza and salads. Find websites of 2 delivery services.
One gives a discount for 1st time. Sign-up with no choose a password. Come back to site in a few minutes and need a password. clicking never has them send a password reminder.
The other has to install thier App. Tablet does not enough memory. Uninstalled some favorite games, the Kindle books, music players, (Facebook will not uninstall). App now needs an update! that will not install.
Try on another, then third, then fourth device. Finally can order a pizza. WT? no order custom pizza tab like the one on the website.
An hour to order, 50 minutes for delivery, not the gormet pizza nor salad desired.
2.The early morning Simple person, trying to do a simple task.
Add an entry in dream journal.
Have tablet and bluetooth keyboard. Finally find those batteries. Finally bluetooth connects. Evernote app times out connecting, then times out every enter edit mode. Auto sent report to app makers. Drank more coffee. Tried again. enter edit mode, walk away, come back, Works now.
I realized that a shift experienced post-retreat is actually because of 'food practice' as much as anything else, because the habit of contemplating myriad relationship factors that present any given moment or situation (like Riddle's above), and one's part in that, including one in which there is partaking in food, is a habit of perspective and surrender. Quite liberating actually. This reminded me of Ways of Knowing workshop, and the way Stim had us choose a focus for homework, such as 'right speech'.
What I found was that it was impossible to get speech right, especially, the more I tried to get speech right, the more I just didn't speak. 'Seeing' that my will couldn't possibly contain and drive such an intention, led to a kind of surrender and wider sense of appreciation. It wasn't actually about what words I was or wasn't speaking, or how many, or, or or...
[yes, set the timer today - Son asked, "Why is your timer counting UP?"] edited 17:18, 11 Apr 2018
I found that I included not just the drink and what happened to make it possible, but also the mug it was in, my hands holding it... a wider view.
I think this exploration is too interesting, and the group is too lovely, to stop at thirty. Count me in for another 20 days.
Wondering if our AI robots of the near future will help us solve these issues faster or if we are going to encounter total havoc...Like being locked out of our own houses....if the thingy that reads our iris or our palm goes dysfunctional.
Lots of fun ahead! Could write a groundbreaking science-fiction novel about that. But won't: somebody else will certainly write it (or has already written it:) So I can rest and just daydream about it.
Please forward to Bruce, do not have his email.