2012.08.07 19:00 - Touch ground with bare feet

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eos Amaterasu. The comments are by Eos Amaterasu. It looks like some comments were not logged.

    Eos Amaterasu: sry, terribly laggy, hi twitchyears and van


    TwitchyEars Resident: hi
    Eos Amaterasu: Prim, you are half embedded
    TwitchyEars Resident: o.O
    TwitchyEars Resident: what does that mean ?
    Eos Amaterasu: half under the cushion
    TwitchyEars Resident: ya shes sitting on me not a pillow :)
    Eos Amaterasu appreciates the quality of that
    Eos Amaterasu: would you like to discuss/experiment with the ongoing topic of quality and of presence?
    TwitchyEars Resident: if you like sure
    Eos Amaterasu: we could think of how to approach doing such an experiment in the upcoming 90 seconds
    Eos Amaterasu: (in 7 minutes)
    Eos Amaterasu: Part of it is I think noticing how you hold yourself, how you have little intentional stances, emotional poses, preconceptions taken for granted....
    Eos Amaterasu: a subtle way of thinking can make a big difference to how you perceive
    Eos Amaterasu: any thoughts along those lines?
    TwitchyEars Resident: seeing the feelings behind words or what you see. im an emotional person so i dont often think in words just feelings this can be good or bad
    Eos Amaterasu: hmm, yes, the feeling in the body
    TwitchyEars Resident: not just body feel the energy around you
    Eos Amaterasu: how do you do that, Twitchy?
    TwitchyEars Resident: im not sure there is words to describe it. its like if you touch the ground with your hands or bare feet and dont feel a difference
    TwitchyEars Resident: to *feel* a connection to whats around you
    TwitchyEars Resident: words cant express it
    Eos Amaterasu: hmm... when I go for walks I let my attention drop to the soles of my feet, and once in the woods to the soft organic earth....
    TwitchyEars Resident: like ever been somewhere and you *know* someone behind you is looking at you. you dont even have to turn to see them
    Eos Amaterasu: [19:13] Twitchy (twitchyears): to *feel* a connection to whats around you
    TwitchyEars Resident: you feel it cos you feel their energy


    Eos Amaterasu: let's (*feel) the energy of the 90
    Eos Amaterasu: hmm, I felt that kind of "warmth" quality (comment in last night's session).... dense with perception
    TwitchyEars Resident: im comfortable in my bed
    TwitchyEars Resident: a/c keeping it from being too hot
    TwitchyEars Resident: just how you feel primmy
    TwitchyEars Resident: take a moment to just see what youre feeling physically /emotionall right now
    TwitchyEars Resident: awwww
    Eos Amaterasu feels "giddy like a child"
    Eos Amaterasu: can you say more about that?
    TwitchyEars Resident: hi bertrum
    Eos Amaterasu: Hi Bertrum
    Bertrum Resident: Hi Eos
    Eos Amaterasu: maybe that can be an exploration topic, re feeling its quality, in upcoming 90 second playpen
    Eos Amaterasu: Hi Bertrum, welcome here, we're addressing "quality" and "presence"....
    Eos Amaterasu: actually feelings and emotions that are strong and intense are well worth including in feeling the quality of experiencing them, such as in a 90 sces
    TwitchyEars Resident: its that connection to someone or something that changes qualities of how you feel and interact


    Eos Amaterasu: Any reports from the field of the 90 seconds?
    Eos Amaterasu: However, I'm also curious about your backpack, Prim
    Santoshima Resident: [ zooming ]
    TwitchyEars Resident: hi san
    Santoshima Resident: hiya
    Eos Amaterasu zooms out,sees San: hi!
    Santoshima Resident: everyone
    Bertrum Resident: Hi San
    Eos Amaterasu: Domo
    Santoshima Resident: mister
    Santoshima Resident: like a mascot
    Santoshima Resident: hi eos :)
    TwitchyEars Resident: its cute
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    Santoshima Resident: reason enough! it IS ... and with nice-looking birds
    Santoshima Resident: what's on the chat menu tonight?
    Santoshima Resident: {i don't read the wiki, so don't know the week's theme}
    Santoshima Resident: it does?
    Eos Amaterasu: "quality and presence"
    Santoshima Resident: ok, ty
    Eos Amaterasu: those are actually words Pema used to describe what it felt like to do micro-pauses through the day
    Santoshima Resident: yes, i was present for that conversation
    Santoshima Resident: remember him describing his experience
    Eos Amaterasu: that could be a good way to go: over the next few days remember to pause, even if ever so briefly
    Eos Amaterasu: you could even pause while going full speed
    Eos Amaterasu: PaB in motion
    Eos Amaterasu: Play as Being in Emotion
    Santoshima Resident: sensitivity
    Santoshima Resident: to what is
    Eos Amaterasu: let's feel the emotional quality in upcoming 90 secs


    Eos Amaterasu: feel yr own emotion
    Eos Amaterasu: Well.... reports?
    TwitchyEars Resident: im comfortable which is nice
    Eos Amaterasu: can you say more about comfortable?
    TwitchyEars Resident: last night was stupidly hot
    TwitchyEars Resident: was 32c at 3am
    Eos Amaterasu: :-)
    TwitchyEars Resident: NOT comfortable couldnt sleep
    Eos Amaterasu: yikes
    TwitchyEars Resident: ended up sleeping on the couch in front of the a/c
    TwitchyEars Resident: at like 6am
    TwitchyEars Resident: so i like comfort lol
    TwitchyEars Resident: that i dont wanna move feeling.
    Eos Amaterasu: hmm, can appreciate that
    Eos Amaterasu: the can't get away from the heat quality
    Eos Amaterasu: could be emotional heat too
    Eos Amaterasu: where's the AC for that?
    TwitchyEars Resident: emotional for me is the forest
    TwitchyEars Resident: im totally different person there
    TwitchyEars Resident: calmer
    TwitchyEars Resident: more aware
    Eos Amaterasu: hmmm
    Santoshima Resident: i will need to leave for a while, thunder/rain starting and need to move some good wood under cover / brb, if you are still here
    Eos Amaterasu: can you describe your forest?
    Eos Amaterasu: ciao, San
    Santoshima Resident: pls excuse me, will leave avi
    TwitchyEars Resident: where i lived was rain forest
    TwitchyEars Resident: thick and alive
    TwitchyEars Resident: to me even the rocks are alive with souls
    TwitchyEars Resident: everything has a bubble of a soul around it
    TwitchyEars Resident: everything is interconnected
    TwitchyEars Resident: if you listen with your soul you can feel it
    Eos Amaterasu: "listen with your soul"....
    Eos Amaterasu: how do you do that?
    TwitchyEars Resident: reach out beyond yourself and feel life around you
    TwitchyEars Resident: same way you know when someone behind you is staring at you
    TwitchyEars Resident: same feeling only youre reaching out to feel other life
    Eos Amaterasu: I've had this experience in the forest, standing on the springy ground, branches, and tree trunks and squirrels and birds and leaves all around..... life all around.... as a norma lcondition of life - what a difference!
    Eos Amaterasu: we've created such sterile abodes for ourselves
    TwitchyEars Resident: yes
    TwitchyEars Resident: or worse in cities so much energy thats random static it distracts you and overwhelms you from whats realy
    Eos Amaterasu: how do we bring the forest into ourselves and our surroundings?
    Eos Amaterasu is in the jungle of life
    Eos Amaterasu: 90 second jungle coming up
    TwitchyEars Resident: its a mistake to "bring it in" cos it assumes there is an outside and an inside. there isnt. we feel that connection when we dont make a difference between us and what is real. when there isnt a dividing line


    Eos Amaterasu: How was that?
    Eos Amaterasu: Well, gang, it's past midnight here - good night san and Bertrum and Twitchy and Prim!
    TwitchyEars Resident: nini
    Bertrum Resident: nigh Eos
    TwitchyEars Resident: sorry was thinking
    Bertrum Resident: night everyone.
    Santoshima Resident: 'nite
    Santoshima Resident: salut, ms wiki

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